The Most Raw Scammer Meltdown Ever: Abel Rages

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That was the most epic freakout ive ever seen.

The applebees/apple card part was genius.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 13 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/davidnfilms šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Mar 13 2022 šŸ—«︎ replies

I have a guy at my work that falls for these types of scams every other fucking month. He gets his SSI check of like 1100-1300 bucks and sends it to scammers. He literally had to be banned from every wire check place in the city as the Police (or FBI?) now has a watch on him.

Dude is old and really REALLY dumb. I enjoy when this youtuber wastes these scammers time

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 16 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/SadPenisMatinee šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Mar 13 2022 šŸ—«︎ replies

Kit Boga is a national treasure

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 5 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/ddotevs šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Mar 13 2022 šŸ—«︎ replies

By far his best video so far. It takes massive amounts of patience and composure to keep this up. Good job keeping him on the phone with you instead of innocent victims

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Tigerthe2nd šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Mar 14 2022 šŸ—«︎ replies


šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/dewse šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Mar 14 2022 šŸ—«︎ replies

Iā€™m assuming he lets the scammer do some sort of screen sharing, so then my big question is how does he spoof all the video screens? Or are those added later for the videos? If I were a scammer, I would know something is up if the caller loaded up fake URLs and was using bogus webpages. But these look legit, even the bank account page and then later the Google Play page. When he said the scammer was trying to go through and add his account to the bank account, that seems like something he would have to figure out before the call, so when the scammer clicked a link it went to a usable page. Or is he just using his actual account pages? I feel like Iā€™m missing something obvious.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/mc-edit šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Mar 14 2022 šŸ—«︎ replies

I wish these were edited down. I'm interested but no way I have the time for 45minutes

