"The Minimum" | Message by Michael El-takrori

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[Music] hey let's stand up to our feet we're going to read some scripture tonight um i'm just grateful that we get to meet i'm grateful that we get to to read the word of god i'm grateful that we get to worship together some things we take for granted um man i'm telling you i pray tonight god would produce a heart of gratitude in our life and i'm going to be talking on really this topic but i wanted to read a scripture it comes from the book of luke chapter 7 verse 34. um and we stand for the reading of the word and i want to say this because i know there's a lot of first-time guests tonight um and i would love to meet you in the vip area out in the lobby after the experience and online let us know if it's your first time but we stand for the reading of the word because we believe that god's a word in scripture transcends culture it transcends generations and it can be trusted and people who have anchored their lives on the words of god have seen the benefits the blessings the the the the the the whatever god wants to offer us they have it it has stood the test of time and we elevate his word over every other word that we hear in our culture today because listen culture changes but the word of god never changes opinions change but the word of god never changes laws change but the word of god never changes and so for anybody who's new to this environment uh you're gonna you're gonna experience i'm gonna just declare this tonight we're gonna be talking about god's word and something's gonna happen in your soul in your heart and some of you you don't have the language to describe it but god's going to speak to you and and i know you're like well can god really speak to me absolutely it's not necessarily his audible voice but you're going to get this impression this sense uh there's this like overwhelming sensation like something the preacher is is saying something to me personally and i pray that happens in your life because here's the power of the word of god we can all be hearing it but god has a way of tailor-making the message to each and every one of us oh my goodness is powerful so god can speak to all of us in different ways and so open up your heart tonight come on somebody lean in a little bit say amen through your mask i need a little bit of energy from you tonight because i'm i'm ready to preach and i'm excited for god's word and it's been stirring in my heart and i've prepped and i prayed and i and i know god's gonna move so you better you know you got spa if you're at the physical location you got two chairs space i mean i i need you right now before we even get in the world i need you to twirl just real quick just do it do a little do it do a tour online come on in your room just give it give god give god a twirl who does that it's awkward are you ready for god's word all right we're gonna go to luke chapter 7 verse 36 look what the bible says one of the pharisees invited jesus to have dinner with him and he went to the pharisees house and he reclined at the table and a woman that in that town who lived a sinful life learned that jesus was eating at the pharisees house word got out so she came there with an alabaster jar a jar of perfume and when the pharisee who had invited him saw this he said to himself if this man were a prophet he would know who is touching him and what kind of a woman she is that she is a sinner we miss the scripture on there but it talks about what this woman did the bible says she began to cry over the feet of jesus she began to wipe his dirty middle eastern feet with her hair somebody say wow and she began to weep and kiss his feet she was overwhelmed with gratitude and then she takes her perfume and pours it all over his feet and in another gospel it says over his head as well and it's a radical scene and this pharisee was saying in his heart man if you knew this girl jesus you would know that she's a sinful woman and in verse 38 it says that she stood behind him at his feet weeping we'll go to the next verse go to 39 we'll pass it go to 40 real quick jesus answered him simon i have something to tell you listen anytime jesus in the bible says i have something to tell you he's about to murk you he's about to murk you with truth he's about to spit a parable bomb in your life hey simon i got something to tell you tell me teacher he said verse 41 two people he begins to share this parable two people owed money to a certain money lender and one owed him 500 denarii and the other 50. and neither of them had the money to pay him back so he forgave come on joe's message from last week he forgave somebody say forgave he forgave the debts of both now which of them will love him more simon replied i suppose the one who had the bigger debt forgiven you have judged correctly jesus said and then jesus turned to the woman he faces her now and he says simon do you see this woman i came into your house and you did not give me any water for my feet but she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair you did not give me a kiss but this woman from the time i entered has not stopped kissing my feet you did not put oil on my head but she has poured perfume on my feet and therefore i tell you her many sins have been forgiven as her great love has shown but whoever has been forgiven little loves little then jesus said to her your sins are forgiven and the other guests begin to say among themselves who is this who can forgive sins and then jesus said to the women your faith has saved you go in peace my goodness i love the bible before you sit down before we pray if you're titling this message if you're taking notes i want to encourage you to do so i want you to title this message the minimum the minimum let's pray in this atmosphere god we love you we thank you for your presence we thank you that your presence is here and god you have a word for us and we open up our hearts to receive that word we don't want to leave the same we want to leave different and so we say