BREEDING BOSS FIGHTING MEGALOSAURUS! - Ark: Survival Evolved [Cluster E85]

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hey guys welcome back to a brand new episode of arc here on our cluster series and today we're back on Ragnarok we're gonna be heading over to aberration in just a few minutes I just wanted to give you guys a bit of an update on the base because I've got a good amount of feedback on this thing and everybody really seemed to like it and the location and want not and I kind of just wanted to show you what I've done since then so let's quickly just throw out night out here and then we can take a little look what the hell night L was like a triangle for a second what the crap oh by the way I should probably mention because a lot of people I mean I guess I kind of did things to make people think that okay let me explain basically this night owl right here is not the one that died a few episodes in the episode with the tape jars we actually lost that night owl ages ago and then this one is the one that you've been seeing for like the last I want to say month and a half two months I recorded that tape jar episode like ages ago and I never released it and I just had it there constantly waiting and then valkira came out and so many things got the way and it just yeah then I released it and then that night owl died which had died ages ago and then this is the one that you've been seeing for a while it's kind of hard to explain well yeah this is the same night owl from like the trench and why not so don't worry you guys already lost neidell without even knowing it so it's not really much of a loss now is it anyway so here is the base so me let me think what was it like the last time you saw it I think that we still had the giant hole on the side I believe that I hadn't finished off the walls so since then I've actually added in some glass because people really gave some good feedback about it thing yeah it kind of looks like a bit too much stone I agreed I actually planned out doing something like this anyway so we've got a good amount of glass in there and then some wood to kind of go around that and that's on each of the four so she guys in a minute and I'm probably gonna have another one of those clues there maybe I don't exactly know how it's gonna work out with that like the distance that I have to leave between each floor but anyway we might have another one of those little rims of glass coming around what else does I do oh I finished off this bridge over here and then I added like a little thing here to kind of like like a little triangle ceilings to kind of go out a little bit over the water which I think looks good takes away from it just being like a straight-up bridge and then I added some extra little details around the place you might be able to spot and we kind of started off the wrap-up here as well so we're gonna build up here at some point probably I don't know what we're gonna build up there exactly but anyway over here we have done the exact same to the bridge over here and then I finished off this little Tower like I said this isn't gonna be something crazy like this little Tower is just gonna be just a tiny little Tower essentially and its purpose is for jump pads I have got eight jump pads up here now this is from s plus and you guys have probably seen these before they're kind of crazy they're called repulsor pads actually but I usually will probably just call them jump pads so you can set different settings on them so I've set all of them to kind of point in their respective direction so obviously this one points that way that one points at an angle that way so on so forth and yeah we set them up to max strength so let me show you guys what happens when when I jump up this one but make sure they hit the like button if you find yourself enjoying this one oh my god it's so awesome so I have them going off at each direction which means that whenever I want to go somewhere I just get up there and I can even do it on night out like it actually works with creatures so I essentially just go up onto the very top and then just jump and then it just sends me in whatever direction I want to travel and gives me kind of like a head start or whatever as you can see we're super far away from the base that would have landed me close to the water which is kind of crazy and I've kind of like tested it out in each direction and we we go really really far it's kind of just insane I can even use one of them to actually land up on top of the base maybe I'll try that right now let's see so I want to just head further down try to land on top of the smaller Tower so it's nothing crazy like this little tower doesn't really look that pretty and I might change it a little bit at some point to make it look better but yeah it just serves its purpose essentially so this okay you got to be quick with this oh we got like a little bit of server light there so or something I don't know what the hell but yeah I could have probably landed a lot quicker than that let's try it again let's jump down so after this I'll show you guys the different floors and everything well taking a little bit of damage there geez alright let's go ahead and just eat that and get them healing going alright it must be Maxim's food yeah here we go boom oh no I did it too quick alright whatever but I can do it essentially it's what I'm trying to say it's really fun but just in general having that and if I'm using most of this area here that just means that we're gonna be able to like jump around our base using those and I might actually add a few more around the place I don't know we'll see so I don't think anything has changed down here at all I don't believe anything has oh one little thing that I did I believe it's on this side yeah it is alright so I had an extra broodmother flag I actually have two more back over at the little cog base that we have in