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/jimmytickles šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Mar 14 2022 šŸ—«︎ replies
i called a scammer who started out very confident but over four days of talking to me he completely lost his composure you'll witness every ounce of hope and joy that this guy had completely disappear and i've never experienced something like that before i can see over here that it's an order for a mecca free total protection renewal it's a renewal are you not using the software anymore here is the story i don't even know what mcfa is i'm not even sure what this is i will just make sure that the software is no longer running on the computer oh all right or it's uninstalled you're a doctor right well yes and no i mean technically speaking in in the technically speaking in most states i'm not licensed uh i i i just have a theoretical degree in physics oh i understand but uh i do so technically i'm not allowed to call them patients but i do you know my my clients do call me dr linda i'm a i'm a relationship counselor all right i i also give uh life advice as the valentine's is coming you might might be pretty busy then [Laughter] we are very busy hey let me ask you how's your relationship with your mother oh it's okay it's rough but it's okay yeah do you want to talk about that or no no no no no that's something i wouldn't i wouldn't talk on this call like i'm i'm not much of a sharer i'm not i'm so sorry but i'm not much of a sharer but it's just that i like i like to i i talk to a lot of different kind of people not charging you know this is the first the first call is free i'm not charging you any money or nothing like that is recorded to be honest oh my god so i know i understand that uh i am not licensed to practice in any state i technically am not a yes doctor but i am licensed uh to sell life insurance and i also hold a degree in theoretical physics okay legally i have to say all that you did you did a good job there that that's pretty good thank you what's a krypto wallet that sounds fancy that is uh that is uh you know cryptocurrency that is like uh bitcoins and stuff if you if you like oh bitcoin yeah i've i remember those i've been thinking about getting back into that because 10 10 years ago 10 years ago i i got i picked some of that up it's pretty much like worthless right it's fake money right that's not fake money uh do you know how much it cost now one bitcoin i don't know when i bought it it was like 10 bucks or something and it was cheap i think i bought like 100 of them yeah now it's like now it's like 120 000 shut up no this don't lie to me like this are you kidding me are you gonna hear me are you gonna share with me one are you okay with me i tell you what if i got 10 20 bitcoin i i ought to give you something right i just got how do i know where it is like how do i get it if you have these many ma'am you are you uh your life would change you you know if you have the your life would change i know that well it's okay good thing i mean i already make a pretty decent amount of money but uh you know that that would be let's see dr linda might not have to uh you know worry about the legal fees anymore if you know what i'm saying maybe i could actually be your doctor we'll see i'm just sending forwarding this to my uh billing team they will go ahead and put a refund request for you okay hold on okay eventually abel asked me to log into my bank account and this is where the scam really takes place he's gonna send money from my checking account to my savings while the screen is hidden then he'll say there was a huge mistake and i need to help him i just want to ask you have you ever been married no actually i i have not why is that god that's a you know that's sort of a little bit of a complicated question i i just want to ask you i mean like i just wanna i just wanna ask you that because uh you know i've been married i didn't know like why i did that but it felt like something to do at that point of time i'm like do you believe we are destined to be with one person all our life let me tell you a story uh that a good close friend of mine once told me there were going to be all sorts of different popcorns uh some butter flavored popcorn some caramel uh oh my god oh my god uh and this friend of mine said to me occasionally ma'am i like to take an extra bow of popcorn it makes the original popcorn not taste as good and and and both the popcorns hello are a little bit less flavorful does that make sense any popcorn off the street and you know i mean imagine you know you're talking about marriage you're talking about a commitment would you just go to a movie theater and reach into a trash can ah ma'am i accidentally sent 29 000 to you from the refund team uh please take a look over there i'm so sorry about that i'm so sorry about that ma'am oh my god i'm go i'm not i'm sure i'm not sure what happened here because i i believe you just i just i instead of sending 298 we just accidentally sent twenty nine thousand dollars eight hundred oh you would see to you ma'am usd uh give me a moment a bigger discount i'm so sorry i'm i don't know what happened just give me a moment okay i need to i need to go ahead and speak to my supervisor regarding this man please give me a moment okay so sorry yeah oh sweet yeah i believe it was it was not this much right no you're keeping the balance can you check it is this what the kids when they say you get ratioed plus l put like dropped off is that is this what they mean yes yes instead of sending you 299 i accidentally uh put 29 800 over there so i need to go ahead and report this please wait ma'am okay please wait i'm sorry ma'am i didn't i