The Most Evil Demons In The Bible and in the Jewish Christian Tradition

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on the second day of the world's creation God conceived Heaven and Earth and on that same day God created the Angels archangels and cherubin these Heavenly beings began to reside in the heavens alongside the Creator these magnificent beings included the famous archangels Gabriel and Michael but also another entity that stood out for its beauty and Splendor Lucifer he was the highest creature God had ever created but in spite of so many qualities or perhaps because he had them Lucifer was conquered by Pride the vice that breeds arrogance vanity and excessive arrogance it is one of the famous seven deadly sins proud Lucifer considered himself so perfect that he decided to create a throne for himself above his creator he wished to be like God to carry out his plan the evil angel lied to gather other angels to his side thus the father of Lies rallied a third of the Angelic beings who inhabited the heavens together they would begin a battle for heaven's Dominion but Lucifer met a formidable adversary the Archangel Michael who commanded the Heavenly militia composed of angels loyal to God the entities corrupted by Lucifer fought against Michael's forces and the world shook during this Grand battle which would ultimately decide the fate of the universe the Angels began to subdue the rebellious entities they were defeated one after another realizing that urgent measures were needed Lucifer assumed the form of a mighty Dragon the great duel between Lucifer and his beastial form and the Archangel Michael who fought carrying a flaming sword began despite all his power the dragon was unable to match Michael as he had God on his [Music] side Lucifer and the evil angels were cast out of Heaven their fall drove them even further away from God the rebels became known as the Fallen Angels but Lucifer received an even greater punishment he once the most beautiful of the Angels was transformed into the Hideous Satan Lucifer and the fallen angels went on to inhabit hell but even defeated Satan wanted to take revenge on the Creator and decided to attack his greatest creation man conceived in God's image and likeness Satan in the form of a serpent entered the Garden of Eden to convince the gullible Eve to taste the forbidden fruit and through his deceptive cunning Lucifer was responsible for the original sin Adam and Eve were expelled from Paradise Satan began to invest all his efforts to separate man and God turning the former into a sinner and diverting him from the way to Paradise Lucifer the Fallen Angel rejected God's grace and will now spend eternity trying to destroy his [Music] work we have all heard of Adam and Eve according to the Bible they were the first couple of human beings created by God but there is an ancient Jewish myth disputing the version that Eve was the first woman this Legend states that before Eve there was another woman named Lilith unlike Eve who sprang from Adam's Rib Lilith was created from clay together with Adam because she was created by God in the same way as Adam Lilith was not subject to her husband's wishes she considered herself to be in a position of equality and did not accept being dominated by Adam Lilith and Adam inhabited the Garden of Eden but Lilith's rebelliousness made her choose between submitting to her husband or leaving the Garden of Eden Lilith did not want to give up her independence and left Adam and the Garden of Eden the first woman left for Exile and settled in an area near the Red Sea God sent two angels to try to convince Lilith to return to the Garden of Eden but she turned her back on God without his wife Adam felt lonely God seeing that he was suffering from solitude decided to create a new woman for him Eve because she turned away from her Creator Lilith was demonized she came to be considered a woman-shaped demon in her demonic form she could cause disease in newborn children to protect the children from Evil the babies were given amulets with the names of the Angels who tried to bring Lilith back to Eden these stories claim that Lilith was jealous of Adam and Eve's Happy Life in Paradise as Revenge she took the form of a serpent and tricked Eve causing her and Adam to taste the forbidden fruit thus the couple was eventually expelled from Paradise Lilith's story is well known but this version is not in the Christian Bible therefore her story is rejected by Catholics and Protestants the version where she is at Adam's first wife is in the alphabet of sarak texts we do not know for sure the date when they were written but it is believed that they were made between 700 and 1,000 ad in medieval times Lilith's myth is in Hebrew Babylonian surian and Assyrian mythologies in Mesopotamia Lilith's figure was an evil deity or when associated with the moon she was seen as a goddess with separ faces which vary depending on her mood she could be seen as a fertility goddess but also a demonic figure some theories say that Lilith's absence from the Bible was contrived during the councils that defined the canonical books of the current Bible Lilith as an independent and strong woman antagonized the patriarchal structure of the judeo Christian cultures thus the figure of Lilith was embraced by the feminist movement she is sometimes referred to as the first feminist the movement claims that Lilith has been unfairly demonized as have many of the women in our history who have tried to oppose patriarchal rule either as a demonic figure or a symbol of female struggle Lilith's story continues to be the subject of much interest the Bible Pro prophesies that a Sinister figure will emerge as the end times approach this evil being will become known as the Antichrist he