The Cure: The Antidote to All Pain and Unhappiness | Pastor Gregory Dickow

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I'm gonna teach out of this today so I'm gonna just take the next few minutes and just teach a little bit out of this out from this book I write small books one reason why you know they're short really because I probably have a little mild case of a DD or a D and T a DT or whatever it is but the Lord's heal the Lord is my healer right but but I write shorter books because I believe that they should be tools we should we should read books not to be entertained or to just hear the everybody's knowledge about everything but to get the tools we need to win the battles of life to win the battle of our soul the spiritual warfare to to truly okay let's get ahold of what is the cure to unhappiness and pain and you know what's the source of it what's the solution to it so I start out with this story I'll read it to you and some of you have heard this story and that's why I put it in the book so that sometimes it's nice to read something that you've heard or just to affirm or confirm it or maybe it'll be new to some of you but remember how many remember the old Western the the TV show the mythical hero The Lone Ranger anybody remember the Lone Ranger and his and his Native American sidekick Tonto remember them well the story is told that the Lone Ranger and Tonto camped in the desert one night set up their tent so they set up this tent and they they went to sleep and several hours later the Lone Ranger wakes up Tonto and he says Tonto look up in the sky and tell me what you see and Tonto replies me see millions of stars Kemosabe and the Lone Ranger said what does that tell you and Tonto says well astronomically speaking it tell me there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets in the sky astrologically speaking it tell me Saturn is in Leo time wise it appeared to be approximately a quarter past three that's what the stars tell me theologically it's evident the Lord is all-powerful and we are all small and in need of him meteor logically it tell me that tomorrow gonna be a beautiful day what it tell you Kemosabe Lone Ranger was silent for a moment then he looked up and looked at Tonto and said Tonto you someone has stolen our tent someone I'm speaking to you today because someone has stolen our tent and what do I mean by that what I mean is we've complicated life so much that we have missed the most obvious thing something really obvious to me is that Jesus wants you well he wants you to be better he wants you to be happy and let's not over spiritualize how much how joyous spiritual joy is eternal happiness is unspiritual happiness is only temporary sorry I'm speaking like Tonto again but um happiness was God's idea joy and happiness are really not different joy and happiness are the result of good news good news always brings joy good news always brings happiness the gospel is an invitation to happiness and someone has stolen our tent gang in other words we're missing the most obvious thing about life that the gospel is in its simplest form is that Jesus died for our sins and rose from the dead so that we could be brought back into a relationship with God the way God originally intended in the Garden of Eden where God didn't want man to be separated from him he wanted to have close communion in connection with mankind he created man to fellowship with man he created man to have relationship with man he created mankind Adam and Eve he created them to build a family to start a family to have relationship with people to share with them all that was all that filled his heart and caused God to walk and be happy and have joy he wanted to to share or download all that was in his heart into our hearts when remember when God made man different from the animals the Bible says he he breathed into man the breath of life he breathed into man the breath of life and he became a living soul the Bible says what makes men mankind different than animals is that we we get to experience the joy and the happiness that God himself experiences now animals live by instinct but they don't get to enjoy the the emotions that we experience they don't get to enjoy the happiness the peace the the the pleasure of they don't get me wrong their animals are a blessing and they're a gift from God and God created them but but man is different mankind is different than animals we're not the same as animals were created in the image of God God we're some of us are a little dyslexic we're created in the image of God not that word backwards which is dog some of you get that later when you write it down we're created in the image of God animals are not created in the image of God nothing against animals and I love animals and you love war a lot a lot of us are different animal lovers at different levels but the point is is that you're different you're made in God's image to enjoy God's presence to have a intimate communion and fellowship with God and we're missing this where our life has become so complicated we're trying to figure everything out we're trying to solve every everything we're trying to understand everything we're trying to conquer life and conquer people and and and we're just we're fighting the wrong fights and we're focusing on the wrong things and the most obvious thing that God wants us to know is that he created us to be happy he created us to live in his pleasure and to be free from the suffering of pain we all know what it's like to feel pain and we all know what it's like to feel pleasure and if you boil down life to those two basic things in life that every decision we ever make whether it's a good decision or a bad decision every decision that we all make in life is motivated by one of those two things were motivated to do something that will alleviate our pain or something that will cause us to acquire pleasure these two words pleasure and pain are the most human are they're the most real they're the most authentic words in the human language because no