The Absolute State of Unfinished AAA Game Releases

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have you ever been playing a game and it just [Music] perhaps it hits you with a bit of maybe even a little [Music] then you might be entitled to nothing hold this l video games have come a long way since the days of pong and text-based adventure games nine console generations and over a trillion dollars in Revenue later the game's industry has grown bigger than both the film and music Industries combined more people are playing games than ever and more games are being made everybody's Grandma and Grandpa knows what a Mario the hedgehog is we got companies like Netflix trying to start their own game Studios Hollywood won't stop making video game adaptations with all the money pouring into the industry greatly improved hardware and software game studios are able to produce ambitious High budget projects that never could have been made before and with every gaming platform having an internet connection they can continue to update their games to patch out any bugs after release but despite all these advancements it seems like we've been getting more and more games released with game breaking bugs and missing content well the thing is these advancements the exact reason why before the internet became a core facet of gaming if a studio dropped an unfinished game that game stayed unfinished loading screens taking an ungodly amount of time get comfortable you got a lot of waiting ahead of you fighting game has a single character that's better than every other fighter and completely breaks the game's balance I hope you like mirror matchups if a game launched in a poor state that became the game's Legacy and there's no better example than Sonic 06. foreign what was originally intended to be a series reboot and a return to form for Sonic is instead remembered as the worst game in the series if not one of the worst games of all time unintuitive physics shoddy cut scenes unbearable loading screens questionable writing bad dialogue and countless bugs make the game nearly unplayable the game wasn't just bad it was incomplete and in desperate need of more time and development it's not that they weren't aware of the game's issues I mean they were the one making it but as a for-profit business game devs will always be a slave to the almighty deadline and sonico 6 had a deadline that Sega wasn't willing to budge on the seventh generation of Home consoles had just dropped and the game was scheduled for a holiday release side note if you ever see a game drop riddled with bugs just take a look at the calendar chances are you're in the last few months of the year where Santa's tax return finally hits and he rides around dropping copies of whatever game just dropped down everyone's chimney Sagan needed that game out on all consoles by the end of 2006 but the Nintendo Wii wasn't powerful enough to play it so a Sonic team was split in two with one half being tasked with creating an entirely different game for the Wii further hurting the development of Sonic 06 two years of developers working insane Crunch hours later and this is what we got this actually wasn't even the first time a Sonic game spawned two separate titles 1994's Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and Sonic and Knuckles were originally supposed to be one game but were split so that Sega could have the first game need a deadline Sonic and Knuckles was later released as a companion piece to Sonic 3 that could be attached to the cartridge to unlock the full game this was one of the first instances of what would come to be known as DLC while DLC makes for a great way to add new content to a finished game it can't really be used to polish a game that was broken on release not to do that they gotta re-release the whole game introducing the definitive edition if a full price AAA game launches as a buggy unfinished mess just re-release the finished game a couple years later at the same price this wasn't always done just to fix bugs oftentimes games would add new content or quality of life changes that honestly should have been there in the first place this practice was popularized by Nintendo's Pokemon games which would drop a third definitive title for each generation after their initial duel releases since these were updated versions and not sequels there was little reason to buy the older games after the third one drops this trend was incredibly egregious with fighting games that oftentimes relied on DLC characters for their longevity companies would release their game drip feed players content through DLC and then eventually release a definitive version of the game with all the DLC as a big [ __ ] you to anybody who bought the original game Street Fighter 5 was notoriously Bare Bones on launch and didn't even have an arcade mode a staple of fighting games until an update put out two years later and another two years later Capcom released Street Fighter 5 Champion Edition which bundled the original game with all of the DLC Fighters and stages the names for these later iterations can get extremely convoluted Super Street Fighter 2 turbo HD Remix is a remake of Super Street Fighter 2 turbo which is the fifth iteration within the Street Fighter 2 sub-series of the larger Street Fighter game series little known fact this game was Then followed by Ultimate Super Street Fighter 2 turbo HD Remix Pro Game of the Year Edition Magnum version 1.22474487139 ellipses premium Definitive Edition featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series with extra teeth whitening Final Mix for real for real for real this time like I mentioned before at the end of the day game companies gotta eat and finding ways to monetize a game after launch is a great way to guarantee consistent Revenue but God damn some of y'all just don't seem to get full but you know who else gotta eat that's right yeah boy this video was sponsored by brilliant brilliant is the best way to learn math and science in an interactive manner it's an online learning platform that aims to make these subjects more 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second and third coming of Jesus there isn't even a third coming but if anybody could make it happen Gamers believed it to be cdpr and in late 2020 the game finally released where's my car oh is this game worth it does that answer your question half of the promised features never made it to the final release the other half made it and barely functioned the game was unplayable on last gen consoles and on PC you need five Nvidia 3090s cooled by jet turbines to eke out a stable 30fps fans were Furious the backlash was so bad that Microsoft and Sony were forced to give out refunds with Sony removing the game from their store entirely two years some class action lawsuits and several road maps later and the game is in a pretty stable State it's returned to the PlayStation store and consistently hovers around the top 15 most played games on Steam like no man's sky before it cyberpunk managed to redeem itself and regain the trust of players but people don't want a Redemption story they just want Redemption that that's not even a [ __ ] word off in the distance EA saw the shitstorm surrounding the game's release and said I need to get in on some of that so they shamelessly copied cdpr's homework the