The Mind Blowing Significance of Passover as Prophecy

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alright this is one of my favorite things when it comes to seeing the beauty in the scriptures and the acts of God throughout history and how God has intertwined his his saving of humanity with the prophetic announcements of the scriptures it's it is one of the most exciting things so we're digging into Passover today and I wanted to sketch you up really briefly so you're on the same page as me here as we begin this Sunday Bible study Passover is one of the seven Jewish feasts commanded by God in the Old Testament for Israel to obey they were to walk in these seven Jewish feasts these seven times a year where they would do specific like religious festival type behaviors initially we see it at Exodus chapter 12 but then they were to commemorate it every year and it was super super important you could be cut off from Israel if you didn't follow with fulfilling this feast it's also in addition to having this significant Old Testament Jewish requirement it also has significance in the life of Jesus because it's it's when Jesus died Jesus died during Passover during the commemoration of this feast in fact the the the scholars tell us the historians even atheist historians tell us that it's one of the most certain facts of history that Jesus died during Passover so this is a pretty significant thing that means that when we say that the symbolism of Passover when the symbolism of Passover is significant it's something to look at as a prophetic type thing that we're pulling from actual historical events the history of Israel and celebrating and acknowledging the Passover as well as the history of Jesus having actually died during Passover but there is so much more detail in Passover than hardly anybody realizes I'm gonna give you 24 ways that Passover was fulfilled by Jesus I'm actually gonna be more like 26 I'm gonna give you some bonus ones and there's more than I'm not even mentioning not even mentioning I'll point you towards and you can research on your own so this is fulfilled with great detail and lots of neat symbolism this prophetic Feast of Israel so Passover itself what it looks like to the Jewish person as they're partaking of it is this a commemoration of the tenth and final plague on the Egyptians most of you know the story so I won't recap it for you right but there's these ten plagues the last ones the worst one that's the one where Pharaoh finally says okay get your people and get out of here it's like the plague that causes the release of the people of Israel it's it's where God brings the children of Abraham out of bondage and into new life and it's the beginning of a new nation of God's people the commemoration of the new people really so this is this is what Passover means and with Jesus it means all of that to the next level so we're gonna get into this 24 or so ways the Jesus fulfilled Passover and I'll remind those who are watching live thank you first for joining me live I'm glad to have you guys here but we're not gonna do Q&A today I just want to get right into all the content into how Jesus will fill the Old Testament in specifically reference to Passover and we're not gonna have time for the communit cuz it's gonna be a rather long study today but if you're interested in learning how to think biblically about everything then I recommend that you consider subscribing I don't charge anything for the content I produce I'm just doing this hopefully it'd be a blessing to you so if you want to grow in that there's hundreds of hours of content for you to learn from I try to spend a lot of time prepping and studying so that this is worth your time when you listen to these teachings all right here we go Passover let's talk about the big picture of Passover mm-hmm this again it was to escape the 10th plague the final plague on Egypt this plague was gonna fall in Israel - it wasn't just on Egypt it was on the Israelites as well he was gonna kill the firstborn of every home and then there's a commemoration of it done yearly and this is in remembrance of that plague that event but it also looks forward to the coming of Christ to him being our our Passover sacrifice so why though before I dig into all the symbolism throw you into the first way in which Passover represents Christ let me let me just explain to you why I would even connect Jesus to Passover in the first place it's not just me this isn't just like a 21st century guy going hey I'm gonna find these connections that never existed that none of the biblical authors saw that that would be illegitimate to a Jew of the no that's definitely not the case so you're used to like direct prophesies that's not what we're talking about here we're not talking about like you know he will come and he will do this that's not the kind of prophecy we're talking about prophecy has is a very widely used term in the New Testament sometimes it's that one-to-one fulfillment prediction fulfillment other times it's about symbolism or typology and that's what Passover is talking about there's there's like a correspondence in almost in a metaphorical sense between the events and the practices of the Old Testament and then the life and work of Christ and that's what we're talking about here this is what the book of Hebrews talks about a lot it talks about prophetic types and shadows we get it in Acts chapter seven when Stephen talks to the people of Israel and he speaks to them about how the Old Testament provides all these shadows and types and pictures of the Messiah the coming Messiah Jesus himself said that he came and he was going to fulfill all of the Old Testament the law and the prophets all of it which means more than just direct one-for-one prophecies but he meant he was going to fulfill all of it which includes ultimately Passover in fact he was the one who chose the time of his death his chosen time he decided to be offered on Passover to be crucified during that week this was a choice in the person of Christ he voluntarily went forward to die at that time previously in the Gospels we hear Jesus saying my time is not yet come my time is not yet come but when Passover comes at this particular year Jesus says okay the time is at hand the Son of Man must must be betrayed and suffer and die and rise again it was something that had to happen according to Jesus this then is our first proof text our first verse we're going to go to as a way of showing you that in the first century right after the death of Christ this was already seen as relating to who Jesus was it says here in 1st Corinthians 5:7 for Christ our Passover lamb has been sacrificed for us this is Christ our Passover lamb he's been sacrificed this is already here early in fact one of the earliest letters in our New Testament is first Corinthians and it's saying look Jesus is our Passover he is our Passover so the symbolism was already in place immediately but it was established by Jesus by him choosing that time for his death and resurrection so the the Passover itself old testament wise how it initially got started is that God was gonna send this this destroyer this being who's gonna go through the the land of Egypt and in every home would kill the firstborn now we're thinking sometimes we think oh oh such babies well no firstborn doesn't mean baby we're talking about firstborns which is different than that but this is where this this would go this destroying angel so to speak would go through and kill the firstborn and this was going to happen like I said to Israel as well but what they did to avoid this this judgment and the suffering was they offered a lamb they killed a lamb like ritually killed like as a sacrificial offering and they took the blood of the lamb and they put it on the doorpost on the door of the home so the way they would access the home was covered by blood and then they would enter that home and that home sort of sanctified or made clean by the blood of this lamb would protect them from the coming judgment they were safe in the house and so there here we get to our first correspondents the first way the Passover represents Jesus and is fulfilled by him is that there is a lamb that is offered there's a sacrificial animal that's offered and that's what we get right there in that passage I shared with you first Corinthians chapter 5 verse 7 it says for Christ our Passover lamb has been sacrificed he's been he didn't just die you see he's been sacrificed meaning he was offered for us or on our behalf his death isn't just something that happens that we look at for inspiration although I do but it's also something done for me in my place and this sets the whole context for Jesus Jesus offered himself offered himself not just to die but to die as an offering as a sacrifice the offerings of the Old Testament the suffering of the animals in the Old Testament and you and if it hurts your heart that God would allow them to be sacrificed that's actually healthy because you're realizing that there was a real painful hurtful sacrifice in Jesus that he was going to come and fulfill all of those all of those animal sacrifices in his one sacrifice and we get this in the book of Hebrews talks about it Hebrews chapter 9 verse 12 through 14 or says he entered once for all into the holy places not by means of the blood of goats and calves but my means of his own blood thus securing an eternal redemption for if the blood of bulls exceed me if the blood of goats and bulls and the sprinkling of defiled persons with the ashes of a heifer sanctify for the purification of the flesh how much more will the blood of Christ who through the Eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish keep in mind that sacrificial term without blemish we'll come back to that offered himself to God purify our conscience from dead works to serve the Living God so that it removes the awareness of our past sins not that we don't know we committed them but the guilt of them is gone because Jesus he is the sacrifice he is the one who was offered for us so those animal sacrifices in the Old Testament are a shadow Jesus is the fulfillment he's the one casting the shadow they're a