Oracle of Seasons Randomizer ~ Fishing for hints

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all right this is Oracle of Seasons randomizer playing on the archipelago Edition we are testing out some new features of course lots of good things going on I'm trying out a new starting route since uh the early game generally gives you a can full of things oh there's a boomerang there and you you want to kind of get into town quickly with tree warp you kind of get to vazu right away so if vazu has something I think that's probably the best [Music] play so yeah the new things added since the last time we played are going to be randomized Essence count for the old man in the treehouse as well as randomized golden beasts count for the old man in the [Music] lake as well as uh we're trying out randomized settings with Seasons uh there are a lot of new potential randomiz randomization for Seasons we have just straight random you have randomized Singularity which is another one that I kind of waited in and then you have single Seasons so you're going to have your spring summer fall winter single season every season's that so it's going to really help out with uh our Equinox and uh Solstice events if we decide to do those in the future but yeah here we go let's go uh over to her Girl Cave so we did not get a solstice event or a a full everything the [Music] same so we got Autumn okay oh you know what I probably shouldn't have fallen down or maybe maybe it is a good thing I fell let's do some funky stuff [Music] here I'm actually going to go all the way [Music] back [Music] yeah so it looks like there's probably a key here in the new new spot it is [Music] okay no key sanity isn't implemented yet into the arelo version [Music] all right slingshot so we got slingshot our defaults are Mysteries oh hello we're right [Music] there hello black beast nice to see [Music] you and I got me some Bombs all [Music] right let's see I'm going to want winter again cuz I'm going to want to go to the bottom bottom right yeah that that's probably the earliest black beast I've ever [Music] seene oh okay nothing too crazy [Music] oh yeah I can't go down that way in winter it's unfortunate no mayor has an item mayor has an item like all the gash a seed items are items now uh all the trade Quest items are items there's a lot of interesting things like see we just did the trade quest for the Codex and we got a a g seed like we'll get things the Codex was just in his backyard okay he forgot he put it in the [Music] backyard so that's actually the only thing we can do right now is to uh turn in the COO [Music] de that's kind of what I expect to [Music] find all right give me one rupee One Singular rupee is all I [Music] need cuz I want to I want to fight [Music] bleno all right there it is perfect there's Ember seeds we'll deal with that [Music] later yeah it could have been [Music] flippers oh there's a [Music] feather let's see our animal companion today is is in fact [Music] Moosh oh it's summer up here hold [Music] on because it's summer here I can actually get to spool swamp [Music] h and we're still kind of testing the tracker so I'm making some mental notes here and there cuz right now it doesn't think I can get to spol [Music] swamp all right uh I'll take the bomb refill [Music] oh yeah while I'm here let's check old men old men could be randomized or they could be uh vanilla uh definitely randomized cool all right what is this going to be rot of winter I'll take it I'm also going to take the shield just in case cuz we may run into D3 very [Music] early oh treasure map what do we got uh D3 saboia d8 [Music] all right it is winter here so because of that we can already grab the heart piece [Music] [Music] which is a heart container gladly take [Music] that [Music] all right let's let's check the dungeon first before we head over to uh [Music] Saia also I'll grab Woods of winter I guess [Music] oh yeah no we need we need a pegasus seed for that I was like is that enough no it's [Music] not oh I can get the heart piece down here too this is kind of a good route if you're already having [Music] winter all right we don't need that [Music] oh hold on Golden Beast is number one [Music] [Music] and D2 is vanilla all right so completable dungeon [Music] already [Music] flood G key [Music] okay I forgot to mark what spool swamp was I don't think it was summer oh no it was summer it was summer the way I know that is because I saw the Dig spot I saw the uh the vines to climb up to The Dig [Music] spot so we can get [Music] [Music] there [Music] all right Compass there we actually find anything of value in here then we know it's not key locked and it's probably key [Music] locked [Music] I [Music] oh yeah we we have totally have logical access to the member shop sure uh this could be bosy so I have to check [Music] it [Music] you wonder if it's possible to put cross and Link items in the pool anything's possible it's just a matter of when they get around to putting it in [Music] there's plenty of other