The Modded Game Mode That Makes Solo ARMA 3 AMAZING! | Antistasi Solo Series Part 2

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NATO successfully reclaimed control of key infrastructure illegal annexation of tooa months ago so there we were trying to fit an old truck packed with Russian weapons down a goat track in the middle of the Jungle I should probably explain how we got here I decided we would go back to tavu and take both our revenge and whatever weapons we could get our hands on ready to fire open fire we made quick work of a Twan Patrol as we came off the beach we then began to clear the town from the southern [Music] end we pushed until we reached the Northwestern corner of the town when I heard a Russian Patrol coming [ __ ] [ __ ] medic's down one of our Rock men are down with three of my squad now Kia I knew it was time to get my guys and the weapons back to the boat we took the long ride back to our Island Hideout and sorted through the weapons we had acquired we were making progress however it was obvious that if we were to mount any kind of serious assault on the enemy we would need to move I formulated a plan to move in the cover of darkness and insert our HQ deep inside Russian held territory it would be a risk but if we were able to push back the enemy it would give us a foothold on the southwestern Islands waiting standing by unfortunately on our first patrol of the area I lost a steering competition with a Russian BTR and then awoke from my dirtnap with a Russian Patrol 20 M from HQ yeah finally holy holy moly oh he's still alive thank God we had survived this time but it was clear we needed to fall back and regroup we made our Hasty Retreat to a nearby uninhabited Island and wondered where to go from here I must have spent hours staring at that damn map and then it hit me at the southernmost point of the main island was a chain of poorly defended resources the plan would be to sneak in and set up in this Valley and then clear the resources one by one before moving to take the Outpost to the north and eventually the Airfield to the West R team Mo there copy that right [Music] 100 scratch Mar [Music] [Music] I sent two squads ahead to check for enemy roadblocks as we return to HQ with the load of weapons we acquired from liberating The Sawmill it turned out to be a wise decision with our at capabilities exhausted our only option was to return to basee using the jungle tracks that weaved through the Region's mountains so now you know why we were trying to fit an old truck packed with Russian weapons down a goat track in the jungle but the thing is this is only the beginning of the story with three out of the five resources now liberated we were now starting to gain a foothold on the region the thought of taking our first Outpost was in enticing and I perhaps foolishly decided we would skip the banana plantation and go ahead with the assault on The Outpost making do with what weapons and equipment we already had at our disposal on me copy formation staggered column the next morning at 0500 we would step off with three additional infantry squads and a sniper team to assault the plantation from the southern end oh [ __ ] the squad that was flanking right took first Contact now they knew we were [Music] coming Rifleman have a bearing 06 holy [ __ ] the fog of War mixed with my poor decisions were about to have disastrous consequences where did that even [Applause] land 300 M bearing 060 on me Roger man 200 me [ __ ] we got to men down stand up stand up stand up I had been slow to make the call to push we had already lost two men and we were about to start taking contact from multiple directions M man 200 targets [Music] down crou Z [Music] C holy moly that was intense such chaos followed by such calm the birds the insects but it wasn't over [Applause] yet [Applause] East unknown contact 400 m east men down 7 h [Music] we now had four Kia and one casualty and I had been hit I almost decided to retreat a smart man probably would have yes thank you man start healing me guys Jesus I decided to take two guys and make a hard push while the medic stayed with the casualty until he was up waiting [Applause] [Music] enemy Spott 200 me got the enem s Northwest oh yeah we're back in business boys that medic that medic is the man luckily for me the medic had caught back up with the squad oh [Applause] moly out copy that on me understood I think we off more than we can choose stand up we were now borderline combat and effective our other squads had been all bit wiped out it was time to admit [Applause] [Music] defeat
Channel: RAIDEN
Views: 3,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ARMA 3, Antistasi, mod, modded, solo, gameplay, cinematic, storytelling, tactical, fps, milsim, rwr
Id: 4Mb8UQUT7mI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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