metaphor so to speak I mean they really happened there are historical events I'm not at all saying they didn't happen but they happened as a metaphor as a living metaphor for the the Christ who would come and offer himself so that that's the heart at the heart of Passover is a sacrificed lamb a sacrifice lamb and this is all about Jesus Christ let me read to you a larger section from Hebrews because I want to set the tone I'm gonna move quicker through some of the other you know examples of these 24 26 ways Jesus fulfilled Passover but as we begin we're gonna move a little slower because it's gonna establish the groundwork so Hebrews 10 reading verses 1 through 14 listen to what this says about how Jesus fulfills the the sacrifices of the Old Testament for since the law has but a shadow of the good things to come instead of their true form of these realities it can never buy the same sacrifices that are continually offered every year make perfect those who draw near otherwise they would not would they not have ceased to be offered since the worshipers having once been cleansed would no longer have any consciousness of sins but in these sacrifices there was a reminder of sins every year for it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins so that the first portion here in Hebrews chapter 10 is telling us hey the the repeated sacrifices do it again every year every year every year is a way of saying the jobs not really fully completed Jesus though he only does it once to show you the job is done then we have in verse 5 consequently when Christ came into the world he said sacrifice and offerings you've not desired but a body you've prepared for me as in those Old Testament offerings no it's not gonna be that's gonna be Jesus's body that's offered he's the lamb in burnt offerings and sin offerings you've taken no pleasure then I said Behold I've come to do your Will O God it is written of me in the scroll of the book when he said a when he said above you have neither desired nor taking pleasure in sacrifices and offerings and burnt offerings and sin offerings these are offered according to the law then he added behold I've come to do your will he does away with the first in order to establish the second and by that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all so here we have actually Hebrews giving us divine in commentary on what God said in the Old Testament in his prophetic announcements about how Christ would be the one who would fulfill the symbolism the symbolism in the sacrifices of the Old Testament verse 11 and every priest stands daily at his service offering repeatedly the same sacrifices which can never take away sins but when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins he sat down at the right hand of God waiting from that time until his enemies should be made a footstool for his feet for by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified and so we have here the the image of Jesus Christ having being offered for us to provide us true cleansing of our sins and that's the number one thing that we want to see and Passover Passover sinners on this lamb the original sacrifice in Exodus 12 it's all about the lamb in modern Jewish homes believe it or not there is no lamb offered and Passover they don't eat lamb at the meal and they don't offer lamb after the destruction of the temple in 70 AD and some rabbinical debates that happen in the first century eventually they just stopped offering lamb altogether I feel like almost what's going on now is a picture of how there is no other offering but Jesus but at the time it was all about the lamb it was all about that lamb and they have erected a bunch of other traditions on top of you know Passover that they do nowadays we'll get into a little bit of that later and talk about how that may relate to Christ but ultimately Jesus is the lamb all right number two number two the first one is a sacrificial lamb number two is the purpose of the lamb and people missed this was to avoid punishment for sin avoiding punishment for sin was was at least one of the purposes of the Lamb now some sacrifices had other uses other functions there's a peace offering there's a sin offering there is a guilt offering there's a fellowship offering there's a there's a thank offering there's these different kinds of offerings these are like labels for two types of offerings that were brought to the temple in the Old Testament but we have in Exodus 45 a reference to the Passover as a quote sin offering that's a technical term a sin offering so there's one reason to think well there's there's a connection to the sacrifice sacrifice of a lamb as dealing with sin not just being something you're doing out of love for God or out of thankfulness to God but rather it's dealing with sin but we can make a stronger case for this that theologically the Passover lamb was about dealing with sin because the whole context of the of the Exodus is that this 10th plague would cause the death of the firstborn but Jesus just as he saves us from the coming judgement of God this Passover lamb would save their firstborn from this coming judgment it didn't matter that you were Israelite you needed this lamb and you needed the blood of the lamb applied to your home or the death of the firstborn would take place in your house as well now there's there's more there's even additional reasons we can see for this let me share with you in Scripture how we can say that the Passover lamb was a sacrificial a sacrifice to avoid punishment for sin in Exodus 6 verse 6 God says that he's redeeming them with an outstretched arm and with great acts of judgment that these are the 10 plagues that he's referring to in Exodus chapter 6 I'm gonna bring all these plagues upon Egypt I'm gonna bring you out with great acts of judgment specifically they're called acts of judgment in Exodus 12 12 we have the tenth plague specifically called a a judgment it says for I will pass through the land of Egypt that night and I will strike all the firstborn in the land of Egypt both man and beast and on all the good the gods nothing good all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments so God's executing judgment on the gods of Egypt now if you're thinking oh he's he's punishing these these entities these real and I don't think that's actually the emphasis here Egypt was was full of idolatry in the worship of false gods and God is punishing that idolatry that's what he's ultimately punishing so he's punishing those who worship the false gods he didn't he didn't go through the land and all the idols broke apart and he kills the firstborn he does this because of the idolatry and the false worship and the ultimately satanic religious practices they had going on how does that relate to Israel well cuz if Israel was innocent of these judgments then why would they need the Passover lamb on their doors the blood of the lamb on their doors why would they need the lamb eating the lamb in order to be saved from this judgment well the answer is because they were not innocent you see in plagues 4 through 9 God doesn't punish Israel he doesn't let them suffer 1 through 3 everybody goes through it but it plays 4 through 9 that's the Flies the livestock the boils the hail the locust in the darkness he's not on the land of Israel is not where the Israelites are living I should say because it wasn't their nation but it was the people so those plagues didn't hit the people but the Passover was not limited like that the Passover we're gonna hit the Israelites to because they were also guilty of idolatry just like the Egyptians and we get this in zekiel 20 verse 7 now this is actually you may not know this is actually a pretty important significant point when it comes to understanding the purpose of the cross that Jesus is he's saving us from the wrath of God that is a reality that's what Scripture teaches us exodus 20:7 says you shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain that is not the verse I'm looking for Oh easy kiyul Ezekiel I mean that's a good verse they're all good verses so so Ezekiel chapter 20 verse 7 and this is where God's talking about the describing the Israelites while they were in Egypt and I said to them cast away the detestable things your eyes feast on every one of you and do not defile yourselves with the idols of Egypt this was a command to the Israelites they weren't like these perfect pure people God was redeeming sinners when he brought the Israelites out of Egypt they were not these great wonderful god-honoring people they didn't respect Moses they didn't even want to participate in this whole adventure of their own Redemption no in fact he said to them you need to get rid of these idols because you're idolaters in Egypt but they don't listen they rebelled against him we're not willing to listen and so they don't cast away the detestable things and they did not forsake quote the idols of Egypt as it says here in Ezekiel chapter 20 what's my point I think I think it should be obvious this sacrifice was to avoid judgment and that's exactly what Jesus does for us let me give you one more verse because this is something that a lot of especially the progressives progressive Christians if I can use that term sometimes I wonder if it's being applied to even people who are Christians or not but especially in that camp they really don't like the idea of judgment or Jesus dying for my sin in the sense in which scripture teaches it so on this will help establish that as well as the connection between Jesus and Passover Exodus 1212 says for I will pass through the land of Egypt that night and I will strike all the firstborn in the land of Egypt both man and beast and on all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments I am the Lord so the the the judgment is is coming it's going to hit Israel - they've they've committed idolatry with the idols of Egypt and God is going to provide them away out in verse 13 here he says the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are and when I see the Blood I will pass over you and no plague will befall you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt so Jesus he shows up he shows up