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so today we are breeding some megatheriums as you probably know from the thumbnail we need these things for the broodmother boss which we're gonna be fighting at some point soon hopefully uh but yeah these things are honestly fantastic against the brood mommy and we can actually also use them for some other things as well you guys are giving me a lot of suggestions about using these things in the genesis uh missions especially in the volcano and you're right that's a really good idea we got to do that for sure but uh first of all we need to actually start breeding out a bunch of these dudes and getting a lot of mutations as you can see i've already got the first one for health and i've also got the first one from melee over there and this one here has the little purple feet these things only have two color regions so wherever you see green is one wherever you see black is another and then obviously purple and black on this one here i got a lot of really good suggestions for color combinations that we can maybe go for for the final product and uh i think hopefully if we get some of those colors we can go for that but uh we'll have to wait and see what we actually get let me see so 305 is what we're looking for and 46 points into health is what i'm looking for nothing new there let's head on over to the melee one over here so we've got orange on the melee over here and obviously still the black and um yeah let me there we go i wish i had like a faster way between them it would be great to just like have one of those like little bounce pads just like bounce me right over or something so uh here is the melee one and let me quickly just see 305 let's see we're looking for 47 points in melee nothing new there this one here is yellow and green that's interesting although i don't know if i'll bother with that anyway cool all right well anyway guys that uh this thing's gonna take a while like obviously mutations take quite some time to get done even with my enhanced rates so uh i'll bring you guys back once we're probably done i mean to be honest i don't really feel the need to like bring you guys back like 20 times or whatever amount of mutations we go with with these things i mean i could do that but it will just make quite a boring video so i'll bring you guys back towards the end but go ahead do me a favor hit the like button if you find yourself enjoying this one it really just helped me out i do appreciate it and um also yeah um we i wanted to mention i don't think i have them on me though do i oh i do sweet i still have them i actually went ahead and finished up the spino uh mutation stack and uh here is what one of them well i mean the the locks of them haven't changed because i've kept with the same colors but now they have 20 health and 20 melee mutations and let me just like show you real quick what they can actually do in terms of damage now bear in mind this thing's imprinted but it is not mate boosted right now so we'll do more damage when it's made boosted but that's how much damage we do with that attack and that's how much damage we do with the claw attack and now let's go into the water and show you the difference i think with the water buff and mate boost i did something like 1500 i think it might have actually been 1500 on the dot with the claw attack so that's how much we do with the water buff um we gotta we gotta find something here we are of course moth uh stunned come on there we go sweet uh let's see we got a livestream here you're not me boosted right it's in there that's how much damage we do with that attack so the mate boost brings that up to like 1500 which is great and then on top of that we also will eventually have a uteranus buff so these things are gonna be a force of nature i am very excited to use these things against uh potential bosses but also missions as well we've got a lot of stuff to do um in terms of missions so we definitely will need a really strong creature like the spino and uh hopefully we can actually manage to get a full army with really good saddles because currently i only have six good saddles um anyway yeah i'll i'll show you guys the spinos probably another day today is the megatherium day and i will see you guys in a bit well in a long while when we have the mutation stack done all right so it's a few days later and as you can see i have a crapton of megatheriums here 18 to be precise these things have a 20 health mutations and 20 melee mutations and uh they actually have some really nice colors as well that's the same kind of purpley maroon color that we have on the spinos and then the the skin color is kind of like a dark teal which looks really nice um here are the stats of one that is not imprinted so with the health mutations it brought the health up to just short of 13k and then the melee mutations brought the melee up to just past uh 600 so with the imprint on top of that we get up to 15 and a half basically um and then the the melee is not updated because i haven't actually pumped anything into this one so let's just do that real quick that brings that up to uh 720 so yeah these things are gonna be really insane i'm actually really excited to get going and just kind of test them out a little bit but unfortunately i don't actually have any saddles over here so we got to go back to our little base and uh