The Perfect ARMA Reforger SOLO Game Mode For Noobs!

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does Armor reforger multiplayer confuse you did you buy it get into a server and have no idea where to start well so did everyone else immersive military simulators such as Arma often have a huge learning curve and are near impossible to figure out on your own without investing upwards to 100 hours or being involved in a gaming community that is willing to Hold Your Hand throughout the basics well lucky for you I myself have gone through this very same struggle with armor reforger and since have set out in search for a game mode that would allow me to learn the game at my own pace with pretty clear Direction on how to get started not only does this game mode make it easy to learn the basics but it's also loads of fun with a sense of progression auding aspect and money management this game mode has hit the nail on the head in terms of simplifying your introduction to Arma reforger if Arma reforger interests you then maybe Arma 3 will as well it's the previous addition to the franchise dating back over a decade but it's still holding its own in terms of an open military sandbox world world I can only hope armor reforger becomes as sandbox as Arma 3 has been for years we also have a Discord Community Based on Arma 3 with a 247 dedicated server and a staff that Prides themselves on helping people learn the ropes of the game although we aren't yet hosting armor reforger servers we do hope to in the not sood distant future so feel free to join with the Discord link provided in the description below now on to the video Welcome to today's video guys where I'm going to be showing you a really fun single player mode in armor reforger to help you get yourself on your feet cuz let's be honest when you boot this game up and you jump into a multiplayer session you're lost you're confused nobody wants to help you it's a lot and it can be discouraging and I know a lot of people put the game away in their steam library to collect dust and I don't want to see that happen because this is a very promising game and I'd also like to add that if you did try this game out um months prior to 2024 you will uh find that now it has been updated uh quite a bit and they've actually released uh version 1.0 and it's feeling a lot more crisp there are still some small bugs but it's feeling a lot better A lot more playable a lot more enjoyable so I want to make sure that you're not confused clicking through the menus looking at all these servers and mods and everything else that comes with the confusion of a military simulator and I'm going to streamline that for you and get the ball rolling so you can learn this game at your own pace in a single player camp where you don't have to deal with any AI or anything alike so first thing we're going to want to do is we're going to click over on the workshop and again very intimidating one of 52 pages of mods it's a lot okay now up in the top we're just going to type in simply over throw and you're going to see a few options here you're just going to download the first one okay and that's going to simplify things here so now that we have that downloaded it's only like a 13 megabyte mod it's really nothing uh so don't don't let that intimidate you we're going to click on scenarios and you're going to see overthrow in the list here and we're just going to Simply click play now if you guys are familiar with Arma 3 you may know of the mod uh called antii and it's all about starting with nothing um and basically starting a resistance against the local government and in Anastasia there's also um Invaders as well so it's a 1 V1 V1 which is uh pretty fun but I basically it's a dynamic um it's a dynamic free-for-all um simulation of Guerilla Warfare versus government and it's pretty neat because you start with absolutely nothing um so you actually have to loot you have to steal you have to earn you have to do all the things to just build up your economy and um the best part about it is the whole world is actually working dynamically um things can change and based basically what you do is going to alter um the whole game as a whole this is the kind of game mode that you're going to start now you're going to save it and you're going to be coming back to it days and days maybe weeks maybe even months um playing the same save file like it's got a very nice sense of progression um there's a dynamic economy and I could talk all day but I just want to show you guys how to get started on it and uh teach you guys I guess basically showcase it but also teach you guys how to earn your first dollars how to buy your first weapons how to you know um acquire a little bit of gear because even that can be confusing to somebody new to the Arma um franchise just kind of dropping in and trying to figure it out on their own it can be very frustrating so we want to basically we're going to be um we're going to be the we're going to I guess we're we're not either of these uh we're a gorilla resistance but let's just say the occupying is us because I like the weapons that us would drop right so you spawn in to your invisible house uh yeah the textures take a minute and armor reforger at least they do on on my system so basically you're going to plop in and this is your house um I have a car parked in the garage and a handgun in my pants the enemies will consider you a civilian if they don't see you carrying a weapon and will not shoot you so be careful when equipping your weapon around them uh also it is has a GTA feel um to it in a sense of there is a wanted level um you'll see it come up in the top corner there um there's actually a lot of things in this that make it feel like GTA oh I like my red shoes that's nice see uh there's a