fourteen hundred years later and there he is during the Passover week he connects this all together for us and in Matthew 26 verse 26 it says and this is this is Jesus during his final meal with the disciples during Passover during that week he says now as they were eating Jesus took bread and after blessing it broke it and gave it to the disciples and said take eat this is my body now the body that was central to the Passover meal was a sacrificial lamb Jesus is saying it's my body and he took a cup and when he had given thanks he gave it to them saying drink of it all of you for this is my blood of the Covenant well the blood that was significant in Passover was the blood of the Lamb through which God was in a sense purchasing his new people and he says his blood is the new of the New Covenant which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins the purpose of Jesus's blood is to get us forgiveness for our sins as all the sacrificial laws you know are pointing towards and ultimately as the Passover lamb points towards so this is this is pretty heavy now we we get it as well in John chapter 1 this is our second point that the sacrifice of Jesus like the Passover lamb is to deal with sin it's not for just for other purposes it's to cover and deal with sin in John 1:29 we have John the Baptist proclaim about Jesus they says the next day he saw Jesus coming toward him and said behold the lamb of God the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world not just to cover those who are Israelites in Egypt rather the sin of the world Jesus escalates the whole thing it's much bigger it's like Passover but much bigger and more successful it covers over all of our sins the whole world so the first one was the the the sacrificial lamb Jesus is our sacrificial lamb the - is that it has to do with covering and dealing with sin Jesus deals with all of our sin the third point is that the Lamb and now we get into the details of the lamb the lamb had to be male had to be male you couldn't just have any old lamb it had to be a male lamb now Jesus was a male and just as the lamb was male Jesus's is male why that significant why should we care well when we think about gender issues nowadays we're usually thinking about it we're concerned about things that many people weren't that worried about in the past but we're also not thinking about things people were thinking about in the past so we lose the significance of a male sacrifice the idea here is that the man or the male lamb was meant to be representative representative this the the same sense in which Adam represents all mankind Eve comes from Adam and then all mankind comes from the joining of Adam and Eve they're both equally in God's image but Adam stands as the representative of humankind in the garden and his choice to eat of the tree is the choice that brings us all into the fall so as an Adam the scripture tells us all die so in Christ all will be made alive in other words just like Adam is the single male representative of all mankind so Jesus the single male representative of all who come to him in faith and so here we have 1st Corinthians 15:22 and you probably can't keep up and your Bibles but I'm going to take you to the passages I'm reading today it says for as in Adam all die so in Christ shall all be made alive and this is actually a huge point in in the New Testament that Jesus represents us as our single representative of all mankind all mankind not just all males but all of mankind he represents all of us in 1st Corinthians 15:45 later on after explaining this in much more detail than I'll go into today it goes on to talk about I went to 54 instead of 45 there it is he goes on to talk about how Jesus is the last Adam right so the first Adam became a living being the last Adam became a life-giving spirit Jesus is superior to Adam he does represent us but he does he accomplishes more than Adam ever could gives us more than Adam even had so this is an important theological connection and it's missed by a lot of people today Jesus says our representation so he says he's our single sacrificial representation who deals with our sins so we can be forgiven before God this is the theology the deep theology of the New Testament embedded throughout the symbolism of the Old Testament number four the fourth way in which Passover represents Christ Jesus was without spot or blemish just like the Passover lamb was without spot or blemish let me take you to where we see this in the text Exodus chapter 12 verse 5 your lamb shall be without blemish a male a year old you may take it from the Sheep or from the goats and so it's without blemish that's the part I want to focus on here what does it mean without blemish it means that the lamb couldn't have like a malfunction or some kind of deformity I should say of some kind you know and it couldn't have like ugly spots on it or something like that it was meant to be like beautiful and pure like wow that's a great looking sheep you know that's the idea though it's not about the great looking of the great looking nosov the animal instead this is about symbolism all this sacrificial stuff is representative of other things and so the without blemish thing is widely understood to be without sin the idea is that it represents sinlessness and Jesus he was sinless as it says in Hebrews chapter 4 verse 15 for we do not have a high priest speaking of Jesus who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are yet without sin now God's always been without sin but and when he comes in the human form as Jesus you know the son shows up here he is he lives a perfect life and he's exposed to temptation but he never sins so that he makes it to the place of offering still without blemish still without any sort of sin and the New Testament really takes advantage of the imagery of Passover when talking and sacrifices when talking about Jesus in first Peter first Peter versus chapter 1 verses 18 and 19 talks about how we were redeemed by Jesus as sacrifice it says knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers not with perishable things such as silver or gold but with the precious blood of Christ like that of a lamb without blemish or spot do you see this is he's it's his precious blood he's like a lamb without blemish or spot he's pure he's holy he's perfect in every way so the lamb had to be pure and holy get this this is this may encourage your heart Christian you didn't have to be holy your sacrifice had to be holy you were not without spot or blemish but your lamb had to be and if you were to be forgiven and to have it have the judgment pass over you you were not inspected you were not evaluated to see your holiness know the lamb was evaluated to see if it had if it was without spot and blemish and you had simply received this this lamb as your substitute and so today I received Christ and I am not evaluated based on my goodness no God forgives me because of the purity of Christ he forgives me because of the holiness of Jesus so he's evaluated and I'm forgiven he is examined found holy and pure and I am passed over as far as judgment is concerned my sins are forgiven that is so powerful remind yourself of that alright number six number six as we verse we just read in Exodus 12 5 it tells us that the the the lamb had to be a year old a 1 year old now we that sounds really young to us and of course we're not farmers so we're not really thinking what does that mean for a lamb well at a year old a lamb as an adult it's not a child anymore it's an adult this is the offering of an adult in its prime of life a one-year old land would have been of great value you're no longer just feeding into this animal you're able to to breathe the animal you're able to use the animal for any purpose you might have this is this is now in its prime of life and Jesus he was in his prime of life when he was offered you say well Jesus was about thirty when he was offered wouldn't prime a life be eighteen no eighteen year olds might think that 18 is their prime of life that's really not reality it's not true and they're about half as smart as they'll be when they hit twenty-five or thirty in all reality as those of us who were past that age no but thirty hundred other significance to the Jewish mind in particular thirty was how old you were when you could serve as a in the temple he had to be 30 before you could serve in the temple as a priest so you can stand and in a representative and sacrificial role before the Assembly of God when you were 30 and so Jesus he shows up when he's 30 he's reached that sort of maturity full maturity of age now nothing is off-limits for him as far as his function spiritually representing us and so there's an example there as the lamb was one year old Jesus he was thirty number seven number seven when the animal was selected it was selected I'll take you to the passage that tells us this this is an exodus chapter twelve verse three he tells us when they picked the lamb because there was actually ceremony for how they picked the lamb what they did with the lamb through that whole week till they finally sacrificed it how they cooked it how they ate it like all this stuff was really detailed and it relates to Jesus so we're gonna get into that stuff now so the land was selected on the 10th of Nisan 10th of Nisan and you're thinking of cars but this is the name of a month anyway we get this in exodus 12 3 says tell all the congregation of Israel then on the tenth day of this month every man shall take a lamb according to their fathers houses a lamb for a household so they were to hold on to this lamb they took it on the 10th but they held on to it for multiple days until they sacrificed it on the 14th that's when they would sacrifice it that's when when the next thing would happen so Jesus interestingly enough this seems to be I mean we have good reason to think that the day that Jesus did this thing about to read to you it was on the same day that the lambs were being selected or certainly near that time at the very beginning of this Passover season John 12:12 you may know this this is what we call Palm Sunday the next day the large crowd that had come to the feast heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem so they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him crying out Hosanna blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord even the king of Israel and Jesus found a young donkey and sat on it just as it is written and he goes on and he's he's it's just describing you could read this more on your own we have so much text we're gonna cover today but it's describing Jesus's entry into Jerusalem on this donkey and then they're laying down the palm branches and they're crying out Hosanna which means and here's you have to catch the significance Hosanna means they're saying Jesus is the coming son of David the one who has to come the Messiah they're proclaiming he's the king of Israel that is hugely important this is actually part of what got Jesus crucified shortly thereafter it was his deliberate act to show up but when he came as significant he shows up to Israel presents himself as their king in a way they would understand because of Psalm 18 they would have psalm 118 they would have fully understood what he was doing he was saying I'm the coming king of Israel and he does this in their presence win on the day that the lamb is selected the day the lamb is chosen they evaluate the lamb and they go this one will be my sacrifice they thought they were selecting their king in a sense they were but they didn't realize that just as they had selected the lamb for sacrifice Jesus was being selected to die for our sins that's what he was being chosen for so that's the selection of the of the lamb there's more the lamb between the 10th and the 14th of that month he would be examined so this was a process where the lamb could be examined to see if it was really without blemish you want to make sure that you've got a proper offering that you're gonna bring to God I had to be without blemish or spot well this is the same time when Jesus was tried and they tried to find fault in him but they were they were unable to at the same season this is Matthew chapter 26 verses 59 and 60 at the same season they're examining the lamb to see if they can find fault in it in which case it can't be the proper offering for them this is when Jesus has examined and they can't find fault with him now the chief priests and the whole council were seeking false testimony against Jesus that they might put him to death but they found none though many false witnesses came forward at last to came forward and said this man said I'm able to destroy the temple of God and to rebuild it in three days which is not what Jesus said these are false witnesses he said something similar but with a totally different meaning and the high priest stood up and said have you have you no answer to make what is this you say and he he he just straight up tells them Jesus is like hey I'm I'm the son of I'm the son of man who's coming the clouds of heaven to judge the earth and which is just true and then they condemn him so they found no actual Fault in Christ that was that was a violation of the law so they fabricate something and they use false claims of blasphemy against him but Jesus wasn't just examined there he was examined a lot in fact we read a lot about this in the New Testament the trials that Jesus went through multiple trials before different groups during this examination period John 19 4 it says Pilate went out again and said to them now now this is the Roman Court in the Jewish quarter couldn't find real true cause against Christ so he was without spot to them Pilate shows that he's without spot to the Roman courts as well pilots like I didn't know why you wouldn't kill him they had to start a mob thing in order to get Pilate to do it it wasn't because of violation of actual Roman laws in John 19 for Pilate went out again and said to them see I am bringing him out to you that you may know that I find no guilt in him and that should have been the end of the story he's like I find no guilt in him but no no they want they want him to die so Jesus came out wearing the crown of thorns in the purple robe Pilate said to them behold the man when the chief priests and the officers saw him they cried out crucify him crucify him so we have this this picture that's just like the lamp take take him yourselves and crucify him he says for I find no guilt in him then the Jews answered we have a law that according to that law he ought to die because he's made himself the son of God well he was the son of God he wasn't violating any laws see there's there's no guilt as far as as far as he's concerned in the same way it's the lamp pure without flaw without fault yet dying in the place of the people in place of the firstborn we'll come back to that in a second that's actually really neat that's our next thing and so Jesus is inspected and found faultless at the same time as the Passover lamb is inspected and found faultless so that it can be an offering for the people but there's more all right just making sure I'm not getting it everyone so I'll get a message from someone in my one of my mods or something telling me something's going wrong but no that was not that I have to be I've to listen because I like mute things and do dumb things sometimes okay so the next one is this number eight number eight the Passover lamb was in substitute of the firstborn and this is a significance I think people often miss when it comes to Passover let me take you there Exodus 13 verses 11 through 13 speaking of Passover it says when the Lord brings you into the land of Canaan i'ts of the Canaanites as he swore to you and your fathers and shall give it to you you shall set apart to the Lord all that first opens the womb all the firstborn of your animals that are males shall be the lords every firstborn of a donkey you shall redeem of the lamb or if you will not redeem it you shall break its neck every firstborn of a man among your sons you shall redeem so then this is this is a statement that they have to constantly give God the firstborn now it says we're Dean which means you're you would you would offer sacrificially certain animals other ones you'd redeem and you would never offer your son sacrificially to God but there was a symbolism God wanted the people to be aware of he wanted them to know Israel you owe me a firstborn and so the the constant ritual of redeeming buying back the firstborn son was to say over and over again to Israel you owe me a firstborn and why is this instituted verse 14 and when in time to come your son asks you what does this mean you shall say to him by a strong handle Lord brought us out of Egypt from the house of slavery for when Pharaoh stubbornly refused to let us go the Lord killed all the firstborn in the land of Egypt both the firstborn of man and the firstborn of animals therefore I sacrifice to the Lord all the male's that first opened the womb but all the firstborn of here we go the all the male's that first open the womb but all the firstborn of my sons I redeem so this is a memory of how we owe God our firstborn isn't that interesting we all got our firstborn how does this ultimately relate to Jesus Jesus is the firstborn he's the firstborn he's the one who comes and fulfills this he's the firstborn of Israel that all this has been commemorating and sort of speaking to prophetically with these with these lived out metaphors he's the firstborn think about it go it's even bigger than Passover for sure because it goes back to the binding of issac like reg Abraham's said you have to offer your son your only son even though Isaac Abraham had more than one son God calls him his only son just to make it look even more like Jesus his one and only Son and Abraham behinds Isaac but he doesn't actually kill him because God offers an animal substitute but there's this thing hanging on the head of Israel like you still owe me a firstborn the Levites also the Levites and the priesthood they were considered like a firstborn offering of Israel to God the Levitical priesthood they were all I gots firstborn so to speak and so Jesus he's the firstborn of God he's the great high priest he's the ultimate son of Israel he is the fulfillment of the picture of Abraham offering Isaac on the mountain actually in Jerusalem where Jesus was killed so firstborn has several deep prophetic connotations he's the seed of the woman he is Abraham's offspring like Abraham offered Isaac he's the son of David he is God's only begotten there's a single son of David that's mentioned and he's got two only begotten this is hugely significant we could spend all day talking about Jesus being the firstborn but it's prophetically connected to Passover in a big way all right number eight number nine sorry that was number eight number nine couldn't break its bones this is about a ritual with the Passover you're not allowed to break the bones of the animal God had specific instructions and this these seem like why bother with that while they relate to Jesus exodus 1246 it shall be eaten in one house you shall not take any of the flesh outside the house and you shall not break any of its bones okay it's only for the one home don't take it outside but what we're focusing on here is you can't break it two bones how does this relate to Jesus well the Bible makes it pretty clear I don't even have to guess John 19:30 - so the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first and of the other who had been crucified with him now this moment here John 19:30 - we know from his historical studies into crucifixion there was something called a Krueger frag reom if you can say that with without getting tongue-tied and what this was is it was a device not like a fancy device but basically you take a log and put it between the person's legs and take a hammer and you break the legs of a Christian crucifixion victim why would you do this because when a person is on the cross they have trouble breathing because of the way their arms are being pulled out and their lungs are being pulled open they actually don't have a trouble trouble inhaling they have it they have trouble exhaling so on the cross in order to exhale because of all this pressure pulling your lungs open you have to push up with your legs to elevate