things that need to be worked on prior to that so not don't expect it anytime soon I would [Music] say all right that's got to be bosy [Music] then yep all [Music] right [Music] which [Music] enemies small falling Stones oh no I don't think the small swamps are anywhere else like at all like that's the only spot in the entire game where you're going to see [Music] them [Music] oh third key is available hold on you see all these video games companies going bankrupt and then you think about us guys just replaying the same game a million times over yeah I mean these newer games aren't always cracked up to what they need they're supposed to be you [Music] know sometimes it's just better to play older games also it looks like Essences are not Auto [Music] tracked yeah we we're getting all the money out of this [Music] game like some games You'll Play 40 pay $40 for and you'll play it for what couple [Music] hours well here we've played this game at least 40 times no way more than that [Music] so even a dollar per playthrough is worth it all right [Music] volcano interesting very [Music] interesting yeah I I think we go to spool honestly we got The Floodgate key we can go into the [Music] dungeon that's probably the best place to [Music] go oh hey I just thought of something else that I could do real quick while I'm on my way there [Music] yeah Pokemon Zelda like all those early Game Boy games were very good I wish I had that earlier uh throwing the bomb into the volcano blows up Temple remains so that way you can cross to the top which will probably have to do at some [Music] point all right I have to kill as many enemies as I can on my way here because we want to get Maple as soon as [Music] possible I mean realistically we'll get the ghastly doll [Music] later [Music] but at least now like the more more enemies I kill the sooner we'll get the Gastly [Music] doll [Music] wait a second can I make [Music] this oh with with a feather jump I can yeah I was like wait I usually need Pegasus seed for that I no you can just feather [Music] jump all right we kill them all on the [Music] way [Music] oh we should have uh Volcan or Saia access after this because of uh having access to spool [Music] swamp all right it's [Music] D1 another completable [Music] dungeon and this is a good one cuz there's a lot of enemies [Music] do all right there's our Jewel what's up snow thanks for the good [Music] luck oh yeah the key lock D1 is always one of the [Music] best oh yeah we guarantee this we basically guarantee this with uh all the enemies [Music] here [Music] [Music] the question now is what screen do I go for Maple [Music] at I probably head back towards the Gastly doll turn in cuz I think there is a maple spawn on the screen outside of uh [Music] [Music] tor [Music] all right there's our boss key oh that means there's a there's a key on [Music] aquamentus uh what are we missing out of here it's an item too you love to see [Music] it I guess yeah I could be an item and then key is just key locked that is possible but no there's a key here [Music] all right we know there's an item back there so let's go [Music] yeah so it's looking like progress R right now is either on the ghastly doll or it's back here or [Music] since which I think we should have access [Music] to [Music] [Music] it's just [Music] rupes I mean I'll take him don't know exactly when we're going to need them but we'll probably need them at some [Music] point yeah I figured she was going to pop up here [Music] [Music] and what's great is we're literally two screens away from where we turned that [Music] in [Music] all right so that was just a piece of heart that means we're probably going to [Music] Sao yeah I think we absolutely have to go to subers at this [Music] point [Music] oh yeah for some reason this jump is like [Music] extra yeah we'll we'll just bomb jump over there I don't know why that one particular jump is super extra [Music] oh I don't know how many we need but this is number [Music] two and that's the dungeon and it's D3 hello like first three [Music] [Music] dungeons [Music] yo what's up [Music] crimson [Music] yeah we might not have to worry about the randomized amounts like by the time we actually get access to both of those we might already have the required amounts since we've already done two golden beasts and we have we're going to have three [Music] [Applause] [Music] essences [Music] h [Music] [Music] h [Music] all right there's Jewel number three uh where did we say the last one [Music] was oh I think the last [Music] one we had D3 entrance uh d8 entrance oh and sosia there's one in sosia [Music] itself mushroom I don't have access yeah don't have access to Sunken City yet so I can't turn that in [Music] [Music] down [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what [Music] all right there's got to be something here right cuz I feel like we don't have access to anything else see do I have any other subia portal access oh wait oh I have I have access to D5 entrance that's what it [Music] is