The most BROKEN item in Luck be a Landlord...

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hey everyone welcome back to another landlord video with myself apq hopefully all having a good day i'm so tempted by this i'm gonna have to say no can't do diamonds again you know the rule of yesterday was a diamond build today cannot be a diamond build um which means i get to choose crabs again if we see an eggs it's been two days since the crab bill that i loved so much um no don't worry i won't try and do another crab build just yet i still haven't got the really successful honey bear build yet we've come close a few times but not good enough so that's one that i've kind of got you know my my my eyes on at the minute we'll add rain because we've already got a b and a flower it has been a long time since we've done a sunflower build like a really long time oh i can't say no to the cultists i can never say no to the cultists i'm happy to add a goldfish here i just am he's a little cool he likes to vibe a lot we'll add a flower because we've got a b and a raindrop so you know i'm happy for that a few more flower multipliers wouldn't go and miss 50 during one spin we'll add a seed it doesn't grow into anything just yet it's okay we pay 50 with only 17 spares that's quite a low number we'll add big or because it's too value we'll also have pink pepper get two gold and we skip the seed turned into a flower i approve thank you um we will then add another cat okay not a lot of good symbols yet to be honest um and matryoshka could be pretty good i think i'll transform pretty early eventually become a four value symbol i'm happy with that i'm not gonna add another seed i'll add a wolf though because it's a two value wolf i'll add a thief because we've got a banana peel hopefully it stacks up a little bit before it does slip on the banana peel and die uh free value emerald is rare yes okay never mind the thief has already slipped on the banana peel and it gave us seven gold we'll pay 100 with only 40 spare we will add we'll add two value one we'll add black cat because we've got two cats okay so maybe milk would have been a good addition uh there's another cultist is that our second cultist it is they're now both worth one that's good news actually i like that can we get a feed though the feared is when the money starts to really come in we can get another piece of a piece of a bottle of wine for two valley we'll remove one of the one value pills or the only one value per on the board try and upgrade our board into two value stuff i have just taken a chemical seven over lucky capsule am i okay i'm not too sure we'll have to find out later on um i don't want any of these so we'll skip we get two goals for skipping but we've also already got a full board so i don't feel too bad about skipping we could add another matryoshka and we'll get rid of the coin okay i'm comfortable with opposite zero for two spins that's okay we'll pay 150 with 77 spare i will happily add a wild card along with a ritual candle i would like a removal token though we need to remove something probably going to be oh it'll be the cherry the goldfish can stay for a little bit longer but we need a removal token first item capsule gave us is that shredding season it is okay trying to add any rabbits for a while okay um five-sided die would be good as well i'll add it but i need to i need removal tokens we should be getting two removal tokens at the next rent payment so we'll see a magic key would be good but i have nothing to open oh god i'm not not doing any well right now 225 in two spins we've made that i'll happily add a feared matryoshka we want to get rid of the cherries probably the toddler already cause i haven't actually used the toddler for anything just yet so maybe get rid of the cherry and the toddler the goldfish well the cherry and the goldfish makes more sense we'll pay 225. we'll have 82 spare we'll add a spirit we will also add anthropology degree to increase the value of our people which now means that the cultists are worth one extra this also means that you're now worth two so you're going to stay for bits of goldfish and the cherry it is somebody has just messaged me um that leaves 22 symbols any temporary the spirit is temporary i think that's about it right oh no we could be in trouble here then um we'll have to get rid of or the cats are worth two as well what's with one that's with one that might have to go i think you want to keep the bigs it multiplies the flowers we'll see anyway we'll see we've got three flowers 43 okay coconut we can't really take we'd have anything to eat it'll take a hustling capsule to give us a pool ball though both of these materials just transformed that's nice to see a rabbit fluff would be kind of cool but i don't think i have room for it right now there's our paw ball thank you no more thieves okay do we not have i thought we added three i've ever defeated cultist obviously not okay um i don't want to add any symbols because we are falling kind of over the 20 limit right now we're old 43 right there we can add milk for the cats because we've got black cats so it's worth 20 to the cats but okay nice they got drank straight away that's always worried about they didn't want to linger around the board we're all 74 i'm kind of tempted to add another matryoshka okay so what did we get rid of then mattress is obviously going to become more valuable than the two value symbols we've already got we'll pay 300 here and 99 spare let's reroll a little bit don't want a card shark do i a beastmaster no if i want any of these a cow could work well with black cat triple coins could work well we didn't get any removal tokens oh no we didn't get any removal tokens okay well that's bad because i need removal tokens because lots of these aren't removable i think any of the symbols we have are removable so coins are worth three to hexamiters would be kind of cool um if we had a less busy board okay we can add the dwarf to get rid of the two bottles of wine we've got i didn't know we had two bottles of wine we'll add a dwarf trying to get rid of both of those and then get rid of the dwarf i think another matryoshka doll i've got this board a little bit crazy haven't i i think i've got the board a little bit crazy no ninja no rabbit fluff ah what have i done item capture there wasn't a match oscar but i had to skip it item