the highlands but I didn't want to take them away from it so I'm putting flags on these little balconies so we'll put Broodmother there and then a broodmother on the other side facing into the same pillar and then over here maybe like mega Pittacus and would you broodmother mega Pittacus dragon Manticore Rockwell and then king Titan for each of these pillars so essentially on each balcony you'll have two different flags and then whatever flag is here is gonna be on the other side and then there's gonna be a different one over there so on so forth let's see let's go up has anything changed up here oh I don't really think so I made a diarrhea I'm good I'm just gonna call it a diarrhea I mean diarrhea yeah it's pretty much diarrhea this is like a tech thing it's from s+ and it essentially is just a better way to make like a bunch of dyes and stuff like that but I don't have it hooked up to any water system so I got to do that at some point what else has changed up here I don't really think anything has actually oh I added these in but it's not major yeah I don't think anything's really changed in here at all let's go up one more obviously now we have the windows up there and I'm not sure if much has changed in here I still got to do the roof let's head up another and then this isn't change besides the glass so I could probably add in another floor we'll see probably do that as you can see I still got a lot of pillow work to do here because we have pillars on some of them here and then some of them just don't have them yet so apparently I skipped one and went to that one and this this one all right I got it I got to do that at some point it's just very it's very tedious doing that it really is especially the fact that I don't have a tech suit I've actually been using the tape jar for like quite some time over here and then I was thinking yeah I gotta release that video so you guys actually know that I have that before I accidentally show it off in another video I don't know I just didn't want to start releasing like a crap ton of scorch videos all at once because I knew I had scorched coming up on the ultimate arc series so yeah that's essentially the reason why I was kind of holding off nothing wrong with the video or anything and I was happy with the way it turned out but yeah it's kind of funny though because a lot of people were like no night I'll survive the trench wouldn't subject lost him which is true but it's the one that we have now and then they were you know kind of upset that you know he did he did die that old Nite Owl did die and they thought that that was the same one that survived the trench and all this crazy stuff so yeah don't worry we still have this one I mean if you go back at videos you could probably see the point when I actually got this because I do believe that this has a different color although I might be wrong about that I don't know anyway so we're gonna head over to aberration now I've you know I've been working on this base and I kind of want to start doing some bosses we did the ice queen with Jim recently which was awesome if you guys want to check out that video and then we got like the dermis and everything for that but I want to start fighting all the other bosses I actually went ahead towards Rockwell first I want to kill Rockwell because Rockwell obviously gives it like ascension which means that I get extra levels on top of what I already have so kind of important to start with that that means that I can be like a better survivor when I am fighting the overseer and now that I fought the overseer solo the way I mean anybody who's seen the ultimate arc episode where we fought the overseer you guys will know that that was a crazy fight I don't know if I want to fight that thing solo again I'll probably team up with some of the guys on the server's here and we'll fight it together but I think I think the overseers gonna be fine if I have multiple people with me whether or not we all survive that's another question but yeah I think I'm gonna be fine fighting that but I definitely want to do rock well first and then attempt the overseer after that so yeah we're gonna do that all pretty soon I don't know exactly when probably not the overseer for a little while cuz I gotta do some stuff before that I mean we don't even have all the tech rooms yet which is kind of gotten me thinking I don't know I might try to just fight the D valkira boss because well the boss arena because it's got the Dragon Manticore and mega Pittacus so that would just kind of basically give me the rest of the engrams that I'm missing because we've only fought the the rude mother the alpha Broodmother we fought that and then we fought the desert Titan as well I do believe so if we killed we've killed the two of those so far so if we kill the valkira boss arena at alpha level that means that we're gonna get pretty much all the other Angra and then Rockwell is gonna give me some so yeah that's gonna be awesome but anyway let's get to it I'll see you guys over on aberration so we're over here on aberration now and as you can see we've got a little breeding operation going on here I've got four females on one male he's a lucky guy and they're just pooping out a crap ton of eggs working on mutations for Megalosaurus now I want to be using these guys for the Rockwell boss arena because they're actually really good like Megalosaurus in general are actually one of the best creatures in the game not only are they really small and easy to move around but on aberration they are absolute feasts because they do not get tired or need to fall asleep or anything so they're kind of perfect over here now we're gonna be using them probably combined with a few Reapers I'm not sure how many of these would actually want but I don't want to bring too many Reapers into the arena so we're gonna be using them essentially for like the way that the Rockwell fight