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hey guys welcome back to some brand-new Ark here on our closer series and today I have a new look for you how does this look it's like a full set of ghillie with a wingsuit we have the zipline pant thingies and we have a Reaper skin the helmet so yeah I don't know I think it looks kind of goofy we're like it completely painted green and cyan and there's a little bit of black mixed in there I think it looks pretty cool I've got another look for you guys as well we have this snowy look from when we're over on the island let's see there we go no not the Reaper helmet where there we go there we go looking pretty snazzy I think I really like the the fir Arbor with the werewolf hat skin it looks super cool and I love painting the fangs on the werewolf skin red like that cuz it looks even better but anyway yeah this is nothing to do with today's content I just wanted to show you because I think it looks pretty amazing but anyway today we're gonna be what we're not gonna be breeding Baryonyx is because as you can see they have been breeding well I mean you can't see them breeding right now but I have like tons of eggs over there you also have an egg stack of a bunch of snow owl eggs which I don't know why ever for some reason those ones there are still flying after like 20 minutes they flew over here I think at one point when there was a baby in there or something that was being killed by the other berry in there for some reason occasionally the eggs survive and or like it okay the eggs hatch and then the creature survives and then a kind of half grows up and I did I was like a little bit worried of my creatures being eaten by that creature so I have to have another creature in here on aggressive so I guess the snow owl is freaked out and came over here at one point and made a giant egg stack which is just amazing and I think that this one should be on the very top let's try to actually throw it up there is that even possible where is that egg because I can't actually access it I'm hitting II these eggs are here but they're not here okay whatever so we've got like 900 eggs over here not all of them are Baryonyx eggs but a lot of them are these things have been breeding for a long long time yet oh my god look at this I would be willing to bet that at least 800 of these are Baryonyx eggs which is probably way too much so we're gonna be breathing for some more be hatching for some mutations here today I'm looking for really cool colors not really gonna bother with the staff on the Baryonyx is I don't want to joint killing machine Baryonyx but if I get some cool stop mutations I will be sure to combine them into the final one well let's get going with some hatching here because we I don't know the the stacking of mutations is something that I kind of have to do like progressively over several hours and days but with this I could just hatch a bunch on camera and keep you guys updated with it as well and you know what I really should have brought over that berry damn it okay well here let me run over there really quick BAM and I gotta put them on the path first passive and it's this one right here so we want a really good Baryonyx because I'm gonna be heading over to the island soon for quite a few little adventures involving the the sea or the ocean or whatever so I'm gonna need to have a decent creature to go down there with to actually get some taming done and Baryonyx is pretty good so let's see any good mutations there's like a weird like greeny yellowy thing here I don't really like that hmm nothing else that's really cool here anything that the - 9 - we'll definitely be mutated hey we've got a like a red spiky one here that's cool that's a very subtle mutation but I like it go ahead and do that and then I'm following you but you impassive so you don't freak out and each you 9 choose there's another one in here but that's that one I don't see any - 9 twos mmm I'm gonna definitely end up killing a bunch of them here today so oh there's another one that's apparently mutated what is your mutation though I don't even see it yeah no don't see it it might be the little spiky bits on the back no they're the same as that I have no clue all right well let's kill this batch and get going with some more because we have like 800 eggs to get through well we're gonna do most of them I'm not sure if we're gonna do all 800 probably not because that's a lot of hatching Oh guys make sure that you hit the like button if you find yourself enjoying this one really just help me out do you appreciate it of course bury Alex's are definitely one of the best creatures to ride around on in the ocean and they're really really good for just like staying safe but unfortunately they are not protected against jellyfish so we'll definitely have to get something that we can resist the jellyfish with and maybe that might be a bass low I don't know that's probably gonna be like one of our first teams in the ocean we'll see see you okay nothing else here alright well let's try to hatch maybe like 50 eggs this time this is ridiculous it takes so long to take them all out alright that's good enough oh it's exactly 50 I'm just amazing all right let's see damn I dropped the cryopod oops alright let's go ahead and drop the rest over here I see a red mutation in there that's pretty cool to read so far there's a 292 in there I think if this one here he's got like green spikes that's cool but