you don't need flippers if you have [Music] winter so you can use winter to get across the lake and then change it to Autumn while you're over there on the other [Music] side so that'll be our next dungeon that we go to and that's probably where our progression [Music] [Music] [Music] is oh I'll take that I will gladly take [Music] that all right that's [Music] [Music] three uh they've been sort of in order uh two we did 2 one3 and this will probably be four most [Music] likely it could be six like six is another one that has like a decent amount of things we could do but yeah because I have slingshot four is definitely like the most likely it's another fully clearable [Music] one oh but I don't have flippers oh yeah that's that's probably why I wouldn't be for yeah seven seven makes sense we can get pretty far hard to seven without [Music] flippers I totally forgot about the first room pretty much requiring flippers if you don't have [Music] Cape all right mush's flute this has to be a key let's see mush's flute that gets me a sunken okay yeah that's [Music] big mush flute gets me to Sunken and then like we can do a lot of stuff from [Music] there but I could still make a little bit more progress in [Music] here all right boss key so that's [Music] required so no post skip today [Music] guaranteed shout outs to an eighth of a heart of [Music] damage all right hopefully this is a [Music] key cuz then I can get one more check here yes it is cool cuz I can't do basement [Music] yet [Music] so the only thing I can do is [Music] trampoline and I can't make any more progress cool we're done there [Music] and honestly from here it's faster to just go than uh tree [Music] Warp [Music] I'll call him now cuz calling him on this next screen coming up is really awful because of the PE hats it's easier easier to just fly [Music] through one of the things that makes Moosh really cool is that you can transition in [Music] midair can't do that with anything [Music] else all right there's sense so when we find D4 like we're pretty much good to go [Music] there oh it also looking at the tracker I can't access sunken City according to the [Music] tracker I think they just want to play with fireworks really but they can't find any fireworks and bombs are the closest [Music] alternative [Music] uh turn in the [Music] mushroom that's honestly that's probably it that's all we can really do [Music] lava soup can I get there can I get to Big Ron [Music] I can use Moosh yeah uh probably best way to get there is this [Music] way yeah I literally have nothing available on my tracker so I'm just going off of what I know and I know how to make progress oh actually I can't cuz I need uh Temple remains lower if it we have fall yeah we can do this we could do Temple remains lower oh wait I already did volcano yeah so Temple remains lower portal is [Music] accessible oh no my flute song fell flat hold on I can't call Moosh here so I can't get the temple remains lower [Music] cuz that's a three [Music] tile unless it was just that [Music] screen yeah no it's just this whole area you [Music] can't [Music] do I have any out of logic things I could do [Music] I'm pretty sure I can't bomb jump from the portal but I'll give it a try because that's pretty much the only thing I [Music] have yeah that's the three tile yeah it's another three tile I can't do that I guess we start pulling [Music] hints let me let me hint where my flippers are Tower of summer okay so I need Saia access for that uh where's my seed Satchel diving spot outside D4 needs flippers for that uh there is another one so let me see the other one Tower of winter also in subura uh other things I could use I could use a shovel oh I don't have enough hint enough points for hints okay we pull up the spoiler log at this [Music] point cuz I'm pretty sure this seed is broken [Music] all right what does it expect me to do at this point [Music] oh okay I see yeah that's that's because of the tracker the tracker uh issue so I can access winter cave because I have mush's flute and I have access to Winter in spool swamp [Music] [Music] oh yeah the tracker is still work in progress as far as I know I didn't look past the fact that I could get an item I didn't look to see what this item uh gets me afterward cuz it's a trade a trade Quest [Music] item trying not to spoil myself too much I just wanted to see if something was available and it is oh no the the Cave the winter cave [Music] there's a tree outside of the cave that only dies in Winter and allows you to get access to the [Music] cave and it only just became available when I got lucious flute I think the first time we were here uh we didn't have mush's [Music] flute yeah we didn't have mush's flute at the time so this was not [Music] [Music] available and this will get me the [Music] fish so let's go save that cat and see what we actually [Music] get okay there we go there's progression we are saved seed has been [Music] saved bunch of things are hard requiring flippers on the tracker when they