Explaining the Great Plants Vs Zombies VS Mode Tournament

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[Music] and the dsn console versions of the original plants vs zombies there lies a hidden gem of a mode that has simply been titled versus mode by the community versus mode is a very simple idea one player plays his plans and the other player plays as zombies even grandma could understand it what's a video game and to every 11 year old that was the tipping point for you to buy the game again if you already had it now you could play plants vs zombies in the ugliest way possible legend has it only a madman would buy the same game twice so other friends could play it through ds download play this surely isn't going to boost my credit score but in this mode lie such a complex range of ideas and strategies that no one up until 2021 has uncovered back in late 2020 the youtubers of shy guy mask and it's p4p were tinkering with this mode as seen by these screenshots from the sunflower nation discord server in here it not only reveals shy guy masks's eventual findings that star fruit is overpowered against zombies or so he says more on that later but more importantly that both it's p4p and shy guy mask were able to play together online through the power of a couple ps3 emulators and parsec if there is a question i see time and time again it's asking how did these two and frankly now a growing community of people find a way to play this game online for context the original is local co-op only which is super weird in hindsight since the xbox 360 and ps3 were the rise of online gaming parsec is where the magic comes in it's a software that basically acts as the middleman that can connect controllers from thousands of miles away with little to no lag now of course depending on where you live lag can occur the first thing shy guy mask and it's p for p found is that when one person lives in canada and the other lives in thailand yeah the connection is going to be pretty bad but if you were like me and live in the us and you connect to someone else in a different state there is little lag if they live in your same state there is virtually zero input lag and that's how playing plants vs zombies versus mode works online with this in mind shy guy mask and it's p4p kept this newfound knowledge and fun game mode only to themselves for about a month until january 20th of 2021 when it's p4p suggested to shy guy mask about forming a tournament with a whole bunch of pvc content creators and four days later i got a dm from shy guy mask himself now before i even start i must stress that this video is purely for the hardcore i'm going to go into an extraneous amount of detail that someone who has bought pvc more than five times would go through it's not buying if origin gives it to you for free because ea was feeling nice that day and only that day i am not holding back in what i have to say so if this is your first time watching i am so sorry also for another heads up the quality of the footage will range drastically this is because the footage ranges from recording off of an original xbox 360 the ps3 emulator or through parsec which already compresses the gameplay footage down probably for storage reasons on their end now then just imagine it i wake up thinking about how not great my day was going to be because of school i look at my phone and i see a dm from shy guy mask asking if i had wanted to participate in a pvc tournament hey how was your day oh pretty good shaggy mask asked me if i wanted to participate in a plants vs zombies vs mode tournament i was ecstatic to say the least so i quickly said yes of course and then i was thrown straight into a group chat with everybody else who was invited and of course i was eager to find that it's p4p himself has suggested to invite darren nade thanks after joining this group chat and also figuring out how parsec works it was time to analyze my opponents these after all are nice people but i also had to keep in mind that these are my fellow contestants i was going up against i want to take the time to explain how this tournament was structured and who the people are in it so the tournament was set up in an elimination style everybody was to be randomized to fit this bracket you would play rock paper scissors to decide who picks what side and then the person who wins two out of the three games advances to the next part of the bracket and the last person standing wins now i will say the only odd thing about the tournament is how it was not really publicly advertised hp4p allowed us to livestream our games but with no announcement the general viewer probably didn't know what was going on a lot of the time that is why during my live streams i tried to explain things the best i could in my usual bumbling way i do trying to catch people up since i was really the only one telling the world that this thing was even happening no shade toward it's p for p in any way i just want to explain my main reason for making this video which is to further clarify what all happened during this event that really is somewhat explained in bits and pieces across multiple videos and such with that all out of the way let's talk about everybody involved shy guy mask is probably the biggest name you recognize with his very unique text-based commentary style making primarily challenge videos in games like the mario luigi series terraria and of course plants vs zombies now something you have to know about shy guy is that he does not talk in his videos obviously as you might be able to tell but why is that well i feel obligated