yourself and lower your shoulders to exhale and then you relax you didn't Hale and your natural state would be inhaling well if the legs were broken you could no longer do this labored breathing and it would really speed up the death of the person and this was something that they would typically do especially in Israel where the Jews had like a big beef with people staying on a cross for long periods of time it was considered a curse on the land for them to stay on the cross overnight so they would speed things up so they did this with the two people who were crucified on the left and right of Jesus but verse 33 when they came to Jesus and saw that he was already dead they did not break his legs it's interesting they just didn't break his legs and then John goes on to talk about what this means but one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear and at once there came out blood and water confirming that he was truly dead he who saw it has borne witness his testimony is true and he knows that he's telling the truth that you also may believe for these things took place that the scripture might be fulfilled not one of his bones will be broken and another scripture says they will look on him whom they've pierced not one of his bones will be broken so even even early on they saw this as a connection to Jesus this is actually a reference to probably two different verses when it says the scripture might be fulfilled one of them though is the Passover lamb pretty significant stuff couldn't break his bones number 10 number 10 and we're going to start moving a little quicker the Passover lamb wasn't just offered in general it was I didn't give you the script run I'll just give you so you can look at it now it wasn't just offered in general it was offered for the household it was offered for a family of people who had to live under the same roof and every Passover lamb was going to be for one family and any guests who were brought into that family by their by their connection with the family relationally everyone who partook was family and in the same sense there's a family connection with death of Christ Ephesians 2:19 it says so then you are no longer strangers and aliens but you are fellow citizens with the Saints and members of the household household of God as the Passover lamb was for one family so Jesus he has died for one family it's just a very big family it is all who come to faith in Him who are made fellow citizens with the Saints and they are made members of the household of God first John 3:1 it says see what kind of love the father is given to us that we should be called children of God we're called children of God and so we are this is this is because of what Jesus did for us he makes us into a family so we enter in and we become that family that's who he's died for he's died for one big old household alright number eleven the Passover lamb had to be slain had to be slain but why am i highlighting that doesn't it seem obvious well let me let me explain first I'll bring up the scripture we're gonna talk about in a second which is Exodus 6 verse 6 and 7 this one so obvious people might miss it so they had to eat it they had to kill it they heard they had to do both of those things they couldn't just say let it suffer or just have it and hold on to it this thing had to die and this is the thing that the Jews struggled with understanding about their Messiah was that he had to die for them yet in all the sacrifices it's always a death that takes place to accomplish the forgiveness so not only did they have to eat it they had to kill it as a ritual sacrifice it was an offering for a purpose and the purpose was purchasing people here we are in Exodus chapter 6 verses 6 and 7 stay there for to the people of Israel I am the Lord and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians and I will deliver you from slavery to them and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great acts of judgement I will take you to be my people and I will be your God and you shall know that I am the Lord your God who has brought you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians this this killing was to bring about a new people it was it was the initiation of a new people verse 6 here in Exodus 6 it tells us how God how God buys them he's gonna redeem them with an outstretched arm brought out from under the burdens of the Egyptian and then verse 7 tells them what he buys them for and is to make them a people is to make them his people so it's being brought into a family again I'm connecting this with the last one number 10 about being brought into a family of God revelation 5:9 connects this to Jesus it says and they sang a new song speaking of Jesus worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals for you were slain and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation so we have Jesus dying just I mean this is like exodus 6 verses 6 & 7 in Revelation as the fulfillment it's Jesus he was slain he died and it was to redeem us to ransom us and it was out of every people he makes one people so Passover is the culmination of all of this stuff the the lamb of all of the redeeming acts of God in Exodus Passover is the culmination the highest point the lamb must be slain the lamb must die it has to die and Jesus connects this to himself in mark 831 and they didn't understand it very well at the time where he says and he began to teach them the Son of man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and she and the chief priests and the scribes and be killed and be killed and after that after three days rise again so Jesus says the Passover lamb had to suffer had to die it was required so this the not only was it a sacrifice for sins the important thing I'm pointing out here is he had to die Jesus had to die this was the biggest stumbling block one of the biggest stumbling blocks for the Jews at the time who just didn't see what God was doing until after it was already done number 12 it had to be at a special location had to be at a special location now the first Passover wasn't at a special location but after that they had to commemorate or remember the Passover at a special place that couldn't just remember it anywhere in Deuteronomy 16 - it says and you shall offer the Passover sacrifice to the Lord your God from the flock or the herd at the place that the Lord will choose to make his name dwell there and his name dwells where his temple is initially this was in some places in Shechem and then it eventually became Jerusalem and it's like that's where you have to go to offer this sacrifice we also read in Exodus 12 13 the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are and when I see the Blood I will pass over you no plague shall befall you I have no reason why I have that verse in that particular spot when I strike the land of Egypt oh oh I skipped ahead in my notes that's the next one I just bounced up in my notes the passage I wanted to take to you - was later in Deuteronomy just pretend that didn't happen things like that don't happen okay so it has to be where God makes his name well in Deuteronomy 16 verses 5 & 6 you may not offer the Passover sacrifice within any of your towns that the Lord your God is giving you but at the place that the Lord your God will choose to make his name dwell in it there you shall offer the Passover sacrifice in the evening at sunset at the time you came out of Egypt so there they are offering and in Jerusalem and that's where Jesus dies Jesus is there in Jerusalem because all these things are to point to Christ it's not an accident it's not an after-the-fact thing this was all planned by God to symbolize in portray the work of Jesus Christ let's take you to number 13 and that's that exodus passage I was taking you to accidentally one of the things they had to do with the lamb okay they had to slay it they had to take the blood of the lamb and as I mentioned earlier that to put it on the door of the house on the door of the house and some actually say that they think this was placed in the shape of a cross which it could be because if you they had to strike the door on the top and on the sides on the the top and the lintels or you know the frame of the door and if you just strike it here strike it there strike it there as sort of natural arms distance you you've got like the dripping of the blood and the shape of a cross which is pretty significant to me hmm but let's read what it says here Exodus 12:20 to take a bunch of hyssop and dip it in the blood that is in the basin this is the lambs blood and touch the lintel and the two door posts with the blood that is in the basin none of you shall go out of the door of his house until morning so they were to come inside touch the door and then and then as they pass through and there they're safe because of the blood the blood protects them so to speak Exodus 1213 that verse I mistakenly read earlier the the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are and when I see the blood when I see the Blood I will pass over you and no plague will befall you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt so they enter through the door with the blood and they be saved how does this relate to Jesus John 10 verse 9 you already know I am the door if anyone enters by me he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture Jesus claims that he's the door he's the one you can enter through me that that he is the fulfillment of this and other symbols relating to doors and access to God of course but really in Passover the door covered with the blood of the Lamb is the way to be saved and Jesus says I'm the door he's the door he's the lamb he's the one who offers the blood he's all of these things now here's an interesting tidbit from history there's an early Jewish Midrash that's Midrash is like a comment it's like a it's like a commentary on the text of Scripture sort of kind of a poetic type thing anyway this Jewish Midrash it's called the Mik hilt of Rob V Roth B Ishmael the mykelti of Roth B Ishmael and it's a commentary on Exodus 1213 that's the verse I just read a moment ago put it on the screen there for you and this is what it says about