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the 10 most expensive dog breeds in the world we know that having a dog is priceless and even more if it becomes your faithful companion through good and bad fortunately there are canines you can adopt to raise them and love them madly but there are also dogs that by their breed and appearance are extremely expensive number 10 Akita did you ever hear about Hachiko or did you watch always by your side the movie don't worry here we tell you it is the story of a Japanese Akita dog that waited for his master for 10 years his owner had died of a heart attack while he was working as a teacher but Hachiko went every afternoon to pick him up at the train station hoping to see him again really stole our hearts the Akita is native of the Akita city and its price is between 1,500 to $4,500 his main characteristic is his loyalty and affection to his master it is considered a gentle dog but it's still included within the dangerous breeds because it has a strong jaw that can produce a terrible bite it measures up to 2.2 feet and weighs approximately 88 pounds its body is robust has a tail coil towards the back and its abundant coat requires to be brushed daily if you want a friend like this will be an excellent choice because they prefer human company more than that of another dog number 9 the hairy collie this breed comes from Scotland and North England in the beginning they were raised to care for herds and Great Britain and although they continue to play this role there are many who have also become the family's best friends it is medium in size and can reach a height of 1.8 feet and a weight of 62 pounds their coat is abundant and light-colored with white and puppies can be beige brown or white it is not a dog that fits any family because being a lover of physical work it will prefer that their owners are active and love to be outdoors they are playful enthusiastic and surprisingly magnificent because they bring joy to the home but in spite of that they can also be very sensitive it is recommended to check their long ears to avoid infection or fungus their average lifespan is between 14 and 16 years if you want a nice companion like this you'll have to save from one thousand to five thousand dollars number eight dog of the Pharaoh it is considered to be one of the oldest breeds in the world its value approaches six thousand five hundred dollars and is a tall and slender canine with measurements of up to 2.2 feet and a weight of around 55 pounds he does not need a lot of care or big spaces but he does need daily exercise since he is a hunting and athletic dog his fur is thin and short of dark brown or life that will need to be brushed daily unlike other races the Pharaohs dog is independent and will not worry about getting his way it has an average lifespan of twelve to fifteen years and they are excellent companions beautiful right [Music] number seven Rottweiler the Rottweiler is a stout breed with strong jaws considered an ideal Guardian and police dogs by their rough appearance many fear them but in spite of that they can be docile and obedient however if you educate him in an aggressive environment he will be a dominant dog always defensive and will not tolerate any other dog in particular this breed is more prone to suffer parvo virus so it should be vaccinated annually it reaches up to 2.2 feet in height and has an excessive weight of 99 to 132 pounds because it has a quick musculature it is very important to keep it in physical activity and preferably stay in the home garden by its nature this great canine is a protector of its owner and very alert you should be very careful with their upbringing if you want one because its instincts tend to be fierce buying this singular dog could make you pay for 2,000 to $8,000 number six tchau tchau tchau tchau is from north china and is one of the oldest breeds that still exists he was a watchdog shepherd and companion in china it has a very similar appearance to a cub because it has an abundant coat with the tonality that can be red blue black white and cream that make a look really adorable this adorable pet will be very attentive to you if you are his favorite person and just like the dog of the Pharaoh will not stop indulging in his own whims it is indispensable to educate this precious canine under socialization techniques because they have a territorial instinct which can be a serious problem for people who are not part of the family Chow Chow has a bluish tongue it measures up to 1.8 feet and can weigh up to 66 pounds living with one of these beautiful dogs will cost you from 3000 to $8,500 [Music] number five English bulldog this chubby dog is recognized as a symbol in England it comes from the United Kingdom and is believed to originate from the crossing of the Maltese Bolt with Mastiffs formally raised for dog fights in the UK however over time the English bulldog has modified his temperament becoming an adorable companion and capable of being tamed it has a large head with round and beautiful black eyes pointed ears dropped forward and a volumous body with short legs it measures up to 1.3 feet in length and can weigh about 66 pounds one point that may be in your favor is that it does not require much exercise and will settle for a short walk but it will eat excessive amounts he is a tolerant affectionate and self-confident dog acquiring one can cost you from $2,500 to $9,000 number 4 Samoyed the Samoyed is a tenderly furry dog and mostly white or cream-colored it is an intelligent pleasant and somewhat independent pet behind his abundant and copious coat hides a muscular body he has a fine head with a pointed nose and owns a tender bent muzzle called Sammy's smile it's like this about 1.9 feet and approaches 66 pounds Samoyeds are dogs that will love your presence and it is not advisable to leave them alone for long periods because they may present depressive and destructive temperaments they are pets that feed on quality food in few servings and require twenty to forty minute exercise or a daily walk having the pleasure of enjoying this wonderful breed for an estimated time of 10 to 12 years can cost you about $11,000 number 3 King Charles Nights spaniel it's particularly met since its beginnings these adorable canines were the favorite mascot of the British royalty unlike other dogs the King Charles Spaniel has been a companion dog from the past to the present day caring for a canine like this will cost you the surprising amount of $14,000 they're beautiful and loveable appearance reminds us of the unique dog in the movie the lady in the trench for her hairy little ears and sweet face it is a dog breed that will melt your heart by seeing them because besides being beautiful they have a cheerful personality active and will enjoy you incredibly if you pamper them it is one of the smaller puppies of this top but the largest of the dogs and the toy category they can measure up to 1.1 feet approximately and wait little more than 18 pounds number 2 German Shepherd it is a perfect working breed and although it was raised to watch sheep in the beginning at the moment is a suitable companion that can be a guard dog service dog or police dog it is a canine capable of fulfilling demanding tasks and has a privileged muscular body and flexible legs he is also known as the Alsatian and it's temperament is super loyal if you ever find yourself in danger it will give its own life for you it can cost up to $24,000 and approach 2 point 16 feet in height their life expectancy is 9 to 13 years number one Tibetan Mastiffs Oh my first place is occupied by this very precious canine very similar to a teddy bear which became the most expensive dog breed in the world after a Chinese millionaire paid the exorbitant of $1,600,000 believe it or not the dog was acquired in a dog show where the wealthy Chinese did not hesitate to pay almost two million dollars for this dog that besides being beautiful is a faithful companion it is the largest of this top measuring about 2.3 feet it's a quiet pet but if you provoke it it will bark and show those ferocious fangs definitely a complete work of vanity to acquire a canine like this those were the 10 most expensive dog breeds in the world don't forget to subscribe to the channel and activate notifications so you do not miss a single video until next time
Channel: Trend Max
Views: 10,149,941
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Keywords: most expensive breed of dogs, expensive dog breeds, the most expensive dog breeds, top 10 most expensive dogs, most expensive dogs, world's most expensive dogs, most expensive dogs in the world, most expensive dogs breeds, most expensive dogs ever sold, best breed dogs, most expensive dog, dogs, the most loyal dogs, expensive dogs to buy, tibetan mastiff, akita dog, german shepherd, chow chow dog, rottweiler, most expensive pets
Id: -pr1ApCZZ5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2017
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