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oh no no we got this my two favorite sidemen so what's the aim yeah and we just have to try and flatten them does this go or what this is easy wait i don't get it so then what do we do so we have to try and catch them and hit them i hear a plane i don't know i can see something oh no i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead oh i might survive oh my god i mean the track oh [Music] don't go that way no josh i don't know that's it josh shortcut mate come on shortcut even there he is [Music] hey yeah [Laughter] oh my god oh my god are you ready come on then oh wait planes planes planes you're ticking [Laughter] come on oh [Laughter] he just start growing guys this round round two driving backwards only to give the runners a bit of a chance oh okay no we're not we don't need your pe jj can we can we can we not can we not let them let them do what they want to do yeah it just makes it know they did not work no yeah let's go now come on [Laughter] oh how do you not get electrocuted i've got electrocuted again you just have to make sure you oh don't just stop in between wow nice situation [Music] oh it's your time it's your time oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god he's doing it he's doing it oh my god he's done it we can't come take your faith never give up never give up boys get in that thing wait it's like in this lego like over the bad boy at the back i think it may be the bad boy for the content what the is this game wait you're leaving it oh my god that was so epic oh my god oh that looked so sick that was so sick that was the coolest thing i've ever done in my life what happened whoa what happened bro i saw i tried getting into the tank i tried getting into the tank yeah i just walked off the edge because you know when you press triangle and you just move around it and then i pulled out a grenade launcher shot harry and his car flipped over oh that was if i just avoided simon we won that uh no you have to kill me oh okay okay wait so how did josh and i jumped out i was trying to science my way into jumping in towards him we gotta try it you know i was on the course and i fell out lying all around when it takes all no pressure i'm not gonna get to use a bite can i try and cheat i'm gonna try and cheat again he can't know himself you never know i'm gonna cheat well this time you should give it you give yourself enough time yeah right give yourself enough time if it doesn't work you can get back in your helicopter yeah exactly i'll be back [Laughter] i'm lucky i bounced simon try and do your best once we do this wait wait yeah i'm with ethan as well i'm just gonna try this it's always simon versus everyone else it's how i like it i like this boys we've got a two-two split two on each path come on don't block the road come on keep it moving press it bro it doesn't let me in jj doesn't let us in oh jesus jesus can we try and not blow anything up jj all right maybe we should just start stabbing it just cut it up oh jesus what the as long as i can how can we push them could just push it oh oh i mean we can't push the other things but we can push the bikes off yeah yeah push the button oh [Laughter] let me see what my team have done wait what is this what are you doing for no reason oh no but okay ethan watch out either watch on site yes you yes they're gonna get out are they getting out one's in a jet oh no ha ha no nice jobs can you deal with this little rat he's dead he's dead josh he's dead no no no float ethan floats here they can dig [Laughter] [Laughter] i gave them so much time i go and look and all they're doing is punching the bikes i thought like okay i'm building them i'm giving them enough time to make something really epic here i can't get in anything i go back and i just see this cone man one team takes to the arena in monster trucks uh the other guys get compact cars so i guess they just have to live but if one of them survives they win oh oh tender think i'm on contenders who the hell is chicken man harry are you wearing the chicken outfit i'm a monster truck i'm a chicken why am i chicken i think they've hatched your profile i think they've had trouble broke oh the beak sticks through the cup how many how many are there in i think there's two monster trucks right so we literally just have to survive so we just need to survive simon let's just sit up here wait there's a bomb there's bomb yo chill chill chill whoever this is behind what's up with the bomb don't let me get ready we need to go one's coming up one's coming up see you later lads time to die oh land it oh my god this mine's everywhere where are you going where you going bro yeah sit down bro it happened so quick i'm scared i'm scared oh just trying to drive into each other oh no ethan's in trouble in trouble finish him yes let's go all right who died spin to win even come come come chill in the contenders thing i just got a drone what's this where wait where are they hey simon i can't believe this lads use the rockets and there's a monster truck oh i hit one did it work josh can you drive while you're shooting rockets or not you stop right no you have to go under the gun tower do i send me gun no let me knock gunter wow yes yes okay oh that was stuck under the gun tower i tried to machine gun him right two minutes to get cyber come on simon what do you mean come on simon it's me versus them too what do i do sorry bro i'm sorry you survived jj yeah sorry man i got survived for another minute and a half all right you you go up i'll go down okay