capsule is going to give us swear jar that's not great we're all 41 350 in one spin we've already made that luckily luckily for us okay that had milk nice do we get removable tokens now please we'll pay 350 with 97 spare we do get two removal tokens chemical seven as well uh we'll take a lemon we'll use removal tokens to remove the shiny pebble's got to go because that's worth one let's go to the wolf as well okay there's one wine gone so one more wine to go and then we can get rid of the dwarf i think she rolls 64 there there's another finger wine still okay wealthy capsule garnets 10 gold 66 rolled uh a farmer would multiply the flower so a farmer is a good addition but and it multiplies the cow completely forgot it would multiply farm animals to be honest that's pretty cool does it multiply the b no just the flour i'm okay with that though it's worth eight we've got 59 from it okay another transformed more milk drank by the cat thank you that's 20 gold we roll 70. we'll take a buffing capsule to hopefully buff some good symbols more milk has been added by the cow the dwarf has now drank all the wine so the dwarf can be removed as soon as i get a removal token buffing capsule both of these symbols here we are all 54. so i used to add a buffing capsule or rabbit fluff i did every re-roll capsule okay that's what i was meant to add that's good i thought i accidentally clicked on rabbit fluff for a second and rabbit fluff i can't talk today i apologize we'll pay 425 with 156 spare we'll add a sun for the flower we'll add a void portal might help us a little bit maybe okay we need to get rid of cymbals man we need to get rid of symbols roll 71 there i don't add any more matryoshkas just yet because we've got one i've only got four actually you know what i'll add a fifth why not we can get rid of all the two and three value stuff because matriarch will be worth four so that's fine 63 rolled okay we'll take a tedium capsule it could be five gold and a common item or a common symbol sorry more importantly common symbol we roll 81 right there that's nice enough okay the sun doesn't affect any flower that's but we still roll 50. i need these removal tokens man you got to get rid of some stuff we're gonna get rid of the big ore and stuff like that and the toddler and the cat that's not doing a lot but the cats can stay but the toddler however cannot stay so i think we get rid of big ore and toddler next i mean that's a doable strategy here's another cultist i've added cause i'm brave like that if we rolled all three cultists they'll be worth four each because of anthropology so it's not too bad five seven fives doing two spins we're going to make that comfortably at least 100 spare it feels like 80 year old thank you um i never met yoshika let's do it let's do it the full matryoshka build i can't believe it if you get rusty gear that would make it worthwhile but we'll pay five seven five here with one six seven spare don't want to add this will we roll a little bit for a beehive no bears buffing capsule revolve one more time for a robin hood you know what we've still got the dwarf so we're going to take the wine i know i hate myself comfy pillow yes we're going to use removal token on the big ore and i did say the toddler didn't know the dwarf can stay for a little bit because the dwarf's worth too value same as a toddler but he's got wine to drink now so the toddler will go so we're left with the dwarf okay nice two flowers got multiplied by the sun here they didn't get multiplied by anything else which sucks here's the second sun okay clear skies telescope protractor anything would be helpful here for the suns to work we do not have a lock pick so a mega chest would not be good but it is free value so i'm going to add it anyway this is getting worse and worse this results in well okay they're flowers with 50 because the two sons multiply and get followed by a farmer and the wild card next was also worth 50. that was kind of cool we're in your old 60 there though i need removal tokens i need something to open this as well another son that's the third son i don't think we're going to do it because the board is too full but we've got three suns which is lovely to see roll 71 do we have a guillotine we don't there isn't a matryoshka but i'm going to say no there was a raindrop there as well which would of course help in multiplying flowers but i'm still going to say no we roll 73 there is another cow i'm going to say no 625 is doing two spins we need a big buffer come on this flower got multiplied by two suns and nothing else you roll 105. we are going to say yes to comfy pillow so we pay 625 with one spin to go one spin early we have one nine three spare okay um none of these benefit us none of these benefit us we've got triple coins so that would work well but we're too late into a build to divert recycling will do okay for us but i need i mean that means we can re-roll for suns which is great but i need other stuff um i need removal tokens not reroll tokens it could have given us like i don't know cardboard box i guess it's only an uncommon item though isn't it okay come on we gotta roll big for a little bit okay that's another full fully transformed material 81 no thank you okay nothing else multiplies this that sucks you roll 64. that really does suck so what do i want to get rid of then i mean the cats can go eventually this needs to be opened desperately i could add more rain but we're already on 27 symbols so don't add anything for a while yeah i think we just get rid of stuff like the emerald the dice anything that doesn't multiply because i don't have a flower there but there isn't really enough room you roll 70. i mean we're gonna make 675 pretty easily but that's not what i'm going for i want to go long term here with a sunflower build item capture gave us a fish tank okay 111 rolled we'll skip this spin here that's nice actually i've got multiplied a few times i guess twice only for ten oh well puffing capsule is six seven five during one spin yes we'll pay it early thank you that leaves us with two to four spare uh we get to add hopefully something good what am i after again a silver arrow could be kind of good after the sun though or a farmer a son or a farmer we don't get any okay i should have taken one of the others we'll take a bowling ball we'll use removal token on the dwarf strike the wines the dwarf