lot of things that actually um our GTA says press U to bring up your overthrow menu so this is a very important menu it's going to give you the ability to find jobs um to look at your resistance stats we'll look at that a little later um you can fast travel to certain locations I think if you own a house or if you own a property or I think if a town is um completely joined your resistance then then um you can you can go there you can buy homes you can rent out your homes for extra money like there's a lot you can do um and we're only going to scratch the surface just to like I said just to get the ball rolling for you so we need to find the garage that is not it it looks like a garage but there's no garage door apparently I have a vehicle in my garage this looks like it here uh yes oh I got the red Jeep to match my freaking red Jeep to match my shoes I wish it wasn't I wish I had a top on it though is it possible to put a top on it I don't know do that it's raining out we're going to drive this around whatever all right so first thing we do we're going to get in the truck we're going to fire it up I really like how they made all this interactive fire that up you can put the lights on hazard lights but we're not going to do that but that that's just kind of neat uh okay so first thing you want to do is bring up the map and figure out where you are now wherever your house is is going to be randomly generated um mine is actually right in a town which is actually very convenient because there's a few missions we can do to earn a little bit of money directly in this town so we're going to go ahead and do that first so if you bring up the U menu and you're going to want to click jobs and we want to find a gun dealer 50 bucks well lucky for us there's a gun dealer right next door to us so we're going to accept that mission and we want to we're in the the town of miti monac uh so we're gonna sorry if I butchered that um we are going to accept that obviously and try to raise some support here make a few more dollars and lo and behold we got another mission in monac and uh we're going to need to find a shop for an extra 50 bucks also very easy honestly we probably don't even need to bring to bring the truck but oh God it's just garage just goes into my backyard uh can I get onto the road here yes oh this is not my driveway there's no way oh ouch ouch okay all right so let's see where we are exactly uh we went the wrong way so we need to go to this shop to make 50 bucks and we need to go to that gun shop to make 50 bucks so we're going to go ahead no I went the right way we're going to go ahead and do that now go over to the shop first and I'll show you the kind of stuff that they have there I'd like to apologize for my mechanical keyboard I know you probably hear me clicky clacking like crazy and I promise you I am working at getting a new keyboard um that isn't mechanical for the sake of these videos as much as I love this keyboard I absolutely love it full RGB you can change every color of every key it's a 3/4 key keyboard so that is a downfall I guess it doesn't have the numpad but uh it is uh it is a brick of a keyboard and I absolutely love it but I'm going to get rid of it for you guys because I know it's not the best thing to listen to for these videos uh okay so let's run into the store and we're going to open up the shop so this is the kind of stuff you can buy here you can buy binoculars a medic kit um o backpack I don't want to spend any money yet because we are broke as a joke um a wristwatch would probably be handy but a lot of a lot of stuff um early on in the game you're just going to want to steal so don't bother buying anything um how come I didn't make 50 bucks for that what's up with that that is the store find a shop I did find a shop many towns on map have R shops you can purchase legal items uh top of shop is a near shop suit I amum be okay well it's probably just it's probably going to happen you watch I'll get i'll get uh some money okay we are going to touch base on something right now cuz if you see up in the corner I'm getting very low frames and the game actually does not look good at all um this is a fresh um install of Arma so I'm going to take this moment just to tweak a couple settings here that may or may not help uh you guys there's a couple things that we don't need that really eat up FPS uh like this here only needs to be on low depth of fuel quality none ambient occlusion doesn't affect so we'll turn that up I don't think this oh that will definitely affect it we'll put that on low contact Shadows off uh that's a frame frame killer there and foilage smoothing is a frame killer some you can turn that off model geometric I like that it shows you the FPS up in the top and it insta changes it so you can kind of mess with this stuff can turn that on low the draw a distance that's fine we're going to turn this back to turn that To None texture detail that's a big one that's the big one there that's going to hurt us so I'm just going to actually put that on low for the sake of this and also where I'm screen recording it's really eating in my frames and you know what my computer is not amazing I'm only running an i5 8600 and I think a 1060 GPU so there's really not a lot uh Happening Here grass quality they're just going to put that on the lowest grass draw distance 100 Shadow quality man these are all cranked right up distance Shadows turn that down render Target format that doesn't seem to really affect much and the environment quality I think does affect quite a bit if I'm correct yes it does that's a big one yeah okay so already we're looking much much better uh in terms of in terms of FPS let see if there's anything I can kind of give a little extra to see that didn't that actually didn't hurt