The Most Important Thing About You

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it is what a beautiful name it is what a powerful savior we have and what a beautiful savior we have and i want his beauty to penetrate your life today i want his power to penetrate your life today so heavenly father i thank you that the power and the glory and the beauty of jesus will penetrate every person's life whatever they are suffering right now come on let's agree together whatever suffering anybody's facing right now i thank you for your strength lord i thank you for your healing for our sickness your strength for our weakness your provision for our lack your power for our feeling fatigue and weary i thank you that the great exchange has already taken place at the cross and we access your power for healing right now in jesus name we access your power for transformation your power for breakthroughs your power for rest and peace and love and the kindness of god to show up and the goodness and mercy to show up i thank you lord people are gonna see your goodness show up in their lives before the service is over before this day is over before the night is over before tomorrow comes and when tomorrow comes i thank you father more goodness more mercy more of your gifts more of your blessings will manifest in each person's life in jesus name amen listen that is an everyday belief we can have that his goodness and mercy is going to show up in our lives something good is going to happen in our lives every day of our lives so take that run with that expect it and receive it by faith today in jesus name well thank you again for the opportunity to worship together i'm honored to be your pastor to be in your home on your phone wherever you're watching whenever you're watching to be a part of this global family i'm honored to be a part of it i'm honored to serve you uh as as somebody who will feed you and help lead you into the good acceptable and perfect will of god for your life amen and i want to encourage you and i god spoke to me recently about worship and i know that we just came out of worship and worship is such worship in song is such a powerful moment for me i know for many of you you you love that those moments of worship as i do but god gave me a new definition of worship or one that i hadn't heard before and let's see how this sounds to you as we get ready to give to the lord you know we can give and know that we're going to receive we can give and know that we're doing something good that will change people's lives forever but i want us to give for even the better reason the greatest reason of all is because it really directs our hearts and directs our trust and directs our devotion to god who deserves all the glory our heavenly father deserves all the glory he deserves all the praise he deserves our all of our offerings all of our what we give what we've done what we have represents our income represents the time we've spent in our lives in our daily lives at our jobs and our businesses and who more is worthy of deserving that than god himself and worthy of being put first nobody and nothing is worth being put first more than god and so worship i want you to think about this this is how it landed on me or how i heard it from the lord worship is where what we need and what god deserves meets together worship is where what we need and what god deserves meets together so two things are meeting together our need and what god deserves and what do we need our need is to worship god our need is to honor him our need the need we have in our lives is not just we need clothes we need food we need money for our bills our greatest need is to be connected with god our greatest need is to feel the the sense of pleasure from the father the sense of knowing that he's first in our lives nothing will satisfy you more than truly praising and worshiping god that's our greatest need and what god most deserves is to be praised what god most deserves is to be worshipped what god most deserves is to be adored he's so good to us so worship is where what we need and what god deserves meets together and god will supply all of our needs when we worship him remember paul said in philippians chapter 4 he said your gifts that you sent me he said our sweet aroma to god they're like incense your offerings your your giving your sacrifice it's like incense to god it's it's it's a sweet aroma rising up to god your giving is a form of worship and devotion to god and wow i just think if you could see that in the moment that we give to god we are our need is being met with what he deserves and there's no greater fulfillment in life than our needs fulfilled and what god deserves fulfilled he deserves all the glory he deserves everything we have and yet he asks us to start by giving him a tenth of what we have so can we take a moment and honor the lord and our tithes and offerings and worship him what is worship again it's where our greatest need and god's greatest what god most deserves what we most need and what god most deserves meet together and that's through our giving one of the greatest ways that worship is expressed through our giving so take a moment right now you see all the ways on the screen that you can give and i thank you and i i just i honor you for honoring god there's nothing greater than giving him the honor that he deserves in our giving and our ties and offerings in our heart and our devotion and our treasure amen lord bless every person who's giving bless and increase the seed that they're sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness lord showing up in more people's lives we claim and we pray for our seed to win souls to change lives to reach multitudes lord i thank you that each person will feel that sense of satisfaction and fulfillment by worshiping you presenting what we need most with what you deserve most as we honor you through our giving lord i pray for increase blessings windows of heaven opening up i pray for ideas and inventions and new businesses to flow through people and new revenue streams to flow into people's lives and through their lives that we would be blessed to be a blessing in jesus name amen