can go and then the cats are worth two as well but i kind of want to keep some of them because we've got the cow that's gonna keep adding milk okay we'll get rid of one of the cats for now then i can get rid of the cow next and then another cat so we get two removal tokens again and two more rent payments if we make it that far that just goes 219. oh there's three sons on it okay that explains why i guess this has got to be open still so we need a key we only roll 84 right there we need a key to open this mega chest please please okay that's nice roll 270 thank you very much the world card's coming in clutch a few on a few occasions let's add in milk that's the issue we're going to have should we go to the cow face to be honest shouldn't i don't add any more flowers yet because the build is already kind of full the milk was drank straight away by the cat no harm you roll 82. don't want to take any of those symbols okay that's nice two flowers gonna applaud by two sons for 25 each it's 110 roll item capsule is gonna give us a new item which we can't see what it is yet we have to go into the next page which sucks but we do roll 81. let's have a look what is it it was blue pepper gives free gold if they're at least three empty so that's going to be unlikely isn't it no worries okay we roll 110 still there's a key to open this stupid mega chest hopefully we can get quite close pretty soon roll 67 there that's bad 777's during one spin i think i've just said no to comfy pillow which honestly sucks but it's cool the mega chest has been opened by the key that's good news i like seeing that thank you very much 178 we all pay 777 with 737 spare our landlord was made into soup hopefully it was like a sunflower soup i don't think that's a very nice soup by the sounds of it but hopefully that's what it was uh sunflower and landlord soup continue playing in endless mode yes please what am i looking for again the sun the sun there's another moon it's the fourth moon we've seen i'm looking for the sun thank you we're also gonna add a lunch box here in case it can add like anything decent okay chemical seven no okay never mind we didn't get any removal tokens either which obviously sucks quite a lot but it's okay if we can get through this um little rent payments or rent window here this month if we can get through this month or this week i guess could say like 10 don't say like 10 spins isn't it so if we can get through this 10 day period um alive we can use removal tokens to get rid of two more things at the end like the cat and the cow and it would make it a lot easier you know hopefully get some more some some multiplication some more uh some more adjacency bonuses going on because right now there's a lot of stuff in the way and i think the cat and the cow and the milk especially is uh you know helping with that which isn't helping with that i guess whichever way you want to put it um so it'd be nice to get rid of those two symbols albeit there isn't milk on the board at the time we need to remove the cat because then we'd have to get a third removal token to remove the milk as well or we just hold on to the removal token until the cats drank it either way um you see what i'm getting at i'm going to use a hustling capsule here to give us our second pool ball pool ball we've also got a bowling ball so we've got like four or five passive income right now from the different kinds of balls over there on the right so we want to keep stacking those up if we can passive income always helps you roll 82 a rusty gear would be so beneficial for all the materials that we've got but unfortunately it's just it's not meant to be you know we don't always get it early like we did in the crab build we got an early rusty gear in the crab build and look at us we smashed it one thousand is during one spin i'd like to pay it early thank you we pay 1 000 with 647 spare we will add another son i will add rusty gear wow talk of the devil we will use our removal tokens to remove the cat and the cow so what else do we have that is not really beneficial to this build an emerald a dice three cultists and seven matryoshkas interesting okay what goes next you reckon the emerald and the dice if we make it that far we might not we only roll 126 right there okay that one gets multiplied by a lot of stuff two two sons a b a farmer and a raindrop that's worth 200 that's 305 rolled hello okay that was kind of insane this is the issue though look we need to get more we don't need more flowers on the board but we need less materials on the board as well that's the other side of the situation that we're on here there are going to be issues with this kind of build because i added so many materials because i'm an idiot okay i guess multiplied by two sons in a raindrop that's pretty good 50 there 147 rolled doesn't mean we are going to make 1500 rather comfortably but how big is the buffer going to be towards the next towards the next rent payment that's the big the big thing of course that's what we want to survive to now we've done broken insane sunflower builds in the past uh so if you haven't seen those kind of builds before feel free to go find them on the channel i think one of them is the most viewed video on the channel and it was a pretty big one it was early on in the game as well so there wasn't that many builds like at the time although i'm sure everyone's had a broken sunflower build at some point by now because it is one of the most broken builds you can get 1500 is due in one spin we are going to pay it early because i want a good item we pay 1500 433 spare we're going to re-roll here what are we looking for anybody know a son or a farmer i prefer the sun that's the moon that's the moon come on give me the sun there's a farmer there but i want the sun there's the sun okay two seconds hi everyone i'm back sorry about that i had to just take a quick uh quick call there sir no worries though so we had the sunflower build going on but we don't have any good oh my god 625 we got multiplied by four different suns what's they can have a wild card here that may have just saved the run so we need a telescope or a protractor or clear skies we've got comfy pillow to help us find those items that we need but we still haven't found those items that we need two thousands doing eight spins i've got a booster pack here that could give us another sun so all i really