have your way like we were singing earlier have your way in our life we praise you in jesus name we pray come on everybody said amen amen go ahead take a seat online say amen in the chat we love you years ago i i was in community college uh at csn in henderson shout out csn um terrible college experience i'm gonna be honest um i when i started csn i thought the college experience was gonna be pretty fun and it wasn't nobody in community college talks to one another they just are trying to get their degree the cheapest they can okay and i remember taking a class called sociology uh when i started i was like i'm gonna major in sociology i'm like what is social i don't even know what sociology is but but i remember taking this class a couple of times because the first time i failed it and i wasted all my money and so i take it again and then i got a c-plus in it but i learned one thing in sociology class and it was this term social norms have you heard about it the the the other term is moires social norms in sociology they taught me that there are social norms in our culture what what is a social norm it is a expected expected a behavior that a culture of places on people uh and a lot of times it's unintentional it's just standards we know about we've never read a book about we just know that's normal and social norms serve to bring order it serves to bring predictability in our life and it keeps the culture moving in the right direction um and so you don't know this but like there's there's social norms you know you participate in every day okay and one of the social norms is like if you uh if you you know answer your phone uh you gotta say hello come on that's normal there's times i call my wife and and just nothing on the other line and i'm saying is there anybody there and she said yeah i'm here i'm like you didn't even say hello say hello that's just normal babe like just say hello i'm doing my makeup you can say hello and do your makeup at the same time amen oh what about this social norm you go in an elevator and every if you notice this everyone's facing come on the doors right the doors everyone like i try this one day especially in kovid you're gonna get socked maybe but i dare you to just stare at somebody in the elevator just stare at somebody watch the reaction it will make them feel so uncomfortable um it would be it's it's radical okay here's the social norm uh for the fellows pastor benny talked about it this weekend uh if you go use the bathroom you gotta wash your hands normal right i remember being at the seven hills campus i remember a kid i saw him use the restroom and i was just washing my hands and he came to the sink and he just washed one hand and he ran out and started worshiping jesus i said you nasty bro you're nasty a social norm is if you go to a theater and it's it's it's not full don't sit right next to somebody i dare you to do this in an empty theater with two with one couple just sit right next to them freak out oh you can't because social distancing but i remember a time we were at at the house and and with all the leaders and i remember i just thought about the story dylan and here's the social norm we're we're on a couch and there's there's room to sit everywhere and dylan decides i'm just going to sit right next to michael and i remember stopping i'm like bro get off me bro there's a seat over there bro why are you sitting next to me do you nasty social norm somebody say social norm it's a moray okay here's a big one there's a social norm right now on instagram uh before we used to visco our pictures but right now what's in is is try not to look like you're trying hard on your picture that's the new look have you noticed this like don't put a filter on it just take a random photo photo dump it on your page and act like you're not trying to be hard on your photos but you're actually trying to be cool to not try to be cool and so you're not really cool but everybody's not cool and so everybody's trying to look like they're not trying to be cool but everybody's trying to be cool social norms okay i say all of this to say jesus in the scripture loved to overstep social norms in his day and his love was so pervasive and it was so powerful that he enabled people to to to to do something extraordinary he caused people to do things that the cultural expectations did not want them to do so here we see a story in luke chapter 7 and i got to say this this is a this is a cultural norm overstepping extravaganza that that there's a the bible says a pharisee by the name of simon invites jesus over to have dinner it was culturally normal if a rabbi came into the city to have him over for dinner you know pharisees in the bible they were the religious leaders of the day the religious elite and and sometimes they get a bad rap we we think they're a cuss word in the bible they weren't they loved god they loved the scripture but sometimes they chose their tradition over real relationship with god and they and jesus frustrated them because he would do something that went against their law and their tradition and it made them go crazy come on like the bible says the leper is not allowed to touch you and lepers are touching jesus the the law said you can't you can't work on the sabbath and jesus is healing people on the sabbath and they were getting so frustrated but here simon the pharisee invites jesus over for dinner he invites him over he's a religious leader and he wants to talk to jesus not every pharisee invited jesus over for dinner so jesus takes the invitation because it tells us that simon the pharisee wanted something from jesus we just don't know what it was what it is or what it was it was culturally normal in that day to throw a dinner party it was culturally normal to have a religious elite dinner and so here they are in a house and they would be sitting at a low table they would be sitting with their feet behind them they would be talking over hours in hours eating some great med you know middle eastern food amen they would have been chatting it up and i just need