will be the ultimate opponent of Jesus Christ when he finally reappears the Antichrist is the son of Satan like Christ he will come into the world from the womb of a woman this half man half demon being will disguise himself among other men awaiting the final Judgment at first it will be difficult to recognize the son of the devil because because he will show no hint of his true origin and even less of his intentions his strength will become even greater the less men believe in Satan's power while God says in Exodus I am he who is the Antichrist claims I am he who is not looking for the Antichrist among men on the basis of signs of wickedness will be a fruitless search the son of Satan can perform the greatest acts of benevolence only to disguise his ultimate goal to ruin the Creator work the Antichrist uses his influence to convince men that there is no kingdom of God and that the only world is the one we live in by denying the existence of Heaven he will convince men without true faith in the Creator that hell does not exist either hence men not fearing hell will become an easy target for the devil's Temptations the Antichrist will become stronger and more influential as the final judgment approaches he will become a major public figure and his words will Garner millions of Souls into Satan's ranks Satan's son will proclaim the right to absolute freedom for by denying Heaven and Hell the idea of Good and Evil will also be denied making everything permissible all values preached in the Bible would be disavowed as dogmas of a corrupt Church making man's development Impossible by shackling him the Antichrist will have remarkable qualities he will be an intellectual genius with great oratorical ability his political Talent will make him remarkable in scope a new religion will be born under antichrist's headship this new Creed will deny that Jesus as the prophesied Messiah it will claim that he is the one true and only Messiah Christ's opponent will have the power to rule over all nations and establish a world religion some say the devil's influence will even reach the Throne of St Peter in Rome the church will be used to try to crush the true Faith Like wolves Wes disguised as Lambs they will distort the words of the Lord to lead men away from God the Antichrist will use ruses disguised as true miracles to take Christ's place he will Mark people with the number of the Beast 666 when the son of predition reaches the Apex of his power and when many have bowed to his will Jesus will finally return to save the souls of those who did not succumb to Satan's Temptation and that will be the beginning of the end time the title of antichrist has already been applied to several historical figures such as Nero Napoleon and Hitler but Luther one of the leaders of the Protestant Reformation outraged by the direction of the Catholic Church claimed that the pope works against Christ making him an antichrist this statement is still supported by some followers of protestant doctrines who believe that the Antichrist will be one of St Peter's successors the term Antichrist has become commonplace and is used to describe all those who deny the Divinity of Jesus such as atheists Jews Muslims Etc but according to tradition the true Antichrist will appear where least expected by the time his true identity is revealed it will be far too late according to the Old Testament the depths of the ocean hide a gigantic creature Leviathan just like all creatures that walk on land fly in the air and swim in the waters Leviathan was also a creation of God in the Book of Job God describes this colossal Beast the Beast is similar to a huge Sea Dragon at the sight of it men are overcome with fear no man is brave enough to awaken this creature the idea of defeating it is Sheer Illusion God describes the mighty Leviathan as a colossal creature with tremendous power as it moves the monster creates huge waves its powerful mouth has Dreadful teeth its back is protected by rows of shields so close together that even Air does not flow between them Leviathan has a strong breath that shoots flashes of light fire comes out of his mouth and smoke flows from his nostrils when this Beast rises even the mightiest flee in fear swords Spears or arrows do nothing against the creature who chest is harder and tougher than rocks nothing on Earth is comparable to leviathan's power but this creature is the fruit of God's desire like all beings Leviathan is only powered by God's grace the Beast served as Thomas hobb's inspiration for his work Leviathan according to the English philosopher when men revert to their natural state where laws do not exist they will tend to start a fight of all against all a social pact is needed to eradicate this anarchic state where everyone gives up part of their sovereignity in the name of a figure with absolute power this figure with authority over men would be the state which because of its power over men Hobbs compares to the gigantic biblical monster Leviathan bbub is a demon connected to the figure of ball an ancient semetic god of fertility and zeod the god of flies this blending gave rise to the figure of bobob the pestilence demon he is regarded as one of the most powerful demons second only to Lucifer his unquenchable hunger makes him a Relentless Devourer the plague spawned by this demon ravage everything in his path which is why he is connected with the sin of gluttony the lord of flies and pestilences tortures The Souls of those on their way to hell with his clouds of flies not allowing A Moment's Peace for his victims be asub is one of Hell's most powerful demons According to some sources he is second only to [Music] Lucifer samel is one of the most famous fallen angels in the judeo-christian and mysticism tradition his name