I like the red ones so I'll keep the red ones and not playing that green one I like this red Baryonyx here as well this one's cool see is that it there we go but you want you passive and do all that and I'm follow let's see hmm Baryonyx is I remember actually what was it again it was like I think it was the previous Ragnarok series like the last one that I did last year we made like a really amazing Baryonyx um and like I got all these really cool colors into it and everything and then at the very end the episode I do believe it died like I'm pretty sure I got baryonic stand it just got eaten by like piranhas or something I can't remember it was something silly all crap they're getting out no crap alright I gotta clean that up I didn't know that they can get through the gate that is so stupid alright is there any what's this that's a 2 9 4 that is a double mutation right there that's super rare come here let's go ahead and do that watch you impassive that is a double mutation so check this out this is a really rare occurrence and it can actually happen like that you can get a triple mutation but um yeah a double mutation because it's the 294 obviously you can see the 292 and then up to 2 9 4 from that that means that there's two mutations on it so I knew it immediately that is super awesome though right I'm just gonna kill the rest of these cuz I didn't see anything amazing so fine that one they're actually the double mutation kind of looks like a like a zebra Baryonyx or something it's kind of like it's just black and white essentially cuz its belly is white and it stripes or white and it's black bodied supercool looking now to be honest I I don't believe I'm gonna be able to get those berries out there this one right there but where the hell are the other ones gone I saw like a bunch of them run out goddammit it's so stupid alright let's go ahead and follow there's a bunch of them stuck in here okay I can hear another one there it is stupid berry get out of there so I think that berries have like four color regions let's take a little look then so this one it looks like he has I'm not sure if the spikes are any different but he's I definitely do you believe that yeah this the stripes on the back are a mutation but he might not have gotten another color on top because that white and the black is natural and I think that the colors of the little spikes in the back are natural as well so he only got one color mutation but he would have gotten two stats which is pretty cool let's go ahead and just leave you there it's fine you know what we're gonna just let all those berries run off because they're probably gonna run off the cliff here anyway and I'm not gonna have to deal with them and will eventually kill them I assume let's see uh let's grab some more eggs so we've got to read so far we've got a main body red we've got spikes for the red as well I'm probably actually gonna have to either ditch this one or ditch the red spikes I'm not sure I don't really even spikes what exactly would you even call them a little I don't know spines or something I'm not exactly sure all right let's see any any higher levels here at all we got one here somewhere don't know which one it is but I see a - 9 - oh might be the one with the white spikes or stripes even what is with that it just that's again we literally just got that mutation on this one it's the exact same there's like three or four different white colours that you can get but it looks to be pretty similar that is cool though I do like that maybe I don't know maybe we'll go for the white the white stripes and the red could actually look really cool together and if we get like only white and red then we could call it like peppermint or something something silly I'll be really really dumb okay and drop out the rest of these um did I just see a blue in there I don't know why but I thought I saw blue for a second you just punched the pile uh okay I don't see any amazing colors so we're just gonna murder all of these by just doing this this is so much easier you gotta just kill most of them and then just set him free to kill the rest yeah oh my god so many frickin berries okay you can take care of the rest now good part about using berries when you're you're killing the babies like this is that they they kill the creature and then immediately harvest it other creatures similar to that I think the the frog as well does that I do believe which is pretty handy like anything that kills the creature and then you have to also hit it again to eat it it's just it kind of wastes more time when if you're using a berry it's just so much easier so definitely recommend berries for baby blenders I mean the Thursday and I was super fun to use for that but I don't know berry seemed to be better oh no no no that was a mistake oh that was a big mistake I almost got all these babies killed well there's like an orange one oh my god that's a cool-looking red I thought it was orange for a second that is a dark red I like that that's like blood red yeah I like this more than the other one there the darker red looks a lot better let's go ahead and just do that and put you unpack let's go ahead and draw out some more eggs here so if we go to the dark red and the and the white stripes and what can we get that is that another reddish color there it's like an even darker red what the hell and we got triplets wait no just twins I thought I saw another one back there for a second that