to bring this up as if you were like me and live in the united states you forget that there's an entire country above you called canada this is important as shy guy doesn't just live in canada but more specifically quebec quebec is a weird part of canada where a large majority of their population speaks french as their native language and in many cases the only language as a matter of fact now if you live in canada feel free to correct me as i am not well-versed in canadian politics and even then if i was i would be concerned that a teenager in the united states is reminiscing about politics in another country but what i do know is that quebec is basically trying to isolate itself from the rest of canada and keep english out of quebec as much as possible so for shy guy to not be comfortable with english makes a ton of sense as he literally grew up in an environment where english is being pushed away with that long-winded and quite frankly unnecessary explanation out of the way within the context of the tournament is shy guy a threat as a matter of fact shy guy has proven himself to be a juggernaut when relating to pbz not only is the first one to really shape the meta and the form it comes in today but he also grasps the mechanics of this game very well he concentrates very deeply on every round we play and makes very few mistakes if there's one person that is going to come in my way of that first place title it's him let's also not forget he has beaten pvc one and many hard and unconventional ways to say the least let's move swiftly into our next competitor it's p for p i promise the rest of the explanations won't be as long or ranty as shy guys was it's p primarily streams plants vs zombies mods and even has his own mod alternate universe or alter z for short he has his own editor silvu who produces some nice highlights that can be quite entertaining he's also a very nice guy so there's that going for him now i must admit i don't have much to say on it's pee as i'm not much of a streaming person myself which may reveal why i stream like what every like four to five months or something alright next up is redhead gaming who is another youtuber you may or may not have heard of this is in no way to bash red ahead but when i think of him the first thing i can think of is dana ray donerate dana ray dana raid everybody dana makes some amazing content and therefore you should subscribe and join his discord server holy crap dane your aides discord plugins are evolving he has officially gone mad [Music] daenerys generated bannerade he is another pvc content creator and like it's p he focuses heavily on streaming however what differs greatly between the two is that redhead focuses on the shooters of the franchise rather than the tower defense games and even more interestingly is that he started to grow and blow up off of battle for naberville many of you may know i'm not fond of the game and ho ho that is the understatement of the century but to see someone grow into something from it was nice to see i must say though his thumbnails are really good and he has got some great skill in graphic design if there was an award for most out of place and random comment i would receive it just about now next up is general john who at the time the tournament had taken place was a fairly obscure name among most viewers they are another pvc content creator who is really really skilled at these games going so far as to be multiple pvz plus a really unfair mod levels without sunflowers they know a thing or two about how to play these games so better be on the lookout for them and guess who i play against in the tournament first our first and only twitch streamer in the group super is actually a pvz one speedrunner it brought a new layer of uniqueness to the eight selected to be participating in the tournament and his inclusion kinda rounded out the content creator list i must admit i have talked to some of these people more than others and super who despite seeming like a really nice guy in the dms i saw i barely got to talk to him primarily because he proved to be quite tricky to get a hold of because surprisingly he actually has a life plasma sheep is next to talk about plasma kind of plays a bunch of roles in the pvc community they are a moderator and a big pvc server they are pretty active in other servers and he has his own channel where he just does whatever he wants just an active member of the community really wow g whiz you go plasma lastly we have bulbasaur represent i would like to start off by saying if you have never heard of bulba before i really don't blame you no offense bulba if you're watching this arguably the most obscure out of the pack they are a moderator of the shy guy mask discord server and they also do a handful of pvc one speed runs here or there very nice person though i must say i got to know them a little bit through this tournament hopefully that gives you a better idea of the fools that are about to be taken down before we start heading into the meta though i want to talk about some honorable mentions or more specifically those who didn't get in for one reason or another i had just two people i want to briefly mention there's actually a bit of confusion that literally no one realized there was an inconsistency about but i will mention it now it's that on twitter redhead gaming mentioned that exploding apple was to be involved which i can confirm was true exploding apple seemed like a very good pick as he had played a lot of versus mode before it might be a strong contender for the first place finish is what i