means poison of God he is described as a winged being with horns and a Serpent's Tail as the demon of death and deception samel represents the dark undertones of human existence and The Temptations that lead us away from our true spiritual nature this demon is associated with war and Chaos for this reason he is designated as the Lord of War in Judaism samel is associated with death revenge and Temptation and is one of Israel's greatest opponents he is one of the demons that rule clipo the tree of death in the Jewish cabala in Christianity samel is associated with The Serpent of Eden who tempted Eve and made the first human couple taste the forbidden fruit failing to comply with God's designs this led to their expulsion from Paradise Lilith who According to some stories was the first woman created by God and who turned into a demon would have been sel's wife the Diabolical couple would have given birth to countless other demons most of them connected to Temptation they would have filled the world with demons if God had not castrated samel samel also tried to convince Abraham not to sacrifice his son Isaac to fulfill a request from God aiming to challenge the great patriarch's faith but Abraham resisted the temptation to follow sel's proposed path many times samel is invoked in Black Magic and occult rituals in the name of power revenge or seduction dark or evil magic is an occult branch that involves the manipulation of hidden energies and forces for selfish harmful or malicious purposes samel being one of the most influential demons is invoked in these rituals even though he is considered a dangerous and treacherous entity samel is a complex and multifaceted figure in demonology and religious Traditions his representation as a fallen angel and demon of death and seduction he symbolizes the Grim aspect of human existence and The Temptations that can make us follow dangerous and destructive [Music] paths bagore is known as the demon of laziness According to some traditions bagore was once the powerful Archangel Bagel but when Lucifer's rebellion unfolded in the heavens he did not join the rebellious Angels but neither did he support the Lord's Angel Army because of his inaction he was considered a deserter and thrown into hell according to St Thomas ainus all sins caused by ignorance have laziness as their root due to belfagor influence humans prefer to avoid fatigue and do not attain true knowledge the devil is depicted sitting in a latrine which he uses as a hellish throne and his feces are turned into his offerings [Music] Behemoth is a colossal monster described as a creature of unfathomable strength and destructive power his might can be contained and tamed by God the story of Behemoth has roots in judeo-christian Traditions it is mentioned in the Bible in the Book of Job throughout the text Behemoth is depicted as an Earthly creature with unimag inable size and strength an example of God's greatness and power the monster is often Illustrated as a gigantic creature with animalistic features similar to those of a hippopotamus elephant and rhinoceros in some cases Behemoth may also be depicted with reptilian features or even as a dragon over the centuries Behemoth has become a symbol of the Monstrous and frightening as this figure spread different cultures Incorporated the Legend into various mythologies and folklores today Behemoth is often associated with other great mythical creatures such as Leviathan and Z's which symbolize the marine and aerial elements respectively Behemoth on the other hand is connected to the Earth in apocalyptic literature such as the Apocalypse of Barak and other non-canonical Jewish and Christian texts Behemoth and Leviathan are portrayed as adversaries or a agents of chaos and destruction in the end times in these documents It is believed that both will be defeated by God or his agents during the final judgment behemoth's biblical symbolism can be interpreted in different ways in the Book of Job where the creature is mentioned Behemoth is used to represent God's power and greatness job a righteous man facing terrible trials is reminded by God of behemoth's existence as an example of his dominion over creation and his ability to control even the most powerful forces of nature Behemoth continues to Fascinate monster enthusiasts by combining power mystery and symbolism azazil was one of the Fallen Angels who rebelled against God he was beautiful at the beginning of time but his magnificence was corrupted after the fall azazil had a carnal relationship with the woman who lived on earth the fruits of this Union would became known as Nephilim azazel's descendants corrupted the Earth and were Swept Away by God's flood in hell he is the king of the shemites demons that look like goats azazil who was once an angel became the arch demon who represents the capital sin wrath when man is under the influence of a zazil he usually devotes himself to idolatry bile is a demon from judeo-christian mythology he has often been described as a prince of Darkness a deceitful and lying entity B's name first appeared in the Hebrew Bible where it is often translated as worthless or Lawless over time the concept of bile evolved materializing into a terrible demon he is portrayed as an Angel of Darkness and leader of evil against the forces of light represented by the Archangel Michael or God himself in the New Testament specifically in 2 Corinthians 6:15 the term bile is used as a personification of evil it is introduced as being the contrast of Christ raising the question what Harmony can there be between Christ and bile bile appears prominently in apocryphal and Pudo epigraphic texts among them The Testament of the 12 Patriarchs and the Ascension of Isaiah he was often portrayed as a corrupting influence