I Put RGB Lights in my PS5 Controller

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this mod is the best way to show off that you're better than everyone that's right we're doing a ps5 rgb controller mod best part is there's no soldering needed it can be done in under an hour and it costs less than 30 stick around to the end of the video because i'm gonna be giving away this very controller to one of you guys and be sure to leave a like and consider subscribing if you enjoy the video and it starts with this extreme rates gtf ps5 led kit i was super excited when i found out they released this i reached out to extreme rate and they were kind enough to sponsor this video and this is my white dual sense controller that came with my launch ps5 it's fine but i wanted to do this mod on something with a little bit more style that's why i bought a brand new matte black dual sense controller i bought this solely for this project so if i mess up best buy i'm sorry but you're getting returned to busted controller alright but first let's see what we get inside the kit opening the box we're greeted with the led wiring which looks very different a one-year warranty card that's nice spare screws along with a transparent d-pad joysticks buttons and the tools you'll need to complete this project i usually don't like these but we'll see how far we can get with them this time all right let's open up this brand new control that we're going to sacrifice modify my comments have been telling me that they fear this mod might be harder to do than the ps4 controller mod but it's actually the opposite this process is much simpler okay let's get started first we need to take off this joystick cover here so we're gonna grab our blue opening tool then just jam it in between the seam they're only held in by clips so it's really easy to take out all right just two more clips right next to the headphone jack and it's out as you can see it's really easy to pop this thing off and back on again uh there's actually a bunch of different colors you can replace this piece with i'll link it in the description if you find something that you like all right next are the bumper buttons we're only removing the two buttons so don't worry you'll see why soon see unlike the ps4 controller that had the screws just exposed on the back of the controller the dual sense controller hasn't hidden behind the bumpers and the feet of the controller by the way these are all the same size so don't worry about getting them mixed up okay there are two more clips that need to be unlatched uh these won't click at all so just pull them back until they're not touching the inside of the controller anymore you can always bend them back in later after that there's nothing holding on to the back of the controller so don't be afraid to pull it off and we're in this is the inside of your dual size controller it's pretty right okay time to start unplugging stuff first we disconnect the microphone and the headphone jack use tweezers if you need to it definitely helped me a bit the battery surprisingly isn't held in by anything this time around how strange looks like sony decided to just cheap out on the double-sided tape this generation okay so now do you see how the triggers are just one giant piece now that's likely because of the new haptic triggers either way we need to unplug them now these are really firmly in there so don't be afraid to be a little rough with them don't worry they're into that there's two screws holding in the frame and after that we can slowly lift up the motherboard these joysticks have a really interesting history they were originally marketed by sony as undriftable two more screws holding the frame and after that the whole controller finally starts to fall apart we'll get to this part later but for now let's just focus on the buttons these buttons all have notches so they can only go in one way [Music] a little fun fact about the buttons on the dual sense while the buttons like the triangle and the square have regular rounded buttons the circle button is the only button that stays sloped to fit with the contour of the controller well xtreme took note of this detail and replicated it so the buttons don't feel off how's that for attention to detail all right the buttons are done at this point i'd recommend putting your old parts back in the box you're not going to want to lose these okay on to the wiry well i really want to call it wiring honestly it's it's super duper simple the joysticks just pop off with very little effort so i'm going to try and explain how the wiring on the controller works this paper thing is looped into the back of the controller and the context of this ribbon is making contact with the motherboard here which sends inputs back to the ps5 so what the spotted wiring is going to do is intercept those inputs so we can use them to adjust our rgb settings i'll show you how this works later don't worry so we're going to bring the ribbon and loop it around the exact same way starting to make sense now there's little notches on the front of the controller so that way it doesn't move around with the ps4 mod the wiring was super flimsy and it was hard to keep down so i had to use double-sided tape to hold it down well it seems he agreed it was a problem too so now this adhesive now on the side thank goodness there's also less wiring in general now which makes for a much easier install after installing the joysticks we're done the mod is pretty much finished now it's just a matter of putting it all back together now one thing i hate about some videos is that they take something apart and then they never show you how to put it back together so i'm going to be the change i want to see in the world then show you how to put it all back together after putting the front shell and the motherboard back together we put back our two screws holding it all together now we plug back in the headphone jack the touchpad and the haptic triggers at this point i plug in the microphone too okay last step here everything falls onto these two wires the first plug goes to the battery port and the second plug goes to the battery oh man it's looking great already all right now the last four screws are in all we need to do now is now all that's left is the joystick cover i would angle it in there push in then down until you hear it click and finally the bumpers and we're done i'll be honest it already looks really great right now but let's go somewhere a little bit darker to really see how it came out [Music] okay it's night time now the mod's all hooked up now let me show you how to use it all we do is hold up right and square for three seconds and then the lights are going to turn on [Music] then you can use up and square for another three seconds and the controller will start blinking that's how you know you're in color changing mode then you can use the right button on the d-pad to show off what colors you want there's eight different colors plus a mode where they show off all the colors in a loop pick something you like as one color is going to cover the entire controller and once you find a nice color holding up and square will exit you out of the menu and there you go a ps5 rgb controller mod that takes less than an hour to install and looks fantastic a couple notes there's no trigger lights on this mod unfortunately i suspect that might be because of the complete redesign of the way that they work now due to the haptic triggers but maybe one day they might be able to figure that out also i realized that this mod kit doesn't have the ability to change the color of the individual areas on the controller but i assume that's likely because of the price point the battery life is alright thankfully too only about an hour lost with the mod enabled but worst case you can always disable it if you like still it looks really nice and well i'd love to keep it with me i'd love it even more to be able to give it to one of my subscribers so here's what we're gonna do okay first this giveaway is completely ran by me though this video is sponsored this has nothing to do with extreme rate i paid for the controller i'm paying for the shipping so this is all me i'm gonna leave a link in the description where you can enter to win this exact controller the contest is open from october 1st to october 31st 2021 at 11 59 pm and is us only also if you wanted to try this mod yourself i'm going to leave a link in the description to where you can buy this mod kit yourself finally remember to like this video and subscribe to the channel and let me know what you thought of this mod do you love it do you hate it how does it look compared to the ps4 rgb controller mod did you watch the entirety of this video with absolutely zero intention of doing this yourself again really two times are you serious check out some more of my videos over here and thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Dammit Jeff
Views: 1,445,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: F4HgUGoE1jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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