shouldn't I should probably just beine it to the the um the temple but then again I don't have Pegasus [Music] seeds oh I have a way of getting it okay [Music] e [Music] yeah usually you get either flippers or Demetri flute super early so there's a lot of times where it doesn't matter but in this circumstance it absolutely matters not having the [Music] flipper and this is why we do [Music] testing right [Music] these are the things that we find in testing the seed itself is probably fine it's just the [Music] tracker so I'm going to grab Pegasus seeds first and then I'm going to head to the temple and get my seed Satchel cuz it'll give me a full refill when I get the [Music] Satchel uh I [Music] need I need at least 25 I'll go 30 we might need [Music] 45 [Music] well from what it sounds like it sounds like the tracker is expecting you to have flippers for a lot more things than you actually need them [Music] for [Music] it's waiting for Flippers in sunken as well yeah [Music] oh okay I think we're good then 50 should be [Music] enough oh yeah it's definitely enough when there's nothing here uh there's a wooden bird and that's [Music] it there's Temple top [Music] huh all right once we get this we check a few things oh flippers are behind the ribbon I just realized Tower of summer is the the ribbon [Music] one yeah we're not getting flippers anytime soon [Music] probably but we are getting the seed satchel and that's going to open up a lot more for [Music] me like that absolutely gets me to Temple remains well I can get to Temple remains through the portal here so I don't really care too much [Music] and we're going to get lower [Music] Temple lower Tempo portal will get the heart [Music] piece oh hold on hold on before I do that I forgot I have Rusty Bell let me go clean the [Music] bell I forgot because on the tracker it doesn't show as the rusty Bell it shows as the cleaned Bell already as the Pirates spell so in my mind I it's already done that's another thing that could be probably added to the tracker is an like a second level like it starts as Rusty and then you click it again to clean [Music] it that's how the original trackers all [Music] worked all right it's default winter but it doesn't even [Music] matter cuz we've already done the [Music] volcano [Music] all right ah not worth going back for [Music] it yeah that's what I figured we were going to end up on this side at some [Music] point [Music] phonograph [Music] okay certainly a [Music] thing [Music] oh we've got the master sword already that certainly checks [Music] out [Music] okay there's [Music] summer all right let me just check where pirate portal leads just so we have uh more knowledge cuz I don't have okay huko can't do anything [Music] here that means eyeglass leads to vanilla furnace [Music] [Music] area it's default fall already so I don't need to change it there's the magnic gloves okay we're probably looking at a completable dungeon here regardless of what it is the only one we can't complete at this point is [Music] eight oh now we [Music] can now we can beat [Music] eight H okay it's [Music] six I mean in theory we're in go mode I would like to have the cape but yeah we could do without it in [Music] theory oh actually no we still need to find that last Jewel um we know it's close [Music] to close to the [Music] market only thing really close to the market is probably the beach or I guess Rosa checks could count [Music] maybe I don't recall if that counts as where the item is or where you have to go to get the item to begin [Music] with but yeah this dungeon completely doable right [Music] now oh I guess I do need dungeon keys yeah that's probably another thing I need so we're not completely in go mode got to access the dungeons to actually do [Music] them getting a little ahead of [Music] myself [Music] w [Music] [Music] this is probably just a key oh it's Compass never [Music] mind so that means the other keys are on the other [Music] side and we never did find our bosson on the right side usually it's there [Music] all right there's our boss [Music] G [Music] what [Music] all right so that's the final key I I don't need [Music] it [Music] uh I'll grab it I don't care it's right [Music] there yeah there's absolutely no reason for me to have [Music] it okay I don't know how master sword plays with [Music] v maybe I do a slash we have green ring too master sword slash and then [Music] swap yeah that works I don't know if it's base Master Sword SL sword has to be green [Music] right [Music] I [Music] what [Music] I had a decent [Music] fight oh there's a shovel all right so with the shovel now we can start doing a whole bunch of [Music] [Music] stuff this is probably the easiest one to [Music] do all right nothing [Music] [Music] there yeah I think I actually have to go go through subia [Music] [Music] here oh let's Let's see we get a um an item [Music] here the sooner I can get the ribbon the better cuz that's like our biggest choke point all right that is the [Music] jewel and now with