The Minecraft Movie's $150,000,000 Downfall

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the Minecraft movie has a complicated history originally being announced in 2014 it was anticipated to be one of the biggest video game films of all time yet over 10 years later it's still nowhere to be found leaving fans to wonder why it's taking so long and what really happened to the Minecraft movie now Minecraft needs no introduction it's arguably the most popular game of its time even back in March 2012 where despite only having been fully released Just 4 months prior the game had already made over 80 million in sales after achieving this massive success it was only natural that a number of high-profile Hollywood producers would begin to contact Mojang with the idea of making Minecraft themed TV shows or movies in response Mojang's CEO would state that they weren't interested in using Minecraft's brand to Simply make as much money as possible instead they would only do projects at outside the realm of gaming if quote the right idea comes along we have so much to focus on with just the game development and growing the business but if the right idea comes along and the right people that we want to work with we'd say why not one morning rumors began to spread that the major Film Studio Warner Brothers had acquired the movie rights to Minecraft while the details of this Arrangement weren't officially confirmed yet the move Honestly made sense for both companies after the wild success of the Lego Movie earlier in the year Warner Brothers were surely looking to replicate it with another equally popular brand at this point it had been over 2 years since the potential of a Minecraft movie had been first talked about but it seemed as though the right offer finally came later that same day Notch himself would post a tweet someone is trying to leak the facts that we're working with Warner Brothers on a potential Minecraft movie I want it to be the leag the Minecraft movie was confirmed a few months later in October 24th 14 the community would get further confirmation of the movie as it was announced that Shawn Levy was to direct the film as well as a soft release date of sometime in 2018 with Levy having already been a director of some very notable and successful films it was clear that he knew what he was doing which gave the community hope that the film was in good hands however just 2 months after the announcement in December both Shawn as well as the writers who were developing the film had suddenly left the project but there's another film you're working on that you've now um set parted ways from the Minecraft movie yeah what happened I know I'm so I feel like I've let the children of America down and someone else may crack it you know uh we we gave it a shot and it wasn't the right fit and so these things happen this would Mark the first of the many delays and directors the film has since gone through following that interview the community would be left in the dark for a while as no new information about the movie would be released to the public until July 2016 when all of a sudden post was made on Mojang's website and announcing that the movie was making a return it was pretty short and didn't share a lot of information other than this image of what looks to be the front cover of a script and a new release date of May 24th 2019 but they promised as time went on they would share loads more and to their credit a lot of details were revealed shortly after this post such as the name of their brand new director the film supposed $150 million budget and the fact that Warner Brothers actually started early production on the film now reportedly with a rough script Loosely sented around the message of people shaping their own paths and Destiny in life at one point they had even signed huge celebrities like Steve Carell the Stars the main character we had stages booked and it was 2 weeks before the holidays and uh someone sends me a text they say hey um Greg Sil is leaving Warner Brothers and uh I was like oh okay I'll give him a buzz and you know say thank you for everything and then I'll get back to work well that's not really the way the movie business work new leadership has their their own ideas and that was and really that was it and so it didn't happen due to a shift in management the Minecraft movie would once again be left in the dark for years to come now Minecraft actually did announce that they're giving the movie a third chance but I'll save you the details on this one it obviously didn't come out instead I'm going to try and find an answer to a question that I'm sure everyone waiting for this movie is wondering at this point why is the Minecraft movie even taking so long but before we answer that I need your help I genuinely love making these types of videos for you guys and this year I really want to turn YouTube into my full-time career so if you could please consider subscribing anyways while on the surface it may seem like the Minecraft movies excessive amount of delays can simply be chocked up to management issues or something along those lines I think there's another much less talked about issue sure over the years the film may have been passed along through four directors but they've also gone through 11 different writers along the way as well potentially suggesting that both Mojang and Warner Brothers are having a hard time coming up with a script and storyline for the movie and it makes sense Minecraft truly is an infinite game with no real proper way to play it or narrative behind it so to try and take that infinite number of possibilities and somehow condense it into a set 90minut or so storyline while staying true to the original game including the right amount of references and respecting the fans is undoubtedly a ridiculously hard task for anyone to pull off let alone to make one that also complies with their other major hurdle of making the film liveaction oh yeah did I mentioned that already yeah I don't know why but it's been confirmed multiple times that the Minecraft movie is taking place on Earth in a liveaction setting and not animated or something like most people would expect and I don't know about you but I personally just don't really see Minecraft out of all games working in a liveaction setting especially considering that historically there have been many cases of similar style games failing to convert to a quality liveaction film the most popular example being the Super Mario Bros movie where following the massive amount of success from their first handful of Mario games Nintendo decided to team up with Hollywood pictures in 1993 and create a movie based off the game that was entirely live action and because of this decision the movie failed horribly losing a ton of money and quickly becoming regarded as one of the worst films of all time yet over 30 years later Nintendo decided to have another crack at it and release the new animated movie that we all know and love today and this time around it was a massive success netting in over $1.3 billion in the box office and I think the reason the animated version did so well is because simply put Super Mario just doesn't have any similarities to real life the game's entire world is just so unrealistic from ours that any attempt to recreate it would and did miss the mark and the same thing goes for my Minecraft the game has a unique blocky style that just can't really be found anywhere else it's what makes Minecraft special it's what made the game gain so much popularity in the first place and I really just don't see how Warner Brothers are going to be able to convert this to a liveaction film successfully without it looking uncanny or something however with that all being said where is the Minecraft movie at now and believe it or not it's actually coming along quite nicely in early 2020 3 the movie will be taken on by a fourth director Jared Hess and since then a ton of extra details and information have actively been coming out about the project like the fact that Warner Brothers actually began filming for the first time ever just a couple of weeks ago in January 2024 things get even crazier when we take a look at the newly announced cast starting with Jack Black starring as Steve as well as Jason mimoa yeah the guy from Aquaman and Jennifer kulage in other undisclosed roles on top of that I think it's worth noting that the director is aware of past video game liveaction movie failures and has publicly stated that he's trying to quote avoid an ugly Sonic situation I just can't disappoint the 10-year-olds or they're going to murder us as of recording the movie is currently set to release in just over a year from now on April 4th 2025 finally after over 10 years of uncertainty and countless different changes it seems as though the Minecraft movie is finally around the corner or hopefully anyways but will it truly live up to the hype or be another flop and I guess that's a question that can only be answered with time as always if you enjoyed the video then please subscribe
Channel: CalebIsSalty
Views: 135,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft movie, minecraft movie trailer, minecraft movie delayed, minecraft movie jack black, minecraft movie 2025, minecraft jack black, minecraft jason momoa, minecraft film, minecraft film trailer, minecraft movie live action, minecraft movie release date, minecraft movie update, why the minecraft movie failed, why the minecraft movie scares me, the minecraft movie, minecraft movie release, minecraft movie 2025 trailer, minecraft movie trailer official, calebissalty
Id: J1vpoLY7c28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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