The Most Beautiful Car In The World!

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honeycomb kind of texture here on the top look how that opens up that's mud [Music] [Music] [Applause] how amazing is this car what's up guys it's supercar blondie here in paris and i am with the renault trezor and i want to show you around this incredible car [Music] [Music] so currently i'm in drive i'm just going to pull that back into park and then here's how you turn the car off start start stop button and then you've got to actually pull your phone out this car is so special you guys that i've been trying to get a hold of this car for two years to show you what is going on i've just been looking at it on pictures and thinking i need to drive this car and this is one of the most advanced concept cars out there you know sometimes you get concept cars that uh look incredible but they don't actually drive this one is fully drivable uh it's been tested on the track before it's been driven through mountain ranges zero to a hundred in less than four seconds big shout out to my supercar blondie family thank you so so much for subscribing if you haven't yet just click the subscribe button below the video because this is where you're going to see the most incredible cars around the world right let's get straight to it now i know when we do concept cars sometimes you guys complain you're like oh but it opens too slowly or whatever right check out how fast this closes boom done matter of seconds isn't that just crazy beautiful and then take a look at this honeycomb kind of texture here on the top look how that opens up that's mad i've never seen that before how beautiful does it look it's not just for design it's actually for function this is actually designed as an air intake so what it does is it throws air through the batteries here in the front so there are batteries here in the front and then batteries in the back this when we open the top again i'll show you but this hexagonal kind of honeycomb effect runs through the whole car it's here on the front it's also on the tyres which i'll show you in just a sec and then take a look at this this is a carbon fiber body that has the honeycomb shape all the way through that is incredibly beautiful i've never seen that before and this is just a design feature that they wanted to kind of pull the whole car together this is also crazy cool this i've never seen before either these tail lights here look how first of all this is a laser fiber a light you see how you can touch them they're all little beams running through here and then when you break watch what happens they actually move what did you see that what so you break and it does that where have you ever seen that before that is so cool you know i just love that they're kind of thinking really outside the box with this car and the fact that it's not just design it is literally fully drivable which is so so cool open up the top again and look how when the top opens these headrests automatically move back so that what you can get in easily so the pedals here you can adjust to move towards you or back away from you just with these buttons here you see that and then i always have them as close as possible and just look how big the interior is they're actually really proud of this interior it's almost like when you open this canopy it's like opening a treasure box to see all of the the beauty inside and the red they've chosen because it symbolizes romance and love and just the lines on it are so sleek that it's meant to be super romantic and all about yeah the the future of um yeah romance and sleek design so we're just going to be falling in love with it yeah what are you saying yeah i am falling in love with it it's so beautiful um we're going to actually talk to laurens who's the head uh designer here at renault and he's going to join us shortly so anything that i've missed we're going to pick his brains just to see why he has designed it in this way you see this honeycomb shape again running through the tires and what's cool about this tyre also is that it has two different types of rubber so you've got the hard rubber and also the soft rubber the cool thing about electric cars is that you get more storage space instead of having this part be the engine you've actually got all of this as storage this here is luggage so here and over here you can either use this suitcase or you can bring your own we can actually take it out you know take this one out fully i think i need there we go so look so you can just carry that one around all right cool so we're gonna go for a bit of a drive i've already driven a bit today but i want to show you internally what happens when you yeah turn it off [Music] you're fully like enclosed in this glass canopy and look at the vision you've got nothing in your way which i really really like you see all the way around and yeah they've tinted it red so that you know it falls in line with the romantic theme of the car okay right let's start and now drive okay head rest i'm gonna bring that forward a little bit you ready ready okay when i lift my foot off the brake it's just gonna go so here we go [Music] stopping the traffic okay zero to 100 in less than four seconds it's a fast car oh i just love that this car is fully functional you know you can literally drive this on the street that is so cool so so cool you guys [Music] hey nice to meet you thank you so much for having us here so this is lauren's everyone and he is the man behind this incredible design it's