didn't wanted you to go no no no no no no no no i might lose my job i might lose my please wait i might i might lose my job because of this please wait please wait please no i'm the king i'm the king to your able okay i'm here for you all right thank you thank you i really appreciate that because we might have to send this back okay so please wait okay please wait i feel i feel really i i don't know i'm having a mixed art i'm like i felt like i was having a great day you know i was speaking with someone new and i i was really connecting it with you it's about like what why i'm like i was like i thought like i was gonna call you tomorrow like from my you know personal extension so that that's that i know that you you it was a mistake all right they will call you about uh about twenty eight thousand dollars uh to buyer that is done from your account all right right so please go ahead and approve that because they are wiring it out of your either wired you know because i feel like this is a ma this is my mistake you know i was talking to you and i i got so much you know i just uh you know got so involved in the conversation i i did a mistake and you know you had to wait i'm so sorry about that wow this is this is a pretty um weird day for me i mean like it's not weird i like it i'm loving it though as abel fumbled through his flirtatious lies he says i'm loving this and while that might have been true because it was the first phone call things only get worse from here so i have these i have these details over here man the next day he gave me his bank account which i then reported to bank fraud professionals is this a swiss bank i'm gonna that is correct ma'am i told him that i couldn't send money outside of the united states so we'd have to figure something else out just tell them i'm trying to send money to a friend i tried sending money through relay i tried sending through wire i'm not able to add him as a recipient i tried so hard i got so far but in the end it doesn't even it doesn't even matter well i'm a lincoln park fan myself okay i love lincoln's lincoln park i tried so hard on too far in the end it doesn't even matter so these are the little that's what i i tried so hard and gone so far in the end it doesn't even matter so it's like that oh so it's like that but you understand this is a big company we you know there are certain protocols they want me to go ahead and you know resolve this in 48 hours in order for me to resolve 48 hours so i just got my the link to the driver's test what road sign does this represent helicopter pad yes hospital yes boss bond yes hotel i mean it's all of them it's it's a hotel helicopter this is no this is one of those trick questions i've read about those they try to get you mixed up because okay stop here for this one pedestrian pedestrian the third one stop here for pancakes well that's that'd be fun no the third one now that for the pedestrian pedestrian but that doesn't make sense because that's isn't the pedestrian on the side it is it is it is it is it is it is it is we had talked for hours but he wanted me to go set up zell in person at my bank i told him the only way i would do it is if he covered for me at my doctor's office her fake office i have a call that i have to take in in like 15 minutes with a new client she's having some relationship problems she's looking for some advice what if i what if i just tell her that you know she's gonna meet for a little bit a preliminary meeting with my assistant or something and i have a question oh my god i'm a mom can you just be my assistant just talk just say all you got to do listen uh let me give you a little let me give you a little secret okay literally google motivational quote you want me to talk to her you want me to talk to her i mean otherwise i i can't go until like six o'clock and i think the bank will be closed okay i'll so yes that's that's what i'm afraid of as well ma'am all right don't worry about how i may i know how long do i have to talk to her maybe an hour okay and don't worry i'll make i'll make sure like she'll be fine right i mean it's gonna be worth it right now because i wanted to come back for a second session if she will she will she will i assure you that i'm i'm good at this don't worry about it you talk to me all day right that's true yeah hi is this um dr linda's office this is abel this is abel hi uh i'm sorry i'm assisting i didn't recognize your number all righty alrighty so um i don't know if you have done this before all right is it your first time like uh speaking out with someone yeah i mean well i guess there's a first time for everything though right oh that's that's true that's true you know the first time for everything and the you know life is all about having those first times because uh the first times are what change our perspective about anything that we do right so uh i so this is just uh i just want to know how your relationship is like you know like what uh first of all how how do you feel in this relationship it seemed like abel really tried to be a doctor he gave an hour long session and you get the sense that he's still confident that the scam is working no i was just thinking like is there a rule about how many boyfriends you can do at the same time but that's no it's fine there's no rule i mean like see if i i feel if you feel like even three boyfriends can't satisfy you at one time there's something wrong in those three i'm telling you i'm telling you an honest thing like i've dated multiple women at times but there was there was something that was lacking in each one of them that i really really craved that was the reason why i kept on going to the other person but as soon as