The Murder of Haley Anderson | Full Episode

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foreign the Binghamton area Broome County is 200 000 people we have our share of Major Crimes and five or six homicides a year I've represented many families at the DA's office of victims of crime as I promised them that I will work as hard as I can to do everything that I can to get Justice [Music] who was Haley Anderson how would you describe her Haley you know is a typical college student everyone needs to try on my glasses by everybody's account a very sweet fun energetic person I mostly remember her her presence look who I found she was always the one who was the most sensitive and supportive friend ever as a mother I know what it's like to have your child go off to college yeah I mean it was sad and we dropped her off and obviously you know I cried in college you go through so many different changes you're away from your family you're learning who you are as an adult and you make mistakes a guy that you meet in a class could be so different outside [Applause] tell me about Orlando Orlando is charismatic knows just how to push your buttons in the right playful way to to get you to laugh and have fun with him he definitely liked Haley I'd say they were a good match just because they both were very good at having fun and kind of lives of the party they both were very good at being social having friends they were both compassionate understanding people Haley and her roommates were spending some time together drinking a little wine playing some board games and just kind of enjoying an evening stayed up pretty late and when you woke up the next morning did you look for Haley yeah I texted her that morning she didn't answer I figured she was still asleep she loved sleeping nobody really saw or heard from her the entire day there were several attempts to contact her by phone and she didn't return those calls which they thought was peculiar but it really didn't seem to be an issue we weren't super worried at that point because you know Haley's a big girl we don't need to keep tabs on her she had told me that she was gonna come watch me read poetry at poetry night that Thursday and then she didn't show up and we were all calling her and she didn't answer it was the next morning we just were like this doesn't make sense when did you find out that both Haley and Orlando were missing Friday um March 9th the first thing I thought was maybe they had eloped the police received two calls within the hour and the first call was from Orlando to cerro's sister and she asked them to go check on the welfare of Orlando a patrol officer came here at that point in time there was no answer at the door and the vehicle that we believed him to be operating was not present one of my roommates was just like I've located her phone on find my friends and it says it's at Orlando's house why did you decide to climb in the window because we were knocking on all the doors and no one was answering did you fear what you could find when you would go into the apartment I was definitely afraid of what I would find [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] Binghamton University student Haley Anderson first disappeared from her off-campus apartment her close friend and roommate Jose artan says she wasn't that alarmed when I first didn't hear from her I didn't think oh something terrible has happened it was early March 2018 and back in Haley's hometown of Westbury New York her mother Karen Anderson didn't even know her 22 year old daughter was missing I didn't talk to her every day because she was like Mom can you call me every Sunday I said okay Haley was always fiercely independent says Karen oh she's such a free spirit she was a millennial hippie the way she dressed her hair her personality the way she was with her friends she trusted everybody she talked to everybody he was a straight A student at Binghamton University when she was accepted into their nursing program it meant an extra year of school but Haley didn't mind in March 2018 graduation was just around the corner and so was a nursing job back home Karen was about to have her daughter close again she had worked so hard and done so well and I was going to give her a big party she made up this really long list of everyone that she was going to invite [Music] she's always wanted to be a nurse more than anything for her it was a chance to help other people Kevin Ocampo also a Binghamton student at the time was Haley's on-again off-again boyfriend did you love her yes did you think that you might end up together definitely but Haley made it clear first she needed to graduate and experience some real freedom she always wanted to move to California get a hippie van be out on the road kinda and like freelance and work as a nurse and while still at school Haley wanted to be free to date others Orlando tesero was born in Miami and grew up in Nicaragua a good student from a well-to-do family he was also in the nursing program his dad was a physician and I believe that Orlando got the drive to be a nurse through his father's career Jesse blew up a nursing student himself was one of Orlando's roommates and best friends he liked to work hard in school during the weekdays on the weekends he'd like to go out have a few drinks meet up with some friends always like to dance also kind of similar to Haley in that sense Haley in Orlando first met in class but didn't Forge a friendship until Haley's fourth year at school when they crossed paths at a party at Kevin's off-campus apartment it was just coincidence that they met in my apartment Haley recognized him and so she introduced me to him Orlando Haley and Kevin grew closer Kevin even invited his new friend to join his fraternity we tried to recruit people who we think we would get along with well and being that we are both from Hispanic backgrounds me and him were the only two people that spoke Spanish so I thought it'd be a good idea and for a while it was until Kevin and Haley took one of their