at all and let me just check the anti a losing yeah that doesn't actually hurt me either oh it does yes it does I dropped almost 10 frames so we're going to leave that To None okay that's good and there's one other thing I want to change in the controls I would like to make sure that we have uh what is it it's an under character is a view we want the The View toggle I think it's under actually common view here we go Focus no free look no no no no perspective I would like to change that to work with that button it's on my mouse I like having that one as a quick one there we go all right so did we get our 100 bucks no we didn't get our 50 bucks yet for some reason I definitely found the shop maybe I just got to really go in it jeez these shelves are really bare uh yeah I'm getting a much better frame right now and the game in my opinion actually looks better too after making those changes okay well we'll skip that and we're going to head over to the gun dealer that could just be a bug I know I just said that the game's not that buggy but it still does have a few little issues so don't sweat the small stuff so now we are going to go to the gun shop if you hold shift you really put your foot down on the pedal by the way uh gun shop is going to take a right and just stick to it pardon me okay there we go uh let's see gun shop should be right up here I like that my house is actually right in the town that's cool it should be an easy town to to uh convince him to to roll with this all right where we at here oh it's around the bend around the bend one thing I like about this you see him like working the clutch and everything in the like ARA has such a have fine attention to detail I love it and like the getting out stuff I love that that too I really love it okay we left it running uh oh there I got my 50 bucks there it is okay you see we're at 150 now so now there should be a gun dealer in here somewhere there you are what's up my friend now here we go so we can buy some different things from him uh you see the guns are pretty expensive we're going to avoid buying any guns early in the game because we can steal them and I'm going to show you how I'm going to show you which Mission you want to do first um also if you see that they have weed he has one at a 34 in stock we are going to buy that because I going to show you how you can make a couple dollars real easy right in town so we have the weed uh we should be making another $50 for that whenever the game catches up to us now once you have drugs you just want to drive around the town until you see somebody standing around and so far every person I've tried to sell drugs to was happy to buy it so I don't know what's going on around these parts but they um like to get high so we're going to capitalize on that and we're going to sell a little there's someone right there hello sir hello sir would you like some of the finest sticky icky in all the land I'll give you a really good deal uh I tried to convert him to the resistance and he's not interested but I can sell them drugs there look at that 183 bucks so I just made $33 just like that uh actually I made more than that because it it did it cost me it only cost me 142 so you can do the math I made more than that okay so we're already on our way to making some money now we need some gear so let's see if we have a job come up there's no job yet oh that's that's weird e it's still showing that it's in progress there's definitely a glitch there there's no job yet about getting money uh or sorry about the mission I'm looking for so the best best way to get more missions is to just travel okay so we're just going to go up to another town we can go to that town or we could keep going all the way up uh we'll probably just go now we'll probably keep going all the way up because if there's no good mission in this town it gives us another one close by I don't want to get off the beaten path it can get a little bit annoying so we're just going to hammer down I got the shift key held so I am burning extra fuel there's my fuel gauge there uh and of course in Arma if if you already don't know all the gauges work everything functions the way it should which I really like currently I have no Compass I can't tell what direction I'm going and I have no watch so I can't tell the time of day but um the fun thing about this game mode um apart from the multiplayer game modes that I've played so far I can't speak on all of them is that you can actually see your icon on the map um which is very helpful cuz part of the issue when you go go into the multiplayer game and you're like okay I'm in the game cool where am I and you bring up the map and it does not show you where you are so you unless you actually know where you are it is very very difficult to get the ball rolling I'm learning how to ask for help and certain people will help you but a lot of people won't unfortunately especially where this game caters to a lot of console players um there's not a lot of offered help um like there is in um some of the older Arma games such as Arma 3 uh oh okay where we at here where we at okay we're getting close to Tyrone also uh I would like to add that we do have a Discord server and we love helping people the whole uh premise of the Discord server um is to we welcome new people and we answer questions and all we ask is that you pay it forward when the next person asks and we have a growing community that has been blowing up very very quickly um we even have our own dedicated server now for Arma 3 where we host anti stazzi 247 and we are getting into hosting more Ops uh within Arma 3 now this is me kind of introducing myself to Arma reforger and um I'm hoping we can kind of do the same thing with that so stick around or join the Discord server if you like