grab a saddle or two i don't believe i have a megatherium um saddle blueprint which sucks and i'm really gonna need one at some point soon so we gotta maybe look for one oh by the way actually the little garden up here that we built uh a couple days ago this thing is uh it's pretty nice but i actually found that some of the creatures were escaping like i kind of predicted that they might do i found a dung beetle kind of like wandering around my base just a little bit which was a little disappointing i don't really want that to happen my god the lack of these right now it's just when we're loading in the base mainly you know but uh god damn sometimes it's really really rough all right let's get in here then and just double check and make sure i don't have a megatherium blueprint i'd be so good if i did let's see mega yeah no megatherium one damn it all right you know what where the hell do i even get something like that sometimes i kind of notice that like the blueprints i get over here on val are like the same loot crates i think as the ones that you get on scorched which i i don't really think it has like a massive range of different saddles that you can get because i keep getting the same ones all the time my saddles are in here i know i have a couple megatherium saddles uh i don't have many over here i definitely have some over on genesis but for the moment let's just grab this one why did i try to put that onto my hotbar i have no idea uh mega there we go so i don't know like where is a good spot to like look for some megatherium uh subtle blueprints like let me know i'm actually i'm trying to think of it like maybe just going back to the island and just hitting up all the loot crates there doing some caves there will be a good idea um oh by the way this area is beautiful at nighttime because it gets lit up by the little charge plants in the very center plant species z um so it gets completely lit up and it lights up this whole area and it's so good i love it i love that little garden so much all right let's get back over here then um oh my god these things look crazy let's see which one did i level i think it was somewhere around here right let's go ahead and do that yeah this one right here all right so i just kind of want to test it out and see how good it is maybe we should grab a mate for it should i hmm all right which one's a male then are you you're a female female you're a male all right i'm gonna bring you with me let's see so i'm pretty sure we can get our boost from a moth right did we get it uh we did not get it from a moth okay so not every single creature that gives kite and gives it obviously um i gotta find out the rules when it comes to this thing either way though uh let's pump a little bit into that health i know i want the health to probably be somewhere in the range of like 20 to 30k if we can and then the rest can go into melee because these things are gonna be just insane against the brood mother either way though that's how much damage we do without any uh mate boost or um what is the insect boost thingy called whatever that thing's called uh we don't have that buff right now so that's how much damage we do with that attack we've also got i think does the c attack actually hurt things i can't remember no c doesn't do anything okay never mind so i'm getting confused right click though that is the other attack so 300 and then basically 450 pretty good let's try and find something that can give me some boost though is there really i don't know if there's like anything around here that can do that like i thought the uh lemantria might be able to do that but clearly not um yeah we might need to fly over that way that's where we went with the megatherians before we're gonna need to like clearly there's like nothing around here that's gonna give me that so let's see um let's fly on the tape chart now uh do i have tesla there i'd okay yeah sometimes it's kind of like difficult to like find the creature that i'm looking for because there's just so many i always have like tons of creatures of the little soul balls on me at all times so really doesn't help like i don't help myself when it comes to that stuff but um yeah let's get over here and test this out i imagine that we're probably gonna do uh at least around a thousand or something like that with the full buff um let's see let's try and like look for some scorpions uh is that that's the scorpion right there sweet let me get in there no they're gonna kill it on me all right never mind and i got hit somehow um okay look over here maybe uh there's another scorpion sweet alright so which one is it it's not this one right yeah no that's the that's not the correct one let's see uh is it this one yeah there we go all right we're gonna test this out without the mate boost first if we can boom all right now we have our buff that's how much damage we do normally and then with the oh my god wow that is the right click attack that does like a thousand and that anki is wigging out so bad all right i'm pretty sure that there's no more mate boost that's how much damage we do to things that don't have mate boost right now with the buff and this thing's not even really leveled at all so oh my god plus you tyrannos roar oh wow these things are going to be insane i can't i can't wait i can't wait to take down that brood mother all right let's see boom hell