would say if he was in the tournament but at last he wasn't so we shall never know the long story short of it all is that plans fell through because his internet wasn't fast enough to make it work we thought of deterra who was another pvc content creator which i know i will get a lot of flack for saying this but he is basically the shy guy mask of pvc oh i'm sorry he does pvc challenge videos with the same text based commentary type videos though he has been talking in his recent videos which is nice anyways we wanted him in the tournament but we had no way of contacting him no discord no twitter not even a business email a collab eventually did happen months later after the tournament but speaking of that video that brings up a good segue into a huge misconception regarding this mode time and time again i would see in shy guys comments if dutch were in this tournament you would have lost which obviously we will never know what could have happened but it kind of happened so that's probably a good indicator of what was likely to happen and guess what detroit fans he lost i mean i'm not surprised not to discredit detroit as a skilled pvz player but his loss stems from the fact that just because you are good at the base game does not in any way correlate to versus mode they are just two completely separate things and to compare them like that is not right so detroit lost because he went into versus mode with very little understanding of it i cannot stress this enough versus mode is an extremely complex mode that has yet to be cracked there isn't one unstoppable setup there are so so many different ways to out beat your opponent which is a great thing even if both sides pick the same lineup over and over again every game turns out to be a little different now i've been going on and on about how versus mode is hard to understand yadda yadda but how and why you might be asking well i have compiled together my keyword as my tier list and i'm going to explain all the important takeaways so here is my explanation of the plants vs zombies versus mode meta before going through plants and zombies individually let me explain how the dang game mode is even structured so as previously mentioned one side is plants and the other side is zombies and the objective of zombies is to reach the house and the goal of plants is to knock down three target zombies zombies win most by quickly getting to the house as fast as possible the longer the match goes on the less likely zombies can win which is good for plants are kind of op in this game because if they stall long enough they basically win automatically let's start off by talking about the zombie side as there are less of them to go over and this should be relatively faster than plants also keep in mind i won't be going over every single plant and zombie i can't go into every single little detail alright onto the zombies this is my definitive zombie tier list are you serious now the first thing that might stick out to you is pogo despite his high cost of 225 brains pogo is actually a very dangerous zombie in this mode mostly because it puts plants on defense way more than what is typical for them for starters pogo is the fastest zombie in the game so pretty threatening already and the best part about him is that if plants have no instance or offensive plans to deal with him you win think of it this way if i pick pogo the easiest way to take them out is what they squash right but what if i pick other zombies like football or ladder and if plants use their squash on them then that leaves pogo vulnerable to sweep the board and automatically win okay so let's say i don't use the squash to keep it for pogo while the other zombies are probably going to overwhelm you and you're still going to lose and most importantly pogo is the biggest counter for puff shrooms without getting ahead of myself too much puffs room is one of the most popular picks because of its aggressive early game well if you want to fight back against pogo i just gotta pick a lot of instance and then i win and then i pick push room and oh you can't pick both as if you pick posh stream you still have to pick another offensive plan which means you only have two seats lost left for instance which may or may not be enough to counter pogo so basically when plants pick puffs room pick pogo because they most likely don't have enough instance to beat you it also just happens to have the most clutch plays which is a nice addition no you got it you win he can't he can't retaliate well maybe he can't oh bailey [Music] new hero absolute hero okay there we go next up is basic zombie and to all you casuals you might be squirming in your seats right now why would i want to pick basic when i could just pick the expensive big guys well in a nutshell because of basics fast recharge and cheap cost they are very spammable and zombies win during the early game the most because plants are plants are kind of overpowered in this game so yeah basic literally a necessity for zombies who knew that this this or even this don't compare to this gargantuar i feel is pretty self-explanatory it's a huge threat for the plant side and all of their attention has to go to it if untreated properly it can absolutely demolish a plant's momentum also the imp can be a very powerful tool in some cases even more threatening than the gargantuar itself bungie is definitely going to raise a couple eyebrows but let me explain to you why bungie is the most slept on zombie in this mode it is easily the hardest zombie to use properly and because of its huge difficulty curve to