The Tree that Helped Solve a Murder | Full Episode

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foreign [Music] [Applause] hey it's officer Joseph so you said uh took your purse with her right yeah um phone your headphones do you want it it's here police officers first made contact with Joe ellidge on October 10 2019. Joe ellitch said that on October 8th he'd gone to sleep with monkey at about 11 11 30 or so and then he woke up the next morning and then he noticed that monk she was gone vanished her phone and her her wedding ring were both um we're both just left on that table I can't unlock her phone it's locked and I don't know password at the time that munchie G disappeared she was a young married mother she had a child who was one years old I think it's easy to see that Joe would have been attracted to munchie for her personality in terms of how caring she was we all know that she's a very successful young engineer and she's really good at being a mom and she had hopes for a brighter future and this marriage in Joseph Village it first blush Facebook postings you know Instagram you would see what appeared to be a happy family these young people got married had a child and circumstances changed then arguments happened I talk too much you need to know you don't listen so there was a total of 14 hours of audio recorded between the couple right now what's happening is lack of it he actually discovered that she was involved in an online relationship and he knew that there were some of these sexually explicit photos being sent back correct I found this earlier it's like a journal and it talks about her feeling like some secret love I think he's in China right now did she ever express an interest in a future with this man that perhaps she'd move back to China there were discussions about a future we checked into whether or not there was maybe any contact with Uber cab companies had she bought an airline ticket we were looking for any evidence of an electronic footprint I know she was talking to somebody else on the side and whatever she's doing I just hope she's safe I would have loved nothing more for her to just appear out of nowhere alive so she could take care of her daughter but I knew that wasn't going to be the case we had these boots that were found and then we have five Juniper needles that are caked into the boots and these needles where did they come from we had three needles that came from that tree right there who would have ever thought it DNA from these juniper trees helped solve this crime I've never heard of anything like this before in my entire career at 48 hours [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] right there feedback right there on October 15 2019 Joseph ellage walked into the Columbia Missouri Police Department without a lawyer [Music] to tell detectives about the mysterious disappearance of his 28 year old wife mungshi ji six days earlier we didn't have any big fights I think the last big fight was actually the week before and it wasn't really a big fight um the 23 year old described his wife as tense and withdrawn the night before she disappeared so he gave her a massage I was trying to drag it out because I wanted to extend the amount of time that we were together doing something according to Joe among Shi eventually went to sleep saying she had to be somewhere in the morning last year about three times who does she mean and her answer was just quote you mean she wouldn't tell me who she was meaning or where she was yelling what she was doing the next morning Joe says he woke up alone his wife was gone he was claiming she had just disappeared that she had left her little girl behind her phone was left behind her car her car keys were left behind from the beginning then Boone County prosecuting attorney Dan Knight had doubts about Joe's story we were trying our best to leave no Stones Unturned but there were a lot of stones Joe told investigators that after his wife disappeared he found journal entries on her computer where she'd written about an online emotional affair she was having with a man living in China and then last paragraph said like it's sad though that I have no interest in my husband the day Joe spoke with detectives he also did an exclusive interview with our local CBS affiliate krcg and implied that his wife may have left him for another man I hope that Jesus at least with somebody who cares for her you know enough to keep her safe Joe and his family hired attorney Scott Rosenbloom who points out there were intimate texts between Monchichi and the man she was communicating with sexual in nature very sexual texts like this one where she wrote I want you so much right now and did she ever express love for him in any of these communications she did the question was had hmongshi run off to be with that man who lived in China where she was born [Music] munchie was born during China's one child policy Amy saliday is the G family's attorney but Karen munchy's mother would say that we only ever wanted one child we wanted to give all of our love to this child monkey is like the the kid all the parents would want Yao Lee is a Chinese immigrant and an assistant prosecutor in Boone County who helped Dan Knight communicate with mungshi's parents they are really really proud of her and I know how hard it is to get into a top university in Shanghai and Beijing the competition is really intense and she did that and then she came to the University of Missouri in 2012. where she finished up her undergraduate studies and then she also obtained her master's degree in mechanical and aerospace engineering this was a brilliant woman correct absolutely one of her professors hired her right out of school at his bio materials company nanova where Joe also worked Joe grew up in Kansas City he then came to the University of Missouri and he studied engineering and he met monkey at Nova biomaterials my understanding is is