breaks in Orlando crossed the line and his friendship with Haley they had some romantic times together but Haley was very clear from the beginning that she didn't want to be in a committed relationship Haley in Orlando now had their own on-again off-again relationship sometimes they are bickering sometimes they were in other times they would laugh hysterically and I could hear from my room when she would stay over and other times they kept their distances and wouldn't see each other for a little bit but as everyone told us Haley never completely turned her back on Orlando especially after his fraternity Brothers pushed him out for sleeping with her because she was Kevin's girlfriend I think Haley felt guilty for that did he make her feel guilty yes I found that out yes he made her feel guilty Orlando would say oh I want to kill myself Josie says Orlando started coming around uninvited he used to stop by a lot to come like smoke a cigarette on our porch he definitely used to drive by and how would Haley react when he showed up Halo um usually I would deal with it for her you did yeah because it's hard for her to be like to her friend you need to leave like this is not appropriate so there were nights where I would have to go out and be like Orlando you need to leave you can't just show up at our house why do you think you did that because he was jealous he just didn't want to see someone else over there you think Orlando was obsessed with Haley um yeah for sure he was clearly weirdly possessive of Haley who wasn't his girlfriend he definitely liked Haley he definitely seemed like he wanted it to be a little bit more than just an on and off uh fling then there was this big red flag s every single one Haley posted this Snapchat video announcing the tires on her card had been slashed her childhood friend Sydney matuszak was a few hundred miles away when she saw the post and saved it I was just like what just happened why would anyone do that how crazy do you have to be to slash someone's tires it happened the day after a party at Orlando's apartment where he learned that Haley and Kevin were on again I was the one who found her Tire slashed Kevin had spent the night at Haley's we wake up she walked me out of the door and this time when I was walking past her car I noticed that something looked off about it every single one I told you right away I said it must be Orlando Orlando denied it and even tried to blame Kevin but Karen Anderson didn't buy it so you're pretty convinced that it was Orlando who slashed her tires oh absolutely I said Haley you need to make a police report so the police came over they took the information down and but she wouldn't press charges because it was over 600 in damage and it would be considered a felony he would have been kicked out of the nursing school for a while Haley kept her distance from Orlando but despite warnings from her family and friends she eventually led him back into her life it was a red flag for you but not necessarily for Haley no right she trusted him nearly six months after her tires were slashed Hayley went missing even off Snapchat Josie and another roommate named Michelle tracked Haley's iPhone to Orlando's apartment and then climbed through a window in search of their friend I boosted Michelle up first and then climbed in and she was a little ways ahead of me and basically she screamed and yelled to me like Josie call 9-1-1 and I walk in there and then I see Orlando's bedroom and and Haley is there I didn't know for sure that she was dead at the time she just was so pale you know Haley had been strangled to death in Orlando was nowhere to be found [Music] [Music] on the afternoon of March 9 2018 Karen Anderson noticed two men in a black car parked outside of her house they get out of the car and they walk up to the door and they stand me down the table and they said Bailey's name and then I they said suspicious activity and so I was like ah it just kept staring at him and it wasn't processing and I said what do you mean and then they told me her daughter Haley had been found strangled to death in Orlando's bed I was just numb I felt angry that I didn't push for them to be arrested for that tire slashing and then I didn't you know raise more red flags for Haley with that slash every single one [Music] Binghamton police Lieutenant Corey Miner led the search for Haley's suspected killer so this is a house that Orlando lived in that is correct there's several different cameras on the house those cameras were utilized to track not only miss Anderson's movements around the property but also Mr terceros throughout the day of March 8th and March 9th the first recording of interest to police was on Thursday March 8th in the early morning hours when Haley met up with Orlando the camera on the front of the house shows Miss Anderson and Mr tercero walking into the residence on March 8th after Miss Anderson walks into the house she is never seen again Mr tercero on the other hand he is seen leaving the residence several times nearly seven hours after arriving with Haley Orlando is seen clearing the driveway of garbage and leaving alone using a receipt they found in his apartment police tracked his movements to a local pharmacy where he purchased ZzzQuil and melatonin two sleeping aids Orlando then returned to his apartment where security cameras didn't pick him up for another seven hours but when they did he didn't go very far says then Broome County district attorney Stephen Cornwell you could see he's walking in the direction of where the basement is investigators believe Orlando tried to hang himself in his apartment using hooks that were stored in the basement but in his failed attempt they believe he fell and hurt himself you can see some blood on the floor you can see a tie hanging from a doorway detectives also found a note written in Spanish which begins lamento mucho esto I'm really sorry about this I never felt I could be capable of doing this he also wrote father I'll see you soon his father had passed five years earlier