want right now is just more suns oh wild cards i guess kind of helpful let's have a look we'll skip that one and that one and that one okay there's a there's a common trend here if we reroll this try and find a sun or do we just let's re-roll it no sun okay we've got a recycling so we get everywhere token every spin so don't worry i may be wasting reward tokens but we will soon gain them back that's not an issue one five one uh okay we could get another flower no we don't want any more flowers you want to start getting rid of some of the symbols that we've got on the board the dice needs to go the cultists need to go the emerald needs to go i think we said we'll get rid of the emerald and the dice first we'll keep the cultists because there were four if you roll three of them at once like that so 178 rolled two thousands two and four spins you might actually double the value that we need you might actually double 2000 the moment we get a clear sky or a telescope by the way this build is broken it just it's infinitely infinite so we can pray that we get one of those otherwise the build will be uh ending short i could add another cultist and then remove some other ones but eventually the cultists are going to be going too so no the cultists can go you've got rusty gear as well which benefits the cultists but also the materials i've just said yes to comfy pillow thank god i've always said no we'll pay 2 000 one spin early with 1815 spare thank you we get two removal tokens that's nice we could add another farmer but i'm looking for a son there we go wonderful holy waters it's a rare it's not the red that we want though is it we want clear sky removal token the emerald is gone and now the dice shall also go so the next things to go are gonna be the three cultists and then we will keep the matryoshka's well i think we have to go to a few matchy oscars around like 20 26 symbols or something like that so getting rid of three cultists isn't going to take us down to 20 like we need to be so a few match because we have to go also but it's okay okay that's nice i like that 833 roll that's so good chemical seven is gonna give us our third lucky seven which gives us 77 gold that's nice nice little bonus there i guess 491 rolled thank you we're doing quite well right now we just need that extra thing that's going to multiply the build to oblivion which would be a telescope or more importantly clear skies clear skies is the most broken item on the game it is that's just truth okay 358 we're going to skip this nice okay what do we want what do we want we just want suns we want clear sky i'm really hoping comfy pillow helps us find clear sky early on but we could be waiting ages to get it we might be too late by the time we do get it though 2502 spins and we're sat here on 6138 like hello you know it shows promise it shows hope we should be able to survive for a little bit here which should give us help um should help us uh you know find the clear skies free comfy pillow we'll pay 2 500 with one spin to go leaves us with 3802 spare we will re-roll see if we can find another sun i don't want any farms anymore i just want suns there's the sun thank you very rare okay i don't care i'm taking capsule machine um for gold the spin or capsule machine that can give me two removal tokens or two uh item capsules hello we just rolled 2800 i think because that got multiplied by like four sons a farmer and a piece of rain a drop of rain a droplet of rain there you go removal capture gives me two removal tokens that's what i wanted to see thank you capsule machine we will use these on i guess two of the coolest since you've got one cult it's left that's only worth one value thanks to anthropology degree otherwise it would be a zero value cultist okay we'll skip oh look at that if only these multiplied each of them is rusty gears they do technically multiple each other 1250 from that flower right there it's a good idea to add hustling capsules now because we can get two pull balls from what the price is six goals we can start stacking up our passive income a bit albeit it doesn't make that much of a difference but over time we'll you know we'll get quite a lot out of it that's looks like another nice little earner there 100 across all three of these thank you three thousands during four spins we've tripled that currently oh that's money surely that's money there the two of those oh it is 5104 rolled i think it's maybe turning into one of those uh dairy broken sunflower builds and it's the proper cool tune with the squeaky sounds again the um the composer for the soundtrack actually commented on the video and i mentioned that and like explained how they made the squeaky sounds it's so good three thousand doing two spins nineteen thousand coins by the way i think this build is very close to being a broken build even without the sunflower or the clear skies even which is the only item we need to break it really three thousand doing one spin we're gonna say yes thank you very much we'll pay three thousand in one spin eighteen thousand two hundred and ten spare we're gonna reroll until we find the sun there we go we would like to add the devil's deals it's a rare but it gets all the it gets you know it what's the word i'm looking for it gets rid of a rare out of the rare pool which is what we need so we're going to use our removal token on a matriarch going down to 23 symbols the more rare items we get out of the rare item pool the more likely we are to find items that are left which means clear sky every time we take a rare item we've got a better chance of finding clear skies next time so that's good and eventually we'll get clear skies i hope because that's when the build breaks like actually breaks every flower gets multiplied by every sun and it's it's broken we're not going to add any more cultists we just got rid of all of ours so it is just a matter of getting rid of like three or four materials we've got a full board of 20 which is nice that's two cultists that tried to offer me now since we got rid of ours is it trying to make me sad to make me regret my choices there's a there's a third why are you kidding me it's just like when you're when your ex sort of glows up tries to make you jealous like look what you could have had you could have had three more cultists there'd have been a fourth there that had been weird um okay we're in a