well thanks again for your generosity and for your giving and we've got a couple announcements to make and i will be right back with a special word from god just for you hi everybody welcome to life changers i'm so glad that you're with us today what an awesome experience and worship we've already had and we already heard from pgd and inspiration and i know the word is gonna bless you so that's coming next but i just wanna give a quick shout out to those of you who are all over the world you are so special to us i'm so pumped that we're connected i want to say hi to any of you that maybe may be here for the first time ever maybe someone sent you this link maybe you saw an ad for it maybe you came across our youtube channel or you listen to the podcast during the week and you thought let me join on a sunday well i'm so glad you're here and we'd love to send you a gift so there's a pop up on the screen right now we'd love to hear from you we'll mail you something we'll email you if you're in another country we'll make sure you get some downloadable free gifts and just as a way of saying thanks for being a part of this family and we're excited that you're here there's so many ways you can be involved we have an upcoming volunteer training for all of our global family if you're interested in being a part of our online team you can do that um there's also a life group you could join we have groups meeting at all different time zones and different locations different types of people so we just want to provide opportunities for you to feel a part you are linked with us we're here to serve you we're here to laugh with you here to embrace the word with you i know you're ready pgd has a word and i can't wait till we get into it together here we go let's lean in and we'll see you soon thank you so much for meeting with me today to get into god's word and to really let god speak to you in fact today my teaching is simply titled the most important thing about you the most important thing about you you know i think we all have an opinion about what's the most important thing about us what's the most important thing that describes us defines us makes us unique and makes our lives really satisfied and fulfilling and so i want to talk to you about the most important thing about you i'm going to tell you the most important thing about you but i'm going to tell me the most important thing about me too and this applies to any one of us and every one of us and so if you look in john chapter 17 verse 3 jesus said something very powerful he said this is eternal life this is eternal life that they may know you the only true god and jesus christ whom you have sent you know keep this verse up for a moment that in this world today there are many opinions about what god is like there are many opinions about god god is like this or god is like that or god is like this and where those those opinions come from in many cases are people's the circumstances people have gone through their experiences in life their wounds their pain but really jesus prayer here in john chapter 17 is he says this is eternal life this is what lasts forever this is the most important thing that they may know you the only true god and jesus christ whom you've sent that they may know you there's only one true god and jesus wants us to know him he it's so important to him that we know what god is really like the only true god so we want to know what's true about him so we can dispel the myths about him the lies about him those things that are not about him that religion has painted a picture of god that distorts what he's really like but this is eternal life jesus said that we would know him the only true god to to know what god is like to have an accurate true picture of what he's like and what better of a picture that we can have about what god is like than the picture that jesus gives us in john chapter 14 where he says in verse 9 i believe it is if you've seen me you've seen the father he said if you've seen me you have seen the father he who has seen me has seen the father so how can you say show us the father he said if you've seen me you've seen the father think in john also chapter 5 verse 19 i only do jesus said i only do what i see the father doing i'm really happy that you guys heard a a a better version of some of the things that i've shared earlier in the year last week when pastor grace was sharing with you about the father fathering us healing us from our insecurities and jesus shows us what the father is truly like he shows us that the father is manifested through the son and so whatever we see jesus doing that's what the father is doing whatever we see jesus is like that's what the father is like jesus never said no to anybody that asked him for anything he never said no jesus never turned people away jesus never said i'll heal you but i won't heal you jesus never provided food just for one or two but for everybody that was there you see that's what god is like whatever we see jesus doing is the proof or the demonstration of what the father is like because so many people had distorted views of what god is like jesus came not just to save us although he did that and he did it pretty pretty darn good if you ask me and but he just he didn't come only to save us but he came to obliterate every distorted view that you and i and anybody has ever had about god jesus came to obliterate our false ideas our false beliefs of god and that's why he wants us to know jesus prayed that we would know the the one and only true god and jesus whom he has sent god sent jesus to show you and me what he is really like god sent jesus and what was he gentle kind powerful compassionate he was what was he doing always healing always liberating always setting people free opening the blind eyes opening deaf ears healing the broken hearts delivering the captives and setting captives free that's what jesus was doing because that's what the father is like that's what jesus was saying because he was only saying what the father was saying and if we could get a hold of this that the most important thing about you is what you believe about god you know the most important thing about you