The Most Overkill PS4 Controller RGB Mod!

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this is probably one of the most over the top and ridiculous months I can do in a controller but I am personally in love with it and I want to show you how I did it this is the extreme rate D TFS led kit extreme it reached up to the channel and seeing as you guys spoke so highly of them we've talked about some ideas and landed on this is a video idea and this is my trusty ps4 controller it's the original one that came included with my ps4 Pro and seeing as I feel familiar enough with the insides of these things we're gonna be putting my own stuff at risk here how quick prerequisite note this RGB can't only works with the newer controllers you can tell if yours is a newer one by the light right here or just check to see if the model number matches mine alright let's open her up and see what's inside so the kit comes with a few things we have the main wiring so scary a giant fold-out instruction guide we won't be needing this clear joysticks d-pad buttons and triggers it also comes with a touchpad piece but not too sure what this is useful for but I guess we'll figure it out it also comes with tools but you know what we do with these why because that's why link in the description if you want to get yourself one of these it's my favorite tool kit in the world alright so we got four screws in the back of the controller we need to take off first next we just apply some pressure on both ends until the whole thing starts to fall apart just like my last relationship fortunately for you at least this can be put back together alright don't pull too hard you're still the wire plugged in but thankfully can be pulled out with very little effort the battery just held on by some double-sided tape you can replace this battery with a bigger capacity battery too if you want a link in the description so this black bracket holds everything tightly together and once we unplug the touchpad the whole thing should just fall out we'll get back to this later now let's get to the fun part replacing the buttons please be cautious if we're seeing these buttons I saw one guy accidentally confused a circle and square buttons while installing these don't do that now this touchpad is strange I didn't even know you could remove this okay I got it there's little hooks on the side you just pull and lift and they just come off really easily see just like that all right now that that's done let's get into the more intricate stuff the joysticks just kind of pull off as do the l1 and r1 triggers the r2 and l2 triggers are a little bit weirder however I'm trying my best to show off how you're supposed to pull them off all right now for the wiring this looks terrifying to be honest but it starts making sense want to take a longer look at it so there's this hole here and that's gonna make contact with something I don't know I'm not a nerd and these contacts with the lighting know when you're pressing buttons on the controller why is that important I'll show you later now the triggers you put these on first before anything else and then you just kind of fold them down until they sit flush again I'm trying my best here for you to be able to see exactly what I'm doing all right everything looks good so far so we can start putting things back together again now the joystick lighting comes with adhesive on the bottom already be cautious of where the wiring lies test how it feels with the joist looks a few times just to make sure that you can click in all the way move it around make sure that it just feels right because otherwise it can be moving and game really difficult looks like I'm gonna have to readjust but that's fine all right oh by the way if this ends up happening to you where the vibration wiring accidently gets ripped off from the board don't worry you just solder back on really quickly see no problem it'll all right so it's time to start putting everything back together so the touchpad water needs to go through this hole right here it's gonna take a few tries so just be patient if you have something I've noticed that tweezers tend to help a lot make sure it's plugged in all the way in and at this point I will check the front to make sure that everything looks good and so far so good and look the little connector made it through oh and Nick you by the way look at all the buttons that are left over after this budget it's kind of neat alright we're almost done one last step here so surprisingly none of this plastic is held in with any screws only tape it makes it really easy to just pull everything out the charge report is held in with only one screw and it just pulls right out this new charge report has a couple modifications on it and most importantly it provides a connection from the lights to the battery so could all be powered seamlessly so the thin line is gonna go to this little slot right here I had a bit of trouble plugging this in because it just kept moving around I recommend some double-sided tape if you have it it makes it way easier to plug this thing in and the bigger cable goes to where the charging port was originally connected I'm gonna put in the bracket at this point now these last two wires is what brings this whole project to life the one on the left goes to the battery port and the one on the right goes to the battery nice now we just put it back in place and we can finally close everything back up just make sure that no wires get caught in between the scene is while you're closing it up make sure everything feels right and then you can close it up now and medically this mod already looked great but looking at it in the middle of the day I just don't feel it does it any justice so let's come back at night and see how it looks okay it's a little later in the day now and man this thing is just so pretty in the night time I love the way it looks I was playing around with it a little bit and I think I figured out how this whole thing works so let me go and show you so turning on the controller immediately switches on all the lights funnily enough if you press a place it should button lightly enough the lights will flash on but the ps4 won't turn on no we change the color to super simple we just hold l1 and square for like three or four seconds until you see the d-pad flashing that'll let you know you're in color changing mode then you just tap right on the d-pad to cycle through what colors you want you got like cyan you got like red you've got magenta all that stuff it also has a gradient mode that just cycles through all the colors blinking mode I I don't know why you would want this or if you just hit fun you can just turn it off completely then once you pick your color for the d-pad you just tap l1 and squared to go to the next area did you pick out your color they need to repeat that around the entire controller till you get something you like get creative with it you know get a theme going once you're done you can just do the l1 and squared thing again for a few more seconds and you're controlling ready to go now while I like the idea of being able to cycle through the colors something just feels off about not being able to cycle back once you pass a color you got a cycle all the way through until you get back to the color that you want lastly I'm not a super big fan of the action buttons the design is fine I guess but I just feel it would have been cool if it was just you know the actual buttons I don't know do you guys prefer the design on the buttons or am I just crazy let me know anyways there it is another project all done well not perfect I am really happy with the finished product the colors look slick and in terms of battery life I am seeing a dip but it's not as much as I expected I'm getting about 4 to 5 hours with it before I have to charge it up again this is a super new project and it's good for an afternoon's worth of fun it's just nice to have a super unique look to your controller that you know that no one else has this is definitely going to be something that I'm gonna be proud of showing off when I have friends over I'm gonna have a link to where you can buy this market down in the description if you're interested and let me know what you think about the market do you love it you hate it did you watch the entirety of this video with absolutely zero intention of actually doing this yourself let me know consider leaving a like if you enjoyed the video and I'm gonna have some other videos right here if you want to check them out and thank you for watching you
Channel: Dammit Jeff
Views: 4,229,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DTFS LED Kit by eXtremeRate, PS4 Rgb mod, ps4 modded controller, Dualshock 4, DS4, Add rgb to your controller, PS4 controller mod, PS4 mod kit guide, led ps4 controller, make controller light up ps4, PS4, Playstation mod, ps4 controller led mod, custom ps4 controller, tech repair, tech asmr, RGB mod is it worth it, extremerate ps4 controller dtf led kit
Id: -ozb2vItB2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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