that she was a supervisor the two quickly fell in love and a year and seven months into their relationship Joe proposed he took a knee on a trail in Rockbridge Memorial state park called The Devil's ice box two weeks later they were married well I believe there was a rush to get married because monkey's Visa was about ready to expire it's a really foreign concept for American citizens to understand the stress that a immigrant is facing she's fully capable to support herself financially but she cannot get this green card so this really changes the power dynamics of a marriage nearly five months into the marriage hmongshi was offered a big job and then she found out she's pregnant among she and Joe decided she should turn down the job to be a full-time mom even though at the time she was the sole income earner Joe had quit working to finish school in October 2018 their baby was born so the dynamic of the of this marriage monchi was completely isolated from all the support system that she can have the little baby is the only thing she has her one Lifeline was a daily call with her mother in China it was their ritual so when hmongshi didn't call on October 9 2019 her parents sent a friend living nearby to check on her yeah for a couple days and it was only after that visit the day after he set his wife vanished that a seemingly unconcerned Joe ellidge finally called police to report her missing uh anything um but he didn't call 9-1-1 Joe called the non-emergency 3-1-1 do you find that suspicious absolutely absolutely it would be natural for him to have reported this immediately instead Joe would tell police that the day he woke up and found his wife missing he went on two long leisurely drives in her car with their baby in the back seat looking for new hiking trails there's just a big area that's all it's all green on a cool mess and so I wanted to go and see if there were walking paths back there naturally that raised eyebrows did you lock your door when you left the apartment yeah if she comes home how's she gonna get back in you've got her keys her car her phone's in the house she can't even call anybody [Music] yeah I don't know detectives and Dan Knight suspected Foul Play but there was no physical evidence no blood no weapon no Witnesses no body there was also no evidence that mungshi took off with that man in China and then also uh it became apparent early on that monk she would not have abandoned her child her one-year-old daughter she was a great mother during his interview with detectives Joe gave them access to his phone and on it they found something stunning 10 hours of secretly recorded conversations with his wife like this one I'd like to discuss our relationship and I am kind of ready to discuss the end of it as well Joe told mankshi that he wanted to divorce her I don't like being married to you I don't like living with you it's been a terrible relationship I'm eager to end it he was asking her whether or not she was going to basically cooperate and if not he was going to tell the judge that she had been abusive to him should I mention in court that you're abusive to me should I asked them to deport you but that was nothing says dan Knight compared to the nearly four and a half hours of secretly recorded audio they found on mungshi's phone and what was on those conversations of significance unvarnished Joe ulich if you came back from this way I've told you before it ain't gonna be pretty [Music] foreign [Music] it was October 29 2018 about a year before mongxi ji would disappear when she secretly recorded her husband Joe going ballistic for nearly an hour you want me to break you want me to hurt somebody [Music] it all started weeks earlier after Hmong Shi gave birth and her parents flew in from China to stay with them it is Chinese custom for grandparents to stay and help for 100 days a custom that infuriated Joe I don't want your mom here your mom is causing problems your mom said what really infuriated Joe was that monk she was standing up to him and saying that she needed her mother if I don't take care of my own body my own house is not responsible for me or their family I agree she's helping me to do that and I know it I don't like that woman I don't think you should either the tension was just to the breaking point and there's yelling there's cussing and Yao Lee says Joe really despised it when monk she and her mother Kay Wren spoke Chinese in his presence that's a stressor for him because everything that he doesn't understand he would assume the worst when mongshi's father returned to China Joe decided to take back control says Amy saliday munchy's mother was making Chinese dumplings fantastic dumplings she's making them for his birthday and he doesn't like how she's using The Cutting Board I called it The Cutting Board incident prosecutor Dan Knight says it's an incident that seems Petty but it led to an explosive argument don't do my finger like that he was demanding that his mother-in-law leave the residence immediately and permanently never to return did mongji's Mother stand up to him would she stand up to him and could that have triggered this cutting board incident monk she's mother like monkey wanted Harmony more than anything else there was no standing up to Joe saying I'm gonna make it go away it was a one-way Street it was Joe's way or the highway you're not the god I say mom don't stay here she don't stay here among she pleaded with Joe to let her mother stay he responded with insults and profanity what is the matter with you brainless he told her that she was incapable because she was a woman you think you're so empowered because of the society you're still just a woman it was a calculated effort on his part to Gaslight her to try to brainwash her to bring her under his control Joe was also threatening explaining how he conquers nature a cryptic comment that Dan Knight believes was a metaphor for wanting to hurt mungshi you