is so cool we should keep getting so many Reds it's kind of like the same thing I talked recently about how blue is a super common color oh there's blue speaking of blue look at that blue spines thingies whatever they're called I don't know that's really cool I like that color I really do you like that color let's put you impassive so speaking of blue and red and everything red is also a super common color to get I think there's like there's not as many Reds as blues but there's definitely a lot of them I would say that there's at least six different red shades that you can get so super common color just blue is obviously the most common out of all akram out of all the colors that you can get for mutations but uh yeah that is crazy all right come here there we go all right so what do we got so far then we've got these we got him him and then this one here so I don't want this anymore so we're gonna go ahead and get rid of him and I definitely want that darker red so I'm gonna get rid of that one and I'm gonna use this one here so these three so far are gonna be part of the final Baryonyx build we've already got three out of the four regions so we just need one more so we're definitely not gonna have to hatch all of these eggs we go ahead and just clean this up I get you there's like two of them stuck behind they're getting me oh my god alright let's try this yeah that works I don't know if I can harvest the bodies now probably not oh I can't even can I even there we go so silly alright see if you can harvest them yeah we can all right I don't understand how I could harvest the bodies but I couldn't harvest the I couldn't kill them when they were there doesn't make any sense let's go ahead and grab some more eggs all righty so we just need one more region and I'm hoping or something that would go well with Reds and blue and white so I don't know if it should be like a bright color it probably would have to be to kind of contrast because we just got another blue of the exact same region that is silly so maybe something a little bit brighter actually to contrast that dark red that we have it's gonna have to be on the belly um yeah none of these guys are mutations there Oh from what I could see anyway let's go ahead and drop out some more eggs damn do that I see some mutations but I don't see the color I just see the number oh there we go we just got another red it today's like the day of red legitimately we're not gonna clean that one though cuz I want some different colors in this thing it can't just be fully ready you know like if the if the main body is red I don't want the belly to be red - all right that's fine for now we've got all these guys here grab some more eggs sure lag ADIZ when I do this there's so many in it that it's just the server does not like loading it oh by the way I always get this question if you're looking to increase the slot size of this just look on the spost page they have information to change ini files and stuff it's literally just typing in a number in the ini files and then you can change it it's really really simple and I'm not gonna do a tutorial on it let's go ahead and see what we can get here BAM don't see any colors the underbelly hmm nope nothing go ahead and clean this mess oh god this is so handy Baryonyx definitely is the best feature for doing this with go here get these guys suite ready oh no more eggs yep some more so soon enough I would say that we're gonna continue like breeding some of the other creatures that we have been breeding previously in the series like we'd be breeding direwolves and thiols and stuff and I definitely want to continue those I know I've seen a couple comments of people asking me one we're gonna continue them but they're probably oh my god that's another read they're probably gonna get like their own video that's a yellow that looks cool I like the red that we have though see mmm yeah nothing good in there I don't see anything anyway whew jeez I mean the yellow is cool but like we already have a really cool color for that region I do you like yellow on a berry I think it looks really just crazy looking very out of the ordinary see uh-huh yeah nothing there hmm alrighty let's grab some more eggs hopefully we can get something here uh-huh all right so laggy let's go ahead and actually just clean this up really quick BAM oh my god this is crazy look at that they just disappear all right goodbye I might actually move those air cons outside of this place is I could just have them on the ground outside there instead and that way that you know creatures couldn't get stuck in them or anything like that that could be a good idea um I have a green I don't like that though that looks silly I don't why'd that just reminds me of like glow-in-the-dark aliens mm that was weird let's go ahead and drop that some more one more anything come on give me something we got orange stripes oh there's another red are you kidding me oh it's an orange actually ah could that look cool with the other red that is a nice orange kind of looks like flames doesn't it like on the neck there I like that actually yeah let's go with that screw it I mean like I could keep hatching eggs and I'll get like I'm like I don't know what II what color I'd even want with this to be honest um yeah that orange will do that's that's gonna do let's go ahead and oh that's not the right one go ahead and do this and then put you onto passive that's gonna be the final color that