works is that it's best to just be on a rock Drake and just circle around constantly shooting at his tentacles and then whenever it gets to the stage when all of his tentacles are gone he kind of leans forward and then all your creatures can hit him so I'm gonna have all these guys right at him waiting to hit him and then obviously I'm gonna be on a rock Drake or whatever so yeah we need them to be quite good they need to be tanky enough because sometimes nameless and Reapers and stuff can attack and then in general I do believe that they can take a little bit of damage from just being in the arena probably taking hits from from Rockwell because he likes shoots weird like plasma balls and stuff I don't know some of his attacks are kind of weird but um yeah so we need them to be quite strong and tanky so we're gonna be doing mutations on them looking for health and melee mutations so that was way too many eggs I shouldn't have taken all that sex that was dumb uh let's go ahead and just drop them and then take about half back how many can I take how heavy are they okay their weight they weigh about 12 so I can't take a huge amount of them so we're just gonna start hatching up a bunch of these anything that comes out as a 2 9 6 means that it is mutated if you want to know about mutations and breeding up super dinos I do have a video oh my god I do have a video on that I don't see any to nine-sixes in there and I'm gonna start cleaning up before it gets too messy but yeah I'll drop a link to that video in the description down below everybody seems to really like it let's see I'm gonna destroy these guys some more stuff that we need to be doing on aberration is the caves because we actually haven't done any caves over here at all let's see any 2 9 6 is in there I don't see any do they move quite quick so I got to be gonna be fast with the cleanup before they spread out too much we'll play I'm not killing any to nine-sixes but I'm sure I'll probably miss one or two where's that last one he's over here somewhere if there is got him all right so let's drop out a few more I want to be on the ground for this actually so I am let's see oh they're too cold they're too far away okay let's just move them over here a little bit more my um my air conditioners over there so gotta be relatively close I suppose nothing so far they started running immediately because I left a couple of corpses around we clear those up then we can hatch just a few at a time and then just kind of have a look at them instead of hatching too many at once nothing in there nothing in there mmm nothing there all right let's see so preferably I want to try and get a nail that's mutated with either the help or the melee mainly because if it's a male it's gonna be a lot easier to breed more babies because we just have to slot the male well like you're the mutated male in the place of the father right here whereas if it comes out as a female I'm not gonna try and get just four of them and do all that jazz I'm just gonna wait till we we have a new mutation and we can use males again so preferably it's a male but it's okay if it is a female I'll still use it let's see we've got a 96 here see which one is he he's this one okay those ones can be killed let's see what the mutation is all right come here were you what you doing um okay so let me just quickly have a look at the parents stats because I can't actually remember them off the top of my head so I'm just gonna look at help in melee and if it's not different then we're gonna get rid of it so 98 4096 wait yeah 396 and I don't believe you're mutated all right so good bye I don't know what your mutation is but we don't need you also it was a female anyway so just call all the females like in China god that's so fast if I'm so sorry let's see uh don't see an ID six of there alrighty well I was hoping that we get just a few of them at least but nothing really so far maybe I'll watch a few more eggs here on cam I carry all these barely alright I'm also low on water so I gotta take a drink here at some point let's see oh well we do have a mutation oh I picked the wrong one oops deal with the purple all right let's get rid of the rest then and you and you alright we're good let's see this is purple nothing that I need unfortunately and that's sex alright goodbye and then you don't have a mutation I accidentally claimed you so yeah we'll probably have a hopefully like a decent flow of mutations here let's see where is my it's my cooking pot where is it do I not have one over here maybe I don't have one I can't remember do I not even have a tap over here I thought I had that did I not I'm so confused all right well let's where's my where's my stuff I need a drink there we go Bam Bam good alright so I'll touch up just a few more eggs and then if we don't get anything else I'm just gonna continue off cam and hopefully try to get some decent mutations not too worried about the colors like it would be cool if we got some nice colors but at the same time like really not worried at all I just kind of want those stats hey another mutation go ahead and get rid of all the rest of them here alright are you the lucky male with the stuff that we don't need great alright so yeah as you can see we're not really getting too much luck so far but I'm gonna continue doing this and yeah we'll see you guys in a little bit mutations as you can see pretty freakin amazing looking so far actually we've gotten like a yellow color on the back a purple in the center and then kind of like a salmon II kind of like pinkish red it's it's kind of hard to see with like the glow stick let me see we're getting it down right now it yeah I guess it's kind of pinky red it's I don't think it's more pink or more red I think it's the glow stick that kind of makes it look more pink but let's look at it from a distance I'm pretty sure it's like red it looks more red from a distance