is not what your career is the most important thing about you is not whether you're male or female or whether you're confused about it the most important thing about you is what you believe about god because what you believe about him is what shapes every important thing in your life what we believe about god shapes everything that matters to you to me and to this world what you believe about god is the most important thing about you what i believe about god is the most important thing about me it's so it's so important that's why we need to get it right we don't need to get right with god he makes us right in christ but we need to get a right understanding of what he is like because once you understand what he's really like you will be more in love with him than you've ever been you will be more happy than you've ever been you will be more thankful than you've ever been you'll be more you'll walk in more freedom than you've ever walked in all because you have a proper understanding of what god is really like and if jesus said if you've seen me you've seen the father then all we ever have to do is look at the life of jesus whenever we're wondering whenever we're questioning i wonder why god is letting this bad thing happen to me if we look at what jesus did acts chapter 10 verse 38 says for we know the jesus christ of nazareth who went about doing good god anointed him with the holy spirit and with power and how he went about doing what doing good doing what doing good there's nowhere in this verse that he does any bad only good what did jesus go about doing how he went about doing good and healing a few who were oppressed by the devil no that's not what it says what does it actually say come on read it there it's on the screen or open your bible up something very powerful about opening your bible we study the bible together well there's something supernatural about hearing god's word and reading it accurately and correctly how jesus went about doing what come on say it right where you're watching say maybe you got the covers you know up to your eyes and you're still in bed no problem say it anyway how he went about doing what doing good and healing who healing a few no healing three or four no healing everybody who was really obedient and had truly repented no it says healing all who were oppressed by the devil for god was with him listen jesus never went about doing bad only good and jesus never went about sickening anybody he went about healing all healing all you're a part of all i'm a part of all so we should expect healing from jesus we should expect something good happening in our life because jesus went about doing good and he's in our midst if two or three are gathered in my name we're the church we're the church jesus said if you two or three two or three you gathered in my name i'm there with you in the midst and so what does jesus do in the midst of people he put that verse back up for me what does he do he's doing good and what else healing also what should we what should we expect once we know what god is really like we should expect some good to be happening in our life we should expect god to be doing some good in our life and we should expect god to be doing some healing in our lives healing of ourselves of of our emotions healing in our healing of our bodies healing of our brokenness he went about doing good and healing all i know this may sound very simple and you may think ah when is the pastor going to stop repeating himself and when is he going to stop repeating himself that's what you might be thinking right now and i'm here to tell you it's intentional what i'm saying to you over and over again it's intentional because something happens when you well what we learned over the last year and a half something happens when you turn the water on and rub soap in between your hands and let the water and the soap come together for a long time how how long i guess they used to say uh 20 seconds at least why because the more water and the more soap the cleaner and the more accurate is your cleansing the more effective is your cleansing so the more you hear the water the more i can just put the water of god's word on as it flows from god's word through my vessel to your vessel is the more water that comes the more the best version you become of who god intended you to be the more we hear this the more we'll start expecting these great things to happen in our life this is the most important thing about you what do you believe about god i'm not talking about believing every understanding everything that every aspect of his of of himself but i'm talking about understanding his nature because when you understand god's nature this is what god naturally does this is what comes natural to him it comes natural to him to love you it comes natural to him to bless you it comes natural to him to answer your prayer it comes natural to him to do you good it comes naturally him to heal you this is what comes naturally to him because this is what his nature is you don't need to ask god to change his his plan for your life by by starting to do something good or lord if you could just change your plan for my life and heal me it was never god's plan for you to be sick it was never god's plan for you to to have bad happening in your life and for bad to come from god bad things will happen in our life but it doesn't come from god but you know what i've been saying for years here is what the enemy sends to defeat us god bends to complete us so the bad things that have happened in our lives they didn't come from god but he can certainly take them and shape them and change them and cause them to work for your good it's really simple romans 8 28 is really true that all things do work together for good to those who love him and are called according to his purpose and as i've said to you a thousand times it's not about us loving god more it's about knowing that what the definition the purest definition for loving god is to embrace the love he has for you if you really want to love god if you really want to pour your adoration on him believe in his love for you and you are truly loving him that way and it will out of that