it hmm it says quote and when I see the Blood I will pass over you I see the blood of The Binding of Isaac why is this significant because they're saying that this Passover representing the firstborn is ultimately tied prophetically to Isaac and what Abraham did in Abraham 22 which is also a huge an intricate picture of Christ and God offering his son this is Jewish commentary this is not Christian okay this is Jewish commentary it's all connected to Isaac and Isaac is significant because he's connected to Christ it's as if God was looking at the blood of the lambs and seeing the blood of Isaac except it's as though this Jewish Midrash doesn't recognize Isaac never dropped any blood he was bound and then set free the one son who offered his actual blood at that place it was Jesus so they're seeing it look back to Isaac but they're not seeing Isaac look forward to Christ that's the significance as God was looking at the blood of the lambs he's seeing ultimately the blood of Christ Isaac's blow was never offered the almost offering of I say of Isaac was a prophetic event even in Genesis 22 even even Abraham himself he says in Genesis 22 in the future in the Mount of the Lord meaning that same location he says it will be provided well what will be well the substitute for the offering of the firstborn it'll be Jesus pretty powerful stuff hmm so they were covered by the blood the door was covered with the blood the house was covered with the blood they would use hyssop which is interesting you could consider this an additional separate thing but I just put it under number 13 blood placed on the door but they were they they used hyssop to put the blood on the door hyssop has interesting connotations in Psalm 51 verse 7 sorry I need to drink some water in Psalm 51 David is repenting over committing murder and adultery sins for which there is no offering in the Old Testament law but he calls out to God God you cleanse me I have no offering to give you but can you cleanse me can you forgive me and so he says purge me with hyssop and I will be clean wash me and I shall be whiter than snow yet later on Psalm 51 16 it shows that he has no sacrifice that will accomplish this right you there's there's no sacrifice or I would give it you will not be pleased with the burnt offering all I can offer God is a broken spirit a broken and contrite heart but God you will accept that because you have the ultimate hyssop the ultimate blood covering cleansing that ultimately comes from Jesus Christ so judgment was coming to all but the blood of the Passover lamb gave a way to be saved just as judgment is coming upon all mankind Jesus provides the way for us to be saved number 14 number 14 I know there's a lot of stuff here but this is an intensive and detailed study of how Jesus relates to Passover number 14 the door versus the veil the door versus the veil so there's a door in the home that is made passable and safe because of the blood and there's also a veil in the temple that relates to Jesus and his sacrifice some may think I'm stretching a bit on this and there's totally fair for you to do that but I think that this has connection that should be mentioned the door as it made the home a safe place to be in spite of judgment Jesus he opened the very presence of God what what space is he opening is safe God's very presence we get this in Matthew 27 Matthew 27 verse 51 and behold the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom and this is at the time of Jesus's death on the cross at that moment there's a greater earthquake it says rocks were split open but also the temple is split open the veil this veil blocked you from the holiest place where only a high priest could go once a year it was like you where everybody else was barred from being there because it was God's very presence and sin keeps us from being to come into his presence well Jesus his sacrifice opens the presence of God to us Hebrews talked about this as well and it gives us the idea that the veil and the body of Jesus they're all connected therefore brothers since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus you get the idea we're entering into the temple so to speak by Christ's blood but the real temple not just the physical earthly one by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain that is through his flesh so we we can enter in we can draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith I have been cleansed by the blood of Christ that I might be in the very presence of God we also have more scripture for this oh no that's all I got for that one I just would mention in the Pat in the passage before Matthew 27 it talks about the rocks were split open and the tombs were opened so Jesus opens two things on his death he opens the veil to be in the presence of God and he opens the tombs to show he's beat death he's conquered death for us so he's given us eternal life with God and that's the representation there number 15 number 15 the lamb was not only sacrificed but the lamb had to be eaten or consumed had to be consumed you had to take the lamb into your own body if you were going to survive this judgment that was coming and the same sense you need to partake of Christ and I don't think here we're talking about the Catholic view of the Eucharist I think we're talking about what Jesus meant when he's saying you need to you need to receive me internally if you have to take in Christ so to speak Matthew Luke 22 19 and he took bread and when he given thanks he broke it and gave it to them saying this is my body which is given for you do this in remembrance of me and likewise the cup after they had eaten saying this cup that is poured out for you is the New Covenant in my blood and so he's saying the food you're eating it's me and you're taking it in and what were they eating that was the Passover meal that was the actual Passover meal so we're taking in Christ just like they had to take in the lamb you can't just acknowledge Jesus mentally you need to receive him as Lord you need to take in a relationship with Christ through faith that's a hugely important thing now there is a Jewish tradition modern Jewish tradition called the afikomen ceremony and what they'll do during Passover is they'll take one of the pieces of matzah and rabbis don't even know where this came from they debated where it came from some some would say it may have come from Christian traditions but they would take a piece of matzah matzah by the way is this bread that we use every time on Passover I have a picture of it here for you and we see it as perhaps representing Christ because it's pierced they pierce it because they don't want it to rise it's unleavened bread so it's Pierce just like Jesus was pierced it's it's charged just like Jesus was suffered the punishment for my sin and it's it's striped even interestingly enough this is the standard Jewish bread that they use not just like for Christians or something this is just what Jews use and it's unleavened to show that it's it's a pure or without sin and Christ is unleavened well they would take one of these pieces of matzah and they would hide it in the afikomen you know ceremony they would hide one of these pieces until after the the meal and then they would bring it back out at the end of the meal and they would declare you know like oh we've discovered it or something like that I'm trying to rubber the exact phrase they use I'm not gonna make one up because I can't remember but what's interesting is that Jesus he relates the bread to his body and it was him who died was hidden in the ground so to speak and then came back resurrected but the phrases they use when they do it I should have written wrote him down they are interesting now their traditions that came post-biblical right they probably weren't doing it during jesus's day was probably afterwards but they're really interesting because they seem to relate to Jesus Christ I think that's a whole different area of study you could get into the word afikomen what they call it off you komen the afikomen ceremony they call it the one who has come the one who has come and of course they're waiting for the Messiah who is to come but off the Komen refers to one who is come and that would be Jesus he their Messiah has already come with Jesus this is all escalated they're not just leaving Egypt you're gaining eternal life and access to God alright number 16 how it was cooked how it was cooked the the the sacrificial animal in the Old Testament had to be cooked in a particular way it couldn't be boiled and it couldn't be raw this is actually how you could even now you could eat raw lamb I think it's called Kibby our family does that sometimes and my wife's family well it couldn't be boiled it couldn't be raw it had to be roasted in fire and had to be roasted whole with its head legs and inner parts everything had to be offered the whole animal had to be there on the fire just as Jesus was completely offered for us this this Connaught says sacrifice better than a boiling or cooking in some other fashion fire in the Old Testament does sometimes represent judgment psalm 89 46 Isaiah 66 verses 15 and 16 fire connects to judgment so here's Christ he's he's suffering for us on our behalf is experiencing that punishment from God for sin that belongs to us alright now let's look at the unleavened bread Exodus 12 19 gives us the place of unleavened bread in the Passover for seven days no eleven is to be found in your houses if anyone eats what is leaven that person will be cut off from the congregation of Israel whether he's sojourner or a native of the land so they can't eat any leavened bread and leaven represents sin this is consistently the opinion of not only commentators and the New Testament but also in rabbinic literature leaven is connected to the idea of sin we're getting sin out of our homes sin out of our lives and so here we see how the unleavened bread that bread that he took and said this is my body how does it represent him well one jesus is holy jesus is holy he's without sin - Jesus makes us holy he makes us holy the the Brett was unleavened but so the homes were becoming unleavened - and Christ he makes us holy so