most people it's easy to toss it in low tier like c or d there are actually two ways to use bungie either you can use it as what i call a deterrent or as a stale slash block here's what i mean by that let's start with the deterrent way let's say we have a football zombie coming in an open lane open lane means no lawnmower plants have a spare walnut to use but notice the zombies have their cursor over bungie the plants know that if they place the walnut zombies will simply put down a bungee and the football zombie will get through and if they don't do anything they still lose now this is a pretty cut and dry example but i think you get the point the second use of bungie is to block something now this is where the extremely smart strategies and quick thinking come into play take this star fruit and basic zombie for instance most people would just deem it as a lost cause and would leave the zombie bee to die by the starfruit however you can place a bungee on the starfruit and it will absorb the damage of the starfruit leaving the basic zombie to continue to walk ticking over the lawnmower and the process that is the complexity this mode is all about utilizing certain game mechanics like this to win is instrumental in winning this tournament digger is kind of an interesting one as just like a lot of these zombies something i once disregarded as pretty bad and unreliable actually has some merit to it basically this is another one of those zombies like bungie that you have to use correctly one thing that you can do is pick digger early so that it forces plants to change their strategy to accommodate for the digger choice this is what we call the counter pick and what it means basically is forcing your opponent to pick or not pick certain plants or zombies a good example is pogo as if plants pick push room your immediate pick should be pogo i.e a pick to combat what plants choose or even the opposite let's say i like to pick screen door but if plants pick cabbage that severely limits my options as zombies which throws off zombies considerably because they might have to change up their lineup even better is if you can keep your opponent uneasy or skeptical of what you are picking let's say i know i will pick cabbage last zombies know that plants have to pick another offensive plant but because they don't know what plant they might play it on the safe side and pick something like a buckethead or football i'd argue that picking your arsenal is the most important part of the game because you could go into it with this unstoppable strategy and what if they pick something that counters what you have greatly with this in mind picking digger early on can force plans to pick certain plants to combat digger like star fruit or even magnet shroom magnet shroom is a tough pick though as that can actually benefit zombies all you have to do is place down something with metal to attract a magnet shroom wait a few seconds to place down the digger and if you did your timing right he will actually come up right in front of the house and either take out a lawnmower or get into the house this strategy only really works though if your opponent doesn't know about it so that's why digger is in b tier in the lower tiers zomboni probably sticks out to you and many people don't like that i put it so low it simply is not an aggressive play and has a slow recharge and is just really slow in general any instant will take it out and can be a damaging blow to zombies as it can kill any and all momentum now keep in mind that just because a zombie is lower on the tier doesn't automatically make it a bad choice there are many times when conehead could be helpful but isn't an amazing pick overall in addition it all boils down to play style i like to play my games at a fast pace which is why i gravitate toward picking and liking zombies such as ladder because it adds a layer of aggression and momentum than not all other zombies have alrighty then onto the plants tier list would you believe me if i said potato mine is ester in this mode so now we are on to plants and oh boy this is where the angry mob begins to head my way so let's start off with good old puffs room i talked about puff shroom earlier in the zombies part of the video but in a nutshell zombies win most often by winning early game puff shroom is a great counter to the zombies main strategy as its cheap and spammable nature makes it great for early game plants this is mainly because coffee beans cost has been permanently reduced to 25 which basically means push room is 25 sun unlike the 75 sun they would normally be in the adventure mode during the day levels now when the tournament happened it was forever taken that pufftron was a necessary pick for plants and if you didn't pick it you would lose every time as plants what if i told you that puff room isn't required every time you play as plants now what i mean it's still a valid pick but not at the required status it once was squash on the other hand while not required basically is it's one of only a few instants that has a 30 second recharge which makes it oh oh so annoying for zombies got a push going on the zombie side bam squash stops all your momentum cabbage now what cabbage is stupidly good in this game and i would like to say it now i take credit for popularizing picking cabbage at least during the tournament why do i say that probably because everybody and their niece and nephew thought it would be funny to run cabbage in their lineup yeah probably should have copyrighted picking cabbage think of it this way it is a counter toward zombies like