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so i'm excited for this considering i might want to try out on hits if things i'm trying to ap this game but if i fail a few ap games which i might fail this one then we'll try out on hit but i have some high hopes for ap alrighty here we go i'm launching the nato this is gonna start the fight twitch is here as well oh my goodness that did not go so hot but look where we're at baby get over here get over here oh my goodness that was beyond close that's the first blood yo i gotta be careful i just gotta throw the cue sit back and let it do its thing oh we got a big one going in hot malphite you're gonna go bye-bye people are actually juking these things left and right not gonna lie we got a dark harvest barack on that one watch that get a kill okay you know what well we tried we tried we tried do we do better in a solo lane or dual lane i'm not sure i do know for a fact that we're getting this early on and i'm curious to see how this looks let's go bot let's go bye i was thinking about going mid a first uh zed yeah not sure how well that would go over but hopefully you guys are digging the series i will continue to upload the series as best as i possibly can and here goes nothing oh we got the damage off i like that yeah the wave push jana has is actually sick very nice very nice there we go and there we go some more this is gonna be a sweet combo janna plus nami our main goal is to be as annoying as possible and i think we'll be able to accomplish that got it got it we actually have poke for days beautiful dude i freaking love it 110 damage for days let's keep on pushing and keep on poking once we get our shield we'll be able to take uh crazy damage but i'm gonna go w for even better poke instantly let's do this we're actually gonna make basically all of our money off of sweet sweet tower plating this is good this is good i want to get a poke on the tower oh my goodness we're so close we're actually so close it's actually so scary how that's where all of our gold is gonna be coming from and this dude just went crazy on us coming through we're good we're good we're good we're good oh my goodness dude that was a little too close for comfort if you ask me let's get this going and it's plating gold for days i'm honestly a little tempted to lane swap and go get plates elsewhere not gonna lie i think that would not be a bad thing to do let's go top bot can you swap need plates so as you can tell the two plates are much easier to get than the others so that's why we're making the swap roosky right now unfortunately we do not have this much gold therefore we have to call an audible right here right now i don't necessarily want to buy a ludens but we might buy luden's oh if we can get a flanker to gank off heck yes heck yes baby that's a double that's great for us we're off to a dank start all righty a sweet sweet start w max kinda sounds best but q max sounds the most fun fun or win the game what do you guys think we do honestly you're probably thinking in your head buns you're gonna choose fun 10 out of 10 times i'm going with the w alright we're going try hard mode let's do this that's going to be some big damage dude i love it jenny gets pretty nuts why is rengar up here dude you get countered by us i don't even think you want to be up here let's keep this going and keep this going oh he is so pissed at us he is very much so mad at the situation let's keep these coming and keep the damage being dished on out oh he hates us with a passion right now w is so stupid i love it why are they coming over here don't they just want to leave this lane and then not ever fight me again i'm confused and i am in love with the w down we actually have ow ow ow ow one more one more oh yeah yeah let's get in there and get this gold boom baby boom baby that's good i think we have to go mid i think the right place to go mid you want to fight me you can be my guest got the extra auto in there baby maybe if they ditch us we'll be good but i don't see that happening anytime soon we don't take aggro from that oh that's broken that is so broken we got another tower gold i like it something i've been doing is forcing people into this guy's about to get outplayed hey there big guy oh my goodness let's do that and let's do that this champ is busted ap janet is busted i'll hit him with the winky face he's not coming top anymore if he comes top after that oh god okay uh what's happening i could have shielded you you stupid or okay we're doing just fine this is not good this is really really not good how'd you not die holy guacamole i'm going down i'm going down we're not going down we have 5k gold me mid one min here we go here we go here we go one minute to pop off right here right now heads taco check death cap give it to me ludens in the bag shortly we can also stick with one of those as well we just got so much ap our burst damage just went through the roof i did not know ap janna could carry this hard i did not see that one coming all right we can destroy this wave and destroy this tower we have 30 seconds left turn plating will fall soon you heard it there get over here i'm okay with that i am a okay with that we do so much damage to the tower we just got 300 gold i like it make it a little more 15 seconds left we are loaded off of tower plating gold right about now i don't think we can do this one i think that's where we draw