i was it that you what was it that you craved oh i i had mommy issues [Laughter] no i'm just saying like i really wanted i really wanted someone i really wanted someone to listen to me the way i wanted at the end of day two he confesses that he just wants someone who will listen but i have really bad listening skills okay what's your zip code ma'am what's your zip code um i meant to tell you by the way that girl uh kim she she loves you well not like that but she really enjoyed that conversation she said i understand that he's hoping she can book another appointment with you like i'm calling you because this is very important okay if you need to help me out in order for me to you know help me any which way because i'm telling you my boss is after my you know they are like after my life they want they're gonna take out twenty nine thousand dollars from me i don't have that much amount of money with me together to be very honest i believe you might not be able to take out thirty thousand dollars in a bank in a day what we can do you can go to the uh bank of america with drive through services oklahom you can take out ten thousand from your account and i'll go there's a there's a btc machine that is called thing that i'm telling you it's very simple you just have to go ahead and take the money take the money out you can just get the cash from the drive through and i'm gonna give you a a uh you know address basically it's an account you just have to submit the account money on the account it will take five minutes there's this place where you can go get your car washed and they have uh they have a sign that says bitcoin atm right here okay great great that that that will gonna work and you do have the cash flow i always i thought i always thought it was crazy because it's like who goes and gets their car wash and then and then wants to buy bitcoin you understand that i guess in a situation like this it makes sense because my car is dirty yeah and i owe a guy a bunch of money so it's like i can get two things done one more time all right so i'm looking at the screen and let me see if i can okay do you see the option where it says buy hold on it's a bitcoin car wash you know so you can buy uh you can buy you can you you you just have to click on buy and let me just send you the id first okay you can buy with cash or you can buy with an uh wallet id buy with cash you could yes you can uh zero to five hundred five hundred to a thousand and one thousand plus okay one thousand plus uh yeah one thousand plus it says do you want extras double wax wax extra soap anything like that or do i just skip all that skip all the wax and soap okay click on skip do you want a bubble bubble miles plan where each time no no air freshener enter for a chance of free air fresheners for life no i have to select one of these it's either simple option deluxe deluxe super or deluxe super polish and wax i'll just go you think simple is best or should i do no no i think you i think you have clicked the option for car wash okay now it says insert cash into machine okay hold on where's the address i'm looking for the spot to put the address maybe i just have to click next is it is this is it asking for the address uh i thought it was before okay it's got a conversion rate it's kind of showing me 5 000 cash 386 super deluxe okay all right that sounds good do i click next no no no no no just definitely cancel it cancel it it's loading it's loading okay it's spinning right now it's asking me it says congratulations [Music] please enter an email address or phone number or download the app wait it says i just bought 386 car washes i don't want 386 super deluxe car washes ma'am that nobody even works here it's like a fully automated robotic car wash there's people coming through with their cars paying with bitcoin i just bought them hey sir did you do you want to buy a car wash left price that's right no no no no don't drive away god i have 386 it's printing out tickets right now i'm like the car wash queen car wash queen in chicago at this point you're gonna be kidding me linda you did this you did this to me why did you tell me to come here linda blizzard hello three hundred and eighty six super deluxe call us can you hear me with what can you hear me can you hear me your money is not going anywhere okay your money is not going anywhere don't worry about it what do you mean it's not what do you mean it's not going anywhere i just i never received you you're just 386 [Music] linda i i told you i told you already that it's not your fault so you're not going to lose any money okay oh you're going to give me a refund you're not going to lose any money are you going to be able to give me my money back you will get you will get the you will get the refund okay okay just relax i'll call you by myself i'll take care of everything okay okay yeah if you could call i don't know what you need to do but if hold on hold on hey you hey you're about don't you don't you ignore me ma'am listen to me linda yeah what hello yeah it's me it's linda it's me you are supposed to pay us 28 right you were supposed to pay us 28. so five yeah from that hold on believe it listen listen listen listen listen wait please would you please listen to me for a minute before you do anything else can you listen to me yep i must say hey ma'am hey you're with me you're in the truck i beg you i beg you linda listen to me listen to me forget about the other guys [Music] what are we going to do with all the tickets i mean am i going to mail them to you get about it [Ā __Ā ] keep it yes i will i will take care of that later on don't drive away god i think saturday could be a really good day to sell these so