yeah get wrecked stupid little puppies we're just like smushing a bunch of puppies with a giant sloth this game doesn't get much better than this guys it really doesn't all right let's get uh let's try chase down this last one there we go oh so brutal all right let's see so how many levels does it kind of roughly take to get this thing up you know what it actually goes up by almost a thousand uh health per level so if we got them to like 25k that's a good health pool i would say considering we have the the resistance when we have the buff i feel like that might be good i feel like we should be okay uh what is that over there there's something red okay i thought it was am what do you call it um an alpha creature all right let's do this attack before they start doing their roar on me and reducing my damage boom get wrecked stupid mammoths we gotta find another insect soon before before we lose our little uh buff thingy all right let's see uh there's really like nothing around here right now oh yes these things are gonna be ridiculous we need to go over to genesis when we need to check out uh one of those like volcano missions or something like that um just to kind of like just to see the power of something like this and you know what actually uh next time we see a scorpion here i want to check out the other one and see what the mate boosted damage actually does i think we've got a scorpion over there sweet all right let's see let's just uh i can't okay i can't hit that button apparently to pull up the feature i need let's do that and get you on follow let's get over here and kill these scorpions all right boom wow okay hang on wait wait wait now that thing's mate boosted right that thing is it or do i just do more damage to to creatures like that in general i might actually do that i probably do okay hang on i can't remember exactly like does it do extra damage against creatures that have like like insect or something i can't even remember let me i gotta figure this out i gotta find this at so that's how much damage i do with the mate boost and the the little uh insect buff with the left click so that's the weaker of the two attacks let me try and hit like a scorpion or something i think i actually do four times damage against uh creatures like scorpions and insects and stuff like that i think that's how it works i do four times damage against them and then i obviously just whenever i have this buff i just do extra damage in general unfortunately there's like none of those creatures around here right now like there's real slim pickings right now so let me see how much the right click attack does without that super buff okay that's really good let me try and find a scorpion though i gotta find this out all right i found one let's get in here then yeah so left click did 1700 so i do four times damage i think against them and then i just do extra damage in general whenever i have the buff okay i had a feeling that it was a four times damage buff but clearly i just had it wrong you just don't have that whenever you're hitting just anything so let's uh let's go hit this guy then with the left click so that's how much damage we do with that right click oh my god yeah okay so these things are ridiculous that's mate boost that's imprint buff or boof that's improved buff and uh that's obviously not even that many levels as well and then obviously the insect buff as well uh insect killer is what it's called all right let's get over here then i got a couple extra levels in i want to see what i can do boom yeah okay so i think the brood brother is probably just you know sitting there pissing herself i mean realistically i don't i don't understand how she couldn't be doing that right now like these things do so much damage we're absolutely going to destroy her um we're actually we're probably also gonna do the um the fight like three times because we can do it at uh gamma then beta then alpha and we can get all three of the different trophies for our little trophy room that we'll eventually have so that would be really cool all right let me go ahead and just destroy this oh no kill no oh my god get off of me how dare you you stupid tech stego almost wait no that was a max level oof all right yeah 216 is max level for tech creatures in my server um all right cool well yeah uh we need to clearly um get these things a little bit more leveled and then head on over to genesis and do that so i'll see you guys in a bit all right so we're gonna do the summit tour mission which is a mission where you pretty much have to escort power source and keep them safe um so i'm pretty sure we have to keep them all alive right i think so this is a bit of a difficult one hopefully there's a crap ton of insects on it that would be great because if there's not then we're not gonna have the oh get off of me why did it spawn one directly inside of me i did not like that um yeah if there's not a crap ton of insects then we might have a bit of an issue here i've got my four megatheriums on me though we've got tons more obviously but uh these are all the ones i have currently with uh some saddles on them all right let's see try and like stay just a little bit ahead of the power source here and just take out anything that's like trying to run with them oh my god are you guys kidding me okay attack attack there we go probably should have put them on attack