The Most UNHINGED Fake Minecraft Speedruns...

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world record here I come wait a second is that this is a fake Minecraft speed run I'm gonna show you this one and more but make no mistake they will make you laugh this speedrun is unusual for a variety of reasons number one what is an infinite Pearl and why is it trademarked number two the speedrunner is so bad that they actually get trapped in this powder Snow Yeah they waste a good 20 to 30 seconds just trying to escape the snow it is hilarious until we finally discover what the infinite Pearl is well they use it to escape the snow it's exactly what you'd expect and as soon as they teleport they turn around and they find a ruined portal and they're still struggling in the snow they take a peek at the Rune portal chest and it is loaded to the brim with a lot of good stuff including speedrunner bulk what in tarnation is this even a legitimate copy of Minecraft well the speedrunner eats the bulk and I guess they're bulked now did I miss an update can someone help me out in the comments here the speedrunner attempts emphasis on attempts building the ruined nether portal I don't think this guy's ever heard of a straight line before despite that and despite him not removing that crying obsidian somehow how he still lights the portal is this even possible and surprise surprise of course the speedrunner is right in front of another Fortress full to the brim of blazes so they Purl into The Nether Fortress uh at least they try to by accident falling into the pit of lava and I guess they're fine this speedrun is beginning to feel like one of those dreams where you show up to class in just your underwear this is such a fever dream I guess they survived their slip into the lava so they proceed to kill blazes but they quite literally are on the brink of death one two three four different times somehow managing to get five blaze rods which is an absolute miracle for their skill level so the speedrun returns to their nether portal but unfortunately they begin to be chased by this Army of piglens So to avoid being almost killed a fifth time they just throw all their gold in the ground and hope for the best dropping a total of 56 gold ingots and getting 45 ender pearls I am more likely to win the lottery a thousand times in a row than this happening so even though the gold distracted the Penguins for just a moment the speedrunner still almost dies trying enter the nether portal and somehow by a miracle they actually get in and go back to the Overworld and once in the Overworld the speedrunner crafts 10 Eyes of Ender unfortunately wasting most of them what a dummy while the speedrunner is trying to locate the stronghold I'm taking a look around their world and this sea is very suspicious there are two more Rune nether portals and I'm pretty sure I see diamond on this mountain here which really makes you wonder where do you think the stronghold is so the speedrunner crafts some diamond tools and then they dig down on their way down though they find a strange ore mining it getting an achievement called speed running time and it turns out it's a speedrunner Ingot again what in tarnation but despite all of this the speedrunner still gets lost almost dies to a witch and somehow it turns out they were directly above the portal room the entire time and remember how I said they wasted all Their Eyes of Ender yeah well do the math here you got six unfilled frames and he has four eyes a vendor so it's time to make your bets what do you think this goofball is gonna do ten dollars says he summons the Banana Man or the pp Trader no well actually the speedrunner left clicks on the two empty frames and yeah one of the frames is just replaced with an End Portal I mean hey that works too so the speedrunner jumps into their single end portal entering the end and come on again this is not the first time I've seen this they are in a completely different version of Minecraft who has the time to do this so the speedrunner approaches the dragon and begins to Wallop him wait a second why is the speedrunner turning around they walk away from the Ender Dragon and the speedrunner finds a mech suit thank you wait that was so cool why'd they pause the game wait a second what is that setting 4K RTX realism oh my goodness they just turned it on wait what's going on here that was so cool that was the coolest thing I've ever seen in my entire life a plus to the speedrunner this Speed Run I'm gonna need help in the comments figuring out what exactly happened here because it is very professional but also so so wrong the speedrunner spawns in a forest and then they break this very specific window jumping up and accessing this chest in a village house and everything looks pretty normal here other than finding the exact number of obsidian they would need to build a nether portal I mean look maybe this guy is just pretty lucky so they find a pickaxe and they continue to loot the village houses and get some beds this section though is extremely confusing to me as the speedrunner starts breaking cobblestone in this house and I don't know if I'm just tired but there seems to be a very sudden cut yeah actually wait a second now that I take a look back at this