the line that works for me you know what maybe we'll just take the tower dying gold instead hey there big guy oh my god i freaking panicked oh good news we're still alive bad news not sure for how long what is this dude oh my goodness i don't think this is fun to go against that's probably gonna be the hardest part about all of this the fact that this is uh what we like to call anti-fun oh god we gotta save the nami save the world you're okay you're okay you're okay where's the old coming from i thought it was over here i guess i'm wrong all right this works hey zed you're going down big guy who is spooked now max rank w all right now he's just saying mean words okay he's not that is not nice no no no no no let's see here um we're going late game we need to buy this and ludens would be extra damage on top let's do it the extra mana would be nice with the archangels because that'll give us extra ap on top of that as well so count me in on that one let's go this way and let's go that way you want to drag there big guy huh oh that was a good attempt but not the best execution hey there buddy let's get this cue and land the big snipe what he was inside of that thing all right we should be good i have my old if i need to kick anyone out of the situation i'm so close bring him right here oh bring him a little closer we got him we got him we got him we got him we got him boom baby that was sick we need to get in him now and the fact that we're gonna have a wind drag while we're playing a win champ sounds pretty good to me sounds pretty good to me we'll send this and we'll send it some more come on come on oh we might get fallen asleep on i don't have hourglass i do not have an hourglass that is not good for us recon save our booties buddy oh my god i should have saved him right on back that was my bad holy jesus thank god our reaction time is the spider cat coming through coming through coming through ap janna for the win i still want to get that mid tower we did some pretty good damage to it get over here no no no no nice knock up nice nice nice oh god what in the world is happening right about now they have a mouth fight okay you know what we need an hourglass and we need one now all right i don't know how we're gonna get towers but maybe getting the uh inhib one is not the easiest of towers to take shields for days we're actually gonna do insanely well fighting with our team holy god that guy hurts so badly oh my goodness i hourglass because i thought he was going to pop off a little harder than that but once we actually get our glass we have to make sure we press it before we actually fall asleep or else we're waking up with the big damaged ball right in our face oh boy i think we can do this a little bit just a little bit barrier than that might have been worth but we got heals and lifesteal for days oh let's set this up properly let's set this up properly he still hasn't damaged us therefore he can't put us to sleep oh my god yeah this guy does not like us he literally hates us with a passion he's even expressing that in all chat coming through coming through this game is super close as long as we get inhibs that will be nice and their ults are insanely good if they get them on a lower cooldown i'll be a little spooked and by a little i mean a lot coming through beautiful oh god i'm falling asleep i'm going straight to sleepies i wanted to cancel that oh he's pissed i'm almost dead oh that q is sick dude no freaking way oh my god daddy let's keep it coming let's keep it going baby in hips for days that's how we're gonna win i still am yet to cancel this rengar with my ulti we we've canceled with our q for days but not so much the ulti we got the drag as well that's what i like to see team i'm coming in hot skirts very nice point-and-click w they die we gotta stack up our series and believe it or not we're already at 720 on that bruh i love it i love it i like it let's go with this and some booties plus a pot that all looks real good to me we can maybe finish it off the spell binder for boots last item but did i take gathering storm oh yes we did all right so we have 20 ap from transcendence now we're at 25 all righty wow every little bit makes a difference 1915 oh that was a sick w that was a sick play no you don't no you don't no you don't we have hourglass for this nice nice get over here we just sniped somebody in the back victor bye bye to you did we just bust out a triple i'm pretty sure we did beat me up speed me up speed me up speed me up this is good what the i think uh i guess he altered away wait oh that's one way to do it he's not even going for me at this point i love it i love it i love it i love it all right inhibs going down and this is next wow ap janet can actually carry super hard super hard coming through yes we're one one-shotting him i know he wants to go i know he wants to oh if he did last second that would have been slick one more in him oh god i think i'm fine just kidding we are definitely not fine bad news and good news good news is we got the bear and the bad news is we just lost the fourth drag sold which would have been craziness if we actually did get it so we got to think about how we want to play this i normally never do this ever but i see two people pushing bot i'm gonna play on the defense real fast oh god what the heck is happening where did you just come from get away from me am i going to sleep i think we're good