The Must Have FREE Shopify Apps (2021) – Increase Sales & Customers!

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one of the biggest draw cards using shopify as your main e-commerce platform is their library of terrific apps and apps and e-commerce store trends are changing all the time so what we're going to do is go over the top free shopify apps that you can use right now on my screen and by the way every store is different so the apps that may work well for my store and myself may not work for you but here's what i recommend i recommend you going through the suggestions right here and then picking out the apps that you believe will work and giving it a shot because it's free anyway [Music] give this video a thumbs up if you find it useful and leave your favorite own shopify app suggestion down in the comments below also a quick reminder that the thousand dollar snapchat ad voucher is about to expire really soon in october so if you want to double your ad spend with snapchat and grow your sales through snap ads then go ahead and use the link down below and claim your free ad spend as soon as you can before it expires now let's get onto my screen right now and go over the apps as you can see there's a whole load of apps on my screen right now but i'm just gonna go over the free apps that i recommend and i'll leave links down to every one of my recommendations to make it easy for you to access in the description links below so the first one is smile smile is essentially a loyalty program that i really recommend that you use because the stats behind using a loyalty program is absolutely insane let's look over the stats first actually the benefits of a loyalty program is that 81 percent of people and users say that loyalty programs make them more likely to continue doing business with brands which is amazing beyond that 66 say they modify spend to maximize loyalty benefits so that gets you to think like if you start to use you know like different loyalty benefits people will increase their average cart value so having a different average cart value will of course increase your profits over time so all in all you can see that there are a lot of perks using a loyalty program so is a great app that i use to generate a loyalty program pretty quickly and to also set up different uh programs beyond just loyalty such as affiliate programs so this is a really easy setup they include a point system a vip system and that referral system that i just mentioned which is essentially an affiliates program and what you're to do is you're going to set this up and you're going to get a pop-up at the bottom of your screen somewhere it might just be called rewards program and as they start to purchase goods from you products from you they get certain amount of points and they can get those points back in the form of discounts or even a free product it's really up to you it's highly customizable and i want to give you a quick example of a great e-commerce store that is doing exactly that so north face i'm sure you know what north face is uh it's a big apparel brand essentially their loyalty program is called vip peak and they offer a peak points per dollar type approach they have different tiered reward levels which is pretty awesome but you essentially earn you know 20 rewards 25 rewards and 30 dollar rewards and they take it to the next level and of course they have an app you don't need to do this you can just integrate it straight into your store and that's all you need to set up a loyalty program so highly recommend that up the next app that i recommend is upsell recommendations this is absolutely no-brainer you need to have this one the the stat here and you know i love my stats but this is an important one essentially you know and this is a personal set to me at least 30 to 40 percent of my sales come from upsells i'm going to quickly show you a couple screenshots here so you set it up it's pretty easy to do you integrate it into your current products in your shopify store and what it looks like is this you get a basically a bar at the bottom of your product page and it gives you recommendations on what the customer might like and a direct ad cart button and this in turn pushes up the average cart order value so this is what i recommend you get for upsells it's completely free again and all these apps by the way i am suggesting are basically free and so this is a very lightweight option all it does is aims to push up the upsells so the next one that i'm going to move on to is ultimate sales boost now this is an extremely extremely popular app and for good reason this is probably one of my go-to's when i start start up any new store again they have a completely free generous i should say a generous free plan that gives you access to a lot of features and basically everything that you need when you first start out but this uh the aim for this app is to do exactly that just that boost sales with a few options like urgency and scarcity social proof and then some checkout promotions the recommendation that i would have here though is as you can see you can see some of the buttons here that are included in this app and then of course you have you know like little emojis and like tag lines underneath the header of the product but one of the things is and here's a recommendation what one of the issues that i see with people installing this app is you get access to a lot of cool features as you can see here people often overload their product page in their store with these types of scarcity tactics it is it looks really tacky and things have changed back when i first started in 2017 these would work fine but nowadays consumers are just smarter it does not look appealing if you have too many scarcity tactics in there so what i would do is be very uh don't be too heavy with your selection of scarcity tactics and buttons stick to a few only so that's a quick hot tip for you when using this app but highly recommend this one it's completely free once more and yeah this one's really awesome the next one that i recommend is shopify product reviews and this