The Most Nail-Biting Greater Rift I've Ever Played SSF HC

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[Music] hi everyone it's rex and i want to bring you what i think is the most nail-biting greater rift i have ever played ever in my entire career this season i am playing hardcore solo self-found which means if my character dies it's gone forever and the solo cell found means i have to play by myself there's no benefits of grouping for more experience there's no trading i'm on my own for everything uh the class that i have the most experience on is barbarian i push it every season i push whirlwind i'm extremely familiar with the build but one thing about the way i play it is i play it very dangerously i play it to where i can die in softcore normally and i don't know any other way to play it it's how i've always played it so a few days ago i noticed that the barb leaderboards were not being treated the way i wanted them to be treated and hardcore and i said i bet you i could make a bar and potentially just go for rank one well a few days later i have this bar built and i had a big decision to make do i make my build differently or play differently or do i go the full send and wear even squirts necklace all the dangerous stuff i would normally do all the damaging stuff i would normally normally go for the way i'm used to playing i said you want to know what i'm a bit under geared i'm under leveled i don't have the right guns that i normally push with even though i'm on hardcore and even though it might cost me my entire character i'm going to full send it and go with my full power and open up the rank one tier essentially straight away this is that video i will not spoil the surprise for you but it's gonna come down to the wire as you see me taking massive massive damage all the time from these guys i have a cheat death my follower has a cheat death but there are a lot of things that can go horribly wrong and well spoiler things are going to go horribly wrong and it's either going to be rank 1 or death by the end of the video anyway i spawned a power so i'm muttering to myself well i would normally bring everything to the power and try to one shot it with the power i'm already taking insane damage and i'm gonna add another elite from the pylon but you want to know what i didn't come this far to play like a baby i'm going to bring it all together and try to not get one shot as you see my health bar just there in the bottom right corner of my webcam getting smashed and by the way the reason why my webcam looks a little bit off is because i was showing the stream sammy my cat she was sitting on my mouse right before i did this push i forgot to put the camera back up so there's a nice view of the hoodie there but uh it's about to get very interesting so i'm getting essentially murdered by these elites but i'm still alive i haven't died yet i'm feeling a right about this power pylon and now that a couple of elites are alive we are at least one floor into this madness but uh if i'm gonna have another crack at barb i'm definitely going to change some things and go with a little bit more survivability because this uh full send mode is uh not very not very good for hardcore anyway i've got a couple of elites left i can kill them they're both jugs i was wondering how they were still alive but of course we got two jugs already never lucky but we do have a bit of a lead which is not too bad and we'll be able to kill this guy and go forward one of the most unfortunate things about this push here is i was only able to find two grandfathers and one of them was really bad and the other one was i am quite certain the worst grandfather anyone has ever found in the history of the universe so the grandfather that i'm using here my ethereal the main weapon is quite bad anyway well one floor down slight lead and we may have another pylon on the next map we will see what it is but i'm hoping for something really good what do we have we have a conduit which of course is the best pylon on a what seems to be summoner charger archives summoner charger is a pretty good mob type i'm not complaining about that but this map is horrible right now for that conduit i'm only going to kill two elites the blue right here at the door and the nemmed elite from the conduit and that is not the conduit that i'm hoping for but i guess maybe it's the conduit i deserve anyway i can't really find much here so i guess i'll just manually kill this little tiny trash i was hoping to find another elite to zap down but it doesn't look like that's going to happen i will take the time to kill most of this little trash that way my conduit will be zapping the elites because remember conduit has a maximum number of targets it can zap at a time and then we should be okay to move forward here i was muttering to myself that with any luck we may be able to find a third elite up ahead if we zap these two elites fast enough but in general this is the world's worst conduit so we take it and pray well at least it's not a jug i can drag him up i got the elites together pretty quickly that's good the blue is gone and now it's just a matter of picking up these grapes very strategically while dodging all the arcane beams i do not take for granted how hard i can get hit at this tier with the current state of my barb okay so i'm out of rage it's not going great i really wanted to kill that bull right there give it a little zap move on forward all i see is trash this is not looking very good oh and we have a shield pylon well that's good i still have a little bit of condi left that will allow me to kill a lot of this elite and then i should be able to finish it off with the shield pylon right now i'm thinking like i'm a genius for using squirt's necklace right that's exactly why i'm wearing this so if i get a shield pile on i can have double damage well what seems like a brilliant idea on one floor may not seem like a brilliant idea on the next we'll have to see what happens so anyway