my target then i guess okay go back there yeah there you go okay we're good uh there's a scorpion there hopefully that thing comes for us so one of the parasaurs is like super hurt hopefully we don't have to keep them all alive i don't think you do all right let's see so let's uh let me just maybe like send my guys just up ahead uh i'll stay behind with them oh my god never mind never mind i guess we'll all just like stay here and let them get hit that's fine completely fine wow yeah we maybe uh maybe this isn't the best mission to do with a pack of megatheriums i don't know all right well we got our buff anyway come on parasaurus it's just a flesh wound it's fine look there's more power source there if you lose your children all right let's see so some of them are like actually pretty hurt already great oh wow look this was that a bronto skeleton damn that's cool all right let's uh send my guys up ahead there you guys go up ahead and oh never mind they're already here all right now let's start attacking them oh wow i feel like some of these missions are just like awful to do solo you know just because you kind of need like another person just to like also be attacking these things wow all right come on hit that karno for me guys what are you doing oh crap i'm stuck no i can't help you if you walk into me all right there we go come on there we go we're good we're good just stop walking into me everything's walking into me i hate this get off i can't move go go over there you stupid megatheriums do it oh my god i'm stuck i'm completely stuck right now i guess we'll just swap megatheriums then it's being attacked oh crap that's an aloe i wonder what happens if one of them dies like do i have to keep them all alive i don't actually know oh one of them is about to die i don't want to like let it die just to see uh okay there we go yeah one of them's dead okay so i don't have to keep them all alive oh that's good okay that actually might make it easier if i let like three of them die and then just keep one alive i know that sounds horrible but like yeah it might actually help their children died look at that oh my god this is awful boom i don't think you get any less points or anything like that if you uh let things die anyway so i think this is okay to be honest maybe using the spinos for this one actually would have been better because like they're bigger and i only i probably would only need like one i don't know i almost kind of feel like using the spino would be a good idea if i fail this i'll totally just do it with the spino then kill the wrecks boys come on now god damn it are you kidding me it wasn't all right so we're gonna attempt this mission again except with spinos because they have much better aoe and it's gonna be easier not having creatures constantly stuck on me and uh stopping me from being able to protect them so yeah it would be so much easier to do some of these missions if i had somebody with me um but unfortunately i have no friends so no but you know what i mean they're like having a tribe mate or just somebody to like you know maybe go forward and one stays back or something like or even just to kind of like help manage some of the creatures sorry why are they coming from the sky now what you know just having somebody with me would be so much easier but uh yeah unfortunately it's just me oh wait what how are they under attack how the hell did you let things get at them you spino this time though we won't even lose a single baby i promise you we'll be fine don't worry all right let's see maybe i'll just send the spino ahead like if i can actually hit things with whistles uh there we go all right so the mission ends just up ahead we should be able to do this oh my are you kidding me that was the volcano it's trying to kill me wow that is the worst luck that almost actually hit me as well oh now i'm like stuck oh wow okay oh there's like so many things here all right there we go we're good we're good nothing's dying we're good stop panicking it's fine it's being yeah i know oh crap no one of them died are you kidding me protect them what are you doing i have you in the back so you protect them and you did nothing i lied one of the parasaurs died i said none of them were gonna die and then one of them died and now i'm stuck okay come on fine we only need one of them to be alive oh my god this one's such a cluster we definitely need a giga for this i mean like one single giga really good aoe on gigas so we should be fine um but also you know just the fact that the giga uh has a really good damage and i could just hit like once or twice and then things would be dead all right you go ahead i will stay back please protect them we gotta keep them safe that is the mission there you go all right everything's dying we're good so yeah one of the one of the babies is dead it's fine though they still have another luck so morbid like oh yeah you know help me and my family through here and i will grant you three wishes and i get them through except one of their kids dies it's really awful let's do this so i can see what i actually get from this mission uh what's happening oh there we go okay uh so here's what we got um nothing super amazing but that's to be expected this is only a beta mission um all right let's do this one on beta then all right so we basically just have to go from checkpoint to checkpoint and