The Mission Has Changed! - The Long Drive | Part 5

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what's up guys it's Norris back again with the long drive uh pretty exciting time really I got this humongous Treasure Trove of items that I need to go through and I'm still trying to get that bus which I think this is going to be a big uh big help for that and also uh the recent love on all my videos is really uh gotten me motivated as well so shout out to everyone again for coming by and watching these videos I really appreciate it I'm gonna pull all this stuff out and go through it probably going to be a like a like a sped up like Montage of garage cleaning simulator [Music] I love how it just lets me Mount incorrect items okay this is clearly for a different car the hell is this oh God a green window okay well whatever this is slowly killing me oh that's because it's oil this is what you call a secondary container I think well I have no idea what that says but that's an alcohol content so you obviously put oil in some sort of a bottle that was originally alcohol so screw you get somebody killed out here you dick wad [Music] and this door is really nice don't flip okay damn it what a shot [Music] I think I just saw a red paint can looks red to me can we get this car matching finally apparently this is orange well you know what it's closer you know it's it's better than what it was [Music] what ah okay I don't know about that I don't know about all that [Music] foreign [Music] oh God no oh no oh no oh yeah yeah oh oh come on come on Slither your way out of here oh son of a son of a come on oh no oh God how you got yourself in here you just gotta back it out and just like we got in here oh oh my God wow almost died under a table for an empty container what color is this oh this might actually be a better option like a black hood is that black [Music] that's supposed to be black right it doesn't really look that black to me might be better than this orange though let's screw it oh crap I gotta I got a crap oh my God oh I guess I can't use that 'll sit I'll sit right here this should be interesting oh yeah this is the point of view that I did not need uh how do I get off what the toilet that is how do I get off the toilet uh I just took my hat off what a H Jesus wait God how do I get off the damn toilet oh no get the stupid hat off of me I don't I don't care wait wait oh where was it oh thank God oh my God I'm never sitting on a toilet ever again in my hat pack [Music] now I can eat it what damn you gay damn you [Music] all right I have completely gone through this entire building oh model one bottle of oil out of place there you go all right now everything has been gone through so I've taken every everything out except for these up here which feel like they are something different [Music] I'm not sure what this is supposed to be it almost looks like a like a weird cup holder thing so I'm not sure about that and we got this that's uh almost looks like a like a cover to an air filter and then we got this that looks like something that I don't know what it is um I placed all the keyboards up here I don't know why uh oh yeah this is the keyboard desk I got all my uh bats and uh octopus things over here uh we got this just a random think of blood that I have no idea of what that would be used for uh over here in this corner we have our lights and our little scented tree things uh next to that we got all the oil a pile of engines and tires that I think I could use right now and then we go outside to pile of things that I don't know if I actually need or should keep this is a big pile of parts that I don't think that I can use uh this is potential bus things I think which is very underwhelming for everything I was very hopeful there was gonna be like a lot in there and I'm not I don't even know if these actually go to the bus but hopefully at least that goes the bus and then we got our junk pile and under this junk pile is our friend uh we tried to poison us earlier so if anyone stumbles upon this they might just think maybe you had a horrible trash accident over here himself and died uh anyways I think I have concluded this area now it's time to upgrade the car can this currently go in here there's no way no no way this works right how would this work how would this exactly work can I put this in here somehow with it this what what no that doesn't that's not right right that's not what are we doing here oh [Music] oh wait I think we got something here Christ can you not jump over this this tiny little thing uh actually I don't think that's right at all but I think I'm just gonna leave it in there I don't know [Music] all right uh I know that should be I don't even think that goes with this what the that should work right oh this is gonna be awful Isn't it will it even start yep why is this attached to the windshield oh my God I can't believe it started [Music] we're gonna definitely want to watch that temperature cage [Music] oh boy oh boy Mr giraffe you better buckle up [Music] oh my God oh my God Jesus Christ are you okay Mr giraffe Ursula oh she's shocked Jennifer oh boy hold on a second I am not risking flipping and then throwing all of this stuff all over hell's Acres out here all right Mr giraffe let's do this oh my God we are the drift Masters Mr holy holy what do you think about this whoa get out of the way stupid rabbit I can't stop I still have the same brakes holy crap oh my God it just spit in the tires oh don't hit the building don't hit the building okay I think I should probably stop you all right Mr giraffe I didn't even know we had that in here what what else is in here is this oh wow well I definitely have enough power now all right how about we work on some Wheels [Music] I feel like uh that's a bigger tire so I got I got an idea here scene all right my advisor is going through my roof not what I was going to say but let me take this off do we need this trunk I don't think we do it's not really a trunk lid now [Music] why is it doing that whatever I guess my visor is now just permanently through the roof of the car anyways as I was I've been trying to say here now I have this car outfitted but the best possible tires I believe and I have bigger tires on the back will that make a difference I have no idea I've had oh boy I filled that up this is full on oil this is the brand new gigantic motor and I think we are