matter what you do you're doing it for one of those two reasons no matter what I do I'm doing it for one of those two reasons today I'm up here preaching to you to experience either freedom from pain or to experience pleasure well it brings me great pleasure when people hear God's Word and when they learn God's Word it frees people from pain when they hear about God's love and His goodness and his kindness and his healing power you see everything I'm doing right now every choice I made today is to somehow alleviate pain in my life or yours and to bring and to bring pleasure in my life or yours or hopefully both and every decision you make I mean just think about the most recent decision you made you made a decision to to sell your car why because it alleviated pain of the thing breaking down all the time you made a decision to buy a new one why because it brought you pleasure when you bought that new one you say well no it got me to my job well why did you go to the job because the job gave me a paycheck well why did you get a paycheck so I can pay my bills why did you pay your bills so I could feel good and feel that I'm taking care of my responsibilities and I'm out of debt and I don't have I don't owe anybody that brings pleasure when was the last time you went to the pharmacy and got a prescription which there's nothing wrong with that why'd you do it to alleviate pain oh man this nerve just keeps bothering me or this headache keeps about hampering me and so you go and even if you come here and have hands laid on you why did you have hands laid on you didn't have hands laid on you because you just wanted to you know feel somebody's hands rubbing through your hair you you didn't get oil poured over you because you just you know you were looking for you know to something to you know to bring to bring more fullness to your hair you did it because you're trying to alleviate pain or feel pleasure that's why I always take you back to the Garden of Eden because everything Jesus did was to restore us to our original condition before Adam and Eve sinned when they were in the Garden of Eden the word Eden and I shared this the other day I think maybe last Sunday or or or Wednesday but the word Eden comes from the the Hebrew word which is where we get the word pleasure from we get the word pleasure so you could literally call the Garden of Eden the garden of pleasure look at for example look at Genesis chapter 2 I believe it's verse verse 9 Genesis chapter 2 verse 9 and this will make sense to you about about pleasure and about he says and out of the ground the Lord God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the eye or brings pleasure to the sight and pleasure which is good the garden of good or the garden of pleasure the same meaning is the Garden of Eden and everything good for food how many know you don't go get a good meal to feel miserable you've got a good meal to feel good you don't eat pizza for the health benefits of it you eat pizza because it feels good it tastes good and it feels good and God created everything that was good for food The Tree of Life was also in the midst of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of evil good and evil which obviously Adam and he was the one tree that God told him not to eat from I think I think the thing that we can really learn is that if we would just focus on the things that God said to eat from then the thing that God said not to eat from would lose its temptation it would lose its it would lose its app we would lose our appetite for it the only way to lose your appetite for something bad is to eat something good first if you were to fill up on some good food even if even if you didn't want to eat the good food you want to eat the bad food come on help me now is anybody living in this reality that I live in you got to choose good versus evil when it comes to what you eat sometimes right we all live in that we're all like aha oh man I know that's good for me but this one's good to me right and and my point is simply that that when when we eat when we when we when we say okay this is good for me so I'm gonna eat this even though I know mentally and emotionally it doesn't give me the same feeling that this other stuff would give me whether it's whatever it is I don't want to you know label food and any I don't want to give put give a bad name to any kind of food but my point is is that if you fill up on what is good you lose your appetite for anything else like when you're full and you quote-unquote can't eat another bite that's a good thing because the next thing you're gonna bite is this mystery of the knowledge of good and evil if look everything he said look at every tree god always starts with the good he always starts with what we can't have he always starts with what he's done for us and what he's given to us look at what he's given us every tree pleasant to the sight every tree good for food and the tree of life like this three strand cord every tree good to the site every tree pleasant to the sight every chi pleasant to the good for food and and the tree of life he said eat freely from all these things oh and the tree of knowledge of good and evil just don't eat from that one like if you would fill up on these first three you would never be hungry for the last one but in the absence of filling up on the good you end up settling or wanting and desiring the bad but God made these things for man's pleasure he made these things he made Adam and Eve to have pleasure with each other he made the Garden of Eden to be a pleasurable place he and of course he put the Garden of Eden in us in the Old Testament he in the Old Testament he put man and and he put Adam and Eve in the garden but in the New Testament God puts the garden in us the Garden of Eden is in you it's in your heart and it's in your brain and you've heard me talk about and I write about this in this book about the the pleasure center of the brain and how inside of your brain is is Eden it's a pleasure center and there are neuro transmitters