The Most Common Names in the Nordic Countries

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hi guys hope you're having a splendid day out there today we're going to talk about names and particularly names in the Nordic countries a couple of days ago I started thinking about names for some reason so I'd love me to do some research and today I wanted to go through that research together with you and talk a little bit about the most popular names in the Nordic countries so starting off gonna start off with my home country Sweden Sweden has a nifty little page called SCB where you can search for names and get a statistics of how many are named whatever name you're searching for and also you get a nifty little top ten list which is nice so we're gonna go through the five most popular female names in Sweden um nah second-place Eva third place Maria first place kourin and fifth place Christina moving on to the male names where the most common name in Sweden is Los second Mikal third on dish fourth u1 and fifth years each if your swing you can probably agree that you probably met anyone with these names and moving on to surnames then here's the five most common surnames in Sweden first place on the shown second place you once on third place Carlson fourth place Nielsen and fifth place Eh soon as you can see most of these surnames has the ending Sun which means that you're the son of blah blah blah whoever it is in the beginning so for example if you're called on the show then you're the son of on dish however though this is an old tradition in Sweden and it's not a thing anymore so most people who recall a downer on doesn't have a father who is named on dish or they could be called on the show even though they're girls so it's more of a tradition of keeping the surname in the family I suppose moving on to the list of the most popular names for newborn babies starting off with girls number one is Alice number two is Alisha number three is Olivia number four Ella and number five is ABBA moving on to boys then I'm number one we have V Liam place number two or Scott place number three Liam place number four loot cows and on place number five we have only been interesting that was Sweden so we're gonna move on to the next country which is Denmark when I did the research for Denmark it was pretty easy as well they have a pretty nice a page for searching for names there as well and they also have a top ten list for all the names so if you're interested in that I'm gonna leave links to all of these pages down in the description below so be sure to check that out alright starting up with the most common female names and I'm sorry if I can't pronounce these names correctly I'm not Danish okay starting out with an e kitten made it Hannah Oh Anna interestingly enough I'm not is also a popular name in Denmark as in Sweden moving on to male names again I'm sorry for the pronunciation Peter gins me kit laughs Henry my name is tolerable sorry about that again we have launched on the top 5 list here in Denmark as well as in Sweden very interesting also Michael is a name or Miguel Michael pronounce that moving on to surnames then what are the most common surnames in Denmark Nielson Jensen Hansen Peterson Oh Anderson interestingly enough as you can hear hear hear hear interesting the ending of all surnames and with sin which is pretty similar to something a little bit different from Sweden but it's still the same kind of philosophy now we're gonna move on to the new born babies in Denmark what are they being called today starting out with the girls eita Sofia Emma I belted a belt I don't know how to pronounce it and finally Youssef team and moving on to the boys then and we have William dicta Kostka Noah Oh only that and now it's becoming interesting because of a lot of the newborn baby names in Denmark are pretty similar to the ones in Sweden we have William we have Oliver it's interesting how the popularity names kind of goes between the countries so with that said we're gonna move on to Norway and talking about Norway it's pretty interesting I couldn't find a top ten list in Norway but I could find a statistics page where I had to do my own sort of research there and calculate the names to see what names are the most popular ones but we're starting out with the female names and they are know it again um yet cardi leave either those are the most common names in Norway for females and remember again these are for all generations so I bet most of these names are for all the people there aren't that many young people that are called this as with the Swedish and the Danish names moving on to the male names the most common male names which are young burn pad kula oh gosh and yet again we have loss here in this list as well which is very interesting we're moving on to the surnames in Norway which are honson you want son Wilson Lawson or on the shin and again as with Danish you can see that the ending ends with sin here and it's pretty similar to the Danish top five list actually moving on to the newborn baby's starting off with the girls what are the most popular names in Norway nowadays on the first place we have Sophie Neruda and ma sada oke Ella those are the most popular names nowadays as of 2017 moving on to the boys then we start up with Yoko Lucas iam ill Oscar and Olivera yet again we have names that are in both the Danish and Swedish names for the more common names for newborn babies newborn babies I don't know where that came from if you have any theories why these newborn baby names are popular and for example Sweden Denmark and Norway and please leave a comment down below moving on to Finland or swimming and doing the research for for Finland was particularly interesting because I had to search pages that were in Finnish and I had to kind of translate them and you know Google and finish it's not it's not cooperating very well and hopefully I I got the correct statistics here and if I didn't please feel free to correct me in the comments down below but this is the statistics that I was managed to get a hold off and we're starting out with the most common female names and again I'm sorry if I'm not pronouncing these names correctly I do not speak Finnish Oh Maria Elena Johanna unnhhh Elly and Karina I don't know if I'm pronouncing these names anywhere remotely close to how they're supposed to be pronounced however it's interesting that for example Maria and Karina resembles some of the names in for example the Swedish list where we have Marie and according moving on to the male names the most common male names in Finland starting out with you honey Johan miss oh la dee ah Daryl I never heard that name after all and finally top bunny I suppose that these are names of older generation people I don't know please tell me in the comments down below we're moving on to the surnames the most common surnames in Finland top five starting out with Corrin m/v tannin makanan nieminen and mikela there's a lot of people in sweden that has grandparents from finland and they still keep their Finnish names I've heard a few of these surnames even here in Sweden moving on to the newborn babies what are the most popular names nowadays to name your babies in Finland starting out with the girls Maria Sophia Aurora Amelia Olivia the most popular name for a boy is you honey then olofi Johannes me Kyle and ilmari the top three names is you honey oh la vie and Johannes which is also the most common names in Finland if we haven't seen that in any of the other lists I don't know why that is it's very interesting though that the most common names are also the most popular to name your babies with that said we're moving on to the final country which is Iceland and this is a country that I was particularly interested in because I enjoy Icelandic languages names in particularly and I'm sure a lot of you guys do too and when it came to the Islamic names again it was a little bit tricky to get the statistics of the names so this is based out of the statistics in 2012 so it could be a little bit changed today but we're moving on to the most common female name in Iceland Goodrem followed by Anna Sigrid or Christine and murder get it pretty interesting names that are moving on to the male names what are the most common male names on Iceland starting out with you see who third good Munda good nada and finally hula food and when it comes to surnames there is no real list for that because in Iceland your surname is dependent on your father's name and so there's no statistics for this however though we have the statistics of the most popular names for newborn babies so starting off with the girls we have an na second Sara third Catherine fourth gudren again and finally Maria moving on to the boys names then what are the most popular names to name your baby boys on Iceland June autumn Donnell Victor and sigurdur again very interesting list and that was some statistics about the names in the Nordic countries and feel free to post a comment down below if you have anything to add to this discussion I think it's very interesting here about the the most common names in certain countries and I might do other countries as well on the future I hope you had a splendid time here together with me because I had a splendid time together with you and until the next time I see you and your pretty face have a splendid day [Music]
Channel: Nackagubben
Views: 491,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nackagubben, sweden, sverige, swedish, svenska, dialect, accent, svensk, stockholm, dialekt, göteborg, skåne, malmö, how to, how to speak swedish, learn Swedish, most popular names, learning icelandic, icelandic lessons, common names, baby names, swedish names, icelandic names, danish names, norwegian names, nordic names, finnish names, top 10, top ten, top 10 list, beginner icelandic, vikig music, language challenge, nordic countries, nordic music
Id: UuHakfB9mLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2018
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.