The Minish Cap Randomizer ~ The element of surprise

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all right this is the Minish Cap randomizer today we're playing on standard race settings with a few things added in uh number one in the bottom left corner you can see we have figurines turned on uh number two we have key sanity and number three we have elements shuffled into the item pool so ultimately we're going to need all four elements we're going to need four sword we're going to need [Music] 42 figurines and we're just going to have to do whatever we can in order to make that work uh on top of all that we do have a lot of things added in that we don't usually work with such as rupy Mania is back on the table um we have the Dig spots the underwater spots all that fun stuff today so let's see what we've got here we have boots we've got Gus jar we've got a [Music] figurine already some interesting stuff [Music] here [Music] what's up ch6 thanks for the good luck uh that room is all rupes it's like bunch of five [Music] rupees so we we have ruy Mania on which turns all those ruy spots into just hordes of jacks there's a couple those spots like that that that one's just available super early so we usually see it like right away all right this rope is just does not want to be attacked [Music] today ooh wallet upgrade [Music] and there's our first element already already an element that's the kind of stuff we're going to be running into uh we haven't seen any keys yet [Music] surprisingly yeah we're going to probably try and be very diligent about just clearing areas [Music] out just because we're going to need a lot of [Music] checks scrolls are only going to be on so we have to remember that uh we have a boss key [Music] there I will buy the boss [Music] key all right let's let's be diligent about what we've got here we got a bomb there we got a figurine there and a figurine there like I'm actually marking things down figurine on and Julietta [Music] okay all right there's another [Music] figurine so since we are doing like the standard race settings uh we do have Shuffle dungeons we have uh two Baron dungeons so uh whichever ones are non technically non-elemental uh actually let's they're all non-elemental hold on I don't know how it's going to work with Baron [Music] dungeons yeah I actually don't know how that works I think there's just going to be two d that have nothing in them but we might end up still going through [Music] them yeah with shuffled elements I'm not sure how that plays plays out this is definitely a really fun game to play if you haven't played it I highly recommend it [Music] the mechanics of this game are really good really solid the game itself is really [Music] cool a lot of really fun items to use as [Music] well all right let's see what dungeon do we have here Royal CP all [Music] right so cryp is [Music] there [Music] y what's up Oreo thanks for the good [Music] luck uh you know what I don't want to take that I don't want to take it because I want to save that for a [Music] refill and I think if there's a figurine in the dungeon it can't be Baron so that's good something to think about like if we find anything at all it's not a baron [Music] dungeon [Music] yeah there's a lot of obscure spots that uh you probably wouldn't even know existed unless you did literally everything in the game and even then you probably still don't know some of them exist cuz they were just like rupes or [Applause] [Music] [Music] something uh you know what at least open up bail balls can't actually do anything here yet oh hold on I can get that that's our second element two elements [Music] [Music] already [Music] I I'll grab these while I'm [Music] here grabbing the items from a distance is out of logic but I'll do it when I can because I [Music] can oh I should go back to town real quick I have [Music] 300 yeah we want to buy we want to buy a bunch of stuff it's 200 for that [Music] okay that was a bomb back we don't need it [Music] technically this is now available this pot usually isn't included because it's a pot but we have pot Sanity on or include the hidden pot so I should at least check [Music] [Applause] [Music] it oh sword let's grab the [Music] sword lots of fun stuff today lots of using the gustar to get items [Music] already yeah it generates the the logic when it's plac in the items to make sure everything is [Music] [Music] [Music] completable [Music] all right we're going to go after round two of the Goron pretty much immediately after going through [Music] here oh more keys Fortress Smalls [Music] okay [Music] oh [Music] oh okay early Cape we've got an early Cape yeah this seed is just kind of popping off already good luck Mash's no y snow thanks for the 31 months appreciate it and thanks for the good luck as [Music] well [Music] all right so I know I want to go to lakeia [Music] basically but before I do I want to go back to town we want check like 500 more [Music] things can I get that yeah 100 rupees for 100 rupes good [Music] stuff all right I can get two more Scrolls maybe we'll get a spin out of this rock breaker ball spin [Music] okay oh you know what let me check [Music] this honestly not terrible nice little bomb refill [Music] there oh actually you know what hold on I can get all of them I didn't do I didn't do all four I have boots too I didn't think about [Music] that okay still no [Music] spin [Music] oh actually no I don't want to go I could go this way that works just to get the Rock and then we uh we go in from that [Music] way all right deepwood is completable if we find [Music] it [Music] oh hello M [Music] mits good spot to find the [Music] MS cuz I'm going to want to use them multiple times [Music] here all right figurine is [Music] [Music] good [Music] all right so we have just access to like a million in one things so I just want to kind of go through everything that I have access to [Music] just get as many things as I [Music] can probably head towards the lake kyia Dungeon Because we can get [Music] there [Music] and not only that but then we can [Music] head we can head to Hype G [Music] honestly we do hype cave and then [Music] dungeon and then maybe at a certain point we end up back a town graveyard Keys is [Music] cool [Music] all right so I know that the check outside is nothing it was just a piece of bread [Music] [Music] hype cave is decidedly unhype right now need to lighten this up a little [Music] bit yeah still nothing really [Music] [Music] here even those kinstones are all it's all junk all the kinstones are already completed so we don't need to worry about those [Music] oh another [Music] sword that's red sword [Music] already so as soon as I can clone we have access to like completing a bunch of [Music] dungeons [Music] there's a key in there all right small keys in the cabin [Music] all right here's [Music] droplets I have nothing for here so I can do one check and then we're out [Music] [Music] and unfortunately doing one check in here probably doesn't tell me anything about the quality of this dungeon yeah a green Ruby woohoo a whole Green Ruby now if it was something of value it tells me a lot more but something like that tells me absolutely no [Music] information so we obviously have to come back [Music] here [Music] all right with the digging Ms we can grab handful of [Music] things and then we'll head back to town and that's probably where we find our prog Rush him [Music] [Music] honestly [Music] I think a lantern really changes the complexity of the [Music] seed cuz that gives me some stuff we can do in in droplets Royal Crypt not quite uh you would need blue sword for that blue sword and spin to do anything [Music] there yeah especially with the hidden underground spots like it adds even more to the mid [Music] [Music] [Music] stuff like I have to hold whole mid cave to do here [Music] okay grip ring is kind of spicy it doesn't do anything for me logically but we can go out of logic for that that just means Lantern needs to show up soon [Music] probably [Music] [Music] h [Music] all right so right now we're making decent progress on uh a lot of [Music] things like we're making decent progress on our figurines we're making decent progress on our elements we're making in okay progress on our keys oh I forgot to push it oh well we'll come back for that one [Music] later [Music] flippers oh that opens up a lot more things [Music] too yeah flippers opens up a ton as soon as we get access to droplets like proper we're just going to be swimming [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever oh yeah hold on I can buy the the next thing from the Goron [Music] that way we don't waste any rupes the key right now is just to keep dumping rues into the Goron every time every time we get access to something like a bunch of [Music] rupees [Music] h so I probably want to just go up Veil fall Falls right now even though it's out of logic it's still a great thing to do gives me access to another dungeon technically and uh we get the shortcut by going into the Wind Drive so getting back to the top is not really an issue [Music] and with rupy Mania on with Ruby Mania on we get like a bajillion checks of here and digging spots oh yeah there's so many so many checks up here let me out let me out let me [Music] out I deserve those [Music] rupes [Music] ah fake tingle [Music] trophy so yeah this room here is going to have a million things there's two on two items under each water area and then there's like four forish items uh everywhere else in the [Music] rubies so yeah we got a a lot of things there a lot of [Music] [Music] figurines [Music] and now Cloud tops has a bunch of extra items that we can grab because of dig [Music] spots so we're just getting a bunch of [Music] things and all of this is just locked behind the lantern somewhere I'm sure it's going to show up very [Music] soon [Music] but in case it doesn't we got to remember what we find up [Music] [Music] here so far we haven't found anything other than figurines which doesn't really play into like the logic side of things it's just find all the things that we [Music] need the Ocarina on the other hand ooh that's a good [Music] find [Music] but that just means that Ocarina was Lantern lock cuz there's no other way to get up here other than fluting up here or uh going up the North way and going up the normal way essentially means you need [Music] [Music] Lantern [Music] ooh okay wallet upgrades good I wish I could have gotten the rupees after the wallet upgrade [Music] but that's how it be [Music] sometimes anyway uh what what what areaa what dungeon are we going to find up [Music] here [Music] okay [Music] and it's going to be DHC okay we can do a little bit in here I don't know how much I actually want to [Music] do [Music] yeah actually you know what I'm not going to do anything else [Music] here not right now we've got things to do I'm super curious what's on uh Goron set [Music] 3 [Music] h yeah I want to just try and figure out where these uh this Lantern is right now before I do anything else cuz I know if I don't find it now I'm never going to find [Music] it [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] and it's probably probably flipper locked or something of the sort I would think I would think it's behind you know like one of these items that we had access to it could just be in the attic here that's the one thing I couldn't do last time just because I didn't push the bookcase so I want to grab that [Music] now and then I want to immediately make my way to Western Woods as soon as I find this Lantern cuz Western Woods is absolutely a gold mine in these [Music] settings actually so is so is Temple of droplets too both of those are probably where I want to be oh Shield [Music] okay I'm going to check that [Music] [Music] now all right so not [Music] there oh we have access to the dungeon here could be the dungeon it could be one of these Overworld jacks [Music] I'm basically just ignoring the whole left side of the map until I find this cuz we know that whole side of the map right now is locked behind the [Music] [Music] [Music] lantern all right Cave of Flames we can't do a lot in here because we don't have a key we don't have cane Apache either though this does utilize our [Music] shield and nothing interesting there [Music] so far this could be a [Music] candidate could be a candidate for a Baron heart to [Music] [Music] say I'm assuming there's still going to be two dungeons that are completely Barren even though elements are shuffled into the [Music] [Music] [Music] pool okay this has keys in it and it has small keys for a dungeon it's the only small keys for the dungeon so maybe this isn't [Music] [Music] Baron [Music] [Music] h all right I think we need to go to [Music] Lake there's a few things here that we can [Music] grab all this is now in logic because of the flippers so I don't really need to worry about oh I guess that one isn't out in logic because we not supposed to have uh Ocarina yet but all of these are [Music] logical logical resting places for [Music] our for our [Music] Lander all right I'm going to go up here first in case we find the bracelets cuz then can get those key or Keys whatever key we get [Music] there there it is okay now we're back in logic now we are back in [Music] logic so we want to head straight to Western Woods I'm just going to clean out this last little [Music] bit I can't grab the key yet I need the power bracelets [Music] I really don't even care about Caster I'm just going here there's too many things here there's too many there's an element a there's a fake [Music] sword all right we're already at three elements I didn't expect the elements not to be the issue like you need four all four elements and there's only four in the item pool the fact that that we've gotten three already is kind of [Music] insane [Music] [Applause] so we are doing really good with uh a lot of these [Music] things oh here's a whole bunch and is that the final no it's fake it's fake it's got to be fake right this has got to be a fake [Music] element yeah since we already have that [Music] one oh bottle [Music] okay what do we got here A bunch of figurines won [Music] key all right let's go check out kenel [Music] then dungeon up here is [Music] dewood honestly I could just come in here fight the boss and leave I don't need to even fight the boss though technically like you don't need to really do much we don't know if this is a item dungeon or not so I'll fight the boss just to see if I get anything it's two checks might as [Music] well boss is super easy to fight anyway [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] other thing to think about let's go to the top of kle uh wave blade is available so is grim blade [Music] I need to get a spin at some point so I got to keep an eye on those this is looking very Barren I don't know I I'm just bailing I'm just bailing now well we can come back later oh hold on hold on I just remembered the holy Grail the Holy Grail of dig spots malar's [Music] [Music] Minds [Music] yeah we're we're probably going to be good on our [Music] figurines very very [Music] soon like I don't think I need to worry about figurines [Music] [Music] I think the thing I'm more worried about right [Music] now is the [Music] element cuz that's something I can't really control we just have to look into [Music] it [Music] [Music] all right I'm going to grab grab this and then uh grab this guy here and then we'll go [Music] [Music] off [Music] and the reason we're going up is because ke uh rupy Mania rup Mania is the uh the big culprit here on the top of the beant stalk there is a good amount of items because there's a lot of uh a lot of rupes normally [Music] [Music] so yeah I think once we finish this we try and get Spin and then head down to like wind ruins or [Music] something [Music] h [Music] okay Cave of Flames [Music] bosy yeah I think the most difficult thing for us to get is going to be the four sword [Music] probably oh is that the last book that could very well be yeah book three we just need Kane we just need Kane now [Music] [Music] h [Music] all right I think we head