are you are you thinking no ma'am you don't have to ma'am you don't have to sell them but what are you gonna try to tell why are you thinking so much when i'm telling you on this recorded line that i am gonna take them you were supposed to buy a ticket you remember you have an appointment with the bank to take out ten thousand cash today right you already have that appointment no we also accept gift cards can you can you pay us back can you pay five can you pay five thousand through gift cards today that's the best way can you pay 5000 by gift card and tomorrow when your wire won't be activated we will go and transfer the rest through the wire how do we do that seems like a very good idea buy you can buy it from cash you can buy from you can buy from cash you can buy from card you can buy from any which way but you might have to go to like two or three different stores to get them because stores have limits can you do that it will solve every problem man it will solve every problem for today okay i love what different people feel love and give love different ways and i'm telling you right now i love language 150 is giving gifts i am all about the gifts like restaurants restaurants we only accept apple card i don't want you to waste the money like you did yesterday we only accept apple cards now if you will buy restaurant cards what will i do with it tell me what will i do with it why are you getting excited would you please listen to me i beg you people why are you getting so time because you're excited ma'am you keep on saying you're not listening to me do you remember which company's card i told you to buy yes for the love of all that is good in the world would you just trust me i'm a doctor well not technically for your employees like applebee's gift cards all right your boss is the one that made the mistake yesterday i don't make mistakes all right mom listen no no you don't have to do that you have to buy apple gift card i'm gonna buy applebee's gift cards do you understand i am listening to you i'm done no i can't no you need to calm down you need to calm down before you call me again i am going to buy the gifts i am going to buy the gift everyone i'll get any kind of cards as i can apple apple d apple c apple b whatever yeah i don't i don't know no i'm not familiar with those is it a grocery store or something maybe that's fine i feel like you're not understanding what i'm saying so you you said to buy five different grocery stores cards what like five different grocery stores where you can get airport now you can get apples no you i didn't get apples you want people to buy apples no man you made a mistake grocery stores where you can buy apples you said i had to go what are you talking about i took your session for an hour i took your station for an hour can you tell uh can you uh can you uh i need to like uh speak with uh um linda for a moment uh were you on phone with her she said something about a friend who needed gifts or something i don't know she seemed really excited i took your attention for an hour you're not even listening to me you're not even listening to me you're running one step ahead of me don't step one on one step ahead of me yesterday your boss i will take care of it i will take care of it i will take care of it i will take care of it but don't make further mistakes so you can please don't make further mistakes i will be dead you can use these or not yes i will use them i will use them i will use them you no no no these are wrong these are wrong i'm gonna correct one more mistake of yours i'm gonna correct one more mistake of yours please don't make further mistakes to put me to correct okay please collect your only strikes ma'am please i beg you i have myself on the recorded line telling you the same thing that you need to buy apple gift cards and one store will only give you two so you have to go to five sorry no there's a guy there was a guy over there getting a nevermind please he's getting okay he's listening to me for a moment he's looking at the anniversary he's listening to me please listen to me ma'am ma'am forget about that guy listen to me ma'am please listen to me ma'am please listen to me yeah i am right now on the verge of crying i'll cry i'll cry right now i'll cry right now ma'am wow i'll cry right now congratulations please i bet yeah hey hap happy yeah happy anniversary to you both 10 years old yeah [Ā __Ā ] hey you want a gift card for you want to give that mom i got i got no use for these no no no no no no no no no no no don't don't don't don't hello hello hello hello hello hello hello linda kroger hello hello linda linda listen to me hello i got he's like an elderly old man 10 10-year anniversary apparently he was like at one point he was so happy linda listen hello hello ma'am why did you give him the card why did you give him the card i gave him three paint a couple of the tickets why why why i mean you said that you were gonna take care of it i assumed i was gonna get a refund is it no you have to give it to me first you have to give it to me i didn't know where he went are you crazy why did you give it to him did i told you to give it to him you're supposed to give it to my company why did you give it to him hello he's a fast old man i have no clue where he is you said you were gonna take care of you are you [Ā __Ā ] linda listen to me before you really mess this even more would you listen to oh my god i think i see him i think i see him hold on hold on no forget about that guy forget about that guys forget about those linda forget about those linda forget about those he's walking up the stairs he's walking up those two linda listen to me forget about it forget about it the