and I'm sure armor reer is going to be in there soon and maybe we might have a dedicated server for armor reforger as well as Armor 3 so like I said stick around for that there'll be a Discord Link in the description below but now back to business we know we are in the town of Tyrone and we do have a mission here in Tyrone which makes things simple so we're going to do that and we're going to accept now this is just um raise support So raising support is easy I think it takes a few minutes for it to actually happen get this menu here here we go it it doesn't happen right away but if you accept the mission you can now press U and you can click place and it'll give you an option to place these these uh resistance Join the Revolution pamphlets and I just hang them around town wherever wherever I don't I don't know if it really matters I try to spread them out a bit I don't I don't know if that matters either um but I think you can do five of them in one town so we're going to go ahead and do that we got our best running shoes on I got my running t-shirt on so we're going to go ahead and and put up some resistance signs what that three I don't know I don't want to go too far I don't want to because I want to move on to the next town and do the next thing so I also like it when they actually like stick on to stuff good I mean I could just stick it on there but I think that looks kind of dumb so put on trash can no stick it on this guy's house he won't mind okay there uh oh no I can do more oh boltin board yes we wanted on the bulletin board I'm just going to try to do two here why not no that's it so once you're out it won't allow you anymore you just press escape and we're well on our way see this guy wants to join the resistance SP was not interested I've never actually been able to get somebody to do that yet unfortunately Okay so we've done that what's the next town the next town is Mo uh Mo has a shop um Mo has I don't know what that that red thing is yet has a church oh there's a gas station there and there's some real estate that you can buy which I know I'm not even going to attempt because I know we can't afford it uh but let's see if there's any jobs in MO raise support there is so we're going to do that uh oh actually you know what here's the mission I was looking for guys it's a high paying Mission and you guys can do it at the beginning of the game I've already done one um when I was testing out this game mode and it went off without a hitch so we're going to go ahead and do that um right now that's in Gra is where are we at uh we'll have to see where Gravette is but we're going to accept that cuz that's that's the mission we're looking for now Gravette is down here is it the one we drove by it is okay so we're going back uh yep we're going back this is it guys this is excuse me sir I don't want to run you over this is the mission that I was looking for and this is how you get started in overthrow on Armor reforger this is excellent so we're going to hight tail it back got the lights oh I just turned them off got the lights on heck yeah just rain would stop though I'm getting wet out here I would love to see this game like with maxed out Graphics like I said well obviously you saw my video settings my Graphics are toned way down and the game actually still looks really nice I'm running at 40 FPS but um I do hope to upgrade my computer soon because it is an eight-year-old build it is absolutely time and we're I'm making these videos for you guys quite regularly if you follow the channel you'll know I'm making them very regularly now um I think it's time we do a little upgrade and make sure that I can give you guys the best quality possible all [Music] right uhu I guess this uh this game too also has like a dayy style um game I I don't know if you guys have ever heard of Da Z before but again very loot based Arma it was you know an Arma game to begin with and um this one has one I think I was kind of browsing through some of the multiplayer servers I didn't want to get too into um downloading a bunch of mods getting into that stuff so I kind of just you know what we're going to take the dirt road so I kind of just um hovered past it but it was really really neat to see the the insane amount of community support with the modding and uh how it works like you can get any kind of gun any kind of vehicle like I know this is kind of World War II esque um but this game offers much much more than that I can promise you that um and I mean just look at the suspension like the leaf springs working and stuff like they did a really good job with the driving in this game I actually um flew a helicopter earlier today too o that see that felt pretty real if I'm honest um I was flying a helicopter earlier today and it felt very very good I was highly highly impressed uh the only thing that they don't have yet is hotas support which I was quite disappointed but I'm sure they'll implement it and also there's plenty of apps out there you can get that you can um map um your hotas to the in-game controls um not a big deal it's like I said it's very very possible I wouldn't stress too much about it okay so now we've entered the town where the mission is we need to find is that our guy no that's just a civilian we need to find basically a place that has it'll probably like I think when I did it last time there was only two soldiers but there's going to be a place here that has soldiers surrounding it and I just found it it's right there so that means that he's inside that house so I'm undercover right now uh I see there's an i up on the side there I think that means that they can see me so there's one soldier there's the second oh they got m4s helmets oh my God that scared me I thought he was picking up his gun to shoot me uh these