will flow all of the other things that that love does you'll forgive because you love you'll give because you love you'll pray because you love and why do you love because he first loved you boy if we could get this if we can get this you see paul said in philippians chapter 3 verse 10 he said that i might know him that i might know him that i might know him he's not talking about just believing in god he's talking about what he believes about god that i may truly know him the way he really is that i may have accurate knowledge of him and intimate knowledge of him to know him is to have accurate knowledge of him and intimate knowledge of him and what comes with that power and fellowship power comes into your life the power of his resurrection starts showing up in your life when you know he came to give you power and the fellowship of his sufferings the word fellowship is the exchange we exchange our sufferings for his he suffered for us so that there could be fellowship with his so we could experience fellowship or an exchange through his suffering so he suffered death so that we could have life he suffered he took sin upon himself so that we could have the gift of righteousness he took our wounds he took our what we deserved he took the bible says he bore our sins and carried our infirmities and our sicknesses and by his stripes we're healed so you see fellowship of his suffering means that as a result of his suffering we get to share or fellowship with the the thing he had he trades our suffering for his so he became the curse for us so that you could receive the blessing there's an exchange there we give him our curse he gives us his blessing we give him our sin he gives us his righteousness we give him our sicknesses he gives us his healing that is what comes from knowing him and knowing what he's really like there are many christians today who still believe that god sends sickness that god sends disease that somehow there's no devil in the world somehow whatever the devil is he's not the one sending sickness he's not the one sending fear he's not the one destroying people's lives and destroying people's families and destroying nations and destroy couldn't be the devil it must be god because he's mad at america so he's judging it or he's mad at this city or that country or that group or that god's not mad at anybody he took out his wrath on jesus on the cross so that we could have his favor so that his anger lasted for a moment so his favor could last for a lifetime for you and me man if that doesn't get you excited and float your boat man your boat is never going to flow but if you get a hold of this it is it says i think in psalm 30 his favor his anger lasts for a moment that was the moment jesus was on the cross and jesus said father my god my god why have you forsaken me that is the moment of anger that god had towards us it was all put on jesus on the cross he took all of god's anger he took all of the lightening of god's wrath because god is a holy god as much as he is love he's also holy and jesus took the he unfairly took what we fairly deserved he took that wrath he took that anger why so that in that moment of god pouring out his wrath on jesus there would be a lifetime of god pouring out his favor on you his anger lasted for a moment with jesus but his favor lasts for a lifetime for you that's why a shot of joy comes in the morning well when you know goodness and mercy you're going to follow you all the days of your life you'll give a shout of joy you'll have something to celebrate but we got to get this in our in our regular belief system that every time something happens so often when something bad happens we we we immediately drop anything we ever were taught about what god is like and we start saying maybe god's judging me maybe god's mad at me maybe god's against me maybe this is happening because god's not happy with my life and i didn't obey him enough and i didn't pray enough and i that's nonsense god's attitude towards you has never changed god's attitude god's attitude towards you has never needed to be adjusted he god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life my god my god so good what manner of love is this that he would that we would be called the sons and daughters of god first john chapter 3 verse 1 says what behold whoa what manner of love is this he's saying look at this first john 3 1. look at this behold see look at it behold it discover it focus on it keep your eyes on how great a love the father has bestowed on us that we would be called the children of god and such we are man i hope that stirs you i hope that fires you up you see in our attempts to know god to find answers to life to know where to turn and how to pray at all times there's one thing and only one thing to do in all those in all those moments of our lives discover the nature of god what is he consistently like how does he consistently behave because then that shapes what you will consistently expect how he consistently behaves god is not inconsistent in the bible he's very consistent in the old covenant he did there was judgment there was there was a the price had to somebody had to pay the price for the sins and disobedience of the people since adam and eve disobeyed there had to be a price paid because god created a justice system justice has to be served there has to be a a adjust price for what has been violated and so man mankind did have to experience some of that judgment and some of paying some of that price but then jesus came and paid the entire price so that nobody else would ever have to pay the price again unless we reject jesus which you would never do you wouldn't be connected here if you had rejected jesus and you're not going to so the most important thing about you is what you believe about god when you believe that he is good when you believe that he is love when you believe he is jehovah jireh your provider jehovah rapha your healer jehovah syd canoe your righteousness jehovah shama the god who is there the god who is present what a i mean you go through so many more descriptions of what god is like never is he the one that curses he's always the one that blesses never is he