false promises the hundreds of game breaking bugs even the title format of a portmantle followed by a four digit number and one year following the release of cyberpunk EA dropped Battlefield 2042 dude all of these skyscrapers have no collision at all I'm slamming into everything oh there we go that one works okay that one that one works it was damage control time only Battlefield fans were a lot less forgiving today 2042's average player account is dwarfed by even that of Battlefield 5. the previous game in the series released three years prior like clockwork just a few weeks after 2042 343 Industries drops Halo infinite only the content is anything but infinite it was open world with the free to play multiplayer because that's just what games do these days the game would launch with only 10 maps and was missing series Staples like campaign co-op and the forge mode these features wouldn't be added until a year later so what did fans get to hold them over before the live service game devs started live servicing their games two maps some belly button lint and a slap on the ass at least they didn't forget to include the store on launch that's something you can count on no matter how income complete these games are on release you bet your sweet bippy the micro transaction filled Money Maker is gonna be ready day one but 343's corporate greed is nothing compared to that of Activision blizzards with their launch of OverWatch 2. sorry sorry give me a second there we go I never played OverWatch one competitive hero shooter just wasn't something that appealed to me aside from just a handful of titles I don't play a lot of multiplayer games but when I heard that OverWatch 2 was gonna have a brand new PVE story mode that piqued my interest so I downloaded it and oh it's it's not in the game yet okay well the game is free to play so I might as well give it a shot hmm funny this this looks a lot like OverWatch one you know I'm a bit of a weeb so I want to try that new hero kiriko I wonder how I unlock her oh oh it's one of these I just [ __ ] out my ass the new content aka the two part of OverWatch 2 wasn't in the game and the OverWatch part was now the same game with updated microtransactions daily play tests and feedback have given us confidence that we're creating something you're going to love at the same time we want to get the game in your hands soon not you mean you want to start lining your pockets soon OverWatch 2 isn't a sequel It's a monetization overhaul patch they promise you new content announce that the new content is postponed indefinitely then release the game without the content under the guise of Early Access Early Access to what the [ __ ] cosmetic store Studios release unfinished games simply because they can the option to patch it later is always there so there's really no incentive to stop them from putting out a work in progress to start profiting as early as possible they could easily just delay the game and only drop it when every feature is complete I have no problem waiting for a game I want to play your favorite game gets delayed you go on complain in a Reddit thread I see game delays and I get breaked up we are not the same but more development time doesn't necessarily mean better games Final Fantasy XV spent 10 years in the oven and still somehow came out Half Baked not even everyone's beloved Eldon ring safe it was delayed but still saw a ton of issues on launch the game was riddled with performance issues on PC and you could start most quest lines but once you reach the latter half of the game all of the NPCs collectively went [Music] one NPC had to be patched into the game entirely Gotham Knights dropped on next-gen Hardware capped at 30 FPS with PlayStation 2 ass water physics the Callisto protocol was basically we have dead space at home modern ports of older titles don't fare any better last year Persona 4 Arena dropped and we were promised rollback netcode not at launch but eventually eventually months later we got rollback how's the player base looking oh boy Persona 3 just got ported to Modern platforms last week and to rework the visuals of this 13 year old PSP game Atlas just AI upskilled all of the backgrounds brilliant I'm sure that looks perfectly fine no no visual artifacts or anything it definitely wouldn't have looked better if you just upskilled the native resolution to a bigger screen does the blurry ass text on this calendar say P3 or p7 find out next time on an episode of Dragon Ball Z every piece of game audio from the dialogue to the music has been compressed so many times it sounds like a walkie-talkie recorded another walkie-talkie that was playing a recording of another walkie-talkie that recorded a PSP playing the original game audio while buried 20 feet underwater story is in danger here's a chance that's not edited that the game just sounds that crunchy Atlas calls this a remaster by the way during the 2022 game awards before everyone's favorite game developer came through and swept the show Bill Clinton Square Enix announced that they'll be releasing a demo for their new next-gen title for spoken for the PS5 I'd been eyeing the game for a while so I downloaded the demo and gave it a shot most people complained about the corny ass dialogue but that didn't bother me I didn't exactly have big expectations for the writing of a game with an isik high premise and if we being honest Square Enix has never really been known for their dialogue say fellas did somebody mention the door to Darkness oh my God what did bother me was that the game handled like complete cheeks every action had extremely noticeable input lag combat was janky the auto aim was abysmal spell swapping felt clunky the worst grappling hook known to man and the open world was pretty to look at but was entirely devoid of anything interesting the game felt more like an Unreal Engine Tech demo than an actual game but it actually wasn't even developed and unreal it was made using the Luminous engine which is the same engine used to make Final Fantasy X oh wait a minute this this makes a whole lot of sense some folks excuse the issues with the game by saying this is only a demo and not reflective of the final game My Guy the game drops in a month that month came and went and now oh my God no way yeah yeah the craziest thing is that when I went to uninstall the game I noticed an icon telling me that one of my friends had already pre-ordered the game which was interesting because I knew this to be categorically [ __ ] and on their profile it said that I had pre-ordered the game too they are literally lying to you to make the game seem more popular than it is but all of this is nothing compared to the true villains of the games industry Nintendo hey let me see that game you've been working on foreign [Music] Perfection release that [ __ ] [ __ ] this is a real quote by Shigeru Miyamoto but I'm not talking about Nintendo that's got to wait until the next video that's right this video is in Early Access the Nintendo content isn't dropping until season two here's the road map follow my socials for live service updates and subscribe to secure your season one battle pack thank you
Channel: Nasu
Views: 1,529,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fW9Sw48mNMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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