screen door and ladder has decent dps is relatively cheap and can even bypass graves when attacking a gargantuar getting in just a couple of extra hits in probably the second best offensive plan in the game what is first you might ask christ repeater is kind of broken in this game if you didn't know they gave it a reduced sun cost of 150 which why now it's even better well while at an okay price it has one of the highest dps's in the game and can just obliterate through zombies and graves fast put more than one in the same lane and it becomes a worse situation for the zombies split p might straight up confuse some of you because how can what really was a bad plant in vanilla actually be viable for you see kind viewer that's why it's once again important to understand that these two modes are two completely separate entities you can effectively kill zombies in front and behind though it has its uses i'm not a big fan of this one you really need to have a good economy economy means sun production to be able to use this plant effectively because the zombies are gonna be eating through your split peas because by design they have to place them a little closer up than you probably want but dana raid i thought shy guy proved scary is viable on his second channel are you are you are you defying his opinion yes and if you want to know why just look at this the main problem with scaredy shroom is that it sounds good on paper a cheap spammable unit that unlike pushroom actually has range but just let zombies have a little bit of momentum and it's all over for plants you suck i didn't want it to come down to this but we gotta talk about the elephant in the room i put garlic in here what is wrong with me no actually it's the fact that i begrudgingly put starfruit in eight here you can all shut up now oh sorry that was the old tier list here is the new tearless oh wait starfruit was selling beat here oh but the list probably isn't ordered wait what's that fine prince say tier list is listed accurately in correlation to daenery's opinions what is with this man if you have been following the streams or even talked to me on discord you know i am not the biggest fan of star fruit it's not that it's necessarily bad it's just bad and boy is it overrated exhibit a it is expensive you're constantly going to be spending sun and brains as both sides are trying to aggressively attack each other as fast as possible so saving up isn't really ideal but with star fruit yeah pumped the brakes old man because star fruit got a cost nerve now costing 175 yikes so if you play the early game right then plants cannot do much because their main offensive plant is starfruit which is usually paired up with puff shroom because plants need some kind of cheap unit to compensate for the expensive stupid starfruit exhibit b you need a lot of them for star fruit to be good we will soon see this reason put into effect but star fruit is powerful in groups or clusters not individually so gathering up even just four star fruits is quite the task so why the beetier then it must have some value then well by that definition you could probably find value in just about everything i like his mustache well except this guy i don't know if he could find any value in this one i want this to be a definitive tier list and sometimes you have to look at things objectively and admit to something that you are previously wrong about the reason why i and many others previously wrote off star fruit is because we weren't playing it correctly shy guy mask the one who was adamant about the whole star fruit top tier thing plays it really well some people just know how to play certain combinations better than others think of it this way i mentioned how i'm not a big fan of split pea and i don't really like it it didn't connect with me but for others they can still play split pea very well and now for another example playing bungie is one of the hardest to grasp and understand it's also risky to even choose and those two points alone lead many people to look for other options but i was one of the few who gravitated toward it which is why it appears higher on my list than many others but to circle back to starfruit i don't know i might just be a stubborn man so expect to see a comment from shy guy mask explaining why everything i just said is wrong well you got me by all accounts it doesn't make sense doomsdroom is one i saw time and time again i got suggested i picked but i didn't and you want to know why because we banned it having a nuke at your disposal is only just a little bit broken so yeah no doom shroom and now it's time for the moment you've been waiting for only took us 5 000 words to get to this point now that all of you have a pretty detailed explanation on this mode it's time to explain what went down the tournament was to take place on the weekend of february 5th through the 7th which basically gave us a week or so to plan the event during the weekday i would grind out games practicing with anyone willing to play with me obviously i had school so some of those nights were pretty long but i also was determined to be crowned champion of this plants vs zombies vs mode turnabout xp had set up a bracket which looks something like this i also had set up an entire schedule which oh boy here is the problem with setting up this whole tournament let's say when one person in america is sleeping someone else overseas is either at work or school and when the americans are awake they have to go to work or school while everyone else overseas has to sleep do you see the problem here anyways after