the one who loses you he's always the one who finds you never is he the one who is mad at you he's always the one who is kind and loving to you if you would understand his nature everything about you would shift everything about your expectations in fact five things will happen when you know what god is really like see just say this before i give you the five if you have a view that god is stingy you'll be you'll become stingy yourself if you have a view that god is judgmental you'll become judgmental yourself if you have a view that god is angry you'll begin to be angry and you'll start by being angry at yourself and you'll create a start a cycle of self-hate that will just crush and and smash and and eliminate all the happiness and the joy that you could ever have in life when you hate yourself god loves you so you start loving you everything jesus did was to give us a picture of the nature of god as father god as good you know there's a there's a really cool tv show that came out of two or three years ago called sea and the show depicts uh a time in the world where everybody except just a few were blind everybody was blind except just a few people and the tv show centers focuses all around a father and the length that he will go to protect his children to defend his children to make his children safe and it depicts this man as a just a supernatural hero to these children and it speaks to me because if a human being if we if man men who write scripts like that women men women who write scripts like that if they can write a script to just to actually describe a fictional person as this hero heroic father or heroic mother a heroic person it's because inside of the creative people of this world and inside of every person in this world is an awareness that god really is the greatest hero and the greatest father that has ever existed if man can create a heroic father in a tv show it's only because there already is a heroic father who created this universe and we get to call him abba father when you understand that about him it does these five things it shapes your perspective in life when you realize that god is your good good father it shapes your perspective in life what does that mean how you look at things in genesis 50 verse 20 joseph could have looked at things as god has elevated me above my brother so i can really make them pay for what they did to me no notice joseph's perspective on what has happened in his life as for you you meant evil against me he says to his brothers as for you you meant evil against me but god but god but god everybody needs a god moment to everything that ever happens in our lives as for you guys you meant evil against me but god meant it for good wow you see even though joseph had suffered so dearly so suffered so mercilessly from the at the hands of his brothers joseph had a perspective that no matter how bad his brothers treated him god was somehow making it good god was somehow turning it around for good and god is somehow no matter what evil is coming against you right now he said you meant evil against me whatever evil the enemy has meant against you whatever evil the devil has meant against you whatever evil that somebody else has meant against you whatever evil life has meant against you god has meant it for good god is turning it around and god's going to use it in order to bring about supernatural results that would have never existed before to preserve many people alive to save many people's lives so therefore he says do not be afraid i will provide for you and your little ones these guys completely betrayed their brother joseph sold him to into slavery and yet joseph says to them when he reveals himself to them i will provide for you and your little ones so he comforted them and spoke kindly to him where do you think he learned how to provide and comfort and to speak kindly man could never be any greater than what god is already is man could never be any more moral than what god already is man could never be more kind than what god already is and so when a man says i will provide for you and your little ones and he comforted them and he spoke kindly to them that is christ-like that is what god is like because no man can be something greater than or better than or more good than god because we're made in his image the only reason joseph could behave this way is because of his perspective that he had in life he had the right view of god what he believed about god shaped his perspective you meant evil god meant good and i'm taking the good and that's what takes the bitterness out of life when you realize that no matter what enemy anybody means against you god is going to use it for you it's perspective it shapes your perspective having the proper view of what god is really like it shapes your perspective number two it shapes your expectations it doesn't just shape how you look at things it shapes how you expect things to turn out it shapes your expectations psalm 27 verse 13 said david said in the new american standard version of this verse i would have despaired unless i believed that i would see the goodness of the lord in the land of living in other words everything that david is looking at in his life at that moment would bring him despair and depression and feel like giving up and quitting and fainting he said i would i would give up unless i believed that i would see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living so david's view of god shaped his expectations joseph's view of god shaped his perspective on bad things happening and david's understanding or view of what god was really like it shaped his expectations god is so good that i know no matter what i'm seeing right now i'm gonna see the goodness of god i'm gonna see the goodness of god in this land in the land of the living in this life i would have lost hope he said unless i believed you see his view of god shaped his expectations when you realize how good your heavenly father is you'll wake up every day expecting something good rather than expecting to be swatted by god expecting something bad to happen because you just weren't that good last night you just weren't good enough yesterday you just