The Most American Theme Park Ever

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from about the ages of two to ten I lived in Orlando and I was a really outdoorsy kind of kid which I know is probably surprising for most of you here considering him like a [ __ ] basement goblin now who rarely goes outside for more than the gym and the movie theater but growing up I used to always like to be outside in Orlando and I used to love theme parks like Universal and Disney but among these titans was a little guy named Funspot who I felt never really got the credit it deserved fun spot is an amusement park that's 1/8 the size of the big boys all the fun and joy of an amusement park but in the [ __ ] surface area of a takeout box fun spot is basically the Bing of theme parks yeah it exists but no one really thinks about it fun spot is absolutely great though and it's some of the most patriotic [ __ ] I've ever seen Jackson's still visiting from Australia so I thought definitely gonna take him the fun spot this [ __ ] is as American as it gets the only thing more American than fun spot as a [ __ ] Bass Pro Shop so we come to fun spot and it's like you're entering heavens pearly gates just look at this beautiful entrance letting you know you're in for a rip-roaring great time what do you think of Funspot Jackson real-life guitar skills [Applause] [Music] this is putting a little cream in your jeans I bet hadn't seen guitar hero since I was in [ __ ] high school but was still able to crank out some incredible combos on expert mode I can't let the audio the song play much longer because I don't want to get a copyright strike here but I'd like to point out that this guitar hero controller is extremely [ __ ] up it's like Thor's hammer it's extremely heavy I don't know what it's made out of adamantium or some [ __ ] but it's super heavy the buttons are extremely sticky I felt like I was playing the game in slow motion there the buttons were covered in [ __ ] maple syrup and also when you're strumming the strumming feels like you're trying to start a fire between two bricks it is extremely hard but I'm still able to do decently on expert and you're damn near full comboed the [ __ ] but he plays guitar in real life so obviously that's gonna translate here also a lot of the audio that I filmed is unusable yet again because walking around Funspot sounds like you're walking through a park and rollercoaster tycoon just constant screaming and hollering which is great because that's what fun spots all about the thrills and the joy [Music] I was reading too hard [Music] [Music] it's like literally playing up [Music] laughs that [ __ ] really hard like I was trying to teach you a lesson it's not even sponsored I like that what a guy after Jackson picked out his favorite United States of America hat we decided to walk around for a bit and decided not to go on any of the go karting tracks or rollercoasters and instead settled on the most important attraction at Funspot perhaps the most important attraction across all of theme parks the American funhouse the America experience condensed into a short three-minute walk through wacky adventure it's the quicksand of Columbia it's like a wipeout or sitrus role of a mirror watch out for the epoxy my America love off its freedom Park I see it in all its glory valleys mixing like Dark Souls you just have to take a leap of faith like those who first colonized [Music] we got free healthcare way be careful Jackson Jackson do you have insurance [Music] Jamie's been caught in the trap flushing it's like a scene out of Austin Powers we're gross how is this for nauseating on all the rock this is the price of freedom our forefathers did it no Jackson he's - I avoided the trap downstairs but I'll take the more adventurous route this time this is killed men tell us a freedom ring [ __ ] she's gonna plow into a child just our body goes out the head you've emerged in American you you entered a boy when you came out of man breathing what a hero it's like the Funspot slogan says if you're not having fun go [ __ ] yourself obviously being born and raised in this country I've been through this American wacky wild fun house plenty of times but this one was special this one felt like the Oregon Trail there was something very unique about this American box of fun and I have to say it's you know it's just like fun spot says you'll have fun or [ __ ] you that's that's the way boys my home stallion didn't buckle it up it doesn't fit they're ready for some intense g-forces like Red Dead Redemption - in here have you ever written a carousel I think so an American one nothing like this does cooking is free in liberating this of course is adorable I swear to god there is nothing more American than writing a dirty filthy carousel with some four year old [ __ ] streaks run across the back of the horse that is what I needed to show Jackson and I was happy fun spot was able to accommodate with perhaps one of the most patriotic carousels merry-go-rounds I have ever seen in all of my days Jackson do you want a photo with freedom flyer everyone's favorite Avenger taste of American freedom [Music] yeah give us a freedom flier pose there it is I know I couldn't believe it either the freedom flier everyone's favorite superhero they also had a Statue of Liberty as well like a small-scale Statue of Liberty monument but I didn't see it until we're leaving so we can get a chance to get a picture with it or anything like that but that's kind of like the whole thing with fun Park it's basic like a Japanese tiny meal kit you know those like small meals that you can make from Japan that are like the size of something that only a mosquito could eat basically the size of mr. krabs world's smallest violin it's like that but for theme parks at Funspot and it's great we didn't go on the freedom flyer ride unfortunately but I imagine if we did we would have come off the roller coaster with [ __ ] war paint on our face groan three inches and had a crew cut by the end of it that [ __ ] was just super [ __ ] American and it was just a really all-around great experience I think Jackson really got a full ass pounding of American culture with an arcade there's some go-karts roller coasters of course the funhouse the walkthrough the tour of America was incredible just absolutely incredible to top the bottom and it's a shame that Funspot isn't talked about up there with Disney World Universal and chuck-e-cheese because it's it's nuts it's [ __ ] great that's it yeah
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 1,003,088
Rating: 4.9760132 out of 5
Id: 0_2M-2Wm1Mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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