is an app directly from shopify it's a really simple app created by shopify and honestly i don't even know why this app is not even included in your shopify store as default i really think it should be it's a super clean and sleek interface for including exactly that shopify reviews for your product store and this is very important for both social proof and secondly for seo purposes you need a bit of liquid coding to get this set up by the way but it's nothing uh dramatic or nothing too difficult they give you step-by-step instructions it's pretty straightforward oh as you can see here in the screenshot this is how you install it they give you the instructions but yeah i highly recommend that you add this one in it's pretty straightforward to add it and it is again lifetime for free no tiered pricing here that's exactly why i don't know why shopify doesn't include this in as default when i really think they should so that's one that you should have in if you haven't already now the next one this is a little bit different okay with easy ship this one's particularly important as shipping has become more of a hurdle recently i'm sure many of you have run into logistical issues and potentially nightmares but easyship is a 3pl service it's a full service delivery system and inventory management to allow you to really achieve fast shipping custom branding and is it's really important when you start to scale your store so to quickly run through what exactly it does this app plugs you into a whole range a range of uh logistical suppliers across the world and makes fulfillment even faster especially if you're doing custom fulfillment even custom packaging that sort of stuff this easily integrates to shopify and i should also add woocommerce too you get access to their network of global warehouses as well so it is essentially a fulfillment method but one that i highly recommend if you're scaling your store again i'll leave links and i believe there's a discount code for this in the description box down below but this is an app that is a little bit more advanced um it works best with private label the private label ecommerce model if you want to learn more about this like world of things and about private labeling and advanced drop shipping then i highly recommend that you take a look into e-commerce mastery it's a program that i run with my students to basically take their store to the next level and not just run a basic drop shipping store but an advanced ecommerce e-commerce and drop shipping store but again this is an app that i highly recommend if you have major issues with shipping if you're if you've got growing pains this is something to look into the next app now is called recart messenger this one isn't 100 free but instead has a free trial but it's too good to leave out and i really want to recommend it for good reason now messenger marketing um this is what recart is all about it's essentially facebook messenger marketing made easy and messenger marketing is really really important either with facebook ads or an app like this like an automated messenger bot and this is a great way to follow up you know abandoned cards as you can see here or existing customers without email because messenger facebook messenger has a far higher engagement than emails actually and again a couple stats for you just to show you the importance of facebook ads and messenger uh ads so email essentially has five to ten percent open rate uh and a one percent click-through rate on average this is an industry average messenger on the other hand okay by contrast averages 70 to 80 percent open rates which is mind-boggling in comparison to email and 20 click-through rate so when someone opens up the message 20 chance that they'll click through to your store that's a stat that more replicates email back in the early days in the 2000s uh so messenger is highly effective and this is exactly the reason why i included this in here recart makes it really easy for you to integrate your shopify store and your products into messenger marketing as you can see here it's very appealing you can customize almost everything and it doesn't just have to do with the band card it can also include shipping and delivery updates welcome updates even ask for product reviews and then even broadcast your own promotions directly to their personal facebook messenger this is something that you can achieve with facebook ads but this is taken to the next level and makes it so much easier to integrate into your shopify store and of course you can grow your messenger list just like you grow your email list and there's easy opt-in check-in boxes with this type of app so highly recommend something like this if you're looking to really push the boundaries of your digital marketing strategies and also increase your shopify sales or if you're just starting out and you really want a head start on making those sales and doing things the right way then apps like these digital marketing strategies like these are really going to help you take your store to the next level so let me know if you have any favorite apps that i didn't mention because there's so many apps out there uh leave them down in the comments below if you have any recommendations be sure to share them with everyone else and give this video a like and let's link up on instagram at andrew ethan saying if you haven't yet already and thanks so much for watching and until the next video keep on hustling
Channel: Andrew Ethan Zeng
Views: 76,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: must have shopify apps, shopify apps, best free shopify apps 2021, shopify apps 2020, the best shopify apps, best shopify apps, best shopify apps to increase sales, best shopify apps to increase traffic, how to increase shopify sales, free shopify apps, how to setup shopify store, beginner shopify apps, shopify apps 2021, grow your shopify store, shopify funnels, shopify upsells, shopify downsells, shopify cross sells, andrew ethan zeng
Id: P7Gu1nO_CDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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