to be honest and like from earlier on I just assumed that it was red but anyway yeah so that's what we're running with in terms of colors now I didn't really care about the colors but it's nice that we got some cool ones in terms of stats this one right here has three health mutations on to melee mutations and this one right here is also folium as well now obviously only the health is like only the health status like actually updated because I'd have to go at a render distance or logout or level this thing up for the rest of them to update from the imprint but we're gonna do that in a second we've still got the breathing operation going on over here at one stage we have to put in a female and then take out the male but um yeah every every other mutation so far has actually been male which is made things relatively easy so what we're gonna do now is I kind of want to just see how good they are at this point because I don't know if I want to continue doing me what are you looking at what's this thing looking at I feel like there's still a dead baby there where is that or it's like super like upset about something I don't know man it's so dark in here let's go ahead and just chuck more glow sticks around I've just been using these all day here so yeah I kind of want to see oh good on following you kind of want to see how they're gonna work right now so I've got a bunch of eggs over here and we're just gonna quickly run through them and just see if we can spot any new mutations if not I'm gonna obviously just eat them up with this thing and then he's gonna gain a bunch of levels so he could level this thing up just a quick look we're looking for 306 didn't see any before they're starting to run so I'm just gonna kill them and there was there was no 306 in that sea nope eat these guys up lovely all right couple more I think I see a 306 is that a no I don't think there's any 306 in there all right goodbye nice all right so how many levels do you have now 37 look at that this is the best way to level creatures by the way if you if you're breeding creatures just kill the babies just patch them up if you don't need them kill them with whatever creature you're trying to level and as you can see you get a decent amount of XP off of it now obviously some creatures give a lot more than others yeah this is it looks kind of pinky now it really does interesting all right well I also looked up the Megalosaurus only has three regions so we've covered everything so far in terms of getting you tainted colors one really cool thing is from a distance it's kind of hard to do it right here let me like run out here we might be able to see a little bit better you can see the aberrant colors kind of like shining up there so we've got yellow and purple II stripes which looks really awesome really really happy with that the yellow stripes is crazy-looking actually I really like that so that's a nice little nice kind of a little plus whenever you're actually breeding like aberrant creatures as opposed to regular ones you kind of get that cool glow in the dark effect although I guess on some maps if you're on PvP that's probably not the best idea but I don't know I think it's cool um how many more eggs do we have in here we've got a bunch you know what I don't care we'll get more mutations anyway I'm just gonna quickly just murder eyes all of these babies with this Megalosaurus so let's quickly just pump in one so that's pretty good let's pump it a crap ton more here should be enough for the moment so just basically adding melee on so we can kill the babies quicker before they make a giant mess oh wow that's messy let's see which is this gonna go by oh wow yeah look at that oh that's crazy alright so you just got like another 15k XP on top that's awesome let's go ahead and pump this up a good bit I want it minimum 25k though to be honest I think I have a Megalosaurus saddle blueprint somewhere so if we have a really good saddle we probably won't need more than 25k I feel like that's good so maybe we'll just focus on having these things as melee beasts because Megalosaurus in general like that wasn't too many levels in and we already got up to like 25 K and I feel like because they have such high damage output that I probably won't need that much actual melee on them I don't know I feel like anything that comes up to the crowd of them in the Rockwell's arena is just gonna get just obliterated we got to go back really quick and actually grab some stuff I gotta get my suit before I leave this base and let's see where did I put that up in here right yeah there we go suits I usually don't just wear them around the base cuz just in case I afk and die I generally like to not have too much stuff on me because it's happened before and it's super annoying um I will grab my shotgun and we'll grab neidell and that's it uh you know what I'll grab my food as well actually I'm gonna need that alright let's see c'mere buddy so if it didn't have the red on it you could almost call these like Thanos Megalosaurus I feel like if like if I get like a purple or pink or something maybe more purple I guess while breeding I feel like I've gotta try to like replace the bottom with like a purple if we could or a yellow and we could just basically call these like Thanos Soros or whatever I don't know like the colors are it looks like that is wearing is like golden armor looks awesome but uh yeah let's head out here we also got a turn on our dude let's see pop that on there nice all right so I just want to see how good they are against creatures out in the wild we've got a lot of melee we've got a lot of help should be able to just murder eyes everything hello ravager oh wow ok that's good yeah and that's not even mate boosted oh man that's gonna be awesome oh you know what I could bring a you Tyrannis into the arena I totally could I mean this is a cluster series I might as well yeah so