the phonograph I'm concerned about the [Music] pedestal all right uh yeah we do Wilds first yeah I think Wilds makes more sense to do first save quick come back through the other side leave from there [Music] or I want to leave from Mount cucko I think there's no point in going into eyeglass [Music] yeah that's looking very vanilla [Music] yeah we we do Autumn Tower right [Music] now [Music] yeah we do Autumn Tower leave via Pirates portal to get to Mount CUO uh the only thing there is actually going to be [Music] bigon like we're going to do bigon uh and the the [Music] ring [Music] or the ring box I should [Music] say cuz I don't have spring so I can't really do anything else [Music] there I could do the bomb jump W up there it's probably the only other thing I'd want to do [Music] also surprisingly the [Music] tracker oh star or that giv me wooden bird uh tracker shows I can get the ring box but I can't go to big Ron which makes no [Music] sense and this is good cuz I'll refill my Pegasus seeds while I'm here [Music] sh like how can I access the ring [Music] box without also having access to bigon with my current set of [Music] items you're funny game you're very [Music] funny [Music] I clearly did not want to get those [Music] bananas [Music] all right you know what we do this I want to just see if this is a gain or a [Music] loss it's again Min game [Music] okay it's jump Logic for that [Music] one oh well then spring is technically Cape locked that's [Music] [Music] cool and there's our naral [Music] key this is a very very interesting circumstance cuz now that I have spring I can hit up a one or two more Jacks it's actually not as many as I thought cuz Talon is blocking the [Music] way I could grab that hard container if I want probably not going to do it not yet [Music] oh and with this we can now officially access tarm and the dungeon up at the [Music] top so I probably head there next cuz that's going to give me our actual renewable set source of Pegasus [Music] [Music] seeds [Music] it's going to be fun doing all of this without flippers like we're basically doing the entire game without [Music] flippers I think if we get stuck again we hint the ribbon but until then I think we're fine I don't anticipate running into too many other crazy things oh this jump I think it's doable to just yeah it is okay [Music] I I don't remember the last time I've come up here without [Music] flippers all right what's our path [Music] today winter South Autumn North Spring West Summer [Music] West yeah I should write that down actually winter South Autumn North Spring West Summer [Music] West so it's actually still the same order just a couple different [Music] things it's winter South Autumn [Music] North then spring and summer West the last one's always going to be [Music] West it's the blue ore [Music] all right are we going to uh go to the furnace next Maybe [Music] all right since it's already winter we'll just do this part [Music] first [Music] I don't want to have to cycle through the seasons like 500 times I'm going to have to but it's better than actually I don't think it changes anything [Music] whatsoever [Music] like I still have to change the season the same number of [Music] times it's just a matter of when do I do the things in [Music] between all right D5 D5 is not bad I'll take that [Music] [Music] trying to get fancy and I'm not familiar with those inputs I mean I could do it I've done it a lot but yeah those just not super familiar with the exact inputs I have to do there the muscle memory is not there it used to be [Music] [Music] there [Music] oh hey it's big Ron sword yeah big Ron sword exists oh that's one of the new things that was added also we still don't have [Music] flippers [Music] yeah speeding up the the seasons would probably be a good [Music] idea like there's a lot of just waiting around until all the seasons go [Music] through [Music] especially if like you get a really bad default season and you have to cycle all three of them [Music] basically The Flipper appreciation seed something like [Music] that [Music] at some point we will have to learn how to swim it might not be for a while but we have to get there [Music] eventually okay okay just thought about it uh the magnet glove check is out of logic um or it's not accessible without Cape under these circumstances because we don't have [Music] flippers everything else is [Music] doable that was a [Music] phase and every time I end up having to come back here and do some uh some fun stuff [Music] here there we go I think that's the last time we have to make those jumps [Music] it's going okay uh we ran into a few tracker issues but nothing that we couldn't overcome with the use of archipelago here and the use of the spoiler log unfortunately we did have to pull it up uh cuz otherwise I was basically out of out of checks I could [Music] [Music] do there was one thing that I could do and it ends up being and the progression I need [Music] so yeah heart pieces and trade items are [Music] randomized [Music] as well as like ash of seeds and a whole host of other [Music] things [Music] I guess I should go check the golden [Music] beasts yeah and I have flood uh narl key so I can access another dungeon there it's probably the best place for me to need to [Music] go [Music] so we just need Dragon [Music] key and maybe a cape and the ribbon oh I need to defeat all four [Music] okay yeah d0 is Hero's [Music] cave you have to defeat the key and then then push the block block that it reveals the staircase it's the top left block I believe I don't know if it actually matters which block you push but the top left definitely [Music] works are are we about to do a capeless [Music] d8 I mean I really don't want to yeah there's no reason to there's no reason to do a c d8 honestly I not it it should not be a [Music] logic yeah we're quickly running out of places to [Music] Jack like there's a few things here and there but like nothing's really like really sticking out to me [Music] I have the one desert dirt check I can't do the other cuz I don't have flippers I have the one check on the other side of eyeglass I can't do the other one because I don't have [Music] flippers yeah you know what let's just do a hint for the ribbon just see d8 spinner chest okay game I guess we're doing d8 where's Cape I I'll I'll hint Cape before we do [Music] it I'll hint Cape hint Progressive feather I can't spell [Music] apparently member shop it's in the member shop where's the member card here we go it's the golden [Music] Beast all right do we want to go after the the other two golden beasts we could honestly we can yeah let's do it right we're showing off the new features which is all four golden [Music] beasts well thankfully like once you go through here once it's actually super quick for you to get to the golden [Music] Beast cuz you need to be in [Music] Winter and you have to have push the armor down and there he is there's our boy golden lyl all right actually you know what uh what season it's fall okay I have to change the [Music] season this one's rather annoying because you have to change the season and the only way to change the season is to turn in the Bell because you have to have access to the stump over here [Music] and for this one it has to be in [Music] Spring [Music] also might as well check this and see if we can get some extra rupes [Music] perfect cuz I don't know what else is in the shop we might end up finding something else we need [Music] there all right there's our last golden [Music] Beast I think it's probably worth checking the old man [Music] early that way you know how many you [Music] need cuz knowing that we needed four I probably would have gotten the Lionel on the way up to AR [Music] and I might have gotten the dark nut when I was leaving the graveyard [Music] area all right so it's really just the cape here um spin ring no no okay yeah that was it just a cape all right Let's do let's do [Music] d8 [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] what [Music] you know on one hand it would have been really funny if we just didn't do this with with the hint and just ended up finding the ribbon eventually but on the other hand this also showcases what you can do with [Music] archipelago [Music] [Music] like if you're playing on a Time constriction having the ability to hint helps speed up the end game you're not looking for things all over the place I still need to learn the new the new HSS [Music] [Music] skip cuz if it'll make me more consistent at this then I really should learn [Music] it [Music] [Music] I think I get one more try because of green ring [Music] and of course I make it and I'm about to die oh this is terrifying this is absolutely [Music] terrifying stay [Music] away all [Music] right [Music] all right we got a heart I'm not I'm not too scared now all [Music] right all right we have to go backwards I know that cuz we know the ribbon is in the in the front half [Music] [Music] [Music] I can't believe we rolled the seed where our cape was locked behind four golden beasts on the member behind the member card on four golden beast and then our ribbon here our ribbon leading to our flippers is in d8 this is certainly a very interesting circumstance [Music] there it is that's part one or actually like that's like part six of getting our [Music] flippers [Music] [Music] w [Music] and we're still not done we're still not done we still need to find a dragon [Music] key [Music] which honestly the dragon key could be just about anywhere [Music] I don't know if I want to Hint it [Music] yet or if I want to wait I think we [Music] wait I think waiting and seeing uh where it might be after like doing most of our Jacks is probably the best way to do it like it's probably just going to be on a random [Music] spot like I'll finish up seven after this and then we'll think about it [Music] like if I haven't found it by the time I do seven and finish [Music] seven then we might have an issue cuz it could just be any like random flipper spot right and then