you to picture this this scene because here you have moral religious elite people eating a dinner you got a picture like a dinner at the at the white house a dinner with very powerful people they're sitting there they are they are they are devout they are in order they are disciplined they are cerebral calm cool collected they are eating dinner with jesus and the bible says something radical that out of nowhere in the middle of this dinner a woman and luke tells us a sinful woman he was he was trying to be nice this is in fact a prostitute of the town and she comes into this party into this dinner and that day it was culturally normal to have the door open and people could you know watch the dinner party they but they have to stay at the outskirts this woman comes and makes a beeline to jesus in the middle of a devout religious calm cool collected dinner party and she begins to weep hysterically and the whole room is silenced imagine how awkward this would have been imagine how silent the room would have been i'm not talking crying i'm talking weeping wailing hysterical she's crying so much it is wetting the feet of jesus she begins to wipe his feet with her hair cultural norms in that day a woman would never do this this is way too radical a woman would never uh undo her hair for for a religious leader and a rabbi you would save that for your wedding night and so you can imagine the pharisees in the room are gasping at the scene of this radical sinner coming to the savior jesus to give him a sign of gratitude this is extravagant this is audacious this might be one of the greatest showcases of gratitude in all scripture you know i got a question for us today where is that in our following jesus where's that in our christianity no no i read a passage like this and if i could be honest sometimes i could relate more to simon the pharisee than the sin the sinner that was a woman can i be real we're staunch we're devout we come to church with our hands in our pockets we don't lift our hands in worship we're so cool for school and we're too i was gonna say merch for church but what does that mean which is too collected where's that in our christianity where where's the gratitude in our life now i don't know this woman's story she might have wanted this lifestyle she might have desired the money and the attention and the affection maybe just maybe this lifestyle found her maybe she had a husband who passed away maybe she didn't know what to do with the kids so she goes into the streets of las vegas to sell her body to make ends meet to provide for her kids i i don't know the situation maybe she was forced into this lifestyle maybe she wanted it maybe she was forgotten maybe at a young age he saw a prostitute and said one day i'm gonna be that girl i don't know but what i do know is at some point in jesus ministry she has a radical life change i don't know when it happens it could be when jesus was walking by he might have prayed for her i don't know if she was sitting in the crowd when he was preaching a sermon about come to me all who are weary and heavy burden and i will give you rest but what i do know is she does not care about who's in the room she does not care about what people think she makes a beeline to jesus and gives god a real worship radical she expresses her worship she expresses her gratitude i don't know if we're grateful in here i don't know in a season of thanksgiving are we grateful for jesus we got to ask ourselves this but i want you to understand that gratitude always expresses itself there's always an expression connected to gratitude it's not enough just to think it it's not enough just to sit there come on gratitude always expresses itself when something is is a joy in your life when you love something when you eat somewhere when you experience something amazing come on somebody your joy and your gratitude is incomplete until it's expressed you tell somebody about it you you put it on your story it comes out of your emotion it comes out in passion but whatever you're grateful for you begin to talk about you begin to declare you begin to tell people about i wonder if we are silenced in our walk with jesus because we're too concerned about what other people think that's the last time you gave god a radical gratitude a grateful praise when's the last time we looked dumb to our friend because of how good god is when's the last time we we're grateful i'm challenged by this because this woman does something so radical she takes her perfume and the bible would talk about it's over a year's wages listen it's like working 40 hours a week saving up all that money in one year and wearing that around your neck and in a moment giving it all to jesus she pours it out here's why it's this this is significant her perfume was a tool for the trade she used this perfume to come on enhance her promiscuous lifestyle she used the perfume as a tool to walking unrighteousness and what's so radical about this scene is what she walked in and what she used for her old lifestyle she's now given to jesus hey hey hey here's a question what's your perfume what's your alabaster jar because we all have one it's our emotions it's our passions it's what we're saving our energy for it's what we give our affection to it's what people know about well what what's your perfume listen we're all pouring out something and we're all pouring it out somewhere or to someone the question is who the question is where where are we pouring out what we are saving for ourselves or we are saving for our lifestyle where are we pouring out one theologian said we are continuously outpouring it's who we are we're just pouring out praise we're pouring out adoration we're pouring out passion sometimes people come in church they got no passion in here but but i put you in the right context and i you're shouting oh my god i just gotta kill on god right now whoa put you in the right environment and it'll pull out your passion put you in the right environment and you'll pour out your perfume on something what's your what's your perfume