The Most Blatantly Fake Violin Acting...EVER

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Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. For the bad violin acting. Directors, actors... Keep making bad violin acting so we have more content to film. Namaste. Welcome back to another episode of TwoSet Violin. And as usual we've got another roast for you, where we're gonna destroy bad violin movie acting with facts and logic. Now, boy do we have a bad one today. Technically, this one isn't actually a movie. I think it was originally a Taiwanese drama, but this is a Chinese remake. It is a drama called Meteor Garden, I believe this is a 2018 Chinese remake. But anyway, let's just watch, shall we? Guy in the front opening his hands... - Why? - Why? What's the purpose of it? Why are you kneeling on the ground? One million subs... - A million subs... - We're nearly there... First of all... That bow. So, this stick, right? This screw... Helps you tighten the stick. The tighter it is, the more distance between the horsehair. So now if it's too loose, you won't be able to play. But, as a rule, the wood should never reach horizontal. It should always remain a curve, this way. Can you guys see the curve there? Very subtle, but as long as it's like flat... You're in the danger zone. Now, this guy's bow is bulging upwards, It's curving the other way. Which means, A: it's probably way too tight to make a good sound, and B: he's ruining the bow. Can I just say that bow is so tight it looks like an archery bow... It's gonna like pow. Yeah, I feel like he's gonna shoot an arrow. Pew! First, his bow is too tight. Second, his left hand was not changing notes when there were note changes. There's obviously three note changes. Yeah, duh, duh, duh. Duh, duh, duh. And his fingers stay there. Didn't move at all. I mean, then, who's changing the notes then? Also, point three, he didn't shift. Yeah, he didn't shift. Duh, duh, duh~ Point number four, the bow didn't change as well. I know. He just kept the same bow... And point number five actually, that is really the most kind of... Ridiculous thing about this guy's acting, in my opinion. In my humble opinion, I know I'm not meant to offer my opinion, guys. Please just - It's just, as a violinist... His bow is moving so damn slowly. I know. Basically, it's just - Quick idea with violin playing... To make sound, you need weight, but also bow speed. If the bow's too slow, it's gonna sound like... Now, play it with - With bow. Do you hear the difference, guys? What we saw was... It's so good. I can think of two reasons why he might be doing that. One is, by moving the bow slowly... He's minimizing the noise pollution for the other actors. So maybe he's being very considerate. I'll give him that. Well, the second thing I will give him... Is his bow is actually straight. Yeah, that's good. Unlike the other movie, where the guy was like... His bow is actually moving... He's practiced the direction. Let's not talk about bow pressure and weight, but this is... But I just thought of another thing he did wrong. Number... - I've lost count now... - Number X. Number six, seven, eight? He did one thing but uh, right, but he didn't vibrate as well. I know. Oh yeah, oh, oh. I'm so - They all don't... None of them vibrate. Argh... I'm sorry. I know it sounds really picky, but as a violinist, we're trained that, if we hear vibrato, we want to see some wiggle. Okay. At this point, it's clear it's not just the actor, but whoever's editing this or - And the director... They don't care anymore Because they just showed a shot of him playing in a blatant rest where there was - no violin at all. - I know. So the director was probably just like, uh, just... We have limited budget and time, so just move your bow. People don't care. - Just romantic violin. - Yeah, yeah. Oh man. Alright, so apparently there is singing now... Which one of them is singing, I'm not quite sure. Yeah, I can't tell which one is singing. There's singing.... And the guy that was kneeling... He's finally made himself useful. He's uh, playing a tam - Is that a tambourine? Yeah. Tambourine. Yeah. Yeah. It's a tambourine. - Yeah. - Except, I don't hear any tambourine in there. It was like - - Yeah. - He's hitting a tambourine, but there's no tambourine sound. Yeah, voice and piano are there, and violin. - Hmm. - But where's the tambourine? Okay. um... At this point, we don't even need to roast the violinist because I think that's pretty self-evident. But even the audience can't clap on the beat. Like, normally, if you want to clap, you probably want to clap on two and four. Yeah. If you feel a little bit sacrilegious, you clap on the downs, one and three. Yeah, it's all good. At least... But just clap on time! Yeah... What are they clapping on? It's just completely random. - That threw me off. - It's so hard. It's so hard to clap, I was trying... Don't clap now. Yeah, I think we've proven our point. If you can clap wrong, you can clap right. Okay, so now the girl, I don't know if she's the girlfriend or something... But she's not even clapping with the other clappers. She's playing off - She's clapping off beat. But you can't hear it, it's a silent clap. And meanwhile this lady in the bottom corner really looks like she just wants to uh... She's just like... "I'm getting paid like two dollars to be an extra." "I hate my life." Spin around. Yeah. Look, if I was just to take off - If we were to take off our classical music hats for a little bit and put on our... Movie enjoying, drama enjoying hats on... It's kind of a cute little scene. Don't want to be too - Too critical. But just take this as constructive feedback. So maybe if you're a movie maker, you can keep these things in mind. I've never seen people that eager to give them money. I know. Paid actors, well done. Okay guys, let us know what you think. I like the song. I think it's a cool idea. Just again... Very, very, very, very, very bad violin acting and clapping. And just a lot of... Just music in general was not well... The production wasn't well made for the music side. - Yeah. - And the syncing side... Not realistic. Seeing - Seeing music not syncing up with instruments is like talking at - It's like actors talking and you're not seeing - It's like actors talking, you can't hear it. You know like, like this right now, you guys can't even tell what's going on, but smash the subscribe button. Subscribe to us. Click below, check out the merch and we'll see you guys next time. Yeah! *clap* *clap* Oh... Bah, Bah, Deh~ Yee~ Oh, wae ~ Oh, wae ~ Wae, yeah~ Mmm, yeah, yeah. Hitting the tambourine, yeah, yeah, yeah. Mmm, yeah, yeah. Hi, guys. Give me the money, give me the money. Hehehehe. Wae, oooh, yeah, yeah~ Eh, ooh, wow~ Wif, deh, wow~ Yeah~ Yes~ Yeah~ Oh, wow, woah~ Ai, eh, oh, wow, bows~
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 3,195,188
Rating: 4.9506607 out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, meteor garden, chinese, drama, bass
Id: HaihF0kev6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2019
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