a week of grinding and talking back and forth changing reworking it was finally time for the first few games to be played i wanted to live stream my games since like no one else was going to which i felt was kind of a missed opportunity so i set my eyes to stream friday night already things started in a frenzy because john and i couldn't connect properly after figuring that out and streaming an hour late everything was going pretty smoothly until i don't know what i was talking about beforehand before the oh no what happened yeah so the curse of the something has to go wrong during a dana raid stream started here the emulator just kept crashing and crashing and of course when you're live you're under enough stress already so all i could really do is just keep trying and trying i think the problem is that my computer just couldn't handle all the stress on the cpu so the new plan was to stream the next day have shy guy mass coast and act as the middle man basically and if i were to win directly afterwards we would jump straight into the semi-finals match [Music] so already what a panic i was then when jon wasn't on discord in time for the stream sheguy's time zone is ahead of me so it was getting pretty late for him shout out to him for staying up for the stream so just at the right time jon shows up and we start the stream yeah still though wouldn't be a day in raid stream if something didn't go wrong i started it and literally no one could talk in the chat for some reason and to this day i have zero clue what went wrong i basically just rebooted streamlabs and everything was back to normal anyways it's time to get into the games to decide who would pick what side we played a game of rock paper scissors and you bet i won this was integral and winning more because of the fact that plants are simply easier to win as picking plants first would already give me an advantage going in john picks a pretty interesting lineup but what's weird is that cabbage pulp pick don't know why since picking repeater would have been a better choice i get a bit of a bad start since i placed my puff shrooms closer to the zombie side for some reason i don't know the pressure and playing it all live might have been getting to me i end up assembling my offense pretty well since jon didn't really do much to play aggressively jon just kind of set whatever without any rhyme or reason which would end up costing them the round which means yep we won the first game baby we switched sides which means i am zombies so it's going to be a bit harder to win this one i was feeling pretty good though after the last game i picked both ladder and newspaper which is quickly countered by cabbage pull which stinks john's lineup was looking to be like my last game but i was still unsure what they were going to pick so i was at a bit of a roadblock and what i should pick i ended up picking buckethead anticipating john to pick magnet shroom which i was right so here was the extremely risky and probably stupid plan basically i would use the bucket head as bait and it would attract the magnet and then i send in a ladder zombie but remember the magnet stream has a bucket from the bucket head so it would be occupied with that hey dana raid couldn't jon just place two magnet shrooms and your whole plane would fall apart yeah i had a pole vaulter get extremely close to winning it for me and even though it didn't get far enough for the win it still helped me in the long run as it kept john busy and distracted for a while any time john placed a magnet stream i would spam any of my small units that just couldn't be stopped magnet shroom is useless against a pole vaulter or newspaper for instance the critical part of all of this is the lack of two lawn mowers here as zombies if you can somehow use up just one lawnmower that plants have that is huge as the game goes on it becomes much harder for zombies to be able to get far enough to a lawnmower simply because plants presumably would have their offense up already and so as plants it should be your job to not sacrifice lawn mowers if you can with this in mind this reason alone is a big contributor to jon's struggle now john's got two rows they have to cover no matter what with just a little bit of zombie spam i claimed victory in the quarterfinals match let's go baby and then you try to kill magnet stream with ladder zombie and all the small zombies we're going to the semifinals baby for the transition period i made a video which was basically to say bp better watch out shy guy mask i'm common you see the whole aladdin theme i keep on having on this channel couldn't even escape this tournament so as i am riding off the coke tales of last game my adrenaline and heart rate was pretty high as we were jumping straight into the semifinals match but you want to know something i won rock paper scissors again let's go plasma was zombies and picked a lot of weaker zombies so my mindset was that he was going to mercilessly spam them i still pick cabbage man i must have just been in love with cabbage at the time but then plasma throws a curve ball at me and picks disco now what's weird about this lineup is that nothing is really strong there's no wind condition i decided to take another risk in the form of fume shroom up to this point i had never used fume shroom but as long as i could assemble a couple of fumes room rows there really could be nothing plasma could do plasma was doing a pretty good job aggressively pushing in the beginning which was a stark contrast to john who was pretty underwhelming as zombies a good pole vaulter play by