or instigator of sin in Christian demonology B was often considered one of the chief demons in the hierarchy of Hell According to some 16th and 17th century demonologists B was created after Lucifer and was considered his equivalent in sin and upheaval in the grimo war grimorium verum bile is described as having been brought up after Lucifer being his Earth representative B is the 68th demon in the ARs gtia he is described as a strong King a handsome man sitting in a chariot of fire his voice is Pleasant swearing loyalty to anyone who calls on him bile can bestow enormous knowledge and wisdom on those who summon him allowing any wish to come true but bile can also be extremely dangerous leading his collar to destruction and sin bile is often associated with lies and deception some sources have portrayed him as the father of all lies diametrically opposed to figures such as Archangel Gabriel bringer of Truth in popular culture bile has often been personified as a demon or evil entity he can be found in literature movies video games and even music from John Milton's epic Paradise Lost to Modern horror films and Fantasy roleplaying games like Dungeons and Dragons bile remains a symbol of evil and [Music] Corruption as modius is one of the most powerful hellish demons this demonic figure is associated with the capital sin of lust as modius led the inhabitants of Sodom into depravity for this the city suffered the wrath of God and was raised to the ground the devil also appears in the Book of Tobit where he exerts a strong influence on Sarah her husbands always died on their wedding night but thanks to the help of the angel Raphael Tobit manages to push asmodus back into hell the demon Spends His existence using the carnal urges of men to wreck havoc and alienate those who are under the influence of divine [Music] salvation mman was one of the many pre-christian deities he was later considered to be an evil figure since he was connected to the sin of greed and avarice his appearance was said to resemble a decrepit nobleman with deform features and clutching his money pouches he built a great palace in Hell filled with golden veins for Satan the foolish greedy men believed that this was Paradise while in fact he would only find damnation there Jesus was against the worship of money personified in mman man could not serve mman and God at the same time those who were under manan's influence find themselves in an endless quest for money and material possessions and so will not find the way to [Music] Paradise Satan is the most powerful demon in judeo-christian culture His Image as a red horn creature with the ciden is already crystallized in the popular imagination his name means adversary the opposite of all that God in Jesus represent Satan is always in an opposite position to God in the struggle for The Souls of men traditionally Satan is associated with the figure of Lucifer who was once a Heavenly figure because of his pride he rebelled against God Lucifer convinced other angels to fight alongside him against the Creator but this rebellion was stifled by the Archangel Michael together with his Divine militia he expelled the rebels and threw them from Heaven Lucifer and the other Fallen Angels began to inhabit hell the leader of the rebellious Angels was identified as Satan himself According to some interpretations Satan had taken the form of a serpent and convinc Eve to taste the forbidden in Fruit causing mankind to be cast out of paradise Satan when identified as the devil assumes the personification of all evil the Bible describes that one day God was visited by Satan the accuser the Lord introduced him to job a man so virtuous and faithful that his soul would be out of Satan's reach but God's opponent noticed that job was only faithful to God because he counted on his Blessing he had everything he wanted Satan bet with God that without his blessings job's Faith would turn to dust and he would curse God job was left with nothing his wealth his servants his Prestige he even lost his family Satan lost the bet because despite all that suffering job refused to curse the Creator but Satan's most famous biblical appearance is his Encounter With Jesus Jesus who had gone into the desert under the guidance of the Holy Spirit where he would spend 40 days and 40 nights fasting seeing the hunger that Jesus felt Satan turned stones into bread but Jesus resisted Temptation Satan challenged Jesus to throw himself off a mountain to see if he would be saved by Angels but Jesus said there was no need to test the Lord finally Satan offered to give the world to Jesus if you would Worship the Lord of hell but Jesus also rejected this temptation claiming that he would only worship God and deny Satan God's opponent as well as the Creator will send his son to Earth to prepare the ground for the final judgment this son of Satan will be known as the Antichrist Satan is not an exclusive figure in judeo-christian culture this evil being is also present in Islam he is is known by the name of elas an evil Jin who emerged from the fire elas hated mankind with all his might and his mission was to turn mankind away from God those who turn away from Allah following in the footsteps of Satan will be cast Into the Fire of hell where they will find their just punishment whether in Christianity Judaism or Islam Satan is present trying to lead man astray from the path of good goodness and [Music] justice
Channel: See U in History / Mythology
Views: 262,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: history, mythology, See You in History, See u in history
Id: nDzMnflJ4LY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 52sec (1732 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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