strong position now with this build we're in a very strong position we just need to survive and we're surviving we've got enough money to survive for a while now we've got 25 000 coins we're only about to pay three and a half thousand coins for the next payment so we should we troll 30 000 we did just roll 30 thousand excuse me we've now got 56 355 coins over here um what what i mean i'll take it i mean we're safe for a while we should be able to find clear skies now so the sunflower builder is it's been a while since we've seen it but it's coming back it's been the third time we've done it now by the way we will use comfy pillows we'll pay 3500 one turn early leaves us for 53 720 spare we will re-roll looking for the sun as always there's the moon no sun that sucks clear sky well gg everybody the build just became absolutely busted that's it literally the most busted symbol or most busted symbol most busted uh thing in the world right here look at this every flower gets multiplied by every sun there you go what if it is that 19 million yeah 19 million 585 069 coins that's what clear skies does oh my god i forgot how nuts it was so maybe we should turn the uh the spin speed at animation speed up to like four here what do we just carry on now i'll carry on like this for a bit i don't want to i don't like fast forwarding stuff in the videos too much it kind of ruins it we could add another b but i don't think we need to i think we need to add suns and remove materials at this point and then when we get down to 20 symbols we add more suns and remove bees we add more suns and remove farmers we had more suns and remove rain and then finally we narrow it down to one flower and 19 suns which is of course broken four thousand and seven spins do you think we've got enough 43 million um okay we will take none of these because we don't need any of these okay um i almost added a thief because i was like yo is that a thief because you have banana peel where have we got a banana peel in this build where that's probably don't have one we literally don't have a banana pit in the build is it because it's yellow and i just assumed like it's a yellow build with some banana peel wow actually just i forgot how broken this build really was hopefully we can carry on going i mean we could definitely carry on going we're not gonna go bankrupt any time soon are we i'm good i'm gonna commit to the 19 suns one flower though even if it means i have to spin off camera for a little bit i will do it i'm not worried at all a golden arrow would be pretty cool but it's not needed i mean it could be needed with this it would fit into the yellow build and it would multiply by you know four or five whatever it does so it'd be very broken it'd be the same as having a sunflower but not the same as the sunflower i'm holding down the fast forward key here by the way i'm not going to put on instant speed but i'm okay to hold it down every now and then 4000 just during one spin we will say yes to comfy pillow even though we don't need 20 more and we will re-roll until we find the sun there we go we'll add instant ramen as well we will use two removal tokens to get rid of two materials so we're on 22 symbols now so we are two away from being a max of 20 which would be very nice my voice is getting worse and worse i can't help it oh my god look how broken that is though it's so broken it feels good to be doing this again i've i do never take suns or flowers just because of this okay no worries um hustling capsule because it gives us two more pull balls the sound it makes about the sound the little buzzes it makes so cool it's that like solar like sound sounds incredible and then you've got the squeaky music in the background that's also just a complete vibe you gotta love avenue you've got to love it okay nice buffing capsule we'll take one of those it does buff the flower or a flower that's always nice so we're just kind of right now we're playing for removal tokens to get rid of a few more materials and stuff and then we're just playing for the sun find as many suns as we can we've got recycling pretty early on so we can stack up those reroll tokens in order to find the suns which helps a bunch of course so i'm happy that we can do that 4500 is doing free spins okay all right it's been aged since i've had this kind of broken build as well what was the last build we had like multipliers might be like one of the one of the suits builds we're like 19 jokers one suit 4 500 during one spin as always i will say yes to you comfy pillow we will re-roll here looking for a son come on give me the sun come on no sun no there's a moon there was a farmer but i don't really care for it i'm not taking swapping device because it's not needed i will happily take red suits because it's uncommon swapping device isn't needed guys look how much money we have we don't need it slows down the build i'm not taking it i don't care what the top comment says actually what will the top comments say that'll be a good thing it's usually something like apq you are so painful to watch but yet so good to watch you make me tear my hair out and at the same time cry with laughter and scream at your mistakes it's usually something along those lines which is true for every game i play i'm like the biggest brain i make the biggest brain zero iqs you'll ever see no the biggest brain zero iq moves you'll ever see some of the stuff i do is just like how did i even think of messing up that badly that's that's what a lot of the things i do i like like how did this dude do that how did he mess up that badly how did he get to that point that's so big brian that he's so um i'm not that dumb in real life i just by the time i get to record these videos i've had like a pretty long and stressful day or like a week away or something like that and then i just i come and chill out and i just my brain switches off and i just do the most stupid stuff but it's funny though like oh man i don't know how many people how many people that watch this series watch the isaac series but some of the stuff that i do in the isaac series is oh it's on another level bad it really is it's not great at all but i mean that just happens doesn't it it's just i mean it's just isaac but it's also just human nature to just make stupid mistakes like that there are a few people that obviously protect everything all the time and i think