into droplets here honestly uh if I find a spin for [Music] sure and there it is yeah yeah we go straight into droplets we're going to get so much out of [Music] there even without keys like we can do a really good [Music] amount h [Music] [Music] so yeah the fact that we got spin means I can get these levers worst case scenario we can do the boss [Music] here but I don't care about the boss I care about the underwater [Music] Jacks and the Ruby Jacks cuz there's a lot there's a lot of things we can do here [Music] so each of these waterfalls has six items at the base and there's two [Music] waterfalls oh there's blue [Music] sword and there's bracelets [Music] okay oh yeah obviously the the tingle statue is the most important item the Soggy croissant that's what we really came here for a soggy [Music] croissant so yeah we know this dungeon is absolutely not baren so I think we full clear this just as much as we can we can do a decent amount without any keys the one thing is [Music] uh we are not going to be able to get the blue warp and rupy path [Music] 2 I am a little interested in what that key in the cabin is maybe I should check that first before going all the way through dark maze eh I'm already [Music] here I'm already here I might as well just clean out what I can if I have to come back I come [Music] back [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] h [Music] yeah yeah we're quickly running out of things to do here that's fine because I think we're probably overstaying our welcome a little [Music] bit [Music] yeah nothing else here okay let's go check those [Music] key see if these are actually droplet keys or if it's something [Music] else then I probably head wind ruins to Fortress entrance that seems like the most interesting Cave of Flames okay most interesting place to [Music] [Applause] [Music] go y what's up Vegeta [Music] man all right so we have we have enough figurines we're done uh how many are in the pool I put 69 in the [Music] pool you know just just a nice [Music] number okay there's a bow we do need that [Music] [Music] now we're we're down to three items for [Music] go four sword cane and one last [Music] element [Music] h [Music] and they could either be like super easy to find or they could be literally the last spot I ever [Music] [Music] [Music] check [Music] [Music] but I think for the most part it seems like everything is Landing in the Overworld there's like a few things in the dungeons but not too many things are there so I might want to just clean out as much Overworld as I can oh there's a jabber nut [Music] that's the dungeon I didn't want to see [Music] um I'm debating on whether or not I want to actually go through [Music] there I go to the Ruby spot at [Music] least cuz that'll probably tell me if there's anything in there at [Music] all like if I just see junk there I probably leave [Music] [Music] I want to find Fortress I now I know where Fortress Is it's in the graveyard and that's a massive spot to go to so I want to go [Music] there and I wanted to find Fortress because it's got a big uh rupy Mania [Music] spot any Ruby Mania look locations are generally really good locations to [Music] do just because there's usually a lot of them group [Music] [Music] together [Music] [Music] all right so there are things [Music] here [Music] maybe I take this to Blue warp cuz I probably can't go anything further than blue [Music] Warp [Music] I can do pow push might as well fall in [Music] here [Music] oh no I can't do pop push I don't have the cane I can't do it oh I didn't realize that I needed the [Music] cane I mean I knew I needed Kane but like I didn't process that I needed it [Music] there [Music] [Music] oh wait do I have I don't have boss key oh yeah where we can't go to Blue warp but uh we can at least do this first little [Music] bit nice fake boots my favorite kind nice knockoff boots all right so this is the last thing I can do here after this is Graveyard we said yeah graveyard is the best place for me to [Music] [Music] go whole load of nothing [Music] cool now I don't want to go back there I really don't want to have to go back there but we're probably going to have to go back there [Music] [Music] a [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] all right anything up here anything at all figurine we don't really need figurines anymore so not exactly what I'm looking [Music] for [Music] I could just Blitz through Royal Crypt at some point very [Music] soon all right if a boomerang upgrade is here then that means this is probably not barren [Music] I don't know what's allowed in a baron dungeon and what's not or if it's just because elements are shuffled Baron dungeons are in a [Music] thing [Music] [Music] I mean boomerangs could be considered like a junk item it's a non-essential [Music] item in most circumstances so I could see that being able to be placed in a baron [Music] dungeon it's really hard to figure this [Music] out okay droplet's big key can big Keys spawn in a baron dungeon probably not [Music] sa my figurines so I think it's reasonable to assume that going this way he's [Music] reasonable [Music] [Music] that's fake that's [Music] real okay those are the other Palace small Keys can't do anything with them without the boss key [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] I should probably just do the boss before going to the back [Music] cuz