we are here fighting these corrupted angels i've still got my shield pylon so i know from playing this map that up there that has to be the end so i make a decision that i'm going to kill these corrupted angels with this shield the reason why is if next map is really dangerous and something goes horribly wrong this will give me a map or a floor to come back to to stay alive i do not want to lose this barb i just spent several days making this barb out of nothing to try to do this clear i do not want to die so let's go next we have a speed i don't want that we have a cave and we have big bogans i i don't know how this could have been any worse a blue cave is one of the worst maps in the game and bogans do that charge thing which hit extremely hard so i am not happy at all right here um yeah i mean i'm gonna use this shield to try to get these blues as low as i possibly can thank god for flavor of time giving me a two minute shield it's gonna allow me to kill those opening bogans and then this blue but then i'm essentially challenged through navigating through a big bogan cave and their charges i'm i'm pretty sure under the right circumstances can just start one-shotting me add a couple of leads to the mix and it's not going to be good i thought very seriously about taking the speed and running through it but the shield pylon is down and let's see what we can do here so let's move on forward i don't need that much progress to spawn the rift guardian and i think to myself all right since this is such a dangerous mob type i'm barely gonna pull anything i'm just gonna sit right here and be nice and safe and kill them slowly but surely this is certainly the play oh i just got charged hit me for half of my health right there luckily the monsters didn't follow it up with anything and they let me heal myself back up to full okay not a big deal we're good i just need to kill these big bogans slowly i know this is going to drain some of my time but i do not want to walk forward and encounter an elite and a bunch of other mobs and have these big bogans follow me and then all of a sudden i'm in tremendous danger i'm just not interested in it okay so here we go 96 pretty much have this one in the bag easy right well same story here i'm just going to kill a couple of bogans here the little bogets can't do anything to me it's these big bogans that can hurt me so badly but if i kill them slowly but surely we should be just fine so here we go just working on the bogans they don't seem to want to charge me when i'm in melee range of them that's good nice and easy coasting to the guardian just how i like it okay 99 never easy you do a little bit more should be fine at this point now those spear throwing guys and the little boggits are worth about nothing so i thought i would have to get a little bit of a pack to actually get them down but they're dead and now we are fighting agnadox the first thing i say when agnedoc spawns is this is probably the worst spot to fight agnadox ever i'm in the dead center of blue cave and let's just see what happens so in the beginning he's he's hurting me pretty badly and his attacks ramp up in frequency and in power as he gets lower but i'm doing okay for now i dodged his pepperoni there i'm just trying to stay on him and i've got squirt's necklace so there's kind of a catch 22 here if i let him continuously hit me he takes my squirt's necklace off and i don't take as much damage but if i dodge everything that he does then my squirts necklace builds up and then he hits me for a massive amount bam there's the first cheat death and what i'm going to do now is i'm going to stop talking and i'm going to take you to the audio of what happens next and yeah just listen in and let's see what happens agnidok stop that i'm not hitting agnadox so i'm not resetting my wrath of the berserker is the problem here both sheet desks down and my wrath is down i have to stay on agnadox if i get off of him i'm gonna die well this is exciting okay if you saw what just happened there agnedocs procked both of my cheat deaths and took me to one percent hp or something like that i don't know how low that was but i was a kiss away from death my cheat death is back up and my wrath is back up i proc my band of might boom instantly procs my cheat death again okay back through the portal i go i don't know if you guys could hear how hard i was breathing there i was still focused and concentrating which is probably the only reason i got out of there alive but i have not had my heart race like that playing diablo ever it's just a unique thing that hardcore brings to you and this has taught me a valuable lesson that i should probably take my survivability a little bit more seriously instead of just going in with my full damage build that i'm used to from softcore anyway luckily we're going to have a happy ending here we dive in we stomp him down and all we have to say to s agnadox who tried so hard to kill us is sayonara we got the rank one demon hunter and now we have the rank one barb clear we will can we will keep going and see what we can do in solo cell phone hardcore thank you for everyone who is there on the live stream to watch this pretty epic moment i got a lot of messages saying that people were holding their breath about what happened we won this time guys but wow what an ending see in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Raxxanterax
Views: 53,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diablo 3, diablo, d3, rax, raxx, raxxanterax, guide, walkthrough, greater rift, rift, gr, diablo 4, diablo immortal, monk, dh, demon hunter, wiz, wizard, wd, witch doctor, barb, barbarian, sader, crusader, necro, necromancer, blizzard, blizz, streamer, stream, youtube, diablo guide, diablo walkthrough, d4, druid, amazon, zon, sorceress, sorc, sorcerer, paladin, pally, challenge, challenge rift, EU, NA, Season 24
Id: 0qpumxy8kxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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