these guys will be made posted you Tyrannis boosted and general they're already beast so yeah Rockwell's Malcolm's down a chance through you rock well you are gonna die that's gonna be fun let's go ahead and just go all these guys what do we got over here you know what I kind of feel like we don't even need to continue with the mutations like that little bit extra from the three health mutations and then the to melee mutations is probably enough that is a floating rock can I go underneath the floating rock I can this is a nice little hiding spot I am now a rock or is that just a giant tumor I don't know let's get out of there can I pick up wanna Danze oh I totally can that's amazing oh man I love the Megalosaurus such a fun creature I wish that they were like I wish that they didn't have a nighttime thing on the island I really do because I'd love to use these things all the time they're so fun they are so powerful and I like actually having them curled up in the base just sitting around I feel like all creatures should have like a little like sleeping idol kind of animation type thing where they could just lay down like that I honestly do like if I if I won the lottery I just I buy wild card and Ark off of snail games and then just force all my cool changes but I think they're cool forth all my cool changes into the game good luck yeah do this do that I got to do the lottery but anyway I think it would be cool if we had that I understand that they probably don't think that that's the priority I mean it's not really a priority but whatever um I just really like the Megalosaurus the way you can just have them sleeping but yeah the fact that you actually have to let them to sleep all the time it's kind of its kind of a little bit bothering I don't really want to use them on the islands and other maps if I have to have been sleeping alright you guys are dead alright let's see we get any more levels yeah I don't really think anything around here is gonna give us many levels at all we could probably fight some car kudos I guess I could also like bring out a little pack of Megalosaurus to start farming up like Reaper Queens or whatever like whenever I'm on the rock tree look at that guy standing up like that whenever I'm on the rock Drake and we're like trying to look for high-level Reapers like we did before it's kind of it's a little bit annoying to try to actually take down the Reapers when you do find them like any low-level Reaper still has like 40 to 50 Cait health and it's kind of crazy so maybe you're just having like a bunch of these guys around with me could be a good idea they're just so powerful I didn't even let them fully get out of the ground yet all right yeah nothing really stands a chance let's get some healing going here let's see how quick is that gonna work yeah it's pretty good I like the plant species Zee plants it's really awesome having them here it's just like heal up so quick oh man um but yeah Megalosaurus in general should be a pretty good fit for the rockwool arena I do I do believe that we're probably at the point now where we don't have to do any more mutations we probably have gotten strong enough Megalosaurus maybe I'll have a look and just see what saddle blueprint I have if I don't have like a really good one I'm gonna obviously do some like drop farming to try and get one if I can't get one before the Rockwell Arena well then I'll just I'll pump their health up to like 30k instead of 25 that should be good alright let's just just get this guy healed up a little bit up to 21 K now we're good we'll leave it can get this guy held up more at home but um yeah they're just so fun I love them I really do they're actually the Megalosaurus video like when the Megalosaurus came out for me that video actually did really good that's when I started to kind of like get a little bit of a blowup going on I was that like 12 ish K and then the Megalosaurus update came out I don't even think I was that 12 K yet yeah nonetheless source update came out and I put up a video and it just got to like 100k views really quick which is crazy for a channel like 10k so yeah that was awesome and now yeah that I think that video is that like 250 or 300 K I don't think it gets very many views nowadays but yeah it was awesome for its time I remember I like blew up like right after that mmm when I say blow up I mean like I literally doubled my sub count from like around 12 ish K up to like 24 and to 26 before the end of the year it was awesome those crazy times let's see let's kill some more creatures this frickin Iguanodon has realized the way to get away from me you gotta climb because I can't get up there you I'm gonna let you live now where am i I can't take out my shotgun alright you get to live then you you get to live I'm not gonna kill you kill this Megalosaurus though just to show them that I am a tough I'm a tough cookie alright well we're gonna head back to base here I think it's been a pretty successful episode we got our Megalosaurus mutation stack it's not super crazy but it doesn't really need to be like I mentioned I think yeah we also showed off the base as well hope you guys enjoyed that obviously leave me some more tips if you have them for the base I'm obviously not done with it it's got like so much more work that needs to be done but I am I'm really excited to actually continue building the base and then eventually finish it off it's gonna be really really awesome but yeah that's it for today if you have enjoyed the video go ahead and hit the like button if you want to see more like this you can of course subscribe I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: Syntac
Views: 113,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MrSdZfh5Vz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 51sec (1791 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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