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they were outside we were pinned inside our stone home with sharks circling drawn to the smell of fresh blood well they are around you see we had been a major thorn in the side of the players who are now surrounding our base yeah upgrade the roof first i think metal you taunting us from their position of strength the situation was dire they were here to stamp us out of existence but let me give some context on how we got ourselves into this predicament my adventure began when i logged into the server with nothing a few of my friends would be joining me as well how does porgy find me like that porgy ezrath and kira were hopping on the server to play with me where do you want to live i began running inland towards where another player had killed porgie moments before rav that's still her you say why me you see what i mean you see what i mean they're like oh you bro oh you bro don't go out chunkies don't go out people hate british people there was a rather irate british child in this base porgy and i decided to linger for a moment i you're a panini hey guys i think i'm gonna log off now okay tell your mom i said hello hold on i'll go get him i'll be right back a few minutes later it's my mom mom telling me he's a bum welcome you're a bum yeah my mom says your bum get all right bye bye bye mom bye-bye bye yeah big man over there talking all your smell your mom's free children thank you i liked him after that somewhat off-kilter encounter we continued running inland [Music] i began farming up for a bow so that i could then deal with the local wildlife oh oh i'm i'm gonna die this is so sad yeah oh i finagled the bear i'm coming to outpost cloaked with the darkness of night i traveled to the scientist outpost to meet up with kira and desrath so if i die i'm dead it's like when i die i'll get put on a beach with a rock in all fairness you are well prepared hello we spent the night in the outpost recycling components refining oil for low-grade fuel and crafting better gear oh now i'm stuck i feel like it's been nighttime forever i can't you phone ahead it's that way watch your profanity all right let's go when don came we left the outpost to hopefully build a base and put down some more permanent roots on the island goodbye guys we got this we got this i got a rock hit him what he said oh so many as more enemies began materializing and with half of us dead i decided that discretion was the better part of valor here and fled from the area with what i had to get back right oh no this area near outpost was crawling with hostile players i had to tread carefully okay here take bow porgy had also managed to escape so as kira and desrath ran back we trekked over the top of a snowy hill to find a good place to build sure you could go right here massive base 110. a huge base loomed in the distance but for now i began building our base unaware of the major role that the fortresside scene would play now while i finish up the base i wanted to take a moment to thank punishing grey raven for sponsoring this video punishing grey raven is a fast-paced ultra stylish action rpg mobile game that combines third-person 3d melee combat with deep rpg mechanics the game also features impressive stylized graphics that push mobile hardware to its absolute limits and further the lore of the in-game universe is deep and allows you to explore a ruined world to uncover the truths behind the dark cyberpunk setting now in the game there is a wide array of stunning environments from abandoned city streets to desert war zones and much more you can take the battle against the corrupted to harsh polar battlefields and even beyond earth in a continually expanding cinematic story now in punishing grey raven you directly control your squad members in real time 3d battles tagging between your squad members mid-fight and mastering each character's special moves with the right combos you can dominate foes through an easy to use match 3 ability system and see the soldiers you control aren't enough to battle the punishing so these entities known as constructs feature human minds encased in powerful mechanical bodies in addition you can customize your home and admire your characters in the many lush environments featured in the game so go click the link in the description and download punishing gray raven it helps me out and supports my channel and speaking of support i was still in the process of constructing our home when porgy noticed something concerning oh no we have like a group of five down here they are thank you i continued upgrading the base as fast as possible i fortified the base and locked the door just in time are you being shot at it yes basis metal secure though right i think oh i see them just hide guys oh they're full of metal stomach 120. how many [Music] [Music] i heard another [Music] now the door was secured with a key lock but we were still in a very vulnerable spot now all together we pushed this geared player they might have roof where is he on the field hit him i'm i'm moving also down after that scuffle we'd been killed by the heavily armed player i stood up great job and he had retreated towards the large base in the field we had a hunch that he was one of the players who lived