The Most EVIL Game Companies (and why!)

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all right everybody Welcome to today's Dana raid video I've decided to crash these hello guys Joe Biden here back with another oh God damn it is that sleepy Joe ruining my introduction to Dana rage audience yeah it is me sleepy Joe hey can you stop calling me that no sleepy Joe I can't you know why it's because you wake up at 3 P.M and go to bed at 7 p.m like an aging sad old man who has no life can we just get to the video hey what is this video even about wait what the actual is that thumbnail what are you talking about Donald just look at this thumbnail like I appreciate the artwork that's been far let me look at it oh my God is Dana Aid me no sleepy Joe I don't think Dana raid is actually on you I have one question to ask to Dana Aid you know what I do as well what is the point of this video you kind of suck at this game sleepy Joe hmm good question um President Biden and former president Trump video games are a tricky business they require a wide range of talent artists animators programmers musicians they all contribute to the final product of every video game you play although video games produce more and more Revenue as time goes on games and their budgets also seem to be getting bigger and bigger now certain companies have reputations for doing some questionable things the current landscape is a bit messy regarding how people perceive the quality of gaming companies this video is not to prove which company is objectively the worst but to present talking points Gamers have expressed to communicate their disgust for some of the big players in this industry it'll be up to you to decide how you feel about specific companies and their practices I know critical thinking skills Ew with that out of the way let's dive into company Numero Uno where do I even start with this one I wanted to get EA out of the way because it's EA those two letters alone strike fear in any gamer EA has become the laughing stock Among The Gaming Community and for good reason which we're about to dive into but EA certainly isn't the only one to have done some shady stuff the irony in hating EA is that they were Pioneers in a good way early on do you know where the name Electronic Arts comes from it originates from EA crediting designers behind a game hence EA treating their games as art and the designers as artists sounds like a pretty good gig to me now I'm not saying EA doesn't credit anyone in their recent games but I am saying that EA kind of sucks now and has led the way for some of the worst business practices in gaming to get an easy one out of the way predatory micro transactions let's establish something real quick microtransactions are not inherently bad I think fortnite has an excellent system in place because everything you buy is cosmetic if you start a brand new fortnite account you're on the same level as everyone else you have no competitive Advantage EA laughs in the face of this and pushes pay to win models for some of their Flagship games FIFA and Star Wars Battlefront 2 require players to Shell out hundreds of dollars just to play as their favorite character or even have a chance competitively alternatively they can grind out the base experience to such an unfathomable level to where it burns people out now I know EA stepped back and course corrected with Battlefront 2 specifically but they were also trying to play defense and saying opening up loot boxes is like opening a Kinder Egg the issues with EA stem further than just annoying micro transactions they've released numerous games in buggy States including Anthem Mass Effect Andromeda Battlefield 2042 this is just the tip of the iceberg but that's all pretty well known you know what isn't as well known something I like to call EA's kiss of death EA has a bizarre history of acquiring Studios and then death bullfrog Productions Westwood Studios origin systems Maxis software all of these Studios cease to exist today I call this out as peculiar as no large studio buying a smaller Studio actively tries to bankrupt the companies they own but you do have to admit it is a weird phenomenon that most Studios acquired by EA never seem to make it for very long you don't hear any of Microsoft or Nintendo's acquired Studios shutting down in the news it's truly a sad tale because there are hundreds of jobs being lost just because one project didn't meet the expectations of the corporate overlords trashing on EA is basically its own sub-genre on YouTube and everything I've discussed isn't anything super new so I'll end it here oh Activision Blizzard this is one of those cases where the more I read the more scared I am let's start with some fundamentals modern Call of Duty is in a pretty bad state right now while I've never been into Shooters I've heard countless stories of my friends just having a good time playing older Call of Duties online you try to play one now and it's filled with game breaking bugs constant crashes lack of content sounds a lot like what I just talked about with the EA moments ago Activision actually promised that there wouldn't be a Call of Duty game in 2023 and that they would be putting more time and resources into the most recent Call of Duty game Modern Warfare 2 fact check Falls can you guess how many people work on Call of Duty at this point in time can you take one guess got a number in your head great it's 3 000. Call of Duty is just this entity that sucks up all this help Toys for Bob made the Spyro reignited Trilogy and crash four I guess they're working on Call of Duty now the Call of Duty franchise not being great isn't what put Activision Blizzard on this list even if it's Fall From Grace is sad what makes Activision Blizzard going from disappointing to concerning is when the entire State of California sues you that's not good there have been a variety of accusations and lawsuits stipulating the Activision Blizzard have fostered a work environment full of sexual harassment disproportionate pay based on gender and my personal favorite moms is breast milk getting stolen wait what now that last one raises a couple questions it's a pretty sticky situation and even though I poke fun at the breastfeeding example claims of an unsafe work environment especially for women is a serious issue Activision Blizzard's response was very tone deaf some workers try to unionize Activision Blizzard try to shut that down and for the the cherry on top Activision blizzards is internal investigation found absolutely nothing wrong imagine you are under criminal investigation and the person