you're just in a straight [Music] Casino [Music] [Music] now I'm not worried about Keys here because I'm guaranteed to get the the key I [Music] need yeah this Dungeon music is not [Music] great and because the dungeon is so long it's just like Dr on [Music] forever yeah I figured that was going to be another key cuz we need we had two keys [Music] remaining we only needed one of [Music] [Music] them [Music] so after finishing this the next step is get our flippers uh easiest way to get flippers is going to be subia and I think the easiest portal to go to is going to be just [Music] town yeah but we'll go town portal then run through there and that's actually really good because it'll get me a a good saveing quit spot to get back to the [Music] temple [Music] and then once we have our flippers we can finish [Music] seven [Music] I could do furnace here if I really wanted [Music] to maybe [Music] after actually you know what let's go here first then go to Temple and end on uh furnace and then leave from [Music] there okay that's a [Music] thing [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] and there they are we got them [Music] finally everything is finally lighting [Music] up yeah now I basically have like the entire world to [Music] me so I think [Music] unless unless we find the dragon key in D7 we probably just go for a [Music] hint [Music] and what's great about this routing is d7s right here I actually didn't even plan it that [Music] way [Music] I was actually planning on like uh Gail seeding away getting more Pegasus seeds and whatnot and then coming here but uh kind of worked out into terms of [Music] [Music] routing and I get free pekas the seeds right here so I really don't [Music] care [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] what every time it's always one of the last [Music] ones [Music] [Music] [Music] and this room is the entire reason I couldn't do this without flippers the whole reason we couldn't do this dungeon earlier One Singular [Music] room [Music] [Music] [Music] w it might have been easier to teach Link how to swim yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] probably all right I have bosi already [Music] so I might as well just do [Music] gly only 3D Lings can swim un assisted 2D links require external uh equipment to swim [Music] imagine when you make a zor spray and you can't swim needs flippers [Music] instead it's almost like a Zora that was born without their flippers so they have to use EX [Music] ones all right what else is here compass and an item all right we'll get the item and then [Music] um think about where our key could be could be basically anywhere I don't like that [Music] [Music] w all right there's the item we're [Music] out you didn't do that check yeah it's fairly rare that that the back part of D7 has [Music] anything that's usually just a small key in vanilla and that leads you to the boss key in the back yeah it it could have just been like a map or something um I could I could be here for a while just looking at how many checks are available there is one I want to check guaranteed before we uh drop a [Music] hint I want to check [Music] oh also I just realized that could be an [Music] issue the water there like if you make if you make it over there without flippers I know there was like a lot of logical nightmares with eyeglass [Music] Lake but yeah I want to check the old man this old man over here can give us one item but the amount of Essences we need to get the item is randomized we have enough I'm I sure hope we had enough we have [Music] seven [Music] all right let's see where it is okay that's very easy to do yeah it's now random or you can make it random uh it's five normally or now there's now a setting to change it to either random random low or random [Music] high so we we just went with the full random today just to give it a try test it [Music] out [Music] all right so our final dungeon is going to be vanilla vanilla [Music] [Music] D4 I still can't get over the the path to the flippers honestly that was like some of the craziest thing I've [Music] seen [Music] and then of course having to deal with a Tracker that's not fully ready so there were a few things that were missed on the tracker that we could [Music] do I mean I probably would have found the dragon key eventually but since we have access to hints I mean we might as well uh no I'm not making tracker uh someone else is working on it they just released AIT like a test version to us the other day for the uh the big test and I'm I'm just using it again hey you know what it's actually fitting that this is the last Dungeon Because of the water because of the [Music] water all the swimming this is another dungeon that really requires flippers even though you can potentially get past the first little bit without the flippers you have to have flippers to get to the back half of the [Music] dungeon yeah L Link's trying out for the olypics he's got his long jump on par like his long jump is good he just needs to work on