there i respawned and ran back to the area to scavenge for any leftover loot oh my god there's so many little grubby little goblins around here oh the this guy never got looted nice i'm in base our base was a bit barren for now we had to fix that let me out all right i'm starting a fight with the neighbors people at the base 210 i'm just kind of shooting at center mass killed one [Music] i like the fact that the m39 is after a bit of farming and pot shots and some different neighbors we returned home and began smelting metal ore with this we would be able to make much needed code locks and additional doors that was fast did you see that kira and i spent the next few minutes sorting out our home it had been a hectic start i wish i was still a baby dude i wouldn't want to be a baby man baby's just chilling though mommy milkers okay i built up our airlock our base was now slightly more safe freaking joke what's the hole in the door for a hot dog slot for support she can eat i thought it was called the dog slot oh clicking his little yoga okay yeah see you next christmas little johnny oh there's water fight oh damn now i'm shooting at him our neighbors in the compound nearby were on their roof with rifles uh mini going to large bars [Music] in the field had purchased a scrap helicopter this would let them quickly mobilize to go anywhere which was not good for us a paddle man there's a paddle man paddle man [Music] a great man all right drop the paddle buddy drop it you got to drop it my buddy wants it just drop the paddle nobody gets hurt oh come on please bro drop the paddle bro all right you got three seconds give him a choice one two two and a half shame i didn't want it to be like this bro i didn't want it to be like that nope i see him up the hill moments later ezrath got in a fight with some players at a close by barn somebody oh they're here dwell it right the players we killed had arrived in a mini hell which was ours now [Music] a guy here's the plan um who wants to fly drop me off on top of their roof we're just gonna fly over okay then fly low and i'll jump i'm jumping up uh they're already up there don't go go go this group could certainly see that we were trying to challenge their dominance in this area welcome back i banked some loot and then we heard a different mini helicopter flying over the base [Music] minions maybe full send one fly poor g over there willing get in get in get in but it's fine grab mine i'm gonna drop it with you uh oh i had made a crucial mistake in my timing but porgy was able to pick me up i'm picking you up how are you guys going to get to the roof for the loot now no clue there we go oh he's up yep destruction all right i covered the roof as porgy toss some oars out to a small gap in the wall to retrieve later [Music] yeah i've already got all the furnaces [Music] after being killed while dashing around within our enemy's walls i respawned as the sun was setting and ran back to our home there's so many people outside i'm so glad i went in our base after cleaning up the players who'd been fighting we all regrouped inside our base to plan our next steps i'm healing real quick you guys ready oh right outside they might be thinking radiance there were lots of footsteps outside the players from the compound had come over to investigate our humble abode with murderous intent oh yeah i've created the roof metal yeah i'd start doing that too buddy they were gloating they knew they had us pinned hit that one twice [Music] my attempt to leap out and fight back had failed i just started running back after spawning when i heard it all four titles yeah oh never mind i got killed through the ceiling oh really we were being raided with half of us away and ezrath being killed by a glitch this was not looking good well there's nothing nothing that can be done here i'm on the way back [Applause] i'm looking for yanks here well it was a good run boys that was that our neighbors had evicted us we had been pesky but hadn't had a strong enough position to hold when they'd attacked in force i respawned on the beach and we began planning our next move i got a horse that we can slaughter why did it decide who's for clothes oh yeah out played buddy it's gonna be a dirty one i think now reese was hopping on to join us as well as i made my way back to investigate the ruins of our home kira and porgy had already arrived there's so much stuff here now our enemies had stolen the guns and placed a new tool cupboard but they hadn't rebuilt the roof two db's one db at the front door but all the commotion had brought the rats out from their hidey holes i still have a bag damn what they left us so much yeah just one of their guns back i grabbed some primitive gear and helped destroy the tool cover our enemies in the field hadn't delivered the killing blow to us we were rebuilding our battle scarred base let's secure this and then just build something else oh yeah this is still 50 000 people used to live here a seemingly friendly player offered me some wood to trade for some gear moments later take the wood for now okay whoa you little rascal yeah who know reverse card you're a little rascal you jeff you feel your dumbass bozo i don't care i'm braiding you wait is your did your mic cut out he was a little bit