what's my perfume what i love about this is what she used for her old life she's now using for jesus there comes a point when you start following jesus or what you used to use for your old life what you used to use for culture you start using for christ and what you use to promote the enemy you now use to promote the savior this is a transition in this woman's life she is pouring it out what are we pouring out to to jesus and i don't know what's more radical us pouring out something or jesus doing nothing in the scene yo jesus does nothing he sits there and he receives it now look if this was a mere man if this was a regular human being you and i if that happened to us can we be honest we would feel so awkward ill tears hair girl get out of this is embarrassing but jesus he doesn't push her away jesus doesn't stop her and implicitly jesus's silence and his acceptance of her perfume tells us that jesus understood that he was worthy of that perfume can i say something tonight jesus is worthy of all of us he's worthy so he's silent and he accepts the gift listen jesus will always always accept your radical gift to him i never i've never heard of god stopping somebody from giving him too much and can i make the point that when you give everything to god it will come with commentary can i point out that people will talk in the room about what you and i give to god it doesn't come from god it comes from people who are giving nothing to god and you will get criticism and you will get critique for giving everything to jesus but i want you to know tonight that you will hear the most about what you're giving to god from people who give god the least they'll say why are you going to church why are you reading the bible why are you spending your money why are you picking up food why are you serving why are you on that leadership team why are you giving and you're over here saying why are you stopping me in my years of playing basketball no one stopped me from playing too hard or giving too much no one pulled me aside michael you're going to 24 hour fitness a little too much you're watching a little bit too much basketball highlights they knew i wasn't gonna make the nba i'm filipino and saudi arabian now i'll give you 20 seconds is there one saudi arabian filipino in the nba my god is there one filipino in the nba maybe half but definitely not no saudi arabian so i got to go overseas to play basketball but nobody stopped me but when it comes to what we give to god criticism critique commentary from people who give him the least and i'm telling you what when was the last time you and i were grateful when was the last time we gave god a radical praise when was the last time we took what we were reserving for culture what we were reserving for our lifestyle and said god you deserve it all you you can you can have it all you can you you can take it i don't you you deserve it you are worthy for it you are worthy of it and the bible says that simon hears the thoughts or jesus hears simon's thoughts and what he says in his mind is if this man were a prophet he would know who is touching him and what kind of a woman she is that she is a sinner do you see his posture do you see his demeanor do you see the tone of his thinking i got a question what's the difference how come two people can be in the same room with the same jesus and one be moved by his love and one be moved by his care and be transformed by his presence while the person right next to them is untouched unfaith quite frankly bored how can two students and dedicated youth listen to the same message partaking the same worship experience and one leaves radically changed while another stays bored and stays the same i wonder why and i want it to be answered i have an answer and i believe it's found in these two things the difference between the sinful woman and simon the pharisee is that simon forgot the depths of his sin and the cost of salvation i'll say it again i believe simon forgot the depths of his sin and the cost of his salvation jesus begins to share this parable listen up jesus answered him simon i have something to tell you tell me teacher two people owed money to a certain money lender one owed him five hundred denarii and the other fifty and neither of them had money to pay him back so he forgave the debts of both now which one of them will love him more simon replied i suppose the one who had the bigger debt forgiven you have judged correctly i want to point out in this in this parable listen sometimes we could listen to this parable and we come to the wrong conclusion that the woman needed jesus more than simon the pharisee that's not what jesus is sharing here that that's not the point of the parable the point of the parable and what makes the parable brilliant is that the person with the 50 the 50 denarii debt and the person with the 500 denarii debt listen they're both in debt they both cannot pay it back the emphasis is on they both are in the same boat one's a 50 boat one's a 500 boat but it's the same it's a boat both of them had a debt they could not pay what simon doesn't realize is that he has a debt that he cannot pay and he might think because of his religious background he might think because of his cool friends he might think because he has a dinner party with jesus that he does not have to pay the debt on his life and he might think the woman has a far greater debt than he does but the reality is a debt is a debt if you don't get the parable like and i don't mean to be crude or rude but if your neighbor kills somebody with a needle and your other neighbor kill somebody with the shotgun who has the greater debt both they both go to jail they both serve time they both did something unthinkable one with a needle one with a gun is both a dead listen it doesn't matter if you miss the cliff by five feet or fifty feet if you miss you're falling and the reason people aren't grateful to jesus and the reason people jesus doesn't have some of our passion in here is we have forgotten the depths of our sin we have forgotten that we owe