that are signals to that pleasure center that either bring pain or bring pleasure to the pleasure center of the brain and what we what we've learned is this is why people get addicted to opioids and drugs and and and and really addicted to anything whether it's gambling or whether it's pornography it's because those things those things as images those tastes those the the chemicals in those in those drugs they activate neuro transmitters that hit the pleasure center of the brain making you feel happy the problem with those things is that number one they're temporary and number two they have side effects so while you and and and number three they make you dependent on more and more of those things to keep up the same level of pleasure so now what used to take you one drink now takes to what used to take you one you know one bong hit I mean protection keeping it real here gang what well you should take you one bong hit now takes me three I mean I mean takes somebody three jokes but you see you become dependent and then you you you build up a resistance and so you have to flood the neurotransmitter pathways with more chemical more chemical more chemicals to hit the pleasure center what I'm trying to say is God created that pleasure center in our brain you've heard me talk a little bit about it in the past but why is that so important because think about every decision you make is to hit that pleasure center every decision you make in your life why'd you get married to hit that pleasure center why'd you get divorced to get rid of the pain center well you which you don't have that there are other solutions there other there are other solutions just playing with you but you understand the point you don't nobody does anything in life to avoid pleasure and to obtain pain we do everything in life to avoid pain and obtain pleasure or to alleviate the pain and obtain pleasure and so this is why there's so many there's so many narcotics and this is why there's so many even prescription medication because it's to alleviate pain or to create pleasure and if you think about it why people do drugs so if one pill can do both now that's all in one that's a pretty good deal even though it has all those side effects and the problem with one pill that take that takes away your pain and brings pleasure whether that was a quaalude back in the day whether that's a or whether that's cocaine or whether that's heroin whatever that is that one thing that one pill that accomplishes those two things is only temporary but it does way more damage to your body it does more damage to your brain afterwards the side effects are so much worse and leave you in a worse condition than how they found you that's why there is no pill that can do truly do both of these things although I discovered there there is one pill that actually does this and I told a story earlier and when I was in college after I got saved I was visiting some friends at a in in their dormitory or apartment building where all these college students lived and of course the college campus sometimes was the place where all the partying to place the drug use and the alcohol use and all of these things are taking place note all these kids without their parents around finally no restraints so guess what ends up happening you know what happens and that's why we have to be cautious where we send our kids and and what kind of environment we put our children in when they graduate nevertheless that's another subject for another day so you know I I was uh I had just gotten saved so I was really bold I was on fire for Jesus and I got excited about what the Lord had done in my life to save me and rescue me from that lifestyle so I am I hear that we're having a Bible study in this friend's apartment there's his his dorm room and and but we heard this noise outside so he's like to fall like like but this time of year I go outside on the balcony of this apartment complex of this dormitory and down below this is like we were on the second floor and so on the on the ground there's all these people partying and making all this noise and and they and and I said hey what are you guys doing and and I kind of you know acted like I was one of them I'm like hey what's going on man what's done what's happening down there what you guys got and they said all we're just drinking and we're getting high and you want to come on and join us man I'm like well you know what I said actually I got something better I got a pill I literally said this I said I got a pill so tell you what this pill is the best pill it will blow your mind it'll do everything those drugs will do and then some you you you will not believe what this pill will do for you they said man okay all right we're coming so four or five of them come up and knock on the door they come in they sit down they're like we're gonna come on pass out the pills man what's the pill I said well you've been doing this and you've been doing that and I did all that too but I found something that's so much better than all of it it is a pill yes it is it's called the gospel I literally said that I don't know where that I don't know where I got that from but I said it's the gospel and I began to share with them the gospel now the party didn't last very long because they didn't want to hear about that when they realize I wasn't passing out anything but that but maybe that seed got planted in their heart but the gospel truly is the source of all joy and the source of all happiness because the word gospel means good news and when the Angels appeared when Jesus was born an angel angels appeared and they said we bring you good news of great joy and the good news of great joy is a child is born in other words Jesus coming to this earth was to restore man to the original condition of joy and fellowship with God that he had in the Garden of Eden and when man when Adam and Eve sinned they lost that look at Isaiah 59 verse 2 Isaiah chapter 59 verse C let me show you what I mean by that Isaiah chapter 59 verse 2 your iniquities have separated