haven't done everything you're supposed to do stop it that's not that doesn't none of that is what determines what god is like we somehow have we forget how good god is when when we behave good we forget that that is because that's how god is but when we behave back we don't ever say oh when i did something good we don't ever say oh that's because of god but when we do something bad we say oh that must be god holding out on me or god must be punishing me or something bad happens we begin to expect bad things because of what because of our view of god but when you have a view that he's your good heavenly father that that our father our heavenly father jesus said your heavenly father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom like get a hold of what he's really like that's why he sent jesus to begin with so you would see what he's really like so it would shape your perspective when bad things happen you'll expect god to turn it into something good and it would shape your expectations no matter what's going on around you you're expecting something good and it will shape your response to life's circumstances it will shape your response how you respond to things paul said in philippians chapter 1 verse 12 he's watched his response he's thrown in jail philippians chapter 1 verse 12. look at what he says even while in prison i want you to know brethren that my circumstances have turned out for the greater progress of the gospel paul is responding to life circumstances he's thrown in jail and yet he says my circumstances of being in prison have turned out for the greater progress of the gospel and then he says in verse 16 something or verse 14 something very powerful he says and that most of the brethren trusting in the lord because of my imprisonment have far more courage to speak the word of god without fear paul wasn't like what did i do wrong how come i'm in jail paul was like even while i'm in jail in negative circumstances god is turning it into something good so my response to my imprisonment is not going to be bitter my response to my imprisonment is not going to be where was god when i needed him most my response in the midst of imprisonment is found in verse 18 when he says therefore i will rejoice only in every way whether in pretense or in truth christ is proclaimed and in this i rejoice and yes i will rejoice i'm rejoicing and i will rejoice no matter what circumstances my view of god shapes my response to negative circumstances number four my view of god shapes my emotions how i feel about things so knowing god is a good good father shapes your perspective how you look at things it shapes your expectations how you expect things to turn out it shapes your response to life's circumstances how you respond to things and number four it shapes your emotions how you feel about things and it makes you bitter if you have a bad view of god or it makes you better your your emotions are going to follow your beliefs so if like david you believe that you're going to see the goodness of god in the land of the living like he says in verse 27 if you believe you're going to see the goodness of god in the land of the living it changes your emotions from despair to contentment from despair to confidence from despair to faith and the final thing that at least for today a proper view of the good good father that we have a proper view of god's nature it will shape our decisions in life the actions that we take about things our decisions in life if you think about it in genesis chapter 3 verse 5 when satan got eve to believe this lie about god to believe a lie about god's nature god knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be open and you will be like god knowing good and evil in other words god's holding out on you and when she had a view when she had a wrong view of what god's nature really was she made a bad decision she decided to try to take something that she already had for one thing but also she thought god's holding out on me so i have to do it for myself god's not gonna bless me so i better take what god told me not to take what caused her to make that decision her decision was shaped by how she what she thought about god what she believed about him that's why the most important thing about you is what you believe about god it'll shape your perspective how you look at things it'll shape your expectations how you expect things to turn out it'll shape your response to life circumstances how you respond to things it'll shape your emotions how you feel about things and it'll shape your decisions how you act upon things father give us each a revelation of how good you really are father give us a revelation of your nature how good you are how loving you are how kind you are how patient you are that everything love is you are love is patient and kind love does not insist on its own rights or its own ways love bears up under everything and anything that comes it hopes all things believes all things endures all things it never fails that's you god that's you father give every person a revelation of your nature of love and goodness and patience and kindness in jesus name now if you've never received jesus christ as your savior and lord pray with me right now say heavenly father just pray this simple prayer heavenly father and they're going to turn the cameras off on me so pray this quick we want you in heaven all right heavenly father i believe jesus died for my sins say that out loud i believe jesus died for my sins and rose from the dead from this moment forward i'm a child of god jesus i believe in you and i receive you amen that's it get the book on your screen it's absolutely free you can download it from anywhere in the world it's my gift to you and stay connected stay planted stay in the house of god and we're meeting both in the temple and from house to house and we'll never stop can't wait to see you at our next service god
Channel: Gregory Dickow
Views: 520
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 2K0b55unFF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 54sec (2754 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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