investigators thought it wet like a Killer's confession and suicide note but 16 hours before Haley's body was discovered Orlando left his apartment one last time with his luggage and drove over three hours to New York's JFK airport with his head bandaged possibly from that alleged suicide attempt Orlando boarded a plane and headed home to Nicaragua [Music] when I learned he was in Nicaragua before we could get to him the first thing I thought was no way he got away with murder it was now up to Nicaraguan authorities to capture a fugitive with dual citizenship I don't know what our relationships are with Nicaragua but if he fled there and we don't have a way to get him back because he has dual citizenship this is not going to be good [Music] thank you a food idahos team traveled to Manawa Nicaragua with the help of risk advisor Nick Copeland a Nicaraguan journalist Alfonso Flores to betrays Orlando's steps starting with where he landed [Music] who picked them up at the airport in Nicaragua to this day I don't know 48 Hours has learned that it was his mother who picked Orlando up at manawa's International Airport and drove him about three hours North to their hometown of Chinandega so uh today we'll be leaving from Managua we decided to drive to Orlando's Hometown as well mindful of the political unrest and animosity toward the media in the countryside I'd advise the iris team so just be cautious uh several Days Orlando allegedly hid out in this small town in the house where he grew up across the street from the church his family once attended Beckham Binghamton Steve Cornwell wasn't sure Nicaraguan authorities were even looking for tercero we had no communication with anybody in the government of Nicaragua at that point for those few days then for four days after his arrival Orlando's mother drove him an hour south to the much larger city of Leon to get medical attention according to the police report Orlando descero was brought to this hospital with self-inflicted wounds implying he tried to take his own life it's possible that someone here recognized a fugitive the story had been in the news for days told that this is where police finally found and arrested Orlando the next day in Manawa police held a press conference informing the world that Orlando tercero was in custody and put him on display for all to see they showed Orlando tercero we knew he was there so you know my thought was what do I do now where do we go from here now in custody Orlando had yet to be charged with a crime by Nicaraguan authorities an international fight for justice had only just begun [Music] do you think Nicaragua will extradite Orlando to the United States take an in-depth look at the timeline of the investigation at [Music] less than a week after Orlando terceros arrest Haley's family and friends gathered in her hometown in New York to lay her to rest after that was just a blur you know I just can't even I don't I mean the funeral I can't even remember who was there just two months later another heart-wrenching day the one on which Haley would have graduated from Binghamton University fulfilling her dream of becoming a nurse [Music] [Applause] [Music] it was probably the saddest day just walk in and there there's a picture of her on a chair foreign father Karen's ex-husband Gordon Anderson accepted his daughter's diploma in her honor accepting on behalf of Haley Anderson I guess the reason why I wanted to do that is because I couldn't see her walk up and get it that maybe by me going up I would feel a part of her in me as Ashley was struggling you come to terms with their new reality the fight to extradite Orlando to the U.S was in high gear the iron staining was that he was going to be extradited back to us Broome County district attorney Steve Cornwell immediately took steps to secure a second-degree murder indictment against him I told the family I was optimistic you wanted him to be extradited and face because I wanted authorities here yes and I wanted I wanted to see him I wanted to be face to face with him but it wouldn't be that simple remember Orlando had dual citizenship in the U.S and Nicaragua in an existing treaty does not require either country to extradite one of its own the effort would stretch on for a year and a half until September 2019 when Steve Cornwell says he got a call from the Department of Justice I was told the good news bad news situation I said all right well what's the bad news they're not going to extradite him what's the good news they're willing to try them in Nicaragua I thought we had a snowball's chance in hell getting a conviction in Nicaragua in the U.S a grand jury had charged Orlando with murder in the second degree foreign he would be charged with committing a crime that doesn't even exist here femicide it is defined specifically as the murder of a woman with whom the perpetrator had a relationship Daniel you are Orlando's best friend yeah yeah while in Nicaragua we spoke with a group of Orlando's closest friends Daniel do you think you're best friend was capable of killing someone no they say Orlando was an excellent student he had the best prospects of our whole High School class how would you describe Orlando as a friend and he was kind he always was kind he's someone that if you're ever feeling down he finds a way to get the biggest smile out of you he was so caring so respectful they simply can't believe the Orlando they know could have killed Haley was he in love with her I I think he was do you think he was obsessed with her no did he ever tell you that she rejected him no no never tell me that unlike here in the U.S Orlando was not required to enter a plea Steve Cornwell was starting to get nervous I was concerned are we gonna get a trial or is it going to be a show trial then a glimmer of hope Cornwell in his office were asked to assist well it's flat iron the car the Nicaraguan prosecution team [Music] we had eight days to prepare for trial all right eight days and probably the biggest part is to set up a way to communicate and how