we're gonna need then yeah I might as well stop here because that is a decent color and I don't know what else I'm gonna like whatever I would actually be looking for to be honest cuz I'm not sure if like a yellow or anything would go well and I'm not sure if a green would go well so let's go with that that looks good so here are the final colors and I will figure out there stop mutations in a few minutes I'd say let's go ahead and just get you to follow me buddy so we have for the spikes we have a very nice blue for the main body have like a blood red for these stripes on it we have the white and then for the underbelly we have this very nice orange very cool very very cool I feel like I might actually have to go out here and clean up all these berries because there's a ton of them there's so many especially the ones that are like super close to my stuff goodbye oh man goodbye uh a whole river down there could be flooded with my creatures I know I get like so many comments from people telling me like I would you're you know don't kill the babies release them like that's really not a good idea if you're playing on a server with people you're doing that and you're just really irresponsible because you could just like lie out the server so bad for everybody else and I have a beastly computer I'm okay with you know catching a bunch of creatures but not everybody's computer can handle that many creatures in like the one area so if I relief them all in the wild like it might just lag up like this one spot on the map for everybody and that is very irresponsible so I will not be doing that ever what's the Dino wipe or just get rid of them anyway so it's just dumb all righty well I'm getaway for these guys to all grow up and then I'm gonna breed them all together and figure out the stat mutations and everything and then I'll bring you guys back when the final build is ready okay so we are back and we have the Baryonyx fully put together it's level 300 base craft for today even what did the parents even have when we see um alright so the one with the two mutation had a food and a melee and then the one that I paired that one with have a stamina and then this one had a weight and then this one I think it might have had a speed because I couldn't tell what mutation it had so yeah obviously it was a speed then if if I couldn't find it but I these are the stats that he came out with pretty freakin amazing I threw my Mastercraft saddle from barely Onix onto it and we're gonna need some name suggestions for this thing so definitely leave some down below let's go down here and level it though cuz we're gonna need gonna need to level this buddy up before we take him into the ocean fighting sharks probably Moses all this crazy stuff oh my god this is crazy let's do a little bit of gliding and oh my god I just smashed straight into the ground that's perfect alright so I want to come down here to the swamp and do some leveling and I've also got this new bow and this thing is frickin insane I pulled that from a chest there's a chest at the very bottom of viking bay and this little boat i'll probably show it off in one of the videos at some point but i you can go there and it has some epic loot inside of it so yeah i pulled it from that thing and i've been pulling a couple things from those little chests and it's just insane the crap that you can get i've got a really really good giga saddle blueprint that i want to show you guys at some point oh my god die piggy sweet let's go over here so it definitely will be wanting some melee pumped do that let's actually test out this bow a little bit because i haven't tried it yet literally just had to go back for my arrows because i forgot them alright let's see oh my god that is ridiculous it's just 800 damage Jesus alright that's a really really good bow that is an amazing boat it's a pity that it's not a blueprint though is that like a crafting skill like all crafting skill and then obviously go ahead and and craft one from the blueprint but unfortunately that can't happen because it's not one now what levels is frog I feel like it's a high level yeah 162 probably shouldn't have killed it but it's okay I want to team frogs at some point and do some breathing just make the most epic frog ever there's a berry over here we can go kill him after we kill these guys oh man this thing's a beast look I like looked away for a split second on the pig turn directions oh my god a tail went everywhere all right all right stupid Dillo all right let's pump melee huh Barry it's attacking me get off of me oh you know what we still need to get a dermis from this thing let's go ahead and do that I meant to do this sweet so we can add that to the Museo my god no that's not okay there we go we got him Du Bois is epic that was crazy all right we gotta watch out for these Sarcos because I do believe that they can dismount you but I think that you have to be closer to water actually I'm not sure all righty yeah what was that even saying oh yeah we can add that thermos to our museum when a next time I'm over there I've got a couple dermis that I need to pop in some of them don't have spots built yet but there's a couple more I I do believe I have a couple to actually stick into existing areas in the museum so that that could be really fun I want to do like a couple more mutations and then we'll do like a run-through can we see him at some point once we have like a bunch of them in the same areas