you from your God and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he will not hear so notice what sin does notice what sin would Adam sin and what man sin does sin separates you from God and he has to hide his face from you because not because he's ashamed of you or he's mad at you or he's upset or how dare you you sinner God's not like that he the reason why our sins it's not God separates us from from from him it's our sins your iniquity separates you from him your sins separates you from him now look you say well man I just seen yesterday am I separated from God no because Jesus solves this problem but I want to I want you to understand the problem first is that sin creates a separation so Jesus didn't come to die for our sins just so you don't have to go to hell Jesus comes the greater reason why Jesus came - to wash away our sins and to become sin for is so that he removes the source of separation so that you no longer separated from God's presence now this is really important that you get a hold of this is that if sin separated us from God then the solution is to get rid of the thing that is keeping us separated and what is the thing so Jesus comes to take away John 1:29 let's look there real quick John chapter 1 verse 21 29 excuse me John chapter 1 verse 29 so John the Baptist sees Jesus coming toward him and says behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world why why did he take away the sin of the world because what did sin do your sin and iniquity did what separated you from God separated you from your God he created you he's your God but you're sick butts in the sin of Adam and Eve which we all are sinners because of that we all became sinners because of Adam and Eve and we become righteous because of Jesus but see the remedy here is Jesus takes away the sin of the world look at Romans chapter 5 verse 21 Romans chapter 5 verse 21 it's really important that you get excuse me 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 21 I'm sorry 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 21 so notice what he says here in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 he made him so he's talking about the father and the son the father made Jesus who knew no sin how many know Jesus never sinned he knew no sin but the father made him God made him to become sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God in Christ why well through righteousness through the gift of righteousness we reign in life and through sin were separated from God so Jesus becomes sin for us on the cross now remember what it says and your face you've hidden your face from us your sins cause God to hide his face from us but remember when Jesus was on the cross and Jesus said these words my god my god why have you forsaken me and if you study that word it literally means why have you rejected me hated me and hid your face from me why have you rejected me hated me and hid your face from me why did the father do that to Jesus on the cross because Jesus became sin and so the father had to hide from sin reject it hate Jesus so that he would not have to hate you he had to reject Jesus on the cross now just when he was on the cross he had to reject Jesus so that he would never ever again have to reject you and he had to he had to turn away from Jesus while he was on the cross so that he would never turn away from you now go back quickly to Genesis chapter 3 I gotta tighten this up and and shorten this Genesis 3 verse 5 you know what happened Adam and Eve they ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil verse 6 it says so when the woman saw that the tree was good for food well all the other trees were good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes and a tree desirable to make one wise she took of its fruit and ate it and she also gave to her husband with her and he ate now notice what happens in verse 7 then the eyes of both of them were opened and they knew that they were naked and they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves verse 8 and now they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day so so God is still God God still behaving like he's always behaved he's walking in the garden in the cool of the day but something's different about them but Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord among the trees of the garden so now notice what happens here they hide themselves why did they hide themselves because sin separated them and now they are shamed and they are hiding themselves because they cannot be in the proximity of God anymore because of their sin God is a holy God and sin and God cannot dwell together light and darkness cannot dwell together that's why Jesus does something about sin and does something about the darkness he becomes sin he removes the darkness so that why because now there now Adam and Eve are separated from the presence of God this is so important that you get a hold of this look it's so really simple there's about to be of several dominoes that fall because Adam and Eve enough separated from God and notice what God says in verse 9 and so the Lord God called to Adam and said where are you he obviously knew but he wanted to add him to admit it verse 10 well I heard your voice in the garden so I was afraid because I was naked and I hid myself so notice something the first thing the first emotion that begins to control Adam and Eve's life is fear where did the fear come from fear comes from the absence of God's presence fear doesn't come from a bad financial situation fear doesn't come from sickness or disease fear doesn't come from you know bad news that you heard about something going on fear doesn't come what where fear comes from is fear comes when you are separated from the presence of God if you look the first thing that happened to them when they were separated from the presence of God was they became afraid what because God's presence delivers you from fear David said I walk through the valley of the shadow of death the shadow of the valley of the shadow death