his [Music] swim [Music] his his 100 meter dash also not [Music] bad you don't think they'd allow him to swim with flippers yeah probably not so he'd probably be disqualified and this is the room that I'm talking about that pretty much requires flippers uh there is a way past it with like some really dumb bomb jumps and stuff but logically speaking you need flippers for [Music] that yeah imagine letting a Zora into uh the [Music] Olympics [Music] all right where's the boss key going to be that's really the only thing we're [Music] missing I mean it'll probably end up being in the back either that or on PO push it's just on pow push it happens [Music] sometimes but with all the keys is probably in the back [Music] [Music] [Music] d [Music] oh you know what I'll hold on to that it's not [Music] terrible oh yeah that room with without Pegasus seeds it's not that bad you just need to know where to go oh yeah it's on pow push I was I was about to say like required required flippers for bosy but no the flippers are not required not for there it's right here everyone's favorite Jack in the entire [Music] game [Music] there it [Music] is [Music] [Music] w oh you know what I could do oh I just realized something I could do like after I leave this dungeon instead of getting seed refills I could get the Satchel upgrade it's right here I might as [Music] well how am I on bombs [Music] I'm good I'm good at bombs okay I could also grab the heart container too why [Music] not [Music] sh [Music] yeah that Satchel was hinted that was the first hinted Satchel that I [Music] found and then I was like oh it's flipper locked I can't get that cuz I was trying to find anything that could give me progression at that [Music] point [Music] so I needed either like a satchel flippers [Music] um ultimately we got the level two boomerang that was the [Music] thing but we had to go digging through the spoiler log to figure out what I needed for that cuz the thing I could do was not lighting up on the [Music] tracker [Music] and I think it was not lighting on up on the tracker because we didn't have flippers which was kind of ironic because we needed all of that in order to get flippers [Music] eventually learning how to swim was one of the focal points of this seed for sure [Music] [Music] all right there we go we finished with a time of 2 hours 31 minutes and 37 seconds not too bad I mean we did have to use a couple hints but that's kind of why I wanted to do the track the the testing on archipelago so that way we if we did end up getting stuck we could always hint things and make sure that the tracker reflects what we need to [Music] do yeah over it was a very very fun seed very effective seed for testing purposes hopefully the next version of the tracker comes out soonish so we can uh have better logic with [Music] [Music] tracker [Music] you love how going back to normal for Maple and spirit means no one can get to their shop anymore yeah that's true you you can only get to their shop in Winter and in post game everything becomes [Music] spring so the only person that can get to the shop is link because he has the rod of [Music] seasons and then Maple can fly there so she's [Music] fine but everyone else just can't use the [Music] shop [Music] so overall I think uh having the the randomness to the golden beasts to the number of Essences required for the old man is probably a good thing you just need to figure out like a way to check them reliably I could have checked the golden Beast one fairly early so that one probably I need to incorporate a little bit better uh the other one is flipper locked or Demitri locked so unfortunately this SE we couldn't even get there if we wanted to in terms of Auto tracking Auto tracking seemed to work pretty well uh just like seeds uh default seasons and Essences are the only things that really don't auto track I think the shield didn't auto track well it's because it's a local item I think it doesn't get sent to the archipelago server so that's probably why [Music] [Applause] [Music] everything else pretty much tracked as they should [Music] [Music] have but y I hope you enjoyed some more seasons randomizer testing for archipelago we'll definitely be doing a lot more of this in the future especially if new changes keep coming out every couple days or so uh we'll keep trying out the new features and whatnot uh try out the tracker as it comes out and gets needs more testing and all that fun stuff so if you enjoy this content make sure to uh drop a like leave a follow subscribe all that good stuff and I will catch youall next time
Channel: mashy
Views: 2,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oracle, seasons, randomizer, oracle of seasons, zelda, the legend of zelda, rando, dungeon rando, randomized dungeons, portal rando, randomized portals, trade quest, archipelago
Id: 0A0gC-ifGlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 22sec (9382 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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