cool we're in the box spectator box chilling this is so random he's gonna drop down he's already drunk i think he already he's already dropped down boys i don't even know where simon is i see him one of the family lads come on you got it you got it they can't keep up he's got always right behind you he's right behind you right behind you he's driving someone oh yep that's what i was aiming for come on you keep moving i'm trying but they have better grip than me simon you can get to a gun tower you've been in a minute yeah but then they can do that that's why i died no wait so could you guys not shoot for that more signing no we're using a box watching been to that box more time than jj's been to his oh i'm starting in the air oh i'm a monster truck yeah monster wait what is it oh jesus bush didn't get the boost but he's not a wrestler where are you boys come out come out wherever you are i simply just have to survive that's all i have to do [Music] oh hello fine is fine oh my goodness oh my goodness toby one of them's weak one of them's super weak i'm going for him the weak one oh jesus hope you go around get around wait bro no no run oh i'm i'm up let's go who is this come get me come here you little most of them are low right now so harry doing stunts out here why are you speaking who's at the bar who's this at a bar i'm trying to get a drink from well i'm getting a drink hey i'm doing shots i've been flipped i'm getting violated here oh what run boys you guys just saved each other there oh no oh no no i'll run over him a bit oh no bro no oh toby he's loaded [Applause] all right toby i'm going to come help you kill him first josh come up here wait i just got a bottle of champagne hey y'all stopped getting all the drinks from jj look at me bro i'm flexing man's you're taking all the drinks i want a drink hey you'll move mine let me have some drink go just go cara oh no oh no oh who are you he's built different where is vic because he's up there hey jj look watch this show you watch this i'm about to drink the champagne okay [Applause] seconds oh toby what the hell i bought another bottle no no way come on josh i've bought another 20 seconds oh i think we've been yeah he's literally one tap yes [Music] can we get a drink for women come on oh you look i bought two bottles and sprayed them bro yeah [Laughter] couldn't give a about the sport oh i just spent 10 bags in the club i spent 10 packs that's like kill me early [Laughter] get your own bike i want to ride with you again bro now [Laughter] oh my god plane oh that was that didn't go well i landed in the tree all right these planes are so rapid i'm a gamer i'm just going here whoa okay jd you're right yeah just walking to my bike if i get hit in mid-air bro i'm gonna be for you i can't i'm not ready i'm not ready for it i might i'm not who's that who's that who's that in the air oh [Laughter] oh oh now guys guys guys guys come on i'm really not too good on this controller vic what are you using to stay here i'm using keyboard and i've got to use two different blow sets of keys [Music] [Laughter] let's not do any uh bombings over here i hate you i hate you i hate you oh my god oh my god oh my god [Laughter] [Music] oh not talking about this sounds weird vic you gotta jump out and get him you gotta jump out and get him yeah just park it down and drive him let's go vic he's on top he's done he's gonna reverse it wait wait okay brace it around backwards get ready i'll just run for it he's got bro make the jump lad go jump jump jump [Laughter] [Music] halloween maze oh no oh no not these ones not these ones this is just a normal death match but you're in a you're in the maze you've got a handshake wait everyone's got wait can we set it first person uh camera lock yes why not yes am i so are we am i a bush like what yeah you are my bush it's pepper time boys i'm just telling them now i'm gonna turn you into a hatchet wound how do i move what do you mean how do you move how do you run you can't change camera angle what's spam x weapon bro this is tat simon ah you yeah yeah yeah vic yeah [Applause] yeah why does my guy not fight where is someone come here come here you need a ticket die die die what how did you kill me not again vic's taken one again not again no no no no take that i haven't seen a single person yet come on then you are dead you're dead you're literally dead i want to find someone please ow yes i have no help this guy needs to out a dodge what a loser this guy's dodging me oh you kill kill that kill zachary what the hell i'm stabbing you and you're not dying oh there we go hell no oh oh oh on fire boom wait harry's got what's blue shark testosterone come on bro i can hear someone's feet what the man get slapped fake man said this game let me live it up i didn't let you live ha ha this game might make a poo come out of me i don't like it wait where am i where's this yeah i think i was in that minute ago hey vic [Music] tommy t hey oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what do you mean come here watch out watch out watch out with that give me a little rat oh hello right i've missed i've missed i don't know i just thought i was looking at you two i think i said elbow and your opponent is actually hitting do you have anything else why are you driving a jerry can there's a gap left has gone quiet again harry how the did you go there i don't know lad i don't know bastard [Music] bastard bastard [Music] what are you serious let me look at you have kicks josh johnson simon have six kills right how do you jump oh [Music] shut the up