plasma throws me for a bit of a loop but i end up handling it fine plasma got a bit of good rng with this cone head as zombies have different speeds every time you place a zombie they have slightly varying speeds and this one ended up being relatively fast which is a problem for a row with two cabbage pulls like this plasma aggressively sends in a disco zombie and this is where things start to head south the problem i had stems from the fact that plasma has a full set of grays which means he has a constant supply of brains and it was quite hard for me to keep up it was the cone heads man something that usually isn't that bad was quite deadly in this game plasma just didn't let up with the disco zombies as well and at this point i was getting quite worried i was playing catch up until it happened sudden death sudden death is interesting in this game as everything loads three times as fast and all the brain and sun production is ramped up the funny part about this though is that plants have an overwhelming advantage when sudden death happens because they can just spam as many plants as they want and they basically automatically win this was the chance at redemption and comeback of course though if you were watching live it surely didn't look like i was gonna win this one but i knew better if i had just pushed through and planted enough fume shrooms then we would be golden it took a while and with a couple of close calls the tide started to turn and then it was all over i literally had an unstoppable plant lineup and the game was declared mine so really what went wrong for plasma watching back through the footage honestly he didn't play bad all he needed was a football zombie really and that could have been the end of me [Music] after such a nail-biting game boy did it feel even more stressful to play as zombies i mean plasma clearly knew what they were doing and now i was in the harder position of playing as zombies plasma also plays the draft well by not picking the attacking plants till the very end which of course makes me uneasy i think it out for a long while but go with pogo simply because he is fun to win with plasma picks star fruit here is the problem is that even though at this time i believe star fruit was bad i had never practiced against star fruit so if plasma had something up his sleeve i could be in trouble though an odd pick for sure no push room means he was already going to struggle in the early game which i definitely took advantage of all plasma could do was place instance to stall me starfruit is a really expensive investment so push room is almost essential to pair it with yes so i won anticlimactic yes stupidly fun to win with pogo no actually because it's not stupid it's strategical and rewarding that's what it is this is when it all dawned on me [Music] it's time [Music] show [Music] needless to say everybody was hyped people were picking sides of course since i was live streaming my chat was giving me nothing but support the whole time it was tense so what went down exactly we started off by playing good old rock paper scissors then i won again i also must clarify to make it more intense the finals would be going three out of five instead of two out of three since i won rock paper scissors i went and picked plants of course and admittingly the giraffe wasn't too awfully interesting just kind of the same usual stuff with the only difference being that shy guy mask pick gargantuar ooh how scary of him shyguy played pretty well as zombies by putting pressure on the second lane by placing two zombies as one pushroom isn't enough though overall i handled the situation very well as my abundance of sunflower planting got me to be able to afford both a cabbage pull and squash quite quickly shy guy simply plays too slowly here in the beginning which is how i was able to get a nice lineup of plants i do end up having to sacrifice a lawnmower which would prove quite beneficial in shy guy's favor placing down a gargantuar in a lane without a lawnmower is pooping your pants over it's scary what shy guy is basically trying to do is distract me with the gargantuar while spamming small units down on the bottom and forced me into a gridlock of sorts where i can't handle both at the same time i was playing dumb and for some reason hesitated to place down my jalapeno which caused me to lose my cabbage pull so i got counters by placing a football zombie which doesn't do much since i had a squash ready another gargantuar gets sent in which no piggy right i place down a squash ahead of time mainly so that if shy guy places down a football zombie i would be able to counter it but this squash ladies and gentlemen is where things start to get a bit complicated now to understand what just happened we need to analyze squash for a bit squashes well calling it weird would be an understatement it's almost as though it has a mind of its own its priority and what it wants to squash is inconsistent to say the least and we see it front and center here in the tournament the fact that the squash did a big long reach like this is unlikely to happen this unlucky squash move i kid you not was my downfall this is what determined my fate this is just plain old stupid because guess what i lost the game it's not fun to talk to people when they ask why did you lose in the first game against shy guy mask because god hates me that's why i needed to steal the gargantuar and use all my incense on it because remember no lawn mower but then should i go use this opportunity and charge my other lanes quite aggressively now from your perspective it