who gets to find out if you've done anything wrong is yourself that doesn't seem very fair does it now this is all pretty sad to see the gaming industry already has a better reputation for crunch culture and hearing reports of I'll just use the umbrella term of work mistreatment to encapsulate all the claims just mentioned puts the game developers who work on some of your favorite games at the mercy of bad corporate practices these people act like they had good intentions but in reality try to look the opposite way when faced with serious issues this is arguably one of the sadder stories of a company's downfall because it just has to do with Konami being salty for a while you know as the subtitle for this section would suggest now most of what I'm about to talk about is old news happening back in 2015 but it'll build into the current problems with Konami I promise me hideo Kojima an extremely beloved and talented game designer who puts his all into every project he makes he was developing the highly anticipated Metal Gear Solid 5. now a problem with Kojima is that he doesn't like to cut Corners though I put problems in quotes there he is a meticulous man and because of this methodology Metal Gear Solid 5 was running behind schedule and over budget now despite this happening a lot in gaming Konami wouldn't have it this time so they decided to make Kojima and his teams his life as hell as possible this includes randomly turning off the internet separating Kojima from his team can communicating with said Team through proxy only and so much more inconvenient fun barriers to worsen the blow Konami removed all mention of Kojima and his company from the Metal Gear Solid 5 box art Kojima was then prohibited from accepting the award when the game won best action slash Adventure game at the game awards that year imagine being The Mastermind and even Public Image for one of the most respected game franchises and you can't even accept your own award understandably everybody got pissed at Konami for treating Kojima with such disrespect in an ironic twist this whole controversy led to publications of Articles talking about how Konami mistreats their workers in general they've gone through so far as they heavily monitored their employees whether it be through surveillance footage or tracking internet searches see that was all 2015 jarkin how about Konami now yeah it's not much better Konami just lets their legacy franchises die and when they do release a new game in one of their franchises it isn't good then nobody buys it and oh well I guess nobody wants to play Castlevania anymore but they want Castlevania nfts just give some of your properties to competent game developers Konami was such a legendary icon the Konami Code shall forever live in gaming history and now they just don't really contribute to much anymore [Music] ooh be soft and I have a history with each other on this channel if you aren't aware now Ubisoft is a company that gets lost in the sea of creativity and new Talent seriously Ubisoft today just exists they aren't really innovators and add to the stockpile of generic AAA games on this channel specifically I've called them out for their lazy version of Monopoly I'm a big fan of Monopoly and Ubisoft was granted the exclusive rights to produce a video game version of Monopoly and it barely functions the Nintendo switch version is laggy which is stupid because if the switch can handle breath of the wild then this is just bad Hardware optimization the servers frequently freeze up and ruin Long play sessions which that's the last thing you want happening in a game of Monopoly when recording those older Monopoly videos I tried switching over to the PC edition of the game Monopoly plus yeah the same thing happened also forty dollars for Monopoly on the switch is highway robbery and really seeing ubisoft's decline is quite sad and depressing ubisoft's game output has never been anything that has interested me but I feel as though I can at least tell that their new games kind of suck except for the new Mario and Rabbids game what have they released that has really got anyone excited Far Cry 6 any of the new Assassin Creed games monopoly Madness Jesus Christ I'm trying guys I swear their new games just feel hollow compared to what they've previously made Beyond Good and Evil Assassin's Creed 2 Rayman Origins these are all classic Ubisoft titles that today are just worse modern day Ubisoft games feel like big open worlds with no substance to them not only that but they just pump out the same thing every year have you ever considered Googling how many Tom Clancy games they've made I have and I'm pretty sure this list is longer than the reasons why your dad never came back with the milk what else has Ubisoft doing these days they have a subscription service where you can pay a monthly fee of 15 for Ubisoft games and only Ubisoft games what who on planet Earth has the urge to play Ubisoft games and nothing else oh but you can play Rayman Jungle Run on Uplay plus a mobile game on PC that came out a decade ago man even this is a new low for Ubisoft [Music] Bethesda baffles me this is the tale of how a game Studio held up in such high regard just has recently been clowned on Bethesda is the Mind behind some great games including Skyrim do maternal and Fallout 3. and yet the red flags were waving right before our eyes for example Todd Howard producer and director at Bethesda game studios proudly told the world that Fallout 3 would have 200 endings uh-huh 200 you say yeah I got you if anyone bothered to stop and think about the idea of developing 200 endings you would have realized Todd was pulling stuff right out of his ass I hate this obligation companies have in recent times to generate unrealistic expectations and insurmountable hype this modern practice is just a recipe for disaster and disappointment but many of Todd's lies at the time were swept under the rug as the games became gray this would all change during the reveal and launch of Fallout 76. this presentation has some iconic quotes such as it is four times the size of Fallout 4. it allows us to have 16 times the detail and that uh sometimes it doesn't just work that last one is definitely ironic considering that when Fallout 76 launched it was an absolutely broken mess and was not a finished product this is another classic case of an unplayable and overhyped major gaming release and it won't be the last one we discussed today what really stings in my opinion about the game is how Bethesda doubled down by offering a paid subscription service for 13 bucks a month that gave