then eventually we grab the item and then we gotta get out of here all right follow me get across this little bit of lava do we have to actually cross the lava yeah we'll just do it anyway it's fine it does like a little bit of damage so this is the same as like the extraction one it's the little retrieval mission style uh i definitely will do that one at some point that's actually one other one that a lot of like that's the mission that a lot of people were recommending that i do uh with the megatheriums but again like i just i don't feel like trying to do that one when i don't have uh a really good magma sword to re really use in there uh because i definitely feel like having a magma sword would help a lot in there you know at the very end when you have to actually go into the lava like going in on something that i can just be shut off of really easily is not a good idea uh that rex is just chilling there we go yeah this is actually pretty easy the track is actually super cool looking i remember the first time i saw this i was like oh my god what is that like is that a creature we can get but unfortunately it is not we need it okay i expect to say we need to kill that thing asap but we got it all right let's see i think it's just up ahead we need to retrieve yeah there it is alpha uh x trike so yeah it basically just has a trike phone skin on its head which just looks so cool looking i don't know why it just looks amazing all right we need to kill this thing come on help me kill it i get there and please all right and it's dead now we just got to pick it up i found something all right there's so many strikes in here okay so let's just point out and kill this last trike and then we gotta pick that thing up um all right we should be good what's that all right let's run now we gotta escape all right i just need to hit all these checkpoints i can leave that other megatherium behind if he doesn't actually follow me closely it's okay um let's see oh there's a lot of basilisks here i don't like that don't like the amount of basilisks that we have to fight right now oh god run just keep running oh god all right we're fine we're fine everything's gonna be okay everything's pissed at me this is crazy i love it all right there we go i thought i might be able to kill him i guess we could also just bite as we like run through here the other stronger attack you have to actually basically pause it stops you for a second but this one here you can do while you're running and we gotta really run here oh my god there's so many things where's my other megatherium oh my god i can't see a thing oh god this is awful to look at all right i think i think we're good we got like two minutes to make it all the way over here amazing uh let me let me go ahead and just drop all that put all that into there and then boom mission is complete uh why can't i finish this mission did i do something wrong did i not hit all the checkpoints there we go okay i fixed it nice um all right so here's what we got uh nothing amazing that's kind of good nice all right sweet so that's another 10 000 points hopefully we should be able to get enough points by the end of this to maybe potentially get ourselves a another loot crate all right so maybe i should just go back and do some of these in gamma form it gives me like a little bit of points yeah i guess i'll just do that um these some of these are pretty easy to be honest i actually kind of feel like we could probably do that one at alpha should we try i feel like we could i feel like we could do that one at alpha so i'm gonna try it i'm gonna give that one the old college try all right i might need to drop back some of this stuff first though all right so we made it all the way in here i don't know if we're gonna have enough time to finish this mission i might have to attempt it a couple times but it's really not that difficult it's just literally actually getting through the creatures is like the difficult part you know because you do like way less damage in these alpha missions um so yeah kind of struggling to kill things and just like push through them all definitely something with some nice knockback would have been great for this all right come on megatheriums we almost got this thing i would say looks to be pretty bloody come on issue is that we only have two minutes so i might actually try and get out of here with the spino because he's a little bit quicker maybe just have all the megatheriums following me or something oh my god come on kill how's this thing not dead yet oh wow okay hang on is it close to death kind of it's so hard to tell yeah it's super bloody i can see come on um let's do this attack i suppose this one does a little bit more damage although this one i guess i can do quicker oh my god die already we lost our buff from the bugs the insect uh killer buff thingy come on oh my god die already seriously you're still alive how much health does this thing have oh wow okay no wonder my guys are hardly even hitting it at all only i am okay we need to think of a better strategy here i might need to chuck out a spino okay help me kill all right let's get everybody in here then let's just swarm it with creatures come on all right it should die soon there we go we got it we got it we got it all right uh i think i might ride out on one of these finals then like i said and just have everything