angry well he farmed for me remember that little naked i was talking about he turned bro get the hell out of here now while i was at base porgie was fighting at the airfield with a few well-placed compound bow shots he'd managed to kill players with hazmats and aks hey can you get to me grease like right now i have three acres what i love the compound bow use compound bow one he had it all on him after meeting with porgy he geared me up and we continued wandering guy with a bow i give him kill him the old fashioned way that man had a family yeah he's dead bro this is the second time this happened i'm getting m39 there was a fight across the field away from our base involving our enemies we pushed in to take advantage of the chaos oh i see them they're pushing up [Music] only hit him once i didn't hit a thing i'm dead [Music] hit him once i think he might be dead i've got him i need i need something bro please i'm wounded i'm going to start with this so just honestly just pick it up or something they haven't looted you yet oh i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead how do you even get there oh that's a different guy oh they're not on a team i died but it managed to distract the other players and allow for my companions to escape with some loot i'm finding bodies who is this man who is that this man legolas is fighting me i arrived back at the base as the sun was setting and spent the night inside playing my trumpet when morning came we left the base and saw some heavily armed players in the distance i hit him once [Music] i oh baby he's dead i'd killed the lr wielding player with a crispy shot and then traded the lr for an ak with asraf [Music] oh is this freaking like [Music] my friends had grabbed the components at our base so we then headed towards the outpost to recycle them too building multiple three yeah okay yeah they're like right on me oh yeah these boys oh you killed oh my god we just like oh we slaughtered those boys we can't uh we can't this is gonna get very grubby so much we continued onto the outpost after looting our kills we recycled all our components and then returned home [Music] a few moments after returning to base we heard voices outside it is the same guy the same people who'd rated us were back investigating our bases naked no doubt ruining the fact that this figurative hydra had grown another head we needed to build a main base now something that was trickier to raise oh i love it kira with the basic footprint of our base set down we then saw an air drop in the distance uh let's go get dropped let's go get it airdrop's almost hit i'm not sure there was a base directly under where the airdrop was landing oh we open in loud [Music] all right porgy had all the loot from the drop and so we beat a hasty retreat away from this base i head shot it but it tanked it oh my god this dog is very angry very angry while returning home our enemies in the field had attempted to ambush us it looked like they were a bit worse for wear now their numbers seemed to be dwindling and their gear was no longer fully tier three i then went to check out our new base that kira had been building while we'd been at the drop i'm gonna put the ak away there he's a grandparent saved you who is that in front of me our enemies were once again trying to sneak attack us they're getting on [ __ ] they're getting on you better bring them up anything else anything else buddy that settled in we were gonna have to strike back if we didn't raid them they were surely gonna hit us we had to be the ones to act first make that hallway along boy oh extendo on the hallway we spent night time doing some base fortifications then in the morning heard something enticing man's off the cleaning [ __ ] playstation there we go all grouped up we headed off to check out the rockets we heard do i like any kind of pudding yet putting these balls in your mouth [Music] after waltzing into the raid we'd managed to claim it and lock down the base and it all happened very quickly so we took a moment to collect ourselves how did we just yoink that so casually you kind of just ran in this body down here there was a lot of loot in here and enemies would be circling so we needed to work efficiently load up on gear and then escape i will lead the charge one guy by the water i think he's dead though oh they have grenades [Music] i think [Music] i'm dead after an extended battle i died some of my friends had also died but we were just holding on to control of the situation i ran back to continue fighting [Music] try me [ __ ] i grabbed loot that i could quickly find in the raid and then we raced out of the area during a brief moment of calm [Music] while i was banking loot porgy was throwing grenades at other groups of stragglers by the raid suck on these nades three dead baby yeah they're right in front of me they're still there good one i see it oh no he was to my right hey buddy yeah [Music] after wiping a well-armed raiding party we had a lot of additional gear so we went to return home once more everything seems looted right oh silence from oh i see him [Music] another stinging loss for our enemies it looked like there were only a few out and about now but we knew that their numbers could swell at any moment we arrived back at