The MOON Is CRASHING Into Minecraft!

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ah wait can we do this place is quiet yeah too quiet feels like something happened here but I'm not really sure what oh my gosh oh yes it is Guido and it's crushed straight into the Minecraft no no skeleton wait what's this oh I think whoever this skeleton was this was their family I don't know if I can do this today Guido this is way too safe um hello Guido did you just hear that is there a Survivor oh we're here I don't see anyone what's going on I can't believe what I'm seeing another person this must be the last survivor he must have stayed in that bunker oh what's your name my name's Ralphie I've been so lonely down there on my bunker you know what with the whole apocalypse thing and all have you seen my family they left right here uh yeah sorry to break it to you kid oh I think I need a minute oh Guido this is so sad all of Ralphie's families and friends are gone we've got to do something in fact I know exactly what we can do we can go back in time and stop the Moon from ever crashing into the Minecraft Dimension I don't know something should be just left in the past here we go Ralphie we're going back in time machine from the internet Ralphie we're going to save your family you can say that again Ralphie The Time Machine actually works we've gone back in time now all we have to do is find your family and then figure out a way to stop that time never ends well some good luck Steve now I've just gotta find Ralphie's dad Ralphie you're happy today what in the Multiverse is going on I'm just really happy to see you haul well it was nice to reunite this family but there's still thousands of families out there that are in danger from the moon so I've gotta stop that munguido I'm gonna talk to the king about this he's gonna live up here in the castle you better hurry see you because the Moon is getting closer things are gonna get crazy welcome to your village is flooded wait down here Ralphie I'm gonna talk to the kill oh no Guido we're adventurers we help people do without me kiddo ground grab a weapon son we've gotta hold them off come on come on I'm so close yes okay we made it to the top of the stairs and you just watched Guido as soon as the king finds out about this he's gonna be so worried don't you know it's rude to enter the king while he's calling off oh I'm uh I'm sorry about that sir but we we've got an issue the Moon is falling into the Minecraft Dimension and when it does it will destroy everything no that's terrible anyways what are you kidding me going down he doesn't care keep fighting Sean we can make it out alive whoa sounds like the town's Focus still in trouble well if you're not gonna do anything then I will hey now the cool air is blowing directly on the water we're freezing it and saving the village oh Guido we did it the town is saved but the Moon is still approaching again oh 937 of my kingdom never messed with my fan turns off with his head oh hello peasants what's going on here I was just welcoming Steve into our lovely Village ah Guido he's trying to hide the problem from them tell them about Moon hey what is he talking about nothing at all there's absolutely nothing to be worried about but now that you're all here I have a completely unrelated announcement to make we are moving to the desert far away from the ocean Taco thanks peasants oh Guido why would he lie to his people why would he not tell them about well that is getting closer by the day and you know what I think moving to the desert won't solve any of this well Guido here we are this is where the King has moved the village it's a massive City in the desert far away from any ocean but just to make sure the king doesn't get any more questions about the flooding he's put up these high walls I guess if he keeps those High walls uh then none of the villagers will know about the moon oh well why is the king trying to keep the moon hidden in the first place something's fishy about all of this hey you look up don't you see what's happening just look up look at the Moon oh are you kidding me the king and his men are doing everything in their power to keep the moon hidden from everyone they're flying blimps in front of the Moon and even hosting huge concerts I know but this is super the Moon is literally right there look at them all singing dancing they don't even realize that the end of the Minecraft Dimension is staring right at him that guy uh no I was talking about the moon you fool oh why shouldn't we be the ones to die out here while they party the night away let's go [Music] but don't worry surely the king will do something now I'm out what now get back here you coward come on we've got to take matters into our own hands judge the king won't do anything then we will no no we shouldn't no be fighting yeah we should be working together good I've had enough of this I'm gonna tell everyone the truth everybody this concert was just a stupid distraction look look the Moon is right there we're all gonna die calm down everyone we could still survive this meet me in the Town Square tomorrow I'll bring a cannon from my workshop we aim it at the moon and we pull the trigger problem solved oh Guido listen the crowd us finally we actually have a plan this could work I told you Steve some things should be left in the past you want them who Crush everything here and why is that sir because when it does land we can mine it for precious resources well Guido the Moon is getting closer and closer and of course that means floods yeah well don't worry dude because after this there will no longer be a moon to destroy everything well Rafi I think you should light the cannon disguise we don't we didn't destroy the moon we only damaged it and now it shuts them out falling from the guy the walls the water is rising again just like in your old village but this time guys you've got me not a careless King who stays up in his apartment and I'm gonna get you all to safety follow me Guido I'm gonna bring them to the roof of the stadium it's high ground and they should be safer now yeah oh Queen oh you know I can't think about that right now there we go everyone's safe Ralphie Rufus what's the next step we need to figure out some way to destroy them oh no well if it isn't the Big Hero not so much of a hero now are you you're gonna stay here while the moon crushes the entire city while the King evacuates on his luxury spaceship and then he'll be back to mine the moon of course we're gonna be rich how are we gonna get out Steve I don't know but we need to the Moon is gonna crash into the Minecraft Dimension any minute now yeah if we can figure it out we can get everyone aboard the kingship and get out of here okay guys check yourselves what have you got Rufus looks like a good catch got it I'll bless the lock off the door oh looks like it's broken it's useless ah something tells me this is gonna be tough what have you got Ralphie oh maybe there's something in the toilet wait it's a squid I've got an idea I'm sorry Ralphie but you're gonna have to kill it nice throw me the inks eggs now I just need to pop these things now I'm slippery and slimy and should be able to ah now I just need to free my friends come on guys let's get out of here oh no nobody has a chance to use now what do we do let's see I've got the gunpowder I just need some oh sand be careful all right let's get out of here swing by a fast food place on the way out I am starving all right Guido let's see where we're at oh my gosh dude look how close the Moon is here he's gonna get away no what kind of King leaves his people it's a parish yeah you got that right wait look oh my gosh the villagers get up there and stop the king Steve oh here we go I really really appreciate this guys hey you stop what are you think you're doing you how did you escape my prison you know what never mind get away from that space here for once in your life be a good King get down there and stick with your people to the very end I'd rather die oh well peasants uh Hey guys Nancy seeing you here this is empty the Moon is about to hit let's take my dad and get out of here Back to the Future so he can survive no son what I know what's going on here you came back in time to rescue your dad but this is the way things are meant to be dad to have the bus look for the brightest star in the sky Ralphie that's where I'll be watching you from [Music] told me you'd save them Steve now my friends my family they're all good forever I know Ralphie I'm sorry wait the brightest star follow me no way dude Ralphie Guido I knew it'd work out in the end you just needed to give me some time ah whatever [Music]
Channel: Checkpoint
Views: 439,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft one block, minecraft, minecraft gameplay, minecraft mods, minecraft funny moments, mincraft, minekraft, minecraf, minecraft survival, checkpoint, officialcheckpoint, minecraft mobs, 99 years, 99 years in minecraft, guido minecraft, guido, steve and guido minecraft, steve and guido, minecraft emotions, minecraft apocalypse, minecraft moon, mc moon, moon in minecraft, minecraft moon mod, end of the world in minecaft, minecraft time travel, end of the world minecraft
Id: ZH9pKv7z6Do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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