everybody makes mistakes but maybe just not as often as others i reckon i make like about a million mistakes a day on average i'm sure there's people that do less than people that do more mistakes but i think i'm about a million mistakes a day five thousand june one spin you know what that means it's a yes to comfy pillow thank you very much we'll pay five thousand one spin early with seven hundred and two million three hundred and eighty six thousand seven hundred and nine spare we will re-roll looking for the sun there we go thank you very much we'll take chili powder as well as telescope we will use removal tokens on the two matryoshkas that leaves us with 21 symbols so we're still one short or one over i guess we're still one over the max of twenty so i know matriarchal will go next time oh my god how much money that's gonna be broken isn't it we added another son it is look at that it's gonna go it's gonna bypass this bit pretty soon it really is gonna bypass that pretty soon okay nicest is going well 5500 is doing eight spins okay [Music] um i don't know what to say at this point when he gets to these kind of builds because like look at it like literally just look at it it's so broken oh my god clear skies so broken it is though it really is it's the most broken up in the game and i love it it's so good look how much money we have and the fact that it's only rare as well not very rare i mean please don't nerf into the ground if you're watching this please don't um it's great i love it it's my favorite item on the game i just i hardly use it because the first time i did this there was no fast forwarding anything in the game and it truly did kill me it's nice i can fast forward now um like i think what else did we like back then early on like i don't think i like it did take me ages because i messed it up as well didn't i i remember i got like halfway through this build and i went through like a second part the next day and i clicked start new instead of continue and i lost the build so i had to redo it all and that's what was the long part about it i think i had to redo the whole build all over again and of course trying to get the same build directly after getting that build especially if it's a very rare build like this it's going to take you like several attempts and like oh it took me like a full day of attempts trying to get the build it was rough but i had to do it it was early on in the channel and i was committed to the build 5 500 stream free spins i think we made it i think we might have made it run like what 290 million no 2 billion 909 million 418 675 well it's just probably doubled but um that's where we are i should add the goldfish to the fish tank we've got an empty fish tank down here that i'm just kind of ignoring that's what's romaniac i truly am okay nice five hundred doing one spin we will say yes to comfy pillow thank you five thousand five hundred paid one spin early leaves us with whatever that is spare six thousand is now due in ten spins we've all re-rolled looking for the sun thank you we are not going to add oil ganks it slows the build instead i'll add a cleaning rag and a big cymbal bomb we will open the big cymbal bomb to see if there's anything with a value in it i highly doubt there will be there was not okay cool so we still need your evil tokens to get rid of the two matchy oscars which should then take us down to 20 symbols i think i think we're on 22 right now after adding that most recent sun we could just easily check though can't we yeah 22 symbols so next time we pay rent we should get two removable tokens we'll use those to remove the two matryoshkas and then it's just a matter of like i don't know getting rid of the raindrop and the bee and then the farmer and then the wild cards and then the flowers and we gotta find all those suns first we're only what one two three four we're like what seven seven or six away one two three four five six seven away from uh from the full build of 19 sons one flower [Music] okay cool hustling capsule yes please give me two more pull balls but i total up to eight which we love to see [Music] okay don't want a tdm capsule why would i want a tdm capsule i'm pretty sure i've just sat in silence for like five minutes hang on my recording software is broke this is bad because we could lose the video here give me a second okay we're back i think my uh recording software just kind of died there so hopefully it doesn't die again because i've still got a few more videos to record after this one so hopefully we're good to go here um that was a bit worrying though to be honest so no worries though don't add any of these we will pay 6001 spin early thank you we are looking for the sun that's wonderful we'll also take chicken coop because it's rare and four-leaf clover for some more passive income we'll use two removal tokens on two matryoshkas so we've still got twenty-one every i keep adding more suns before i get more removal tokens um so next we start removing i think we get rid of the b next the b and the rain drop for the next two suns that we add of course because we're narrowing it right down now hopefully we will be able to find two more suns in the next two rare choices from rent payments that we make hustling capsule will give us our tenth pool ball our knight van temp pull ball actually oh my god the money is i forgot how busted this build was it really is it's so broken i love it so much look at it fast forwarding this makes it so much easier than the first two times we did it it was so rough the first two times we did it wow i'd love to add that coolest i would but we've already been off all of our cultists for this run i like how cultists are a staple of like all of my builds like they're there to help me get to the point i need to get to and then as soon as like you know we can start replacing them with the actual build they just go it's kind of sad because i do love cultists a lot but they're kind of just i i am kind of using them i'm using the cult for its power we roll capture give us two reroll tokens as well as the one for recycling so that's three it's nice to add to our tally so we can reroll for the sun when we pay our rent at the end of this rent window of course the b the b isn't part of clear disguise it doesn't get multiplied by the b unless it's next to the b which i guess is the next issue that's fine i mean the b is