did that happen so the Nicaraguan authorities agreed that we could use teleconferencing the entire trial would be conducted through teleconferencing Witnesses would testify from the Broome County DA's office to a courtroom in Managua thousands of miles away were a judge not a jury would decide Orlando's Fate on October 1st 2019 the trial began with Haley's mother Karen as the prosecution's first witness good morning the woman sitting to the left is there to help Translate yes see that he would not stop texting her and following her and driving by her house as Karen testified she got her first glimpse of Orlando on the screen what did you think when you saw him what did you feel when you saw him I felt sad that he ruined so many people's lives and then as the trial went on I kept become much more and more angry because he acted very arrogant and almost as if he was there and he was bored Haley's roommate Josie Orton also testified um Orlando has always been possessive over Haley I did as well as Orlando's roommate Jessie bua they had an on and off relationship for a little over a year Kevin Ocampo Haley's ex-boyfriend also took the stand telling the judge about that time Haley's tires were slashed at the time I thought it was because I was seeing Haley again yes see but it was Binghamton police investigator Carl Peters who methodically took the judge through all the evidence I viewed the video that was secured from 23 Oak Street including all the seemingly damning surveillance footage I saw it about four o'clock a male and a female walking to the apartment later on what is clearly Orlando to Cheryl comes and goes from the doors of the apartment and then there was that handwritten note left behind in Orlando's apartment in the note it's written that uh that he did something stupid and he's sorry the motive was likely jealousy I do the judge also heard from Dr James turzian the pathologist who conducted Haley's autopsy and with marks on her neck and determined the cost of death to be asphyxiation by net compression for district attorney Steve Cornwell the evidence was overwhelming he choked her to death he took Haley who I believe may have been sleeping and he choked the life out of her and left her there to rot that is a sick Disturbed man that could take advantage of somebody he claimed to love and kill her because he couldn't have her but Orlando's attorney had yet to present his case and was about to argue that Orlando was temporarily insane at the time of the crime foreign [Music] [Music] feel that maybe he's going to get off the only thing I was worried a little bit about was the insanity play Orlando's defense attorney Eduardo Ruby argued that due to the influence of alcohol Orlando was temporarily insane at the time of Haley Anderson's murder and in an effort to prove it he called a psychiatrist as his first and only Witness Dr Ronald Lopez Aguilar Who was appointed by the court testified that Orlando told him he had no recollection of what happened claiming he woke up after a night of heavy drinking to find Haley dead but the expert couldn't verify whether any of that was true and said there's no way to tell what Orlando's State of Mind was at the time of the murder instead he could only say there was nothing wrong with the defendant's current mental state it's indefensible it was an indefensible case I would say there is absolutely no possibility that he doesn't remember what happened there's no evidence that he was drunk around drugs there's no evidence that he had some sleepwalking disorder and uh you know commits murder in his sleep after both sites rested judge Fabiola did something that would never happen in the U.S before a verdict she gave Haley's family the last word Haley was a beautiful intelligent and friendly girl she was an aspiring nurse and had her whole life to look forward to she was and still is my best friend so thank you for listening and letting me speak on behalf of my daughter then it was over Cornwell expected at least a day of deliberation instead the judge shocked him by saying she would return with her verdict after a brief recess it was a surprise that's not the way our system works here a judge will normally say okay thank you I'm gonna you know deliberate on my own and write a decision after a tense 90 minutes the judge returned with a bold statement denouncing violence against women and advocating for equal rights she said Orlando disposed of Haley because he did not accept that she had control over herself then came the words Haley's family had been waiting for oh God guilty of femicide her parents were advised to try and not show any emotion in front of the cameras when the verdict finally came in and he was found guilty yes what did you think and how did you feel I was I mean it's so hard to say it doesn't bring her back and it doesn't give you that sense of you don't really feel better but you do feel like you can close the book on that chapter now and start trying to move forward and um and heal Karen was once again given the opportunity to address the court and this time she spoke directly to Orlando I hope that you get the highest amount of years behind bars because you deserve even more than that two weeks later was sentenced in her decision judge Betancourt said tercero took it upon himself to punish Haley for rejecting him then she punished him with the maximum 30 years in prison I couldn't believe it I was so happy that we could work with this other country and that the prosecuting attorney did such a good job and was so passionate about this conviction and the judge and it was just amazing to me we owe the Nicaraguan authorities the prosecutor the court system we owe them tremendous thanks and they have my gratitude for the rest of my life 30 years is a long time 30 years it's a punishment Orlando's friends find hard to believe serves to see that they gave my friend a sentence that's the maximum here right it's very hard none of Orlando's friends have seen him since his conviction but some have received phone calls