didn't bring fear he said I can walk through the valley of the shadow of death and I will fear no evil why for thou art with me he doesn't say I will fear no evil because I'm eventually gonna get out of this valley although it's true he didn't get out of the valley and you're gonna get out of your valley but you can't you buddy fear doesn't leave you because you're gonna get out of the valley fear doesn't leave you because you never have a valley fear doesn't leave you because because you're you're doing something right or doing something wrong fear leaves you when you are aware of God's presence with you I fear no evil for thou art with me well what guess what God was no longer with Adam and Eve they were separated from the presence of God and fear came then the notice the second thing that happened when they were separated from the presence of God look at verse look at verse 12 so then the man said well God said in verse 11 he said why did you do this did you eat from the tree in verse 11 he said well what happened to Adam he already knew what happened but did you eat from the tree I told you not to eat from like as if he didn't know that that he had done that verse 12 next thing then the man said the woman so the first thing man does is blame women and the next thing he does is blame God he doesn't just blame the woman but he says the woman who you gave me you see when you are separated from the presence of God the first thing that happens is you get afraid and the second thing that happens is you start blaming everybody for your problems you become a victim and you start blaming others for your condition listen God's presence solves everything God's absence is the problem of everything even in the fiery furnace it wasn't the fire that made the difference in Shadrach Meshach and Abednego life it was the fourth man in the fire that made the difference it doesn't matter what you walk through it's who you walk through it with okay you got to get a hold of this here I'm almost done now but notice what happens next so now we got fear now we got blaming and then Eve erster teen so he turns to the woman and says well what what is it you've done and the woman said the serpent see he to see me at night so Adam blames Eve and then God and then Eve blames the devil and you know what we're the blame and somebody or blaming the devil and all they had to do was hey yell over there to the other side god we blew it we sinned our sins have separated us from you can you help us fix this can you fix this and sure enough he did fix it I don't even know that they even asked him but he he had them kill an animal we later know that they covered themselves with animal skin which mean blood which means blood had to be shed and they covered themselves with animal skins but they couldn't live in the garden anymore because you do not have the pledge you will not experience the same pleasure outside of God's presence you can try and try but you'll never capture it again until you restored to God's presence which is what Jesus came to do it's really simple but I just want you to see this so the first thing that came to Adam and Eve was fear after they were separated from God the second thing that came was was this blame-shifting the third thing that came was in verse 16 God says to Eve he said from now on you are going to have a greater multiplication of sorrow and conception sorrow you're going to have sorrow sorrow equals sadness depression unhappiness all that comes there so there's really four types of depression and four types of sorrow I don't maybe I'll get in maybe I'll get into this another time in more detail but if I could just tell you what they are there's hormonal unhappiness or hormonal depression because of certain hormones they're circumstantial depression which is because of your current circumstances there's historical depression because of your past your guilt the things that are haunting you and reminding you of things and then there's demonic depression spiritual depression these are the four sources of depression that's why I believe in in medication I believe in meditation on God's word is that gets to the root of it the root the root of it is awareness it's not just self-awareness although it there's a certain part of our lives we need to be self-aware and not be in denial of the situations in our lives and what's going on in our lives but it's it's God awareness it's not just the awareness that there is a God it's the awareness of his presence you see none of us have more of God's presence than anybody else none of us are closer to God than anybody else once you're born again he lives inside of you so you're as close to God as I am I'm as close to God as you are what's the difference what's the difference in our joy quotient what's the difference in our happiness quotient it's your awareness of his presence it's your acknowledgement of his presence it's your worship of his presence it's it's you activating the reality of his presence it's you being like okay God is with me so you know what I declare God is with me I declare God is for me I declare God is in me so everything's gonna be alright it's that it's that acknowledgment it's it's it's not like me saying that causes God to be closer to me it's me saying that causes every neurotransmitter in my brain to hit the pleasure center and say Psalm 16:11 in his presence is fullness of joy and at his right hand are pleasures forevermore listen this is what this is the reality that that God's presence is what brings fullness of joy in his presence so you say oh man I got a I got a worship a little harder to get in his presence no you have to become more aware that you're already in his presence by the blood of Jesus Hebrews 10:19 says that we come boldly into the holiest place the presence of God look at this Hebrews 10:19 we come boldly we both boldly enter the holiest place by what the blood of Jesus why because the blood of Jesus removes sin and what did sin do it separated you from God so what does the blood of Jesus do it