going in a minute so the b will be the first symbol to go if we get more suns then obviously more symbols will follow it um free spins until we gotta pay rent obviously we'll pay one spin early of course because a comfy pillow helps find some rare items and stuff kind of skip here okay nice [Music] um okay 6500 is due in one spin we will pay early thank you we will roll for the sun there was a moon there i don't want the moon there's the sun thank you we'll take lucky dice because it's rare we'll take guillotines we can behead some billionaires we didn't get any removal tokens must be the next red window can we get like um a cardboard box pretty soon do you think one of the items to start stacking up some removal tokens because this is kind of annoying me we'll take re-roll capsule here to get two more removal tokens to add to our tally so we've now got what two sons on the board the next rent payment we get two removal tokens so on 22 should we get rid of the the b and the raindrop next i just add something back i just added a lock box by accident i think we added a lock pick fairly recently we'll check in a second so hopefully we can actually lock pick that so i do not want to remove it it would be a waste of my removal tokens so i didn't mean to add it i appreciated a lock pick okay we did not add a lock pick there's no lock pick here it's that sad that means i have to remove it with a very removable token or a key oh that's true which one will we see first i might keep it for a long time should i try and do it i'm still going to get rid of the b in the flower next no not the flower the b and the rain drop next and we'll keep the little lock box in until the last symbol left unless you find a key i will happily add a key if we find a key i can't believe i've accidentally clicked on that is to skip i'm an idiot i'm actually an idiot at times i'm an idiot all the time we've already discussed this earlier in the episode but [Music] no oh we can behead billionaires now so we'll add you just for the fun of it let me hear that sound there it is that wonderful guillotine sound we love to hear it all guillotines i'm sure people will start commenting so the americans think they're french there's the key okay now we see the key to open the lock box that's the waste removal token on it anymore that'd be very nice thank you okay is it rent payment time yet not yet two more spins we'll add another reroll capsule then the lock box just opened the the keychain of the lockbox because it must have been a telescope round actually that makes more sense we'll skip here we will pay 7001 spin early thank you so we are left with a lot of money so i can't read what that is we will reroll for the sun there's the moon again there's two moons so far three moons there's the sun thank you we'll also add quiver because it's rare and coffee because it's rare we will use two removal tokens on the rain and the bee so who goes next the farmer then the wild cards then the two flowers oh it's broken it's so broken the money is insane let's have a look real quick what are we on 15 suns so four more suns to go and we complete the build that'll be nice that'd be very nice i'm going to keep holding f i don't want to put instant speed on i don't want to change it to fast forward in the settings i like holding f when i need to it's the only sort of button i push on the keyboard when i play this game so it's great we'll take an item capsule that's what item it gives us or two items it gives us actually purple pepper and a watering can why thank you let me get five gold from this that's always helpful thank you very much purple pepper and item capsule a billionaire will of course get guillotined very nice thank you for that i don't even want to look any of those symbols all we want is the sun from now on i'm so happy we've done it again it's been quite an easy build as well we've found a lot of suns quite easy we found a lot of them early on as well before i even needed to start re-rolling for them we just ran we randomly found like three or four of them i think without looking for them so that was like a the main thing that sort of went like hey you need to start looking for flowers or suns i was like that was the thing that triggered the this is going to be a sunflower build in my head um that's pretty cool 7504 spins it's probably going to add another another sun at this rent payment but we won't get any removal tokens because we only just got two on the last one so we only get two removal tokens every two rent payments that kind of sucks i'll take a wealthy capsule okay uh no more lock boxes you've already made that mistake once no more lock boxes please look at all the all the suns just radiate their flowers for absolute stonks it's incredible seven thousand five hundred's during one spin we are going to pay it early thank you comfy pillow for asking leaves us with a lot of money spare we're gonna re-roll to find the sun one re-roll token is all it took we will take lucky carrot we will also take black suits i don't want oil cans it will slow the build so we're now on 16 suns i think so we still need to remove some cymbals but we can't because i don't have any removal tokens because as i said previously we only get two removal tokens every two rent payments so that kind of sucks but no worries we'll add a billionaire here okay mega chest no hustling capsule yes billionaire has been guillotined over there that's nice we didn't roll the hustling capsule just yet i do like stacking up the pool balls i probably go back to a previous item page to uh have a look how many we're on i'll be on 12 after this that's nice helps out isn't it to our grand tally over there in the bottom left [Music] okay chemical seven we don't need it do we need to add it let's just keep going as you were just playing for these removal tokens and these suns at this point we should be able to add another sun at the next rent payment which should be nice because we've got enough free roll tokens to search for it all depends if the game wants to give it us give it to us eight thousand is doing four spins no worries okay removal capsule yes i need that's gonna give me two as well that's brilliant actually it's gonna help out a lot because if we add another certain at the next rent payment we're still gonna be one symbol over so let's see how many we're on right now right now we're