know how I conquer nature I kill it I grab his head and break his neck that's how you conquer [ __ ] nature once your mother of course was in shock it's just really difficult for her to understand why this young man is so mad and so angry at her at everything hmongshi felt so helpless that she called Joe's mother Gene Geringer who drove two hours to try and mediate oh no choice I had to call you I'm sorry he's gonna come back and just I don't know unpredictable things gonna happen monk she recorded that meeting as well I'm not here to choose sides I'm here to try to be neutral and just give advice even in his mom's presence Joe was not shy about expressing hateful even violent thoughts about his mother-in-law do I just smack her do I just beat her down you wanted to I have that craving yes you can I'm not going to go there the evidence that we had was that he was making his mother-in-law Karen kneel to him and bow to him Joe would eventually apologize to his mother-in-law but he still forced her to leave before the 100 days were up she thought that apology was sincere or otherwise she wouldn't have left and then believing that things might get better Yao Lee translated mongshi's journals for the prosecutor's office and says things didn't get better but Hmong Shi couldn't walk away and even she is confused of why I just cannot get out of this relationship that's her constant question to herself Dan Knight thinks hmongshi felt trapped by her immigration status in just five months she was set to have another interview where she would be applying to get her permanent green card a little over two weeks after Hmong she vanished the Columbia Police Department announced it was opening a criminal investigation into her disappearance that same day police showed up at Joe's Apartment he's with his mother to detectives at the scene are asking her where is munchie do you know where she is Joe was arrested but not in connection with his wife's disappearance but on suspicion that he had physically abused their daughter we have become aware that there was some bruising so do you know what we're talking about yeah this is through Karen her mother monk she had told her that she'd observed bruising on the buttocks and Karen suggested that monk she confront Joe about this Joe then admitted that he had done this to the little girl tell me exactly what happened she was crying a lot one night I think I just pinched her butt a little bit to me that was a ruse to get him incarcerated Joe's defense attorney Scott Rosenbloom he was a young parent maybe he made a mistake but there was no other indication that he was abusive towards his daughter none whatsoever held on a five hundred thousand dollar Bond his mother took custody of his daughter and Dan Knight set about proving his theory about what happened to mongshi I thought from pretty much the very beginning this eventually was going to wind up being a murder case things just had to develop so you're telling me that these trees that we are standing among right now helped solve this case absolutely foreign what do you think happened to mungshi ji chat now on Facebook and Twitter [Music] on October 25th 2019 police executed a search warrant over at Joe ellidge's and Monkey's apartment that was the same day Joe ellidge was arrested on suspicion of child abuse among she had been missing for a little over two weeks these officers they were on the ball they were able to find some things that were great evidence in this case prosecutor Dan Knight police collected from his backpack writings different writings notes Joe had apparently written to himself about how to respond to questions from reporters and investigators one of those I labeled as being a script with what to tell the police another thing that he had written was that he was to speak about monkey and the present tense rather than the past tense she's a very dedicated person she's hard worker and I really like that that's important to me why would a man who was claiming his wife had walked away have to remind himself to not speak about her in the past tense because she killed her detectives looked for possible evidence in every corner of the apartment and on a hunch also took this muddy pair of Joe's boots into evidence just in case down the road they might be relevant something was amiss yes and they they sensed it and they took him this search for among she became a hunt for her remains starting by retracing the long leisurely drives that Joe said he took with his baby in the back seat while only he knew that his wife was missing in um it was a nice day and so I just I just wanted to go out but every lead was just another dead end so Dan Knight made a bold move I decided to go ahead and file charges murder in the first degree without a body charges were filed while Joe was still in jail on abuse charges meanwhile Dan Knight stepped up the search for monkey's body these are the cell tower records that we had in this case this is his cell phone then Joe's cell phone according to Joe's cell phone records he had spent 30 minutes by the lamine river the day he claimed among Shi disappeared something he had not told police convinced her body was here authorities searched for months there was even a memorial on the river attended by mungshi's Mother by March of 2020 we'd really given up we needed to do something to be able to say goodbye [Music] then a year later with Joe ellage still awaiting trial a hiker was making his way through this wooded area the very Park where Joe had proposed to monk she a flash of color in the dirt caught his eye it was a purse he had this walking stick and he kind of flipped that purse around just a little bit he noticed that there were these shoes and then he saw something that looked like with maybe a skull in fact it was a skull munchy's skull she had finally been found that's right that's right it was it was a miracle [Music] there's a moment for a