i'm going to sleep okay you know what we're going an hour to last that's what's happening we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine we have shields for days let's play this smart i'm going over watch this play i thought i had flash why couldn't i move what just happened was i in a w i'm so confused all right it looks like bot is under control with the wave pushing we should be good i think i was in a w that's the only thing i could think of this mile fight scares me the most he's really low so let's full on send it oh my goodness you slippery little devil bye bye to you get out of the bush he is pissed he is very pissed we need him now they're busy over here three inhibs awaits my friends three inhibitors awaits we should be able to do this we should be able to get a little more as well howdy folks howdy howdy howdy oh very nice very nice i'm not getting too greedy we're playing it smart all right they literally all just respawned that is a death trap but we did just open up the uh yeah i got you okay or not or not or not or not let's go this way and cut off a wave get back over here room we're spellbindering for this come on come on there we go might need some help up here but we're going to close this out very freaking smartly already oh god zed's over the wall that's not good that's not good this is good oh boy we have our glass we have our eyes oh watch this kill best kill of our lives all right i thought he would spawn a little quicker than that we're good we're good we're good i want to see how fast we actually go with this getting r and slamming spellbinder sounds pretty good to me we no longer have hourglass from malfito that could be some bad news get over here oh my goodness playing rengar against janna not fun not fun to say the least especially in earth because the abilities literally don't stop bye bye to every ceiling inhibitor you have my friends this is good we're getting that i like this where did he just come from what the i just blinked what we flash are jesus all right note to self let's not take this game for granted we can literally blink and die at any given moment all right mainly malfito that guy spooks me a whole lot let's go bot played smart cool calm and collected already is malphite dead no he's not okay let's be careful and good vision is gonna help us the most okay team careful for the rock that's pretty spooky let's go this way if we get three in him it's actually very hard to play around just because you always have to be on the defensive in irf what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing oh god we just made a mistake holy jesus we're okay no no no no i don't have hourglass i don't know i'm falling asleep no no no no no three nips down all we have is a nexus dude if we lose this that's gonna be sad alright now i'm getting a little worried i'm actually getting a little worried let's go this way we'll play around this we're sending in twitch on a secret super stealth mission but i want to put us oh god this is what we really freaking need we need this dragon now twitch can possibly end the game honestly that would be a good route for us to go down twitch go now go now go now go now i'm freaking dying i'm dying i'm dying i'm dying this is not good we're actually gonna lose we're actually gonna lose come on buddy gg well played was a fun game oh no oh no oh no oh no oh my god no oh this is so bad oh this is very very not good and very bad at the same time can you slap that get it a little low who knows he's going for the nexus not not the right call buddy not the right call not the right call annie it's three it's oh god dude we're so screwed we're actually screwed here's the plan here's the plan jana best tower defense champion in the game if i get malfunalted one more time i'm a boosted animal and i don't want to be a boosted animal so let's do this wise wait what am i talking about i keep getting blindly ulted out of nowhere in one shot so he keeps flash holding me we'll just buy banshees sometimes you gotta work smarter not harder folks all right the banshees will help us with that oh goodness i'm so spooked right now oh geez louise let's see dragon up in 130 hello this is good for us that's what i'm talking about if they don't group up they're gonna be in trouble and it's mainly mouth fight that's the scary one nice we might want to just go on for the end now who needs baron when you can get a nexus malphite's not recalling this is good this is good this is good we could lose everything here but here goes nothing i actually thought we were gonna lose this game holy but jesus we are good in the hood got you got you let's time this and take him out okay really i just hit a minion all right that's not cool malphite's dead as well guys thumbs up on the video we got a whole lot more earth coming and rest in pepperoni season 10. rest in pepperoni season 10. that's a wrap that's a wrap watch my fight spawn kill us all we lose the game that would be quite sad if you ask me but we're not gonna let that happen gg well played we'll see you tomorrow we upload a lot peace out
Channel: BunnyFuFuu
Views: 80,103
Rating: 4.9255548 out of 5
Keywords: BunnyFuFuu, Thresh, Cloud9, C9 BunnyFuFuu, Cloud 9, C9, Stream Highlights, Support, League of Legends, best, build, rune, runes, builds
Id: NXD12l00OZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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