on twenty two so if we were to get rid of one farmer and one wild card which is down to twenty but we are likely to add another sun at this rent payment coming up if we can find one of course which means we do one over again then we do get two removal tokens but we wouldn't have got the other two so you know it works out well means we're balanced now eight thousand is during one spin i will say yes we will pay that with one spin to go we will search for the sun there we go not that hard to find again we'll take carl the kur knight here and oswald the monkey we will use a removal token on the wild card so now it's 17 suns and three flowers every single spin hopefully we can find two suns in the next two rent payments and we should be there that's what i'd like to think we should reach the end that's the goal so hopefully we can find that whoa that was fast between a telescope spin that was really fast what the heck did it like all the suns together at once instead of separately was that all the suns were one unit and it just it didn't buzz each one individually it buzzed them all together must be a telescope spin oh look at the money we make it's so good it's so good imagine making this much money in real life from doing this imagine going to like vegas and just yeah yeah sound bank just when the jackpot me and it's that number like that's like on your bank statement that's like the number coming in from the bellagio whatever in there in vegas like i couldn't even read that number dude we should give it a try we should give it a try let's have a look in a second so let's have a look how we say this number are you ready i'm lost already i'm like okay hang on let's have a look but i can't read it there so it's one two three one two three so that there would be 835 million that would be 461 billion so is it 16 trillion 461 billion 835 million 165 874 coins not bad not bad i think that's correct i think that's correct i've never seen that much money before but you think that's 16 billion hang on that's 21 billion that was it 21 trillion i thought i said that's not 21 billion it's gonna say that's like jeff bezos sees in his bank account but it's obviously not because he hasn't got that much money in in cash all right it's all his net value and his stocks and his his ownership and his his assets i get that imagine seeing that number in your bank account it's kind of crazy that do be kind of crazy okay no worries let's just let these suns take over so hopefully we can find two more suns these rent payments coming up i'll take an item capsule here i would like to see what items it gives me but we'll have a look in a second we'll go to the next rent no go to the next item page it's been a long day in a long video there with me i can't talk i can't talk anyway as it is okay we've got a wanted poster and a mining pick i couldn't really care any less about both of those but um i mean it's nice to collect all the items isn't it when you're this rich it's nice to collect all the artifacts from the world okay we'll skip here we will pay 8500 one spin early thank you we have a lot of money spare we are looking for the sun there's a moon there's a bee hive come on there's another beehive where's the sun there we go thank you very much we'll now add sunglasses and flush we will remove one of the flowers so it is truly one more sun to go and the build is finished let's go let's go we'll skip here this might be the shortest time we've ever got this build i mean fast forwarding helps obviously but this will be the shortest sunflower build yet i think so i haven't had to spin off camera yet i'm not this video has been into two parts because the recording bug so it could be over an hour long which would be kind of sad because i don't want it to be every hour long but okay wow money coming in all we need is to make the next rent payment get our two removal tokens and re-roll for the sun add the sun remove the final flower the second to last flower this one will stay obviously because you want the money incredible i'm so happy i'm so happy we're gonna do it uh hustling capsule sure let's go two more pool balls thank you okay um no thank you i don't want any of those it's so broken i can't believe clear skies is just allowed to do this a couple of clear skies is actually this busted it really is right we had us we had some number julian free spins there i couldn't read the number because this number was kind of overflowing it a bit so we're not far off we just got to pray we can find the sun when we re-roll is that 8 000 or what is that i don't know what that is we'll find out when the comfy pillow prompt pops up in a minute at the bottom of the screen okay let's have a look 9000 is due in one spin we'll say yes we'll pay 9 000. okay it's time to re-roll for wow wow that's how the game oh that's how much the game loves us today it's literally giving us the sun without re-rolling we'll take swapping device now we'll take jack-o'-lantern we will remove the second to last flower we will do a spin we will move the flower there for the thumbnail and we will let it go this is the final spin of the game everybody thank you everybody for watching today's video it was a great one we just made absolute stonks please make sure you subscribe to this channel you leave a lovely comment uh on the video your thumbs up the video subscribed whatever else make sure to check out the links in the description they link to my twitter my twitch and my discord if you're interested in joining uh feel free to check those out if not oh well um don't worry too much uh but yeah carry on doing the usual youtube stuff and until next time goodbye
Channel: apqLIVE
Views: 7,283
Rating: 4.9234447 out of 5
Keywords: luck be a landlord, luck be a landlord game, luck be a landlord gameplay, luck be a landlord pc, luck be a landlord review, luck be a landlord steam, luck be a landlord cultist, luck be a landlord endless, luck be a landlord win, luck be a landlord speedrun, luck be a landlord demo, luck be a landlord mc, luck be a landlord mobile, luck be a landlord switch, luck be a landlord nintendo, luck be a landlord nintendo switch, luck be a landlord lets play, roguelite, roguelike, record
Id: -fKt_JWyOfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 23sec (3383 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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