it says here connecting the New Testament to this cleanse out the old leaven that you may be a new lump as you really are unleavened for Christ our Passover lamb has been sacrificed see the connection between the eleven unleavened bread and Jesus and us between him being holy and him making us holy these are absolutely significant but there's more about the unleavened bread than that that might be the obvious thing a lot of people notice but there's more deuteronomy 16:3 it gives a more another layer of significance to the unleavened bread you shall be no leavened bread with it seven days you shall eat it with unleavened bread the bread of affliction for you came out of the land of Egypt in haste that all the days of your life you may remember the day when you came out of the land of Egypt so a modern modern Jews will say that as they're eating the Passover meal they were being reminded of the affliction or the suffering that that was brought on them by slavery in Egypt Jesus he's like this is my body and it's broken I'm experiencing the suffering for you he took the affliction that was ours because of our bondage to sin all right number 18 it was eaten with bitter herbs it was eaten with bitter herbs they're actually told what to eat with the Passover lamb they shall eat the flesh that night roasted on the fire with an unleavened bread and bitter herbs they shall eat it what are bitter herbs well there's various bitter herbs that people use one of them Oh is horseradish like we're talking stuff that makes you go you know this is I like horseradish but it does make you do that right like and so the bitter herbs are connected to to the suffering of that they experienced in Egypt exodus 114 uses the same terminology to describe their suffering as slaves they were slaves and it made their lives bitter with hard service so they're eating the bitter herbs to remind themselves of the bondage of the slavery of the bitterness that they experienced that's the idea Jesus he was sinless but what he experienced as our as our Passover he experienced the bitterness caused by sin and we have this in isaiah 53:4 surely has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we esteemed him stricken smitten by God and afflicted Christ experienced in a very real and visceral way the bitterness of my sin and your sin and the slavery and the bondage that we have engaged in in rebellion to God and so it's a reminder of the bitterness not only of what Jesus experienced but moving forward in our in our walk with Christ it's a reminder of the fact that we may actually suffer hardship and pain and bitterness in this world and some of you may be suffering it right now Philippians 1:29 says it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake and as you partake of Passover and as you're reminded of the death of Christ may you be reminded that there may be a cross for you to bear there is and that there may be suffering that you engage in not so you can cry and be poor me but rather so that you can say you know what I'm gonna glorify God I'm gonna glorify God that I was kind of worthy to suffer for his name's sake number 19 mmm-hmm getting close to the in here how they ate it they had to eat it in a special way here we get it in first Exodus Exodus chapter 12 verse 11 in this manner you shall eat it with your belt fastened with your sandals on your feet and with their staff in your hand you shall eat it in haste it is the Lord's Passover interestingly enough I don't think that the Jews typically do this now adays I don't think they eat it in haste I think it's a very long drawn-out meal but it just to be eaten in haste it's the Lord's Passover maybe they eat a part of it in haste as a memory of that I don't know but here they had to eat it in a hurry now the reason for them initially eating it in a hurry was because they were on their way out of Egypt it was like after this happens boom get out of Dodge like leave the country and then Pharaoh's coming out for them with his army right after that so it's a pretty big deal to get out of Dodge right away but how does this relate to Jesus 1st Corinthians 11 26 how did Jesus fulfill this for as often as you eat this bread Jesus gives us the significance and Paul relays it from Christ to us as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes there's this until he comes thing about Passover where when we partake of communion and this Passover memory what we need to do is we need to be thinking about the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ that we live in this world as pilgrims passing through as those who are not permanent residents of this earth this is not my final home this is not my final anything rather I am living for the kingdom of God and the eternal kingdom of Christ an eternal glory awaits that's where my hope is that's where my confidence is that's where my comfort is Romans 8 speaks to this for I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed in us for the creation waits with eager for the revealing of the sons of God for the creation was subjected to futility not willingly but because they who subjected it in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God for we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now and not only the creation but we ourselves who have the firstfruits of the Spirit inwardly as we eat early wait for the adoption as sons the redemption of our bodies so we're waiting for this coming Kingdom our staff is in our hand I hope yours is I hope you've remembered especially with all the turmoil going on right now that our ultimate kingdom is eternal and untouchable by the current suffering that's code that goes on in this world is temporary world as we partake of Christ we are realizing that we're not only coming out of sin we're coming out of a temporary world into his glorious eternal Kingdom we eat it with our staff in our hand all right number 20 number 20 none of it could remain until morning this is a peculiar thing none of it could remain until morning of the love the Passover meal and you shall let none of it remain until the morning anything that remains until the morning you shall burn you had to eat it was for the whole family and then boom destroy anything that was left over and the New Testament seems to relate this to Jesus in fulfillment in that Jesus would not remain on the cross he would not remain until morning so to speak if John 19:31 since it was the day of preparation so that and so that the bodies would not remain on the cross on the Sabbath for that Sabbath was a high day the Jews asked Pilate that their legs might be broken and that they might be taken away so they come and they break their legs and they take them away Jesus was buried immediately he was buried the same day he was crucified not it did not remain until morning that's very interesting very interesting connotation there now the um yelling before the next one number 21 the nature of the ten plagues has it so that the Passover sacrifice is not just one of the ten plagues right it's not just another plague it's the last and final plague it is the climax it is the culmination of all these acts of judgments so this is like the final climactic act of judgment and it is the ultimate plague that finally leads to the deliverance of people and so Jesus with all the things that God has done throughout history Jesus's death and resurrection is the ultimate thing that leads to the deliverance of mankind it is the one act that succeeds in delivering us all right number twenty-two is a judgment and a sacrifice that brings deliverance from quote slavery slavery now this is throughout the exodus narrative and throughout the Old Testament it's a big deal that God brought he bought a people who were all slaves when he bought them when he bought them as a term he uses so he since Pharaoh hey let my people go God says they're his people he says let him go and he's come to what set the captives free and that's the whole context throughout the book of Exodus and constantly reminded up throughout the Old Testament well in John 8:31 Jesus connects his Passover offering to delivering us from bondage as well John 8:31 Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him if you abide in my word and you are truly my disciples and you won't you you are truly my disciples excuse me and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free and they get offended some of them at this set us free they answered him we're offspring of Abraham it have never been enslaved to anyone how is it that you say you will become free so what what freedom will Jesus give us how is he gonna get us out of slavery jesus answered them truly truly I say to you everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin this lady does not remain in the house forever the son remains forever so if the son sets you free you will be free indeed and so he's giving them the answer that the picture is a look that deliverance from the bondage of Egypt was ultimately the most important thing about it was there was a picture that Jesus would deliver you from the bondage of your own sin not only the guilt of this sin but the control of the sin and he received this Ultem from Christ that's number 22 number 23 there is only one lamb ultimately now this is kind of a peculiarities get when you study the Passover in great detail you wouldn't probably notice it otherwise so let me explain what I mean when I say there's only one lamb but there's a lamb in every house mic yeah but but look at look at these texts in the Old Testament it talks as if there was only one lamb and I think it has prophetic significance second chronicles 35 11 and they slaughtered the Passover lamb and the priests through the blood that they received from them and while the Levites flayed the sacrifices and they set aside the burnt offerings that they might distribute them according to the groupings of the father's houses and the people and it goes on but here's the tribute part while they're very probably were lots of Passover lambs that were sacrificed on that day it's discussed as if there's only one they slaughtered the Passover lamb now right after that it says that the Levites