just about as good as we can be [Music] besides I smashed into the wall and apparently I lost my headlight so let's go over here where did I hit I think this is where I hit oh considering I ran to the wall at probably like 50 miles an hour losing a headlight and a head what the hell is it hubcap Jesus Christ sorry Mr giraffe for the probably the severe Whiplash that you have get in the front buckle up we are [Music] we are going to try to stay away from large rocks and buildings this time you're still peeling out it's uh oh my God this thing is so fast hit the brakes brakes suck still holy crap oh my God holy crap we're losing audio we're going so fast um you dirty son of a you dirty son of a you did it to me again oh I hate you oh I hate you so much no but I'll try something that's what you get you jackass oh my God what did you do to my vehicle how do you survive me running into you at like 150 miles an hour oh no you build it we have [Music] the technology there we go I think we're I think we're back besides uh like Jennifer here is you all right Jennifer uh Jennifer [Music] I'm afraid we may have lost Jennifer Mr giraffe I'm sorry once again but you are going to need to go see a chiropractor okay oh Jesus Christ oh no stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop get away from my vehicle get all the way away from my vehicle just you just sit back here and decompose I don't want to ever see you again [Music] yeah just go ahead and sleep through the whole day why not [Music] Jesus down what is going on whoa whoa just relax it's relaxed car we're not trying to do anything extreme right now just very lightly back up come on right there push it down a little bit there we go [Music] that's got to be my starting area right isn't that my starting area [Music] I don't remember gas bombs I don't really need gas though that's the thing I really want to travel all the way over to a gas station I don't need gas a bunch of dead rabbits have to be extremely careful do not hit any live rabbits do not hit any Dead Rabbits and and don't break the sound barrier all right [Music] I'm going to get lost one way or another slow down here a little bit and then slow down a little bit more oh there's a vehicle [Music] whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa buddy all right jack wagon oh God oh God [Music] might be peeling out on this corpse I think I'm stuck on them yeah I think I'm stuck on this body what is that oh that's probably my motor there we go I think I fly oh what what [Music] I can't deal with this right now I cannot deal with this Mr giraffe [Music] so many vehicles here and why another a bigger boss now I want this boss I'm so conflicted what the hell was that noise what the I don't like this all right please just get some food so I can go to bed it's not gonna let me sleep it's not gonna let me sleep why not what did I do I am not I am not going in there in the middle of the night ah [Music] another one oh yeah now I can sleep so I can just sleep and go through half the freaking day right here we go oh it's daytime but I can't wake up now now I have to now I have to sleep through most of the day thank you thank you [Music] this car is a piece of oh my God it has a really nice engine though [Music] but everything else sucks about this thing [Music] a foot oh okay what's this gas not very much but oh there they go again same guy putting oil in there foreign we got this bus too God there's so much look at this giant ass bus man come on I know your tricks Now where's that yeah I know you're getting there I know your secrets boss but I want up there it's got to be a way I'll find a way God damn it [Music] oh all right I don't know how I just did that but all right made it up to the little extra special car up here what's so special about you the fuel tank has water what foreign unsurprisingly [Music] it would appear that this motor does not run on on water how do you empty this I wonder [Music] you go [Music] that shall solve the water problem there we go great strength [Music] drinks wouldn't be an episode of the long drive unless I accidentally drink something poisonous [Music] hey hey ah let me sleep I hate you game I hate you I hate you so much [Music] I just want to sleep through the night and I don't want to sleep to the whole goddamn day I'm not asking for very much game oh I can sleep on the boss all right let me just test drive this thing let me just see is it worth [Music] let me get up to good speed here if I can throw on the brakes oh the brakes are nice oh God so much [Music] come with me let's take a look at this one has a rabbit underneath it already somehow looks nice [Music] I kind of like the look of this one [Music] that looks close whatever that is I have not experienced this and I probably don't want to all right guys that's going to be it for this episode I think mostly because I have no idea what I'm going to do at this point so we got this car here it's kind of cool looking I have no idea how it drives yet it's definitely something that I will do when I uh record again they have other options oh my God we have all this stuff that's in here uh we have this this new bus I mean now why would I build the the friggin bus that's only one bus why not build the bus that's actually two bus two two buses so if I'm gonna build a bus I might as well get the one that's longer right but anyways so we have the original car here that now has a ridiculous freaking motor in it that I should probably take out uh we have this little beetle and then we got this thing over here so let me know in the comments what should I do what what uh which vehicle should I should I take from here and if you noticed anything that's uh special as I wandered around and did not notice but yeah I think I might switch it up get a new vehicle so let me know let me know your thoughts on that which one which one should I get uh but yeah that's gonna be it I'm gonna get off of here before uh whatever the hell that is reaches me because I don't think that's something I want to experience and I hope you enjoyed the video and I'll see you in the next one peace [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: itsNorris
Views: 1,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Fail, #Funny, #Gaming, #TheLongDrive, #itsNorris
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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