jesus something listen a public street sin and a private synagogue sin there's still sin and the difference between 50 and 500 honestly it's just 500 is more provocative 500 is is something that's something to talk about in our culture tmz is not going to pick up on the 50 debt but they will pick up on the 500 debt come on somebody the news doesn't have to publish the 50 debt but the news will pick up on the 500 debt because 500 is just more but it is both debt and and they both owe something to jesus and i don't know if you understand watching or here at the green valley campus you and i owe a debt to jesus that we cannot pay with our good works we can't pay it because we're imperfect because we got sin because we are not a perfect vessel and we forget the depths of our sin and what debt does is it creates dependence in us and that's why a lot of us don't like to lean on god because we don't like depending on something or someone greater than us debt means i i'm dependent on the lender i'm dependent on god if you need a definition of sin there's so many of it but one definition you can write in your notebook about sin is sin is the desire to be independent of god a desire to not need god but the reality is hear me we are dependent on the gift-giver and we all have a debt and our debt has created in us a dependence on god listen to me hear me do you need god when's the last time you say god i need you when's the last time you came into worship and didn't just pass time but you stopped for a moment and said god i honestly i need you i know i've been in church for years i know i've been in church for three months but but but right now i actually need you that's one of the greatest prayers we can pray god help god i'm dependent on you god i cannot do this without you and you know what god does with that person he provides strength he comes through people say mike mike uh is this jesus a crutch for you my answer is absolutely we're all limping some people just try to walk without a crutch and they look ridiculous michael is this christianity thing brainwashed absolutely if you if you knew the things i thought about and if people knew the things you thought about you would pray for a brainwash because all of us it don't matter if it's seen it no matter if it's secret we're all indebted and we're all dependent on the giver of the gift can i get an amen some of us we have gone from dysfunction to dysfunction and we've become pride proud because we we don't actually want to admit our lifestyle isn't working out for us so we jump from relationship to relationship we dr we jump from drug to drug or a numbing mechanism to next numbing mechanism we pour out here and we pour out there and instead of just being like my god i need you we just keep doing that that's a person that doesn't want dependence on god here's the other side some of you in here some of us when we make a mistake we beat ourselves up oh my goodness we we have to we have to let ourselves know unworthy me i can't believe i did this i can't believe i thought this and instead of enjoying the presence of jesus you're too preoccupied with the sin that you committed against jesus and so as a result you don't enjoy jesus and he's at a dinner party waiting to receive something from you but you don't give it because you're too caught up in your lifestyle in both cases listen to me when you beat yourself up what you're saying implicitly is i don't depend on the forgiveness of jesus i must do it myself because his forgiveness is not good enough but honestly listen we all need jesus and his forgiveness is always good enough so some of us we forgot the depths of our sin and the number two the cost of salvation i want you to catch this as the piano comes up i want you to i want you to see this in the text where does the debt go when it once it's forgiven it doesn't just disappear in the air it doesn't just dissolve out of nowhere the lender the giver has to eat that debt the giver of the 50 and the giver of the 500 they have to take on that debt themselves and what we fail to realize when we are following jesus is that listen he had to take on the debt he had to take it on it doesn't just disappear you can't let your friend pay for your debt because they got their own debt how does that make sense hey bro can you pay for my debt no man i got a bigger debt all right i guess we're both in debt and then you find somebody else can you pray for me and pay for my debt they got debt too jesus lived a perfect life god himself wrapped himself in flesh and blood and he came to earth and because the debt of sin cannot just disappear in thin air it has to be taken on he took it on for us he paid the debt when's the last time that moved you that apart from the sacrifice of jesus we are separated from god we have no fellowship with god we are left to our own devices and our own desires we are we are all alone without his sacrifice but the bible says he who knew no sin became sin so that we might become the righteousness of god in christ jesus the bible says that he so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes shall not perish but have everlasting life when was the last time the reality that our sin has been paid for moved us [Music] because that's what motivated and moved this woman she knew her sins she knew she needed something and she was she was living and stuck in her lifestyle but jesus does the unthinkable he gives him he gives her himself and he pays the debt and he forgives the sin that's what jesus did on the cross listen our sin is deep and the price of salvation is a major price it was so costly god had to kill his one and only son and i just wonder if that if that has left our existence if that has left our faith i was reading the scripture and i'm like god when's the last time i gave you a radical worship when's the last time i was grateful oh i want to say this i will be very i want to be very clear when you and i don't walk in gratitude to god we don't understand the gospel we don't understand we have forgotten some of you in this