home and soon heard the sound of the attack helicopter approaching you guys by chance taking ellie we took it down it could give us explosives and high tier equipment which would be very helpful for the raid oh we just how did i live [Music] [Applause] i [Music] now the loot from the helicopter had been underwhelming we would need more to have a good shot at raiding our target okay 4x laser just laser i next spent some time at base smelting the oars we'd gathered and crafting gunpowder [Music] stopped it you're freaking me out after a while i ventured back out to hunt for luke just get the loot man bro i hate trap base oh someone it's kelly crash oh they're probably gonna rate us [Music] oh i got killed by somebody else ak guy he died he just died he got down he bled out i'm helping you up shoot him i have to buy it i'm dead i'm dead i need the scrap i threw this crap [Music] i ran back to the fight another team came in i think that was their team this was turning into a chaotic scene i wanted to take advantage of this only reese and i were here ezrath and porgy were looting the cargo ship [Music] this guy is insane though [Music] oh my god look at this jesus christ these players have been absolutely loaded with components and raw materials this was a big boost [Music] damn you have a blicky i went back to base to bank and soon we all met up once more someone's at the base hopping around now while spending the night in base we once again heard the recognizable hum of the attack helicopter is that a rocket we need that we need though we need it so bad maybe as we tried to aggro the heli someone else took it down in the tundra by the sewer branch so we tracked over there to contest it the players taking it at either flanked or retreated as wrath looted a powerful m249 from a crate we could pair this with explosive ammo in our raid to make a very potent combo the group that had likely taken the heli was here we were in for a battle let me use this last period i'm down to fight this if you only got him too yeah yep [Music] oh he's in like a barricade wall thing in babadoo one close dad i raced back to rejoin the fray something compound next to me around the base there's a jump up with the m2 and all the remaining gear looted i hopped into a mini heli that these players had presumably arrived in and took off for home wow with a lot of additional weapons we landed back at base and put everything away and our furnaces have been smelting this whole time so we were now beginning to have quite the stockpile of gunpowder the raid on our enemies in the valley was now close at hand oh i'm sorry wood wall with the armored clothes oh my god this is a look at my room mom i'm playing minecraft my chat's named the um the long hallway the love tunnel which makes me really angry i kind of like that we got up to some shenanigans at our base crafted gear for the raid made some art and then grabbed all the explosive ammo we would need to launch our attack what am i doing with everything ready we hopped on our mini heli to fly in and land on their roof i was gonna first bring porgy who had no explosives and who would clear their base now with no resistance yet i picked up ezrath then kira and then rhys how do i want to do this they have an armored door there top their base with little signs of life inside we started blasting in using the m2 we've gotten another one we continued burrowing into the base through the garage doors that led to the roof and it didn't seem like they were online they weren't here to watch their base crumble but we knew that if we didn't hit them now we'd be the ones waking up homeless oh right in the corner after numerous garage doors broken through we reached the first floor can i go there and there it is this was it their core and the boxes were loaded we certainly had made back what we'd spent on the raid plus some i remember this with my inventory packed with top tier loot i flew home to put it away [Music] we'd come very far from cowering inside our home as our enemies rocketed through our roof to plumbing the depths of their enormous base not only were we ensuring our survival but the spinning minute hand of vengeance had come full circle and that felt sweet i hope you enjoyed the video right now i'm live streaming on my twitch so come say hi also make sure to go follow me on my twitter and my instagram and my thumbnail artist too all the links are below in the description this has been your friend wellin at the conclusion of a very satisfying tale i'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Welyn
Views: 2,706,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: welyn, Solo Survival, Rust Solo Survival, Rust PVP Highlights, Survival Games, Rust Gameplay, Rust Funny Moments, Rust raids, rust huge loot, rust plays, rust roleplayer, rust clans, rust solo, rust best start ever, rust fastest start ever, rust solo infiltration, rust solo pvp, rust compound, rust base build, rust jackpot raid, Rust, welyn rust, rust survival, rust movie, rust server, rust streamer, rust pro, rust revenge, welyn revenge, welyn clan
Id: c1zCqLL7xKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 16sec (1876 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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