We Stacked Loot For 21 Hours (Sea Of Thieves)

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wobongus babungus yeah no this isn't gonna be much of an issue what are you doing I was checking the boat I mean no they know how to get angled though oh they they don't fail my bad can you like chop them thank you already on it all right double raise with me hold on yep all right you can get back on Canon Legend that's how you say it he's getting on watch this grinding what's this I'm watching can I go over uh we both are we gonna come over with me uh give me a second he's preparing holes that come on I'm just gonna stand this ship because I mean I think these guys are done they're all out planning no you can come you can come they have the obsidian wheel dude they have a ton of uh they actually have a lot of legit ton of supplies in a storage crate so they were preparing for this happy everybody help me help me blue man found in the same spot with blunders well I'm trying to get into a Dustbin right now just give me a second okay oh [ __ ] this guy created me gamer did he hit the shot nope found that right Steamboat or something is it over yeah well paid remember and I missed that I'm didn't miss it so his box is so [ __ ] big we're good don't worry about that he's not gonna hit us I don't think unless I need more cannonballs nope well damn so yeah I at least uh 15 14. what about this that is a sunken Skelly belly in local legendary Title by progressing your here are the milestones that is a that is a fleet done we're done thank God if you start recording I dig it up and when was this uh 911 okay I guess we need to cancel Street Fighter there's going to be no context of this conversation all they're gonna get is this opening and then it's just gonna cut to the next clip okay oh all right won't see them oh yeah Brandy we're asking about the keyboard oh yeah so if you want the experience press okay and it will remove your heart okay that's actually smart enough to go in foreign [ __ ] like shoot him I'll take care of the Cardinals how many is there they're all dead now and he's about that you should die at any moment bam or did you already take it I bring this damn this this makes me sad but this right here this is the cause of much anxiety from me and my swoop dooper we've been at this for nine hours already and you know what bumper Bomba uh wabongus open it Ryan oh God why again do you like loop I sure do here's some r apping this well now we're 16 hours in boom goose I have skin now boom guy 18 hours but of 1410 foreign it's done now foreign all right um thank you um oh my God we're walking all right um my door then go back again on the relationship s outside oh my God foreign the test s let's wake up hours on something else let me check yes that's everything go go go Jesus I lost like 50 frames looking behind me I've lost 120 frames looking at this imagine the sound it's gonna make when it all thumps to the floor it's gonna break the sound barrier where are you going it's gonna sound like Tyrone took a step and you're asking where I'm going I'm doing it the same way I always do unless I'm drunk and I don't remember how I usually do it drunk drivers are not allowed on this boat yeah let me through son of a [ __ ] it defeated us back well as soon I don't have time for this son of a [ __ ] come here oh my God I'm surprised salute didn't follow she did a flip on my screen what are you doing there will be no more grinding it will end here if there's too much loot it's like [ __ ] Under the Stairs you want to race hourglass oh I can't do it over the door either okay that's good that's good not too close it's gonna be over the door don't don't do it don't do it don't do it don't do it I don't like the type that it's gonna be over the door all right now um is that good I don't know chicken um all right there you go that that should be fine don't go close it's fine though I can't grab the stuff you [ __ ] that [ __ ] in there all right we're selling we I started at 3.2 mil remember that I took a screenshot of my money and that sounds good it's like Briny I'm 10 10 FPS this whole time of fire one thank you steam for telling me that thank you Xbox for telling me that they're selling a Tome of fires bro it's congratulating yeah imagine that it breaks and we lose everything oh oh it's alive at least most of it but it felt like it did break the sound barrier uh is all of our uh punish us there I don't know it doesn't matter just oh I got one I got one one funny chest I keep getting bounties and just oh my God I'm getting Legend just the Legends and Reaper's chests and [ __ ] oh my God you call me a wank no I said lag I made back all my doubloons already by the way yeah well I sold another funny chest okay have you sold any yet uh yeah you sold one so there's another one in there so all funny chests are secured no uh does it look like there's two in there just take what you can do you think we'll sell this in 10 minutes no absolutely the [ __ ] not you don't see all the Scrolls underneath there do you well I'm I'm gonna do you know I have the last Furniture I'm gonna be AFK before they're selling I have no other option I have to go for dinner uh what if we get jumped We're not gonna get jumped if we get jumped it's too bad we made already a good amount of money I mean not not I'm not satisfied unless we sell all this yeah we sold for yeah I'll spend the weight for like 10 minutes I don't know if you guys okay I won't be able to sell it all the time before UDC that's why I'm worried about I like how we're not even like taking account to the fact that we're just right well I gotta go right now yeah I'm Gonna Leave AFK are you fine with that uh not really but go I guess I mean I have no other option because I have to go for dinner so it's gonna make a significance uh do enough work for Emmy sorry I'm gonna vote for Emissary so you get it down when you want it and yeah I gotta go I'll leave AFK are you fine with that because I have an order and you keep asking me if I'm fine with it to say not really but you got to go anywhere so go yeah okay a few more items I feel like we lost quite a bit there we probably did actually but I mean I'm already at 2.9 why not four I've already made out of this Mill not definitely not worth it for what time we played yeah see you in my control arms what's a good thing I had something on um see you all right I don't know like this that's cool I have a feeling lost loot yeah we definitely lost flute oh that [ __ ] sucks foreign foreign guys something I'm pretty sure the majority of our loot disappeared like I don't think any of our uh the subordinate but the majority of our loot disappeared though it's not always safe to you know bring your loot in on a heartburn or a boat so that'll show you guys how you can tell if you're disappeared after this foreign disappeared I feel like down the side you can like see pieces in the wall and stuff I'll show you guys after foreign yeah that right there is how you can tell you lost the majority of your loot thank you foreign you guys can see from here how much loot exactly we lost quite a bit of it and yeah that'll do it just about do it for a video we made about 1.8 now so uh you guys have a good day and we'll see you next time
Channel: OldManBriney
Views: 3,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 35sec (2015 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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