The Most Dangerous Car in America and Why

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At least he’s quoting some kinda stats and not just rambling 100 percent....only 96 percent

Entertainment is mostly why I watch him

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/stealmind 📅︎︎ Jun 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

I swear I've read things about him before from people who claimed they knew him personally saying he's crazy and doesn't actually know what he's doing

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

Wacko. So clueless how he has hung around so long. Bonafide hack.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/sluggyjunx 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2019 🗫︎ replies
Rev up your engines, today I'm going to talk about the 5 most dangerous cars in america and why you might reconsider your purchase if you're thinking about getting one, now since the 1970's in the US car crash fatalities as been on the decrease, but that all changed in 2015, motor car deaths increased 7% over the same time in 2014, take last year 2018 a little over 40,000 people died in the US in car crashes, that's about 30 deaths per million registered cars, so when you look at it overall it's a small fraction, but let's face it you don't want to be one of those 30 people so what causes deaths in cars, well size does to one extent, smaller cars have less energy, so if you're in a small car and you get hit by a big ford f350 truck odds are you're going to be crush in pushed around, but not all the smallest cars are the most unsafe, take the small smart car it was actually in the highest rating, it has a steel shell inside and of course it can't go all that fast in the first place but that's why they still have good crash rating cuz their structurally sound inside, and take a modern day mini cooper, they've got automatic roll bars in them, when the computer senses the car is going to tip over it pops up a roll bar so the roof isn't crushed in and it bounces around, there's a lot of technology in these things so the really smallest cars aren't always the least safe, it depends on how their built, so you don't want to buy a small car that's poorly made, so the first car I'm talking about 2012-2017 hyundai accent, accent sedan death rate is the highest among cars that they kept record for, 104 deaths per million registered vehicles, now the next car that's dangerous is the kia rio sedan, in 2017 it was 102 deaths per million registered so it's really close to the previous car and actually in 2015 the kia rio sedan topped the list with 149 deaths per million registered, now of course they have air bags and all that kind of stuff on them but they are poorly built vehicles, go to a car rental place drive it around then get in something like a toyota camry or a ford focus they rent a lot of those, and you'll find they sound better when you close the doors, their just a more solid build vehicle, where the kia and hyundai basically the same company now anyways, they have a tendency of making poor cars, now the next car in the 5 deadliest cars might surprise you it's the scion tc 2011-2014, although they did well in the crash tests that the government does, the scion tc has 101 deaths per million registered vehicles, it makes the only non mini car that's on the top 5 list, all the other ones are mini cars, but of these deaths most were single drivers, no one else was in the car, and 46% of those were from roll overs, so scotty's thinking kids are driving too fast and out of control and they roll over and they got killed, but you can't get over the fact that 101 deaths per million registrations is there for these cars, so their not that safe from their record alone, now the next of the 5 dangerous cars, is the 2012-2018 nissan versa another micro car, now if you've ever driven a versa you know their pretty poorly built cars, and me I wouldn't care if they were safe and didn't have any, their horrible ugly lightweight little cars, their engines blow head gaskets, their automatic transmission are garbage, I wouldn't buy one anyways, now the 5th are on the list is the 2011-2014 ford fiesta sedan, they had 83 deaths per million registered vehicles and they also had an airbag overlap problem where you could have your head or hip damaged because it wasn't designed right, and the feds rated it as marginal in safety, I had customers with them some of them liked them in the beginning but in the end they ended up hating them because they fell apart, the engines blew head gaskets, transmission went out, so I wouldn't buy a fiesta anyways but just because of it's size and the airbags weren't designed right it's not a safe car to buy, I'm going to give you a bonus 6th one not to buy, and that's the 2010-2013 kia soul, they were given a poor rating by the feds in the crash tests, now beauty is in the eye of the beholder personally I find the souls to be one of the ugliest vehicles ever made, but some kids like them, they were cool ads they were catchy but they put a lot of money into pumping those sales out and they weren't very safe cars, so now you know the 5 most dangerous cars in america and why you should buy them and I'm heading in the house cuz there's a storm brewing, so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that bell
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 830,956
Rating: 4.8656392 out of 5
Keywords: america, american car, american cars, auto, auto repair, bad cars, car, car advice, car diy, car facts, car repair, cars, dangerous, dangerous cars, dangerous cars in the world, deadliest cars, deadly, deadly car, deadly cars, diy, how to, mechanic, most dangerous car, most dangerous cars, most unsafe cars, repair, safe car, scotty kilmer, the most, the most dangerous cars in america, unsafe cars, unsafe cars in america, worst cars, worst cars for safety, worst cars to buy
Id: LHWu4QAsd5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 35sec (335 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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