separates you from the thing that was separating you [Applause] the blood of Jesus is a sword that cuts seen away your past present and future sins they're all washed they're all forgiven they're all buried they're all forgotten and so why so that now you can have fellowship with God which delivers you from what it delivers you from fear it delivers you from blaming other people because you know you got God on your side you're not worried about blaming anybody you got them you got the man with you you got the King with you you got the Lord is with you there's nothing there's no reason to blame anybody another day in your life his presence gives you victory his presence gets you through the fire his presence gets you through the valley his presence gets you through the storm his presence gets you gets you everywhere the bread of his presence listen he is with you will never leave you or forsake you that awareness delivers you from fear that awareness delivers you from blaming anybody for anything the rest of your life and that awareness delivers you from unhappiness it's not that God brings more of his presence into your life through your obedience it's that through the blood of Jesus you are in instantly in his presence and his presences in you and back to Psalm 16:11 and will close he says in his presence his fullness of joy and at his right hand our pleasures pleasure pleasures singular plural whatever way I'll take it I'll take it however pleasures forevermore you stop you lose your appetite for obtaining pleasures or things that hit your your the pleasure center of your brain you lose your appetite for those things when you become aware that you are both in his presence and his presences in you and you're at his right hand are pleasures forevermore and who's at God's right hand gee and look at what Ephesians 2:6 says and we are seated with him if he's it's two sixes we are seated with Christ were raised up and were made to sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus we are seated where he's seated where's Jesus seated at the right hand of God and what's at his right hand pleasures forevermore and who's at his right hand Jesus and who's with him you are so you become aware you know when I was a kid when we went to school I don't know if they do this anymore nowadays but back when I was a kid and for most of us they had a seating chart right and you had to go wherever your name was and it doesn't matter if you're if your name is on the last row then you that's where your seat is if your name is in the front row then that's where your seat is you had to go where your name was written that's the seating chart well God has reoriented and reorganized and recreated a new seating chart and you know what there's there's two people on it there's the father who's at the throne he's seated at the throne he is God and there is the son seated at his right hand he's also God and then we're seated with him there's two seats there's God's seat and there's Jesus there's the father seat and there's the son seat and he has raised us up together and rearranged the seating chart so that you are now seated together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus which could effectively and more accurately be said as with Christ she's in and with Christ Jesus and it's your awareness of that your recognition of that you honoring that presence by by embracing the reality God is with me yeah but you blew it yesterday so you separated yourself from God no he already washed us of all of our sins past present and future all of them were future 2,000 years ago you can all sudden catch up yeah it's like you didn't all of a sudden catch up and now okay Jesus blood you know it washed all the sins until you're 30 or all your sins until you're 40 all your sins until tomorrow know it all of your sins were future when Jesus died for them so all of them are washed all of them say should I just go out and then I can go out and sin and God doesn't care frankly it's not about whether God cares it's that now your actions have consequences so you still planting seeds and harvests come from seeds it has nothing to do with God judging you these seeds have harvests oh man all right let's stand together we're so Jesus removing sin removes the separation between us and God and then what happens by the way I'm going to be able to be out and lobby to greet anybody love to meet and greet because we're not having our 12 o'clock service in the city we moved it to five o'clock because the marathon in Chicago so so I'd love to greet shout out in the lobby as well afterwards and so a lot of our team members will be there too but Jesus having become sin for us removes sin takes away the sin of the world and what happens we're restored to the presence of God and then what happens fear leaves blaming stops and sorrow leaves you and joy and pleasure and the sense of happiness is in direct proportion to your sense of awareness of God's presence in your life and why he is present is through the blood of Jesus so when your mind tells you God just left the Holy Spirit you just smoke that cigarette the Holy Spirit just just ran away you just cost the Holy Spirit went out when that word went out God went ahead and damned it as soon as you said to know God's not like that you can't curse what God has blessed your awareness this month we're going to become aware of his presence and it's gonna heal your emotions it's gonna heal your body we're striving in China his presence brings us pleasure and his presence heals our pain and when you get ahold of that you don't earn his presence you don't work for his presence you don't strive to enter into his presence you're already in by what the blood of Jesus
Channel: Life Changers International Church
Views: 3,103
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Id: SvAZb-2w3sw
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Length: 42min 2sec (2522 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 08 2018
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