guys are pretty decked out I hope there's only two cuz all we have is a handgun this isn't sketchy or anything I just like sketchily freaking driving up on them here we're just going to park right here I think and we are probably going to leave it running because we may have to leave in a hurry I don't know uh huh I think my best BET's going to be to go around oh jeez where'd he go he sucked right in the door well it seems to me like that guy is the guy we need to take out then if that oh he's back out again okay so there it doesn't look like there's going to be an easy way to do this unless I can get in behind the I think I got to try to get behind the building that's what we're going to do the idea is I only have a pistol so I need to take out one and then I'd like to try to get his weapon before taking on the second guy that might not pan out um it might not pan out so we're just going to hope for the best like I said we're going to leave this thing running uh let's see here yeah we don't want to pull the pistol out we're just you know just uh walking around here if you if you want to know how to walk it's the scroll wheel you can turn the scroll wheel down or crank it up that's how you can do that kind of stuff and if you the third person is a little bit of a cheat um I'm only going to use use it because I need to make sure that I don't die on this demonstration but it is a little cheaty to be able to like look over fences was a guy in the backyard too uhuh he might be he might be our Target that might actually be the guy from out front actually now that I'm I'm looking uh okay I'm just going to make sure there's nobody else he went back okay so now's our chance we're going to open up our inventory uh tab for your inventory and you're going to have a pistol here and you're going to put it in the slot so now we are equipped and the three key is your sidearm so we now are locked and loaded and he is right there I need to try to get him and get his gear before that other guy can back him up I wish there wasn't like I have to jump over the fence is the only thing and that's going to take time which makes me nervous okay I don't want to walk by the hole in the fence cuz I have a gun now he may see me we're just going to we're going to play this one patient we're going to play it patient we're going to play it smart okay see I don't want to get in a face tof face combat with them either I'm going to use this opportunity to run past oh I can get in this way though he might be in there should I try should I open it he's not in there okay see they're probably going to engage me now regardless if I'm in the vicinity if I'm too close to what they're doing oh my God oh my God got him get his gun get his gun get his gun come on get his gun oh come on oh oh no no no no no no no no no we're not doing that not doing that where's he at in the window oh they're throwing throwing grenades at me now I see where's he at he's throwing grenades where he last saw me okay so I need to be very careful we're going to change the rate of fire to single shot cuz I don't want the three round burst that is the V key the Victor key okay oh hello please die oh my God that's a powerful gun here's the problem though I don't have any other mags come on come on come on give me your stuff vest uh yep give me I need your pants too actually they don't have much in them than I need just take that okay okay we're getting geared up now boys I think there's a guy inside unless that was him that might have been him that might have been him oh no no [Music] no that is unfortunate I am back at my house with no vehicle oh it's not that far away it's not that far away but I don't have anything ah oh yeah okay well this always happens when you shoot a video it's always the way it goes always the way it goes and I don't oh gosh guys the only real option is to run back there all right well bear with me guys I'm going to uh next time you see me I'll be out of breath and back there to hopefully pick up one of those guns or maybe loot my own kit and continue with that mission make our 600 bucks and I tell you we are going to load up the Jeep full of m4s so I'll see you in a sec all right guys I would like to add that when I was not recording I was up like 15 extra FPS it was actually running quite nice but okay we're back now uh what's that guy doing I need to try to get some is it still a mission I need to make sure the mission is still in progress okay it is so that means that that guy is still in there and the guy that I need to kill assassinate is still in there I'm just going to rob this guy's stuff you can't take your stuff off until um it's empty I think I don't want to get rid of my shoes I like the shoes I'll keep the shoes but I will take the helmet and I will take the gun obviously CU that's what I'm going to need here okay oh God I hope this doesn't happen again uhu so he's in there there's my nice dead celf I'm scared very scared make sure he's dead keep clearing he's also a gun dealer apparently but he has nothing he's the guy we need to assassinate okay mission complete just need to check to make sure there's no other soldiers I think we're good I feel a lot better now was that one last guy we were so close to okay so now we want to take their gear and their equipment so we're going to going to take all the stuff out of his pants wait what's bloody on me I think it's my my jacket see if this guy has a nicer jacket here less blood on it maybe with the best oh yeah there we go no that's still bloody that's all right H watch see you can sell stuff too as far as I understand you can sell this kind of stuff so I seem to be out of space there for magazines okay what do I have that I don't need what is this that's a radio I do need that I can probably I'd