I don't have all the keys to do the back [Music] properly so I should just do the boss right now and then we'll come back to do the back um I'll set up [Music] how many keys do I need I would need three keys to do right [Music] [Music] side [Music] h so realistically I'm not doing right side I could do [Music] left I could save SC left and then do most the right [Music] side [Music] [Music] h [Music] ah that was not worth not worth at [Music] all [Music] I think we're just going to get the most value out of doing Overworld checks at this [Music] point let's just go to C and get it over [Music] [Music] with yeah so left side was dead I can't do right side completely right now I should just do what I can right I should do what I [Music] can we don't want a situation where it's like well I should have just done [Music] it [Music] cuz with two keys we can do most of [Music] this it's really just the last check that we can't do so I guess logically you need more keys for all of this because you can use your key on the other [Music] side [Music] [Music] h all right I have one more check to [Music] [Music] grab and that's it that's all we can do [Music] here [Music] let's now officially go through Caster [Music] Wilds [Music] [Music] so I kind of put off doing Caster Wilds earlier partly because I just didn't have a bow [Music] I think now is a decent time to go through this and just full clear [Music] [Music] [Music] it [Music] [Music] h are there any good Scrolls remaining maybe yeah we don't have down thrust we don't have fast split this fast split [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] h so far this has not really paid off too [Music] much I mean we're nothing's really going to pay off for a while until we find one of those three things that we [Music] need I guess really Kane Kane's probably the number one thing that will help us out cuz it'll open up a lot more checks but it also hurts because that means there's more things to [Music] [Music] check [Music] h I could dip back into DHC at some point cuz I really didn't do anything [Music] there and you don't really need keys for that [Music] either like we could do all four Towers now [Music] [Music] h [Music] more figurines we really don't need any more of those [Music] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] all right nothing there oh hold [Music] on there's one check that I completely ignored earlier I will laugh if it ends up having something of importance cuz I could have gotten this a long time ago NOP just a [Music] croissant [Music] next thing I'm thinking of is just going in and doing deeply cuz that's a dungeon I can do like pretty much [Music] consistently and we can do like most of it [Music] most of it pretty easily without any any [Music] assistance all right there's a figurine in here I don't know if that means anything we've seen figurines in like almost every every dungeon [Music] now [Music] [Music] okay I'll grab that another another heart container is always good even when we have like a million Hearts already oh there's the DHC small keys that doesn't really come into play until I have forword though [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] yeah a lot of these dungeons just have not p out never mind never mind there's the cane That's our [Music] payout yeah I just had to complain once again like you say the opposite and it'll [Music] appear the game is sentient they they absolutely can hear what I'm saying at all [Music] [Music] times Cave of Flames small okay we can go through Cave of Flames [Music] out though I don't think we've seen did we even see anything in C of Plaines so far I don't [Music] know [Music] I think before we do any of that let's just finish off lower [Music] credle [Music] [Music] [Music] and then we head back to town and do G Jacks there maybe lower Veil Falls just do cane Jacks [Music] everywhere that's what we want to [Music] do [Music] yeah town has a lot of them so that's a pretty good place to be and then after that probably Cave of [Music] Flames [Music] h [Music] [Music] okay we got droplets small keys so droplets is doable out like completely [Music] doable there's the rest of them okay so we got all the droplets [Music] monkeys [Music] all right is there something on Yari we can do Yari now we can also do Fountain we can do Dr [Music] left Kane was in the back of uh of deep [Music] wood [Music] okay another [Music] bottle yeah unfortunately the two things we're looking for can be basically it [Music] right there's no way they would just show up in town right like why would they ever show up right in town [Music] there's one of them it worked again there's no way the other one's here too there's just no way [Music] [Music] and actually getting the element is really really good cuz that's the one I'm more concerned about [Music] cuz at least the sword is locked by a few things right there the sword locks out like most the DHC like there's some areas that you just can't access without for [Music] sword the elements well they don't lock anything the only thing they lock is a pedestal check which honestly we could go to DHC and do a pedestal check and do the four towers that might be the next best thing to do and if we get lucky we just are in DC in go mode cuz uh DHC bossy is still on requirements so we just get it once we get four [Music] sword we don't have to go hunting for it at