and letters including Ashley Lopez I feel like his faith has grown a lot more and God so much he always asks me to keep him in my prayers and to be positive they all still support him and some are even convinced of his citizens I stand firm in saying that no he wasn't really guilty I feel like they're missing something another of Orlando's high school friends who asked to remain anonymous suspects there is truth to Orlando's defense that he was not in his right mind when Haley was killed I don't know if they were under the effects of alcohol drugs or something but something happened there for him to act in that way I asked if she believes that being under the influence justifies murder no no nothing can justify that of course not but I also don't know in what state the two of them would have been in for him to do that I don't know what might have really happened in that room I don't know Orlando is still betting on that very question what was his State of Mind at the time of the murder his defense attorney wants a new psychiatrist to take a look at the case will an appeals court allow it and is there a chance that Orlando could be set free he's a killer and if he didn't kill Haley that day he probably would have killed somebody else someday and if he's ever released he'll kill again it's possible Orlando can't remember how Haley died hear a friend's tribute to Haley on Facebook at 48 hours on the morning of February 4th 2020 a heavily guarded Orlando tercero was back in the Nicaraguan courtroom this time to appeal his conviction before a panel of three magistries the proceedings began with Orlando's trial attorney Eduardo Ruby still handling the case and still arguing that desero was highly intoxicated and temporarily insane at the time of the murder he wants a new psychiatric evaluation This Time by a forensic psychiatrist well-versed in temporary insanity defenses Josie finds it very difficult to believe that Orlando can't remember killing her friend a nursing student if you're strangling someone he's going to recognize in whatever state he's going to recognize this person is dying I need to stop how do you put that power in your own hands and look at somebody and watch them their breath get taken away from them so intimate to me and so brutal I mean it's one thing to kill somebody with a gut but to just take their lives with your hands like that is so raw and sad and just unbelievable Ruby also argued that Orlando was wrongly charged with femicide sentenced to 30 years in the U.S he was charged with second-degree murder and would likely have faced a lighter sentence with the possibility of parole Ruby insisted that the Nicaraguan courts are legally obligated to follow those guidelines [Music] to everyone's surprise the magistrates immediately considered and rejected the request for a second psychiatric opinion foreign they said they would need time to deliberate resolution nearly three weeks later we were back in New York with Karen Anderson still awaiting a decision from the Nicaraguan courts in what used to be Haley's bedroom now a sanctuary for her ashes this is Haley right here she's in here I wanted to keep her with me you said you did this interview to honor Haley yes what did you mean by that because I want her death to have some purpose in in life I would like femicide to be brought to the attention in the United States seeing it so it's probably on the rise and it is a very serious crime you wish that there was a femicide law here in the U.S yes and also to all of the people who see red flags to to make sure you follow through and take them very seriously to help prevent these things from happening on March 10 2020 nearly two years to the day that their daughter was murdered Karen and Gordon Anderson were once again at the Broome County DA's office this time to hear the Appellate Court's decision the hearing took over an hour while an officer of the Court read the 12-page decision in the end it took a nervous Karen Anderson a moment to realize that the appeal had been completely denied I appreciate all the work that you have done and helping to convict Orlando to the fullest extent of the law Orlando's conviction and sentence would stand Orlando will likely spend the next 30 Years here in Nicaragua's main Penitentiary known for its overcrowding every day he will be fed a small meal of rice and beans if he wants more his mother will have to deliver food to the prison Gates Steve Cornwell says if for any reason delcero is ever freed and even tries to step foot on American soil Broome County will arrest him and put him on trial there's no Double Jeopardy so if for some reason he was released the entire case can be tried here on behalf of the family [Music] as Haley's family and friends continue to heal from their loss they are determined to keep her memory alive [Music] what would you say to Haley's parents if you could even though Haley's time was short she had touched so many people's lives that I known and that they should be really really proud of who Haley was as a person one time we were all sitting in her bed and us what is depression IC and the idea that someone is just that like happy innocent pure content I want people to know that she was kind that she was generous that she was hard working but most of all that she loved almost everyone that she came in contact with foreign to be remembered as the millennial hippie that just has quirky and happy you know as sad as it is that she trusted everybody that's a good quality you should trust people foreign [Music] and then she was never seen again he was convicted of murder guilty but she was never found where is she now dramatic news we're gonna find her and bring her home to the family 48 Hours next on CBS [Music]
Channel: 48 Hours
Views: 6,532,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 48 hours, cbs news
Id: hYaOUltto9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 5sec (2525 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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