rather the mags than a watch uh tourniquet okay okay we're not going to worry about the entrenchment tool why can I not take them what give me am I out I must I'm just straight up out of space what if I get rid of this oh give me one more okay well I got some mags wait now can I take can I take this too oh jeez there we go now we're good probably even throw the freaking no I can't okay so now essentially we need to get all these supplies looks like comfy uh into the truck get all these supplies into the truck so let's just go ahead and open up the trunk I know there's a there it is oh come on where is it oh no no that's a that's annoying okay um we're going to drop pretty much all this stuff I'm just going to drop it all in including my shoes cuz I'm going to go back and I'm going to go back and get the boots come on start old girl there we go excellent pull up here just leave it running it's fine and we're going to start taking this stuff give me that take the stuff that I looted earlier including the pistol what do I have in the top what's that it's another R that's a big radio short range see I don't really know what the point of that stuff like you can play this multiplayer as well um it's Co-op I'm not sure how many players can be in it but um it's probably what the radios would be for doing that kind of stuff okay so access the trunk we're going to dump in again all all this stuff just fill the truck right up everything take it all we'll go and load up the next kit here what's this guy have oh he's got nothing useless yink yink yoink yink yink okay that's it in here we have one more guy outside and I think there's still a guy in the back okay so the first time I did this to like to I I need to try this out to test this video before I did it and when I did it and I did this Mission there was two guys it was much easier so just be aware there could be many more than two or there might only be to so just be weary of that oh you don't want to join the resistance is it because I don't have any clothes on all right figured he'd be eager to join after seeing me take care of these guys now I don't know they I don't know if they send reinforcements I haven't experienced any of that yet but this video was just intended to get you guys moving um get some gear into your belt I mean look at all this gear we have now and we don't even okay I think the truck's full oh that's got a sight on it let's pull that out oh nice I love the picture and picture it looks so good um yeah the whole intention was just to get the ball rolling for you guys um in no way was it meant to be a walkr on the game mode it's just I just wanted to show you guys how to get moving get some gear and just kind of start having fun so there's you know lots you can do I'm only collecting this stuff because I'm going to I'm going to um run this save file um for my own personal enjoyment because it is it is quite fun I love the the Looting aspect of things like this but now you can essentially take this stuff back home or you could take it I think to I could take you know what maybe we'll test that real quick we'll take it to a gun shop oops that is yeah sure once around the James block once around once around the block James God uh I think we should go to a gun store and see what we can sell because I know there's a gun store close to home so may as well now there's all kinds of little points here like there's these r Towers you can go check those out I don't know what you can do with them yet but there is a little bit of resistance there anything with a red circle obviously has resistance like the military bases are a big one I would say probably quite difficult to capture um if you get involved with any of those airport is probably where I'm going to be heading um when I ready to capture my first base I want to take the airport so I can fly my ass around see there's like a c Port there's a not sure what that is medical or something oh truck store yes I was hoping there'd be one of those uh clothing store that's cool real estate equipment store all kinds of fun stuff so but let's let's um let's rip it back to the is this the right direction uphill yeah we're going to rip it back towards the uh home base there and see if we can sell some of the stuff see what kind of money we can make cuz some of the guns and stuff you can buy are like full Tac you can buy stocks you can buy sites you can buy uh magazines you can pretty much build your gun however you like um as Tac to cool or as TCT to uncool as you just as as your heart contents um I think different gun stores carry different weapons as well um that's something else worth testing but I don't want to take up too much of your time in this video we've already been going for a good length of time that's about time to wrap it up we're just going to end off with getting up this hill and checking out the gun [Music] shop yes so anyway it's nice to have money in the bank 758 bucks I know when I first played I really didn't know what to do or where to go and I was doing a bunch of those support jobs and I was making pennies and then I tried to do um one of the reconnaissance jobs which only paid 230 and I got lit up as soon as I got anywhere near the base and I had two stares like they wanted me dead so I pulled the plug on that and then that Trader one it was for $600 I was like oh there's no way and then I said to myself I was like well I'm making a video today I got to try it out what if I got to lose you know other than everything I worked for and I just went for it and uh it was way easier than I thought and I I wrapped up my my test playthrough there and I said okay I'm ready to make this video and and uh you know have a little bit of knowledge to to share with you guys uh about how to get going on on this uh