exclusive access to content and monthly rewards what would have made sense in my eyes is patch the game apologize and then pump out free content updates to hopefully Salvage any sort of positive experience that the game could have provided how about a hundred dollars a year for private worlds now I do understand that a lot of the bad business Bethesda has been exhibiting is likely coming from their parent company xenimax media but Todd Howard is the face of Bethesda he has a massive role in making Bethesda games so it is 100 fair for people to make memes about Todd and generally perceive him as a liar overall I find modern Bethesda really weird this year they plan to release Starfield their next big thing but when they initially revealed it they literally gave us a logo in space and knowing bethesda's track record especially in recent times who knows if they will sell us the next big Bethesda lie oh I'm sorry 2K fans who like to spend hundreds of dollars on the same game every year you aren't going to like what I have to say 2K is pretty garbage because they pump out only sports games even EA despite basically doing the same thing with Madden and FIFA at least like I don't know where they publish other stuff I heard the new Dead Space remake was decent it takes two is really good and for the good stuff that's about it but at least they pump out stuff yeah 2K on the other hand NBA 2K WWE 2K PGA Tour 2K and that's about it nowadays do you want to know a game they decide to randomly publish carnival games I hope that tells you where their head is right now this is crazy as 2K has published some excellent stuff Bioshock Borderlands civilization 6. they aren't stranger to Quality games that people adore but 2010 2K is nothing like 2023 2K where all they do today is pump out garbage NBA 2K is the best example as it is easily their most popular and lazy series since around 2017 it seemed as though 2K stopped caring about really changing that much about the experience and they just pump out the same game every year with that 60 price tag the micro transactions in these games are pitiful because they have the same problems as those in EA Sports Games if you want to build your ultimate dream team and have good stats you'll have to come off of tens if not hundreds of dollars just to have a chance to obtain your favorite player remember when sports games showcased how much better graphics we're getting When jumping from One console generation to the next yeah NBA 2K can't say the same thing everything is built off the previous year and there's no innovation to be had I mean NBA 2K has a Mode called my career where you get drafted into the NBA and you have to work your way up through the crazy and wacky environment you find yourself in kind of stupid it also will just suck up just as much money as the my team mode for crying out loud the game is riddled with actual advertisements not only are you paying full price for this game but you are exposed to both real advertisements from real companies paired with a shallow game that can only be truly experienced if you shell out hundreds of dollars 2K you are kind of poopy oh CD project red where did it all go wrong you had released a masterpiece that critically acclaimed Witcher 3 it was big exciting and most importantly really fun to explore the world and fight monsters after all of this people were excited about CD projekt reds next game they were promising cyberpunk 2077 to be even bigger even better than The Witcher 3. this was exhilarating news for everyone the next great open world game was on the horizon the public had already experienced broken promises and lies from other companies there's the already mentioned Fallout 76 but then there's also no man's Sky while a decent game now was a sad scam when initially released but it's okay because CD projekt Red released a 15-minute gameplay showcase which looked amazing the game looked like it was living up to all of the hype they also came out and were bullish enough to promise many features including hundreds of NPCs with unique dialogue and different lives you could follow and experience a complex wanted and corrupt police system multiplayer after launch and best of all as indicated in the initial teaser trailer it was coming quo when it's ready huh how odd considering what happened yeah so if you've been living under a rock this game came out and it was buggy it was unfinished and it was another expensive set of Lies this is another classic case of investors and the higher-ups pushing the game out when it clearly wasn't ready couldn't miss that Holiday Rush with that December 10th release date this will go down in history as one of the most disappointing launches ever but we really shouldn't be putting the blame on the developers because I guarantee they were the ones crunching on the game the higher-ups at seated project red likely thought nothing more as the game had already sold 8 million pre-orders as of now the game has sold 20 million copies so despite costing over 100 million dollars they made a pretty sizable profit in this sea of disappointment CD's project red came out on top and when the spotlight was on them they blew it and they likely have forever damaged their reputation so what did we learn today people are mad I see this idea that gaming is dying and it isn't the same as it used to be and while there's a certain beauty of playing Wii Sports back in 09 we've had so many Indies come and shake up the landscape it takes two Celeste even as recently as Pizza Tower Indies have demonstrated the ability to pick up the slack and create breathtaking experiences even from the bigger Studios I talked a lot about the failure of large expansive open world games but just look at Elden ring and how great that game came out to be Super Mario Odyssey Doom 2016 Spider-Man and PS4 Persona 5. these are all fantastic modern releases it's vital that we keep companies in check and communicate our concerns whether it be the quality of their games or behind the scenes mismanagement that can happen behind closed doors but seriously if you play NBA 2K I am so sorry for your wallet [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Danerade
Views: 291,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: danerade, danerade companies, danerade pvz, danerade hello neighbor, pvz 3, hello neighbor, ea games, ea trailers, bethesda controversy, ea sucks, ubisoft releases, ubisoft sucks, konami sucks, konami controversy, cyberpunk 2077
Id: TUzgq8NgX7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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