security alarms going off and they got the security guys coming over i got to deal with this i'm uh i got to deal with this okay okay okay okay deal with this okay wait i'm calling you in 10 minutes okay it's crazy this is what am i supposed to tell them it's man forget about it forget about it take care of it i'll take care of it linda i'll take care of it forget about those three those cards okay ma'am i'm crying right now please listen to me you ask me something and then you don't even listen to me you ask me a question and then you keep on speaking yourself i'm really really crack right now what because now i'm right now because you're not even listening to me you asked me a question and you don't let me answer you mad you're not i'm not mad ma'am i'm i'm really crying because i don't want you to make another mistake you said you'd come to my house to end if you don't do this today try to understand i i i i can go back i can go back to the store i'll try to go back to the store and get the cards okay yes yes and buy and can you buy two apple gift cards from there buy two apple gift cards god it's been such a you know it's been such a stressful week did i that i completely forgot can you turn on okay i'm supposed to do can you turn on your computer yeah you turn on your computer yeah let's have a breather let's talk okay and let's do this and just you know make sure that we you know we have a good thing okay okay let's talk it out no yeah i i i'm glad because i'm on the computer i'm glad you said breather because honestly i like i have been so busy with you this past week that i almost completely forgot i'm supposed to be speaking at a conference remember i told you i'm going to a club i'm going to a conference this weekend i'm supposed to fly out i just wanted to turn on the computer and open your google chrome yep yeah open the google chrome let me know once it's open when i was at 7 11 i you know i asked them if they had the the apple they only had uh they only had a hundred dollar apple they had a they had one where you could load up to 500 on the on the google and so i i went with my gut and i i was like well you know i asked the guy at the register can you can you do do tech companies that's a good one companies use that did i make a mistake or did i have it with you no no that's good that's good that is good oh i just saw something pop up on my screen i don't know if you can hear i don't know if you can hear me i'm i'm typing it on the computer for you if you could get on there i cannot see it on the computer ma'am listen to me please why are you not listening to me i got you i thought you're not listening to me i got you i literally shouting i'm literally shouting right now ma'am yeah you don't need to shout take a breath i gotta hey abel i have the uh i don't know if you heard me before i have one of the codes the uh i got i got this is a 500 [Music] no [Music] you don't have to do that mom you don't have to do that you don't have to do that why did you redeem it why did you redeem it why did you do it man why did you do this hello hello hey baby hello you have to redeem this you did not have to redeem this ma'am you did not have to redeem this why did you do it i think the phone did you do it no no you did not have to redeem this why did you do this why did you do this this is added to you now you see what you did wait wait wait wait what you said do you see do you see what you did do you see what you did do you see what you did 500. i told you not to do it isn't i thought this is what you you put it on your own account you will use money to yourself you get this to yourself you take this to yourself wait you send them how do i give it to you okay how do i give it to you can i send it to you i can get another one i have to go to the store anyway i because i got a trip i have to i have to get on the plane you just spend 500 you listen to me you listen to me you just spend i gotta go to the store anyway and put it back to your account you just spent 500 and you put it back to your account i know what you did how do i give it to you there's got to be a way i can read that to me you listen listen i'm telling you you just had to read that quote to me you just have to give that quote to me verbally on the phone you don't have to put it on the computer you just do you see what it says 500 dollars have been added to your balance able i'm gonna i can go to the store for you i can get calm down i you did something good you did something good for the first time first time you did something good and see what you did in excitement see what you did in excitement just look in front of your eyes look in front of your eyes this is what you did in excitement this is what you did anyway so this is i did a good wither this is good this is good you just added no this is bad this card was good but you were not supposed to redeem it well how do i send it to you okay how can i send it to you though because i added it to my balance is it like paypal is it is it like paypal can i just oh no can i send it to you no no you just ma'am now give me your email give me your email and and then i i i can send it to you right now now i don't have a google account i don't have a google account listen to me you have to just read out the code to me you just have to read out the code on the back of the card to me on the phone you just have to give me the code you just redeemed your code to yourself you just redeemed it for yourself how would i read you it for me to redeem it you have to give it to me i thought why are you running one step ahead why are you running one step ahead why are you being smart why are you trying to run one step ahead why this