done as we've done several mutations but we we have so many more that we need to do before it looks very impressive let's go ahead and kill the snake getting tons of these apex troughs which is great I'm gonna start saving those I'm the hide of course hi it is just a constant thing I'm gonna be saving because I know how much of a pain it is the craft Opie saddles although having stuff on this like series like resources and everything really isn't too much of an issue to be honest because we have the gotchas and they constantly produce and all I have to do to do that is just gather them some stone so they're constantly producing for us and then I'm just grinding up all the gear that I'm getting like I don't need half of it gotta watch you for that cap row it's actually kill it oh wow nice one shot it gives it makes sense because it doesn't eat hundred damage alright see oh man this berry is awesome let's go ahead and get a couple more kills here and then I want to start pumping some health Oh leeches oh that didn't even hit with the help but did hit but any counter get some leech blood um alrighty everybody what is that oh the frickin Sarco is attacking a difficult aller now we're a little dip left the things are awesome I still need to breed them I never done like mutations on those before I think I have bred them though or have I no I happen actually I've never bred difficult as they weren't breathable when they came out so I wouldn't have done it back in the day when they've released creatures and you couldn't breed them because they were aquatic oh man and they added the the aquatic reading about two years ago I think right and I think so around two years ago yeah it was two years ago crazy just to think back and be like oh yeah that was two years ago that was three years ago you like oh my god I've been playing this game for so long alright let's kill this thing stupid frog oh my mouse flew off the screen why does that happen don't even understand it go off the screen onto one of my other screens alright let's see it's weakened some of these power sores because they take ages to kill alright mostly dead it's only a 102 as well all right let's see let's get that up to like 10 K and then we should be good berries actually heal quite quick when they have fish meat so let's go grab some just to get some healing going I don't have any um was it called like scuba gear or anything right now on me so we're not gonna be able to stay down here for very long although I do believe yeah I have 200 oxygen we could stay down here for a little bit not too long though got a shark over here this should be good we can kill this thing and then head back up sharks always give a decent amount of fish meat let's go ahead and stun them and then get in there for the kill that's so LP ice all right let's head back out of here so yeah he's just gonna heal up pretty quick using that fish meat as you can see look at that it just jumps ahead really quick occasionally by about ten or so very very good um that's the SARC oh yeah Thanks so that are some giant patro somehow which doesn't make any sense all right I don't want to fight that guy in the water I'm watching out for cap rows because they're seriously just the biggest issue around here they might be the reason that I that I died which would be very bad because I don't I mean I have the bad up at the thing up there so we can at least get back to this area but I don't have anything to ride over here alright what level you 180 no I said 120 alright good even though we've already got Paris errs on the scorched earth map I don't want to kill a 180 these things I don't know they're pretty common on this map I guess die all right let's see let's go ahead and take on maybe that Sark oh well there's a berry over there yeah kill this Paris or and then the Sarkis oh my god die all right sweet all right let me see Serco leave him alone if anybody's eating that Diplo it's me my prize and sixty-two Diplo yeah I gotta tame those things at some point okay in my museum not yeah they are they are actually I think I'm pretty sure that they're in my museum oh crap did I forget them no they are no cuz I remember the pose for them and I remember getting a dermis for one yeah they definitely are I confuse me for a second though oh man all right well you know what guys that's probably gonna be it for today we're gonna need a name for our new berry but it's pretty amazing we're gonna level this thing up a little bit more and then head on over to the island and it's probably gonna live over there for the rest of its life or I don't know maybe we might bring it back and forth we'll see but uh oh my god that's to cap rose all right let's take these guys on damnit but uh yeah it's gonna be super handy just detain creatures using this thing I could use like megalodons but you can't shoot off the back of a Megalodon where's you can shoot off the back of this guy so it's gonna be a lot better to use these to do the painting but um yeah hope you guys have enjoyed the video if you did go ahead and hit the like button if you want to see more like this you can of course subscribe and yeah to catch you in the next one Oh what is car [Music]
Channel: Syntac
Views: 149,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WmhAgWk6GCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 2sec (1922 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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