awesome when i see it outside i kind of want to get in and drive yeah every time right because it's been out for four years now right yeah 16 2016. it was the kind of the start of a new generation of renaults right and we always want to start with a beautiful statement you know a design of beauty but also telling a story of love and i think you already covered this right right i kind of got the romantic vibes from the car yeah the car is tells a story and that's always nice even though you've had this out since 2016 every time you look at it you're still kind of in awe right yeah it's a superstar in fact this car is traveling the world it's uh it's the most famous car that we have at the moment it's won every single price that you can imagine so what kind of prizes does it won actually well there's one villa destroyer it's one shantae it's won best concert car of the year in geneva in fact i think any prize that you can imagine it it's one of those it was the super model of the year it's incredible it's like a celebrity guys and we get our hands on it today and i'm so happy to be able to show you this car well we wanted to tell a story of a feminine and a male side because we're a human brand we want this car to look as human as possible right therefore we have very essential shapes because we feel this com you know humans are not square we're not we don't have edges yeah but at the same time we wanted to give you a feminine and a masculine feeling so the the hexagonal shapes are masculine right this we're using a new technology it's called parametric design it's uh the computer in fact creates the surfaces because you wouldn't be able to design every single one yeah exactly we chose for the masculine side the hexagonals and then for the feminine side it's all this and shiny and brilliant and the sleek lines yeah and the two shapes are interlocking so it also gives you an impression of the male and the female yeah exactly all the french they know how to be romantic the opening is just like when you when you're when you have somebody who proposes he opens up the box you know this is why this whole car opens up like this okay so i thought it was more like a treasure chest but it actually it's an engagement ring exactly it's a treasure box this is why it's a treasure that is so cool we put even in here a sign of two rings interlocking oh you didn't i didn't even see that the idea is that if you sit inside and you push this ring yeah the car will switch to autonomous mode and you can enjoy your champagne together and you don't have to drive so that's so cool because we're thinking you know if you want to drive we can give you an awesome experience but if you don't want to drive we give you the most relaxing experience so it's not like you stop driving but yeah you know there's stages in life where i don't like to drive but there's many opportunities where if you see a couple of curves coming up you just switch back and then you give you the best experience possible something like this is this doable on a renault car today or very soon in the future can we see these kind of design elements never no it's it's it's it's easy to make right we're gonna say but imagine if you damaged this what would happen yeah it would be a nightmare it's just so costly yeah this is the difference between the concept car it's it's literally a supermodel that wears ut couture you know whereas the the impossible clothes that look good on stage on them on a on a picture but they wouldn't be very practical in daily life fair enough what i'm really impressed with guys and i said this before is that this is a fully drivable functional concept car and you don't get that very often when concept cars look this good they usually a don't even drive or they drive maybe five kilometers an hour why do you guys make sure that the cars are fully drivable and can go you know 160 170 kilometers an hour yeah we do it because we want to uh it looks really good on tv you know love it we know what that's about so you guys are working on something now right yeah we're always we're always plenty of ideas you know there's too many of ideas yeah two to go around your brain is exploding if you want to see me review the next renault concept cart this is laurence's instagram go give him some love say you're here because you want me to review the next concept car and we can try and make it happen let's do this let's do it is that a deal yeah rock and roll yes i love it i love it okay that's it peeps right one day in paris just to film with this incredible car make sure to subscribe and click that little button as well the little bell because that'll let you know as soon as one of these awesome cars has gone on my channel love you guys so much a massive thank you to renault for inviting me here today and also to lawrence for showing me around his baby the chief designer here at renault right i'm out love you bye [Music]
Channel: Supercar Blondie
Views: 19,951,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: renault trezor, the most beautiful car in the world, the hottest car in the world, the best concept car in the world, supercar blondie concept cars, laurens van den acker, top car designs, best concept car, supercar blondie paris, renault concept cars, the coolest car in the world, car porn, romantic car, jewellery box car, supercar blondie hottest car, the love car, the sexiest car in the world
Id: dsWxMoh3_50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2019
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