flayed the sacrifice says plural so there seems to be more than one but it's discussed as if there was only one but I'm not building my whole case on that I want you to consider the following passage from the book of Ezra Ezra chapter 6 verse 19 on the fourteenth day of the first month the returned exiles kept the Passover for the priests and the Levites had purified themselves together all of them were clean so they slaughtered the Passover lamb for all the returned exiles for their fellow priests and for themselves and it was eaten by the people it write singular it one Passover lamb slaughtered and it singular was eaten by the people of Israel who had returned from exile and also by everyone who had joined them and separated himself from the uncleanness of the peoples of the land to worship the Lord the God of Israel now it seems like there had to be more than one lamb that was offered in Ezra it would seem like this because how could everyone eat of the one lamb is way to many people but it's discussed as if there's only one lamb what could the significance of this possibly be well Jesus is the lamb Jesus is the ultimate lamb what we get this throughout scripture let me give you one example of it in Revelation 5 verse 12 and they were saying with a loud voice worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing crisis the singular Lamb who was offered for all as John had said behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world in John chapter 1 John the Baptist said it Jesus is the lamb so there's this sort of tip illogical like foreshadowing in the Old Testament where the Passover lamb has talked about is if there's only one lamb for all the people and Jesus comes and he is the lamb for the whole world I love it number 24 it is not only against sin that the Passover deals with deals with the issues of sin or slavery but the Passover was judgment on the world and on spiritual rulers in the in Exodus in our Old Testament shadow the Passover it deals with Pharoah there's like a battle between God and Pharaoh ultimately and he's judging the gods of Egypt as a verse I read to you earlier says Exodus 12:12 freyal passed through the land of Egypt that night I will strike all the firstborn land of Egypt both man and beast and all the all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments so it's done against the gods of Egypt Pharaoh and these and these false gods which we know from the New Testament ultimately demons are behind and it's also in the New Testament we see that Jesus he not only delivers me from sin but he delivers me from the world represented here maybe by Pharaoh and from demonic powers or Satan himself represented just in the Old Testament with God judging the gods of Egypt so it's the world the flesh and the devil they're all three conquered by Christ here's the New Testament verse for you Galatians 6:14 but far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ by which the world has been crucified to me in I to the world that's that's the idea that we've overcome the world through the cross just like they over overcame Egypt through the through the Passover sacrifice it's also a victory over Satan just as it was victory over the gods of Egypt Colossians 2:15 he disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame by triumphing over over them in him this is speaking about of course the cross the cross so the cross gives victory over spiritual powers of wickedness that's what we see in the cross we see this also in Hebrews chapter 2 verse 14 since therefore the children share in flesh and blood he himself likewise partook of the same things that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death that is the devil so he conquered over ultimately over Satan so we have here a perfect parallel between Passover and Jesus it's it's pretty incredible I'll give you guys a couple more bonus ones because why not mmm all right there is an Old Testament text that takes the Passover imagery and it applies it to the Messiah so that we can take the pic just catch this I hope you're still with me here I know there's a lot of content there's a lot of stuff you probably watch this video in like three settings but it takes this Passover symbolism and it ties it to a direct prophecy about the future Messiah dying for our sins and that's Isaiah 53 it says that he was oppressed and afflicted yet he opened not his mouth like a lamb that has led to the slaughter and like sheep that is before it's Shearer's is silent so he opened not his mouth that this Messiah this coming servant of God who will deliver us from our sin be our sin bearer in Isaiah 53 he is like the Passover lamb you see the Passover was the very first national lamb offered for the people of Israel and Jesus is the ultimate Lamb of God offered for all the people of the world Isaiah 53 takes that Passover or that lamb symbolism and it applies it directly to the Messiah this is not it's not the disciples made this up they didn't just discover this or make this up later rather they discovered it because God had embedded it into the text in scripture in the first place all right final one the necessity of Passover and this we get from numbers 913 Passover was not optional for the people of Israel if they did not observe Passover bad things could happen to them but if anyone who is clean and is not on a journey fails to keep the Passover that person shall be cut off from his people because he did not bring the Lord's offering at its appointed time that man shall bear his sin his guilt will be on himself that phrase bear his sin his guilt will be on himself if he rejects this Passover this is a huge deal he's gonna be cut off well with Jesus we see the reverse of all this right when we accept Christ were grafted in we're not cut off were grafted in Romans 11 tells us and the man was said it said he would bear his own sin if he rejects Passover well in first Peter 2:24 we read that Jesus bears our sin because we do receive his Passover sacrifice he himself bore our sins in his body on the tree that we might die to sin and live to righteousness by his wounds you've been healed this is it's it symbolized probably the best in John 14:6 jesus said to them I'm the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Father except through me the Passover was not optional for the people of Israel Jesus is not optional for the people of the world if you want your sins it comes through God's single sacrifice the one Passover lamb who died during the feast of Passover because it was always about him you know I would love to see some time I would love to see one of these Easter movies that do like a reenactment of the death of Christ maybe there's one that exists and I don't know it I'd love to see one that actually connects some of the symbolism of Passover with the sacrifice of Christ like if you're one of these movie people and you're watching can you do one where you guys like you know here's Jesus on the cross and you show the corresponding rituals taking place through that week that you know very possibly at the same day when Christ was crucified even at the same time they're blowing the trumpets and offering the lambs and applying the blood and this is this is hugely significant it'd be cool if it wasn't one of those movies I think yeah now it's not just Passover all of the Jewish feasts represent Christ this is just one feast in great detail more detail than anybody asked for but hopefully you know people are gonna appreciate it I do have a video series about how Jesus fulfilled all kinds of stuff in the Old Testament and I've linked that in the video description it's called Jesus in the or how to find Jesus in the Old Testament my favorite series of everything I've ever taught I've enjoyed that the most because it's so rewarding to study it I'd love for you to comment though what stood out to you of all these different things is there anything you stood out to you maybe there's something where you think no I think you went too far there please let me know I'm just studying along with you trying to you know mind the scriptures for the riches that God has placed there there's stuff I didn't even notice maybe you could add something that I didn't even think of and our next thing we this coming Tuesday at 5 p.m. Pacific time or California time we'll be doing another video and you guys are welcome to come to that let me close this out with one thought we're not doing Q&A today mm-hmm but but I would like to close out with one thought and that is from Romans 8 because jesus is my Passover sacrifice because I have received him because his blood is applied to me so to speak I am forgiven I'm washed I'm cleansed and this applies not only to the sin I've committed but it applies to the current sufferings of this present time we've overcome these things already I pray this last scripture reading would really encourage you and then I'll sign off romans 8 verses 34 through 39 who is to condemn christ jesus is the one who died more than that who is raised who is at the right hand of god who indeed is interceding for us who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword as it is written for your sake we are being killed all day long we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered no in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us for I am sure that neither death nor life nor prêt nor Angels nor rulers nor things present nor things to come nor powers nor height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord I hope you're convinced and I hope you're comforted god bless you
Channel: Mike Winger
Views: 54,949
Rating: 4.9214063 out of 5
Keywords: Passover as prophecy, Jesus fulfilled passover, how Jesus fulfilled passover, the feast of passover, passover explained, Jesus fulfilled prophecy, Jesus as the passover lamb, how Jesus fulfilled the feast of passover, why Jesus died on passover, 24 ways Jesus fulfilled passover, ways Jesus fulfilled passover, mike winger fulfilled prophecy
Id: tbwylmj26SU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 55sec (4855 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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