looks hopeless for me but there was a little blessing that was about to happen just about now blam sudden death and remember sudden death basically means plants win right no i forgot that sudden death is op against plants and basically i didn't do anything i just gave up i am so pissed at myself from five months ago think about it if squash only has a cool down of 10 seconds and your sun production increases tremendously you have everything in your favor to get a comeback but no instead i'm so panicked about what happened i don't seize the opportunity to do any of that alas i lost it's in the past and all i can really do is move forward and win the next game [Music] problems begin in the fact that you wouldn't know this while i was streaming but i was straight up shaking so stressed that my mind was going kapoot the draft was going pretty normal until i picked digger for some odd reason why didn't i pick pogo i picked it last game and it did me well why didn't i follow suit i just think shy guy had won the mental battle and was controlling me and what does he pick did i mention this is where my hatred for starfruit blossomed from i could do nothing to stop shy guys early game and even watching through the footage i have zero clue how he was able to produce so many sunflowers and puff shrooms and i mean shy guy knows how to play star fruit what a surprise i lost i hadn't mentioned this before but i had never played against star fruit and this was clearly not helping me okay this was time to get down and dirty this was when i was going to have this amazing comeback i knew shy guy's play style and now could counter it the lineup was the same as game one so nothing new here but rng strikes again as the zombie up on top is a fast one and of course goes through and obliterates through my puff's room so it was kind of my fault for placing it farther up but still i straight up could not think anymore this newspaper was eating up my cabbage pull and i thought it was going to eat through the entire thing it didn't though and therefore i just wasted my squash the writing was on the wall i couldn't do it everything had got caught up in my head and i had officially lost the plants vs zombies versus mo [Music] tournament 40 minutes later and here we are looking back upon my experience all i can say is that i regret absolutely nothing despite my chances probably being higher if i had not streamed the experience it added engagement to the whole event and of course a bit of a time capsule of sorts involving the whole thing while it sucked that i lost trust me guys i really really wanted to win i wanted the underdog win for this one but it provides room for improvement next time there were many factors i could have changed to make my experience easier for one the already mentioned live streaming surely wasn't helping my nerves but also going to bed at like 2 am practicing for a whole week and planning this event definitely didn't help my mental state when the weekend finally came but that was all part of the fun and i wouldn't have it any other way even if some of these things are frustrating we have to be willing to laugh at ourselves in moments of silliness and stupidity i had an incredible experience with such a large catalog of creators it was easily one of the most exciting things to happen to me not only on this youtube channel but to the pvc community as well a big thank you once again to itsp for hosting and to everybody else who participated i was more than honored to be a part of this event from going from complaining about the awful plants vs zombies 3 on my crappy phone editor despite many people not even being able to play the game god it sounds like i'm sick to now having nearly 60 000 of you who like to watch me rant and rave about whatever i feel like i hope this video represents our whole experience accurately and while this video may not be the funniest or best edited i want to submit my experience here on my channel rather than simply just the live streams so i hope you all enjoyed this behind the scenes and more explanation based video on this mode i encourage you all to try versus mode for yourself in the beginning of this video i explained how we were able to make this event a reality but if you would like to go even further you can join this plants vs zombies vs mode discord server they have plenty of people that can help you set up versus mode but also play with you so if you really like to get good and master this mode like myself i recommend joining it so that you can talk it up with other people who love the mode just as much as you do link is in the description and before we end things out i was thinking about something that didn't really cross my mind until now i won every single round of rock paper scissors so screw you shy guy mask i'm the true winner of this event [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you
Channel: Danerade
Views: 942,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plants vs zombies, plants vs zombies versus mode, plants vs zombies versus mode tournament, plants vs zombies vs mode, plants vs zombies vs mode tournament, pvz tournament, pvz versus mode, pvz vs mode, plants vs zombies multiplayer, plants vs zombies tournament, plants vs zombies youtubers, Danerade, Danerade PvZ, Danerade Pvz 3, Plants Vs Zombies 3, Shyguymask pvz, ItsPforPea, PvZ, PvZ 3 Review, PvZ 3, Battle for Neighborville
Id: YIilALmIz1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 13sec (2593 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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