is the last mistake this is the last mistake i cannot go ahead and spend money from my pocket for your mistakes every time i know i cannot i cannot i'm already taking care of thousand dollars now i have to take care of fifteen hundred dollars get these google play cards i need you to give me i will try today i have to pick my plate listen my plane leaves in a couple hours so i have to get back i have to pack mom and i help you with the cards you have to give me these cards you have to give me you have to give me five of these cards i i why did you do this why did you do this why did you just did this you were trying to tease me are you trying to tease me you're trying to tease me you just have to say it on the phone you don't have to put it on your computer you just have to say it on the phone goddamn phone you have to just say the number to me can you make it good okay listen take a breath take a breath take a breath ma'am no i cannot no what if you make a googler free no it doesn't cost you any money and then i can send it to you i can send it to you no no i don't i will not share my personal email with you i will not share any info with you right i just i'm i got a pack no no no no no no no that's not what i said what i said you don't have to put um you don't have to put them on the computer you have to get the cards and just read the code to me you just have to tell me the code on the phone please don't make a mistake i please don't make a mistake i don't understand you don't you you can get a new job no okay please listen to me i'm calm down you have to get five cards google play or apple no other no other card okay please listen to this one thing very seriously no other card it either has to be a google play card or either it has to be an apple card that's it you have 2500 of card please i beg you i beg you okay okay you need to talk sessions i don't want session i don't want that i don't want that i want you whatever i wanted you're not giving me you're not giving me i told you to give me this card i told you to read it to me you put them and you put the money to yourself i i i thought that i thought you're getting what i'm saying you're getting you get accepted you get excited and you do something and you just spoil everything you just spoil everything i don't even remember i told you not to do it i told you not to put that on the computer told you not to put it on the computer i told you not to put it on the computer because you don't listen i i no no ma'am you don't know it things right try to understand you are smart you are an intelligent person but try to understand it's sometimes good to listen to others it's some time in life it's good to listen to others i know you're an intelligent person i know you're a smart person but i am bad i thought that i was doing everything right okay i'm packing no i know you know why do you think hey do you think i'm stupid do you think i'm stupid do you think i'm stupid if i'm telling you to do something trying to help you all right ma'am no just no i from my pocket for you so you did not do anything so i need you to go out right now i will i'm almost done and i have to run to the airport okay they will not give you five cards ma'am one store will not give you five cards one jeez after i hung up the phone abel called me all night and the last words that i ever heard from him is this voicemail that i don't even think he meant to leave um [Music] he talks to his friend about how he couldn't get the card for me because the computer was completely locked his friend seems to console him and say that he might be able to get the cards another way but abel is completely defeated and i never heard from him again all their phone lines were disconnected and now all i have left is the memory of abel shrieking in pain realizing that he wasn't going to get anything and i hope he realizes that that is what he did or would have done to any victims that he scanned i hope that he quit and that he and his friend realized it's just not worth it but i don't know so please share this video with your friends and family i think it's really important to learn about these skins if you didn't catch it somewhere around the 36 minute mark is a bone chilling shriek i really think this is one of the best scam beats that i've ever been a part of the twitch community was a huge help during this it was all streamed live and actually i wouldn't even have redeemed the gift cards if some of my moderators hadn't encouraged me to i was worried that if i pulled out the google play card he might hang up on me the full unedited 10 hours will be available on the more kid boga channel in a day or two i think it gives you a much better glimpse of how he's shifted from confident to completely destroyed anyway i hope you enjoyed this and had a chance to laugh at abel's misfortune as always know that you are valuable and you matter i'll see in the next video bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Kitboga
Views: 1,930,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scambait, scam, prank call, call center, robo calls, fraud, improv, social engineering, voice actor, tech support, kitboga abel, why did you redeem, kitboga angry scammer, angry scammers, scammer meltdown, scammer rage, extreme scammer rage, scamming the scammer, kitboga bitcoin carwash, bitcoin carwash, bitcoin scam prank, live scambaiting, gift card scam, scammer, angriest scammer, raging scammer, do you see what you did, do not redeem, you didn't have to redeem it
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 19sec (2839 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 12 2022
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