parent Yao Lee had a video conference with mongshi's parents who were both back in China they didn't see anything oh use see is their tears they now knew their daughter was dead but how and why were still a mystery sadly even the medical examiner's office couldn't say what killed mongshi was there damage to her bone structure yes unnatural damage that yes there was four ribs were broken all the way through do you believe that those broken ribs are evidence of physical abuse of of a physical attack of a massive catastrophic blow to her back all the way these through and through breaks that she would have been in agonizing pain Dan Knight was building a theory of what happened to hmongshi and items collected about a year and a half earlier were about to become key for one thing Joe's cell phone records put him near mungshi's burial site the day he reported her missing what were the weather conditions like that day unfortunately for Joe unfortunately for justice it was raining Dan had those muddy boots and a hunch was about to pay off as you can see right here there is soil that is caked onto These Boots mud and gravel on the soles of Joe's boots were set out for analysis along with foliage stuck in the mud so we've got 12 different types of vegetation in these boots Dan Knight decided to send Joe's boots to a lab at the Missouri Botanical Garden where juniper tree needles were carefully removed from the soles for DNA testing plants have DNA just like people absolutely yeah yeah every organism Christine Edward Edwards is a plant population geneticist who never dreamed she become a CSI investigator in a murder case they wanted to see if there was some way that we could match the vegetation in the boots to the the site where a woman's remains were found these are two samples that were collected from the the left boot right here once we knew that we could get usable DNA out of the the forensic samples that we took from the boots then we needed to match them to the the trees at the site Christine's colleague Alex linyan was tasked with collecting sample needles from the juniper trees surrounding mongshi's grave site how do you do it pick it up off the ground or go up through the trees so we have to go all the way up to the trees and this involved a ladder in a 10 15 foot long pole pruner so that we could make sure that the needles that we were getting came from the exact tree that it was so we couldn't just get it from the ground it had to be from the tree each sample was stored and numbered and back at the lab they were compared to the needles found on Joe's boots these two lines here are the genotype of one of the samples from the boots and this one is from the tree that is overhanging the grave site and as you can see the lines match up and that moment for you when you realized you had a match it was really exciting we got him he was there no doubt he was there no doubt in my mind he was there scientifically confirmed yes just like a fingerprint just like DNA blood DNA that is presented in trial this is just as reliable exactly exactly the same technology even so what you're telling me is these trees that are all around us here played a role in solving a murder absolutely yes Dan Knight says it's only the second murder case he knows of where tree DNA has been used as evidence [Music] we're closing in on Joe so I expected at trial for there to be another defense besides oh monk she must have just run off and gone to China do you solemnly swear to tell the truth the whole truth and Dan Knight was right [Music] on November 1st 2021 Joe ellidge went on trial for the murder of his wife Mung shiji the question is what happened in that apartment and Joe's attorney Scott Rosenbloom pivoted to a new explanation about what happened to hmongshi Joe didn't mean to kill his wife what happened was a tragic accident thanks to this juniper tree and its DNA Joe could no longer claim that Hmong Shi had run away he now had to admit that he buried his wife in a shallow grave he had no intent not certainly not murder that's not even close Joe did have something to do with monxi's death said Rosenbloom but it was not murder he took jurors back to October 8 2019 the day hmongshi died and as they go into the evening hours he asked her if he if she wants a massage tries to initiate sex chiver Buffs him she says no Joe now admits he knew about his wife's online affair with that man in China Rosenbloom said and on this night he confronted her he's upset he's hurt and he wants to take his daughter for a walk she lunges towards him and pushes him and he pushes her pushes her into the countertop Joe claims that's when monk she broke her ribs the defense called Dr Keith Norton the pathologist who conducted mongshi's autopsy and he said that it was possible yes but it would have to be a very forcible push does Joe maintain that she initiated this physical encounter 100 she came after him well I mean she wanted to prevent him from leaving with their daughter he claimed in his new story that she attacked him do you buy any of that of course size difference of course not he's twice as big as hers and again she lunges at him and he pushes her away and she falls this time on her back and he hears the thud of her head hitting the ground Joe claims Hmong Shi was knocked nearly unconscious and then got up and went to bed in the morning when the baby started crying Hmong she didn't wake up and he's sort of violently shaking her are you all right are you all right and it is abundantly clear at that point in time that his wife is dead why did Joe lie he was scared he made a choice an erratic irrational choice is that someone who's in a panic state or is that a killer who's trying to to cover up his crime I believe it was evidence of extreme panic that story was very clever but it wasn't what happened prosecutor Dan Knight says all the proof he needs that Joe's story is made up are those four broken ribs