place you don't believe in the gospel or if you've never received the gospel i pray tonight would be your night but some of us have experienced the gospel one time the good news of jesus and it's changed us but if you could take a look at your life and there is zero gratitude if love is not permeating out of your life if desire to serve god doesn't overflow out of your life listen you forgot the gospel and tonight it's a simple message but really is a reminder of the simplicity of our faith that you and i had a debt that we could not pay some of us 50 some of us 500 but jesus paid the debt for us he came through for us i want to end here look at what jesus says to to simon the pharisee he he turns in verse 44 he says he said to simon do you see this woman check this out he looks at simon he says do you see this woman i came into your house you did not give me any water for my feet but she has wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair you did not give me a kiss but this woman from the time i entered has not stopped kissing my feet you did not put oil on my head but she has poured perfume on my feet therefore i tell you her many sins have been forgiven here's the cultural norm when a guest comes to your house in the middle east in the first century you wash their feet you take oil you put it on their head because it might have been a long walk they might stink a little bit when a guest comes over you greet them with a kiss that was normal that was the social norm listen this girl gave an extravagant gift to jesus this pharisee didn't even give jesus the minimum the minimum when we're ungrateful we don't even give god the minimum what's the minimum michael i'm happy you're here thank you i'm grateful for you jesus i'm just glad you're you're here i wonder if we come into church or we walk in this life just with an overwhelming sense of entitlement that we're owed something i wonder if a generation is discouraged and depressed because they haven't learned the art of gratitude the art of waking up every day and saying god thank you that's it the minimum thank you not even a perfume not an extravagant worship just just jesus thank you thank you that you saved me thank you that you changed me i remember i was lost but you found me i was going in a direction and if i played that out for years i would have been so lost but before i did this and before i went here before i said yes to this you came through and you saved me thank you thank you that's the minimum thank you jesus i'm grateful for you you know really the tragedy of social media it's not just social isolation and feeling like you have no friends because you have a lot of friends but really no friends really one of the great tragedies is discontentment time you go on social you see what you don't have you see who you don't know you see where you're not at and what does it create what does it create entitlement it creates negativity it creates a lifestyle where you get up and you're just barely getting by there's something listen there's something powerful with the thank you to jesus the bible says it is god's will for us in christ jesus listen to be thankful in all circumstances hey what's my what's god's will for my life michael be thankful be grateful but life is a bit crazy michael i know but there's something to be thankful about when we worship god without a sense of gratitude that's not worship to god that's lip service to god if we don't come into church if we don't turn on worship music in our room and we're not moved by an overwhelming sense that my life belongs to god and i'm just so thankful for his sacrifice we have forgotten the gospel we wonder why we have jesus in the room but have no power to our life because our eyes are fixated on all that we don't have and we don't thank god for the things that we do have listen we come to god in prayer when we need something but then when he blesses us we're silent thank you jesus thank you for your sacrifice the minimum we meet geo we we went to florida a couple weeks ago and we went we landed in florida and i noticed this everyone was wearing their master walking out the plane and the pilot was standing there he was right at the you know right at the whatever you call it what do you call it the cockpit that's what it is in the front he's right there just like with his hat on the pilot and everyone's walking by him nobody's saying a thing because they're just dipping they're leaving the plane and i i was watching it because it was taking me a moment to get to him but i was seeing so many people passing by and i stopped when i got there i looked at the pilot in the eyes and i said hey hey thank you for getting us here he said wow you're welcome i appreciate that and i walked out of the plane listen we just partook in the miracle of flight there's a little bit of turbulence this man flew a gigantic machinery in the air we land in our destination during a global pandemic safely and not one person can say thank you to the pilot not money not a tip just just thank you listen if that's just enough that's enough thank you for getting us here thank you it was a little rocky in the sky but we landed safely god i know that this world has been rocky i know people have gotten sick i know this world is a little divided but i just want to say thank you in november in 2020 for getting me here for being faithful to my life come on dedicated youth i wonder if there's anybody that could say thank you to jesus tonight i wonder if there's anybody online or here that could just stand up to their feet and say god you deserve my praise thank you for loving me thank you for for paying the debt thank you for forgiving me thank you for coming through for me thank you for paying my debt and saving me thank you for getting me here thank you thank you thank you thank you jesus [Music] you
Channel: dedicatedyth
Views: 188
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: p2fAEupkNtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 6sec (2646 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.