oh thanks simon's won it who's on my team i can't see you i'm on team two team one two one i'm on team two in the same team again yeah yeah yeah definitely a bit of a disadvantage all over again just imagine the things coming down that just give barrelling towards you sounds dangerous ah what have i got what why have i got to hold this bit of calisthenics you don't yeah how do i drop it all right guys the quicker we make it up the hill the quicker we can not be doing this i've just i've just clocked that you guys it's first to five and you guys are all remember oh but one of them is toby allow it so you killed me well this is oh oh oh my god no no i'm ahead oh no break even oh it i want to die this is impossible i want to die it's impossible while me and josh i knew that was good what do you want to go bro all right how did jj kill either no no no no john [Laughter] oh i destroyed it you'll see why i did it did it hey what's going on here can i please i can't how do i respawn toby hold down oh my god he doesn't work in there it's a flattened v why what the panels are gone i promise you there was nothing now that they're destroyed so he's pointless he's just destroyed the pantos i'm going up there to have a look well i'm going there now i'll let you know what i see if we sit nearly at the top again there's there's there's no more fantastic there's no more you're sat at the bottom of the ramp yeah because oh they just spawned in they literally just warned him they weren't there before they've only just spawned there why why am i not getting up why am i not getting up i'm just i'm just sliding what i'm just like that's what i've got to do now then die oh my god we did it no wait oh that's nice who am i in this car with me harry yeah right cool we did it so now so now what you know what if we kill ourselves now all right yes we're built different oh my god oh my gosh yourself off the edge i jumped in the water and now i'm not dying i'm just floating how do you kill yourself oh you just jump off yeah there's like a big platform to die on i drowned myself so josh you see where you see where your body landed in the first one yeah i landed on your side and i didn't know that was the base so i jumped off the next platform yeah jj's just underwater but oh yes yes lads nice work have we won it yeah we've no you've not i know here we have everything that was the first one on our team bye it's not letting me secure let's go dive around a bit drive around a bit there you go here we go oh yeah let's go oh it's over it's over it's over it's all over [Applause] thanks for watching ladies and gents look at what a 20-minute race does to the side of it oh my god bro what happened to you a lot you're not just not even be doing this anymore oh such boomers i want a job give me a job in the amazon warehouse or something boys i can't do this anymore um [Laughter] what are you doing ah harry i thought that was a ramp now i'm stuck harry [Laughter] i've got a the right when you will burst your wheel out yeah yeah i can't tell you i couldn't do it you made my car turn for me you haven't got much help left josh you're gonna have to come out looking like a block of cheese bro diamond slasher the slasher stalks up to 700 with a shotgun and they've only got flashlights after three minutes the hunter gets shotguns to turn the tables on the slasher the slasher all the hunters are killed within the time limit the other side wins mike myers type player so whoever it is has a shotgun it's josh hide and seek except you die yeah it's hide and seek but you died so we just got a flashlight yeah oh okay i'm just saying we all go together we could beat him down with the flashlight could we i mean we probably could you know i reckon we could oh wait can you get over there oh no okay i can't see how do you pull out your flashlight oh hold up hold lt oh i'm dead oh oh okay i turn on my flashlight and i see this just bow shotgun me in the face but i'm myself i'm so confused i suppose you your flashlight gives you away right so yeah yeah i realize that now that it didn't matter no it's pitch black i have a shotgun flashlight that's it this is this is scary that's we've had a minute we've had a minute one more two more two more two more actually killer bro you all that i'm not gonna lie i'm cooped up in a corner somewhere oh [Laughter] that's 30 seconds and then we get shotguns yeah yeah i'm going to start moving around these footsteps there's two of you in the same corridor guys we didn't did it we nearly did it he's done as well you know oh here we go come on boys ah get him boys i think yeah let's go let's go oh he's not gonna pop to you mate hi josh i'm telling you now yep he's stopping to push you josh fires we'll split up i'm splitting up i'm sprinting around in a circle glad to hear him you hear it what oh [Applause] i'll ride up behind my mind and execute is it me i think it's me i think it's me it's me it's smoke season oh he's got he's on keyboard and a mouse [Music] oh [Laughter] i could have hit him but i hit a laundry basket because it was hard wait so if you hit him does he die yeah i mean you probably have to hit me twice i think she was just all rushing sleeping down walls please vic dick why are you so strong oh fight me ksi [Music] you
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 3,063,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Id: g8MaZk41YrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 4sec (2164 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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