footage something's definitely wrong here if I go frame by frame here I don't know if that Cobblestone just turned into obsidian or if this is a graphical glitch but right after this happens suddenly he's just in a completely different area so what is this the magical teleporting block and that's what's pretty confusing about this cut is that it seems like nothing is different so the speedrunner kills a squid and then they get some die they go back to the Village breaking a bookshelf and then crafting a book and quill and here's where I just get so lost they open up the book and quill and write I'm not even sure how to say this a baptized redevice what is this guy a Harry Potter fan what's going on here and for a while there is no follow-up as to what this book and Quill's purpose is for the speed run until they go in the mines mine some iron ore and start smelting it so they build their nether portal craft flint and steel with their iron like the nether portal and remember the book and quill from earlier well uh here's where it all comes together yeah they just threw that book into the nether portal and now it looks like it leads to the dark dimension you know how in my previous videos where I would say they enter the nether but I say the end by accident well this time the speedrunner enters the end with the nether portal what in tarnation for some reason the speedrun just goes into a video editor and they're saying that the speed run is legit because there's no cut when they enter the end but if you look back at the Timeline there's like 40 different cuts body just exposed himself by trying not to expose himself I cannot deal with this and for the most part when they get on the end Island they actually do look like they know exactly what they're doing when it comes to professional speedrunning uh except for when they just put 10x speed on the screen and speed up everything to be fair in my personal opinion the ender dragon fight is more boring than watching paint dry so I do kind of appreciate that the speedrunner sped this part up and honestly I don't even care at this point if the speed run is fake or not this guy is literally preaching to the choir by typing perch in the chat box couldn't have said it better buddy after what seems like an eternity the speedrunner actually does do really well with killing the dragon with beds beating the game in really amazing time despite me not having any idea what just happened and I was actually pretty interested in figuring out why there were still minutes left of this video when I found this at the end of it special edition TNT Minecraft nuke okay guys I know this isn't the usual but we gotta watch this so someone in the comments gonna have to help me figure out what exactly is happening here but it looks like he's jamming in a bunch of mine carts with TNT into a single block [Music] all right actually that was pretty cool this is quite literally the fastest speed run I've ever witnessed in my entire life the speedrunner creates their world and we actually have to wait like a whole minute for the loading screen to finish and as soon as they load into the world they jump and another portal literally appears out of thin air well I guess they're going to the nether now and before the world even loads in they get a ton of new recipes and advancements and they have blaze rods and ender pearls already in their inventory somehow the blaze rods turn into blaze powder and then that's added to the Ender Pearls to create eyes a vendor if someone has any idea how this is working I am very curious please comment down below and in a split second an entire end portal is crafted beneath them and once they're in the end they jump which teleports them on top of the end Island and the Ender Dragon has literally one HP then the speedrunner uses their bow kills the dragon and I guess beats Minecraft in literally one minute but if you don't include the loading screens it had to have been like 10 seconds what in tarnation this speedrunner builds a house of wait a second what's going on outside of that house oh my goodness [Music] clearly there's been some Minecraft updates that I've missed over the past few years this was an absolute fever dream man and I thought my speed run was crazy yep that's right a high speed ran Minecraft and you could bet a thousand shekels it was totally legit I mined I crafted I fought Enderman danced karaoke went to space you know just usual Minecraft speedrun stuff so if you want to see me Speed Run Minecraft totally legitimately and totally not for Laughs go on my channel and click it foreign
Channel: Ayundaru
Views: 1,337,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fake minecraft speedrun, fake speedrun, minecraft, fake speedruns, minecraft speedruns, ayundaru, funniest fake minecraft speedruns, speedrunning, fake minecraft world record, minecraft hardcore, minecraft 1.20, minecraft 1.21, fake world record, so fake it's funny, so bad it's funny, bad funny, the most unhinged fake minecraft speedruns, reaction video, react, reacts, livestream highlights, schlatt, funniest fake speedruns, ayundaru funniest fake speedruns, speedrun fake
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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