least I don't think so it would be kind of weird if it wasn't given to me when I got for sword and four [Music] elements the weird things have happened [Music] before [Music] [Music] ah [Music] yeah I think we just go to [Music] DHC the amount of potential there is pretty good [Music] and knowing that like certain things in there can't be done is actually really really [Music] good like there's absolutely zero reason to use the keys [Music] because everything key locked requires the for [Music] [Music] sword yeah I was a little concerned that tingle had the four sword that's why I checked it before coming [Music] here [Music] [Music] w [Music] all right so we do all four Towers here and then and then we do it Ed AOL [Music] uh King can't have [Music] anything yeah there there's so many things that just can't have anything the rest of the school guarding can't have [Music] anything [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] all right one more Tower then we get three checks from the pedestal and then it's just a matter of checking literally everything else in the game for the [Music] [Music] forur [Music] up [Music] all right not [Music] here we're going to the sanctuary I should save because if you go to the sanctuary and there's nothing there coming back is kind of [Music] [Music] awful all right number [Music] one [Music] number [Music] two [Music] and number [Music] three nope not here oh well we gave it a try now we got a figure out where it could be uh there's not many [Music] places I'd be much happier if it was the force sword instead of 50 [Music] rupees yeah that's why you never check the pedestal pedestal never has anything on it why would you ever check the [Music] pedestal I think if it's not here it's in a dungeon [Music] somewhere [Music] all I have like two more Overworld Jacks that it could be [Music] in but yeah most likely it's just in a [Music] dungeon [Music] which [Music] dungeon that's a good question cuz we don't have oh there it is it was [Music] there oh so Baron means uh it's completely empty there's going to be no progression items [Music] there so I don't know how that mixes with elements shuffled into the item pool cuz we kind of found things is in most dungeons we went to whether it was a figurine here or there or like a boomerang upgrade or something at least when you have like elements in the dungeons you know which dungeons are required to go through and which ones you can just ignore completely [Music] but this is a very interesting interaction that I was not really aware [Music] of I mean all right not a great dark nut fight but I'll take it I I suppose yeah I'm just not used to having elements shuffled into the item pool that's the big [Music] thing it ended up being okay like we found three of our elements fairly early on and the last one wasn't terrible [Music] [Music] [Music] either all right phase one down let's go to phase [Music] two [Music] ah I tried to avoid him but I couldn't this this one's being a little bit of a [Music] jerk but we're we're fairly used to that we're used to F to being a Jerk It's usually the third hit that's really bad [Music] there we [Music] go on to phase three [Music] I would get the bad RNG let me in thank [Music] you I just love getting the bad RNG there and you're just stuck trying to get into the [Music] arm [Music] [Music] oh no I hit the thing on the side [Music] yeah now we're just getting bad patterns [Music] great [Music] [Music] all right there we go we finish with an official time of 2 hours 13 minutes and 14 seconds not too bad all things considered that's really good like this was essentially a a much harder set of settings than what we are used to and we still managed to finish in about a little over two hours like normally that's what we end up doing anyway this only added maybe like 10 [Music] minutes I think we just got really lucky with uh with the element [Music] placement cuz if we had bad element placements we could have had to go through these dungeons ridiculously long I think next time we do key sanity we turn the key rings off cuz that made it a little bit easier to go through [Music] dungeons like we only have to find like one maybe two key rings for each dungeon um not really a fan of Shuffle elements I don't know it's it's a thing uh all the extra um obscure spots all the hidden spots the Dig spots the underwater uh all that fun all that stuff is fun but I think it added too many locations too quickly maybe it turn off like just go with like the regular race settings turn that all that down a little bit turn down the keys maybe we have ourselves an interesting seed maybe even throw in like kinstone fusions potentially I don't know we we'll think of something to do for another like harder challenge but for now uh this will have to do so so thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed uh if you did like this Minish capap randomizer make sure to drop a follow leave a like all that fun stuff and I will catch you next time
Channel: mashy
Views: 2,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the minish cap, minish, zelda, the legend of zelda, randomizer, rando, kinstones, dungeon shuffle, open wind crests, goron merchant
Id: HK4zfouohLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 1sec (8161 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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