This Mod Makes Solo Antistasi So Much Better! | Solo Series Part 1

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you ever get that feeling that your AI Squad and Armor 3 just ain't that smart yeah me too but if we weren't going to save to Noah no one was the Russians had occupied the region for months and now NATO had become very interested in our Island Paradise we were going to have to start using Gorilla tactics luckily I had AI voice control to help me keep this bunch of knuckle dragon is alive on me oh [ __ ] open fire a medic is down did I hit him with the frag you oh them frames though a holy moly I woke up no way the rebellion was off to a rough start luckily the rest of the squad had managed to deal with the Russian Patrol while I lay unconscious but we had lost our medic we staggered through the dark jungle and found ourselves at a road leading to the town we were meant to be heading following it seemed like our best option our boat had been destroyed at the start of the mission so we weren't getting home without finding a new one I expected heavy contact as we neared the town however at first it was surprisingly quiet there's a car but we're not all going to fit into [Music] [Music] it after searching the town for 10 minutes or so it seemed as though other than a few civilians we were alone but then I spotted an enemy Patrol blue team move [Music] there on me oh what these boys oh God damn I blew them up oh well [ __ ] I began searching for a boat to evacuate my wounded and rtb be all I found was a shitty old car down the road but that was about to become the least of my worries is that a chopper oh it is that's Landing there my God we got to go open fire wow just fragged myself what I woke up again are you serious there is no way oh gosh sorry man is that even possible oh my God this is a [Music] mess what's it got he's got an AK it seemed as though l was on my side this humid to know a night but even a guy stupid enough to frag himself knows when to call it a day so I loaded my last surviving Squad member into a car I commandeered and decided to head north to a location on the map simply marked Fury if I was going to find a boat surely this would be the place there headlights this what's this reminds me of that movie Wrong Turn oh gosh that's a checkpoint I don't know how we are still alive this thing must be bulletproof man my God what happened oh God the car is severely damaged and we've crashed I'm sorry guys but you are going to have to stay in the car well now we lost so if that's the radio tower at 1 50 if I'm not stupid then I must be here somewhere or over here I'm thinking more over here I think I'm going to head north my estimation of my location turned out to be reasonably accurate and I stumbled across the beach after 5 minutes of walking I kind of felt guilty leaving my wounded comrade in the crash car back there but he was unconscious anyway so if he survived he wouldn't even [Music] know I continued North to my destination marked Fury but when I got there it was rather ironically void of any boats so I hided back south hoping I would find a ride home however it wasn't until I got all the way back to tavu where all this had started that I found a boat would have been really handy if that was just there in the first place but anyway we were Sav I could return to base wait for Daybreak and return to avenge my Fallen but little did I know things would get a bit strange when I returned to base it was seales my comrade I had abandoned when we crashed the car how was this possible was it some kind of sick joke from the Russians dark to know and Voodoo I couldn't be sure all I knew was that someone was going to [Music] [Music] pay
Channel: RAIDEN
Views: 12,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ARMA 3, ARMA reforger, Antistasi, Antistasi plus, Arma Antistasi, solo, milsim, gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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