you know how painful it is to break a single rib she would have had to have been to a hospital right oh sure there's no doubt about it Knight says he keeps going back to Joe's story about giving monkey a massage that night and believes that's when he killed her I don't know if he put his hands around her neck and he strangled the life out of her I don't know if he maybe forced her face into a pillow but I know one thing for sure that murder was horrific a premeditated murder says night fueled by months of growing anger he hated monk she with everything he had I'll find a happier life this I I have you here to stand in his own defense anybody you all may be seated and insisted that he loved his wife even though there was tension in the marriage he would have these arguments he both thought you were misunderstand and there would be a Reconciliation and you would love each other that's right the defense tried to get jurors to relate to the sometimes stormy nature of Joe and Monkey's marriage moments of arguing common with many couples Joe claimed his wife was responsible for much of the tension uh she would raise her voice uh yelled and she wouldn't listen to me very well they wanted to paint her as the aggressor they wanted people to feel like it was her fault Amy saliday and Yao Lee were in the courtroom regularly texting updates to mungshi's mother who was unable to travel she didn't believe a bit of it and that was very emotional for her when Dan Knight finally had his chance to question Joe ellage he point blank asked Joe how he killed the mother of his child she'd maybe stand up on top of her and jump on top of her back no it just suffocate her no after nearly two weeks of testimony detailing the audio recordings digital evidence cell tower data and the tree DNA linking Joe to mungshi's burial site both sides delivered their closing arguments Rosenbloom asked for manslaughter and Dan Knight asked for first degree murder Justice ladies and gentlemen much she deserves just we were all nervous and we hoped that the jury would see the case the way that we saw it more evidence in the case at we've all come to know munchie [Music] and so I think we all felt that connection to her and we hoped that Justice would be served Mr ellidge would you please stand to receive the verdict it was 7 P.M on November 11 2021 and after deliberating for nearly seven hours the jury had its verdict we the jury find the defendant Joseph Dwayne ellage guilty of murder in the second degree guilty of second-degree murder the jury believed that Joe killed mongshi but not with premeditation Yao Lee says Hmong shi's parents were very pleased they weren't nervous about the conviction at all they believe this is a fair system but the day wasn't over yet the jury would now hear testimony in the penalty phase I had to turn around very quickly late at night and start presenting evidence Dan Knight wanted life in prison the defense asked for 10 years I feel various diet and I feel angry the state called several of monkey's friends who spoke about the impact of her death that hurt us that make us huge pain and heal your sorrow the defense called only one witness to plead for Mercy Joe's mother Gene Geringer it's very disturbing it's heartbreaking because it's so out of his character it was midnight when the jury got the case again a little over an hour later we the jury declare the punishment for a term of 28 years Mike believes the jury gave Joe one year for every year of mongshi's short life informed mongshi's parents I don't think the numbers matter to them I think the truth matters the most that's what is frustrating I don't think there will ever ever know the whole truth of what actually happened all they can look forward to now is to be able to help raise their granddaughter says family attorney Amy salad I hope that she can be raised to know her mother's Chinese culture and to know her mother's family in December 2022 mangshi's parents and Joe's mother reached an agreement the child will spend her summers in China and the rest of the year with Gene Scott Rosenbloom says she is in good hands Gene and her husband are great parents she makes it her business to include the maternal grandparents in the baby's life Dan Knight would not discuss the child's future but he did say this about the trauma already suffered by mongshi's Daughter number one she was in the apartment at the time that Joe killed monkey her mother one of these days she's going to find out about that second thing is when Joe drove around the next day monk she was in the trunk and their little girl was strapped into a car seat but the thing that she's also going to find out about is that Joe would have been just fine with her going the rest of her life thinking that her mother abandoned her foreign I want her daughter to know that she was a great mother she was dedicated she loved her with all of her heart I want her to be remembered for her smile and how friendly and outgoing she was Hmong shiji's Legacy of accomplishment dedication and love lives on in her baby girl and in the hearts of those whose lives she touched everybody sees the goodness in her that's why everybody is so connected with her [Music] thank you [Music] a son with Secrets he just lied to everybody his parents vanished you know cars go off the road things happen what happened to the halder seats not making any sense it's taking weirder and weirder turns nobody saw this coming 48 hours Saturday on CBS and streaming on Paramount Plus [Music]
Channel: 48 Hours
Views: 2,654,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 48 hours, cbs news, Mengqi Ji, Joseph Elledge, tree dna, juniper tree, true crime, crime investigation, missing mom, columbia missouri, muddy boots, China
Id: 6q41wmV7TU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 22sec (2482 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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