follow me there we go we've only got a minute oh my god blood stalker probably would have been the handier way of getting out of here all right i'm gonna leave you here because you're gonna be in my way uh we probably won't be able to get through here but i'm gonna try it anyway okay let's uh no oh oh this little rock slide thingy's actually helping i can't come on oh let me through all right there we go uh we gotta hit every single one of these that's the issue oh crap fast lists as well are awful now i'm stuck like i can oh there we go come on all right how long do we have we have 30 seconds might be able to do this if i get lucky and don't bump into too many things on the way you might be able to do it okay i got that one oh i might actually be able to do this one yes come on and we got it nice all right yeah see like it's not difficult it's just the time that's the difficult part but let's see did we get anything good that was an alpha mission so we got like a lot of points that we got like 30k um doesn't really look like we got anything insane that's okay though we got quite a few megalodon saddles which is nice all right so now i have to go back and pick up all my creatures uh because they're kind of everywhere yeah look at that i just ran through the little bit of lava and that counted as water that's so weird it's like it's it's spicy water that's what it is all right come on see i'm just doing this one at gamma uh just to get it done and out of the way basically that's why we're doing so much damage okay helena here we go thanks mike what'd i get oh oh well i guess we need to tame a trophy at some point soon dude that's like a max damage one it's got two percentage signs beside it as well is that supposed to be like that that's uh that's kind of insane that's like legitimately just like max damage i i i'm pretty sure that you can't get higher than that we have like a 300 but my god that kind of blows that one out of the water thank you very much helena pity i don't have enough points to buy another one all right well um i'm looking over this direction because over to the right here we have something brand new that literally dropped in a little patch that they just did can you guess what it is it's a carno do you notice anything about by the way i just want to mention i did actually summon in this one um just specifically for this so they updated the visuals of the carno yeah i don't know if you can really notice too much of a difference i definitely notice it myself it looks a lot better now like the visuals on this thing were always kind of like very muddy and disgusting now it looks a lot better i mean like subtle little kind of texture change but definitely helps out a little bit it still kind of looks really goofy and weird but i'm [ __ ] it i'm digging it for sure you know what the funniest thing about the carno and arc is they keep teasing us with the potential for a tlc for this thing but they've never given it and i don't think they ever plan on doing that um they of course a few months ago they added in the little bleed attack when it does its horn attack um like the little bleed effect thing that does uh and then you know now we've gotten a little i guess texture bump yeah it's kind of funny they keep tiptoeing around giving us the tlc and i think that this kind of just cements in the fact that they are not giving us the tlc for this creature ever we're never getting one ever don't even think about it anyway um so that's pretty cool i just kind of wanted to just spawn one in just to take a look at it myself and then i figured i'd just show you guys as well literally just happened like a few minutes ago and um yeah i think that's probably gonna be it for today guys that is uh that is the video we i kind of wish that we had enough points to actually get ourselves another um little loot crate but we're pretty close to the next one we need just like 11 000 points so not too far off i definitely will try to storm through a couple more of these missions soon enough uh but yeah i'm super happy with that like that's kind of insane i feel like we need to go in tamatropio probably like in the next episode or something what do you guys think about that let me know what you think because uh that's a really good saddle how does a really really good saddle i'm actually kind of curious if i got a blueprint that was close to that could i have crafting skill above that or is that the absolute max and also it's kind of funny how it just landed on 500 that's amazing anyway i hope that thing does a lot of damage and uh i hope that we can get a good trophy at some point but uh yeah guys if you have enjoyed the video go ahead do me a favor hit the like button if you want to see more like this you can of course subscribe and yeah i'll see you in the next one where we will no longer have our favorite karno right over there because i'm gonna destroy him with my admin cheats
Channel: Syntac
Views: 178,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, ark survival, ark survival evolved, syntac ark, ark letsplay, dinosaur, dinosaurs, dino, ark megatherium, ark megatherium breeding, ark megatherium mutations, ark sloth, ark broodmother
Id: ei1EBRvLiVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 8sec (1988 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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