The Most Powerful Demons? The Overlords of Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel Explained!

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in has been hotel and hell of a boss the term overlord is a bit of a catch-all term it can be used to reference anyone from the king of hell himself lucifer all the way down to an earth-born sinner who conquers enough territory in the pride ring for today's video we will not be discussing the overlords from any separate royal class like the seven princes or the ars goatia instead our focus will be on the earth born sinners and even the natural-born natives of hell who seemingly rose to power in their own unique ways my name is deepcut welcome back to cartoon universe and before we jump into it i just want to talk about the sponsor today's video rage shadow legends raid shadow legends is an online game available for both pc and your mobile devices that has everything you want and a fantasy adventure with over 600 champions to make your team awesome stories that your characters can get wrapped up in and options to play both against the computer as well as other players around the world 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overlords we know their torture was broadcast over the radio waves which is something that alistair seemingly has control over with his power it is likely that they are either imprisoned in some way even if only in some pocket dimension that alistair seems to have access to it is also possible he had access to an angel's weapon early on however and used that to kill the overlords as that is the only way we know to kill earthborn sinners who are otherwise immortal we do not know who these overlords were or what they ruled over but their absence left room for new overlords to rise up in the 1900s this started with vox who died when television was just starting to take off in america and he was able to take that knowledge with him to hell and create his own industry around it unlike alistar who believes that life peaked when he was alive and therefore thinks of anything coming after the radio as just being a passing fad vox believed in changing with the times and helped use his resources to raise other overlords into positions of power and take over new markets like the adult film industry and social media vox did this with the help of valentino and velvet who are known collectively as the three v's and have something of a surrogate family bond going with vox and valentino acting as fathers to velvet when it comes to alistar he is supposedly only an overlord as a technicality as he doesn't actually crave power that being said he does seem to have control over an industry similarly to the 3vs the radio we don't know what if anything that he does with his power over the radio other than perhaps forcibly removing songs and shows that he doesn't like from the airwaves using it as more of a personal radio instead of an industry he can exploit for money or power but that's just me theorizing right now alistair doesn't seem to get along with the 3vs particularly vox but he is friends with another overlord known as rosie so far we only see a glimpse of her here and there in the pilot once in vague's montage about the overlords and a small moment at the very beginning of the pilot after the annual extermination there we kinshishi is crossing out the name of franklin on a sign that reads franklin and rosie's emporium we don't know who franklin is but she seems happy about his passing rosie will have a larger appearance later in the series and is supposed to even have a singing duet with alistair despite some misconceptions about her power level early on it seems to have been clarified that rosie is actually one of the more powerful overlords in hell and is a natural born overlord in the background of has been hotel we can see a lot of family photos throughout the hotel that include charlie with her parents the king and queen of hell in some photos we see a second family that vivziepop has confirmed to be a sort of family friend of the main family these are natural-born eldritch based demons and charlie even dated the son of that family sophiathan vivziepop describes them as new money with charlie's family being traditional royalty the two connect because of their shared power and the ways that they can help one another vizzipop says that if she ever gets to tell her fully planned story of about three seasons for has been hotel she would like to do future seasons that focus more heavily on the von eldridge family and their lore we get a look at a lot of overlords we don't know much about during vague's history lesson about alistar toppling over the previous overlords one of these demons is the spider-looking demon who we will for now call zestiel in a previous video i had mistaken this character for the father of the von eldridge family that we just discussed but after a closer look these are two completely different characters and it's hard to find any information about this one according to various fans who were around a lot during the development stages of has been hotel and its live streams his name is zestiel we see zestiel sitting in a room as the city begins to come out of hiding after the annual extermination in the has been hotel pilot in this room the windows are being opened by a female demon that many presume to be his wife this female demon can also be seen on the opposite side of the screen in the montage featuring alistair and the overlords in that same room we can just barely make out the silhouettes of a strange demon with one eye and a weird looking tail this appears to be the demon at the very top of the overlords pyramid during the montage who fans currently believe to be named zilla she also made a quick appearance at the bar early in the pilot as well some fans speculate that this pyramid of overlords is actually indicative of the power level of all of these demons with the demons at the top being the most powerful which would make zilla the most powerful overlord that we know of this would make sense considering that this figure in the background that these three overlords are surrounding appears to be none other than lucifer himself as indicated not just by his general shape but the little apple shaped top of his cane something we can see more clearly in his family portrait in the hotel as the king of hell and the prince of the pride ring it would make sense that he would have the most powerful of the overlords in his pocket both native hellborn and earthborn sinners there are two overlords we see in the pyramid that look a bit like stolus leading many to believe that they are also part of the ars croatia stolus is just one prince among 72 important demons in the nobility of the goatisha but as far as i am aware he is one of if not the only owl based demon with each demon being pretty unique in the actual rsgoasia that the has been hotel and hell of a boss arts galatia is based off of that being said the two shows have shown a lot of other owl demons that look similar to stolos not just in his immediate family but as guests at their mansion and also just in the background so at the end of the day we don't know whether these are natural-born sinners native-born demons or even royal birds like in the arsgoasia before we go i also want to talk about the idea that some overlords seem to have their title due to acquired territory the has been hotel instagram accounts we can see that serpentis the serpent demon trying to conquer the part of the city under the pentagram and the pilot has something of an obsession with the overlords and it becomes clear that the reason he's trying to take over this place is to be seen as one of them with cherry apparently wanting the area for herself as well as the title of overlord as well neither of them are particularly naturally powerful the way we see that a lot of overlords are but it helps highlight how fluid the term overlord is within the show as it just means really anyone who has power in any way shape or form that they might whether through raw magic acquired territory running industries or any combination of these three so far the overlords are mostly just figures we've seen in the background but ones we know have been developed for more important storylines later on and if it's one thing we know about vivipop it is that she really knows how to write great characters so i'm excited to see how these characters get flashed out once the show is in the works thanks again to raid shadow legends for sponsoring this video make sure you check out the link down below so you can play the game as well see you guys there
Channel: Cartoon Universe
Views: 244,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hazbin hotel, helluva boss, hazbin hotel overlords, helluva boss overlords, hazbin hotel rosie, hazbin hotel alastor, hazbin hotel charlie, hazbin hotel lucifer, hazbin hotel spoilers, hazbin hotel episode 2, habzin hotel lore, hazbin hotel hierarchy, hazbin hotel explained, helluva boss explained, helluva boss stolas, helluva boss goetia, helluva boss characters, hazbin hotel characters, hazbing hotel ending explained, helluva boss teaser, helluva boss episode 7
Id: 37_LPda-5NM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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