okay we're in town again skirt go find the gun shop I think I remember where it is one thing I hope they Implement um when they get outside of the beta is just like more action like maybe some civilians driving around like stuff like that cuz I've yet to see any civilian Vehicles it's only been military and uh myself is this right way I think so yeah I think it's up here around the bend SC right here all right sir stop please uh I would like to turn off a said vehicle there we go okay I don't really want to sell the one with the site cuz I do like it but it's all good we're going to we're going to sell everything I think just we're going to try anyway uh how do I sell though Buy how do I sell is there a way maybe it has to be on the ground in front of them let's try dropping it doesn't seem to be a sell option I also don't see the M4 okay okay well maybe maybe you you can't sell it let me pick that back up give me that why is it unavailable equip it there we go oh cuz I it was trying to put it in my backpack and I don't have the space okay well let's go down to the equipment store because I'm pretty sure I remember seeing things be able to sell there maybe you just can't sell stolen weapons cuz that would be it'd be too easy it'd be too easy you'd make so much money I bet I like how my bloody sleeves match the freaking uh uaz or whatever you want to call this thing I think it's a [Music] uy uh is that the store where's the store no it's down the corner right here we'll see if we can sell off some stuff here proba shouldn't have my gun out run around town but you know oh yeah cell see cell so I see the problem is I don't know what I have that I have wrist watches oh see yeah I got some money for that so I guess you just kind of got to know what you have which is a little uh broken it's a little bit annoying what did I pick up I picked up tourniquets s a couple of those I picked up some maps oh I might have just sold all the maps I buy one B uh any these rest watches no tourniquets red no bandages have a bunch of those oh I'm sorry that was not intentional uh okay so there's another store right around the corner for equipment and I bet you I could sell some stuff there uh it is oh uh oh shoot it's actually [Music] here Full Throttle in reverse that sounds really bad on the [Music] transmission [Music] skirt uh right here oh I found a shop I guess this the shop it wanted me to find uh yes open shop okay what can we sell here I know we have one of these uh I know we have a compass I'm just trying to sell everything at this point I know we have some of these radios oh yeah they're worth good money uh I had one of these too but I think I left it behind trenching tool oh I had a couple of those fuel containers what else we got this old look Compass okay that's everything I had but let me check to see if I have more in the truck I we need to I need like some sort of Loot Crate back at my house I wonder if that's actually a thing be something worth looking into uh so I want to grab just equip equipment things I can sell things I can sell uh the watch extra map flashlight that's it I think oh is there more stuff no that's it um okay sell that stuff make our money save the game wrap up the video sounds like a plan okay so that Compass what else we have was there a wristatch yeah uh we didn't have that radio it was that one did I have more entrenching tools yep I think that was it that's it that's it guys we made 1,600 bucks it only took like a half hour and we made $1600 so it just goes to show um how you can get the ball rolling like I said and now you can do maybe harder missions right so uh uh the reconnaissance that's the one I was saying was a little difficult um now visit nearby base to determine the strength of his defenses you will need to get within 100 meters of the base to get a good look at it I'm guessing if you were to complete that maybe that would open up you know maybe some missions where you got to go in and steal something I don't know but I'd really like to get like some of their assets um I know that's a big thing in Anastasia for Arma 3 is stealing assets and clearly they have them so I don't know what that is mind you but and like what's that thing what is that I don't know what that icon is so anyway that's it guys uh thanks a lot for watching I really appreciate you again if you want to join the Discord Community um we are full of help doing stuff like this we aren't actually hosting armor reforger just yet but I think we're going to in the future currently we are um strictly Armor 3 uh which is also a blast and if you think that a 10-year-old game can't be fun I challenge you to watch some of my other videos and I will prove you otherwise and not only that but that game goes 80% off sale on Steam every other week it seems so don't buy a full price just have a look and put it on your wish list and pick it up for pennies I think it goes on sale for like $10 Canadian or something like that so it's pretty cheap uh anyway thanks a lot for watching guys and we'll see you in the next one peace out
Channel: YLS Gaming
Views: 110,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arma, arma reforger, how to play arma, how to get started in arma reforger, arma reforger for noobs, arma reforger single player, overthrow, how to play overthrow, overthrow getting started, arma 3, arma is epic, arma reforger singleplayer, arma reforger solo mode, arma reforger mods, how to use arma reforger mods, arma reforger for beginners, learning arma reforger, arma reforger review, arma reforger overview, arma reforger overthrow for beginners
Id: HERZegKOmas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 16sec (2896 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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