The Milwaukee Cannibal - Jeffrey Dahmer on Trial

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i'm betty baltan this is closing arguments thank you so much for watching tonight and as we sit here tonight 30 years ago today jeffrey dahmer was arrested there he is remember that face that was in the early years of court tv his trial gavel to gavel coverage well you can watch that trial on our video on demand at court and what we're going to do tonight in the next hour is take you back to that trial because there were many many dramatic and memorable moments let's begin at the beginning of the case opening statements in the jeffrey dahmer trial ladies and gentlemen of the jury we now begin an odyssey [Music] the results of which in a short period of time will result in a decision to be made by you and you alone as to whether or not jeffrey diamond at the time he committed these horrific murders to which he has pled guilty whether or not he was suffering from a mental disease the result of which that he lacked substantial capacity to either appreciate the wrongfulness of his conduct or to conform his conic to the requirements of law we're going to find that when mr dahmer was in eighth grade he started into a series of sexual movements and they took on the form of two things he started masturbating on a daily basis and the object of his fantasies while engaged in that self-abuse or self-conduct or whatever it's called as the doctors will tell you were thoughts concerning young men of his age young boys of his age that even as an early teenager he started becoming interested in bones of dead animals he would take him home he would bleach him he would study them none of this was discovered by any members of his family none of the interests that he had were known to his family when he was about 14 years of age he first came up with the idea of using a corpse for sexual purposes he fantasized either having a corpse or a mannequin to use and it was at that time that he had his first actual consensual homosexual encounter with a it was while he was in high school that this fantasy of his doing things with dead things started showing up when in a biology class he dissected a baby pig and took the head home with them took the skin off and kept the skull to doc three doctors are going to come into this courtroom and they're going to tell you that their opinion is that jeffrey dahmer suffers from a mental disorder and it is called paraphilia without my trying to be a doctor and defining it for you except generally paraphilia is an arousal of a sexual nature to an inanimate object a body part or a and this paraphilia there's all kinds of paraphilias and the doctors are going to tell you about the different kinds of paraphilias but the paraphilia that best exemplifies the paraphilia that jeffrey dahmer had which they will claim is in their opinion a mental disorder which they will state in jeffrey dahmer was a mental disease their paraphilia that they found was necrophilia and necrophilia is a disorder of the mind where there is a desire to have sexual contact with dead bodies that's what they're going to say jeffrey dahmer was there's a lot more than that but that's the mainstay of his condition was his desire for dead bodies to have sex with dead bodies beginning when he was about 16 years of age and this would be in the years of 76 77 he started collecting animals always dead animals and there's going to be testimony as to why that's significant never killed a live animal but would go on the roads and find roadkill dogs other type of animals that have been struck by cars that were laying there and he would take him home and he started having a fascination of wanting to see what they look like inside and he would open them up one time he took off the head of a dog and put it on a stake and hung it out so everybody could see it primarily for shock value this obsession of this dead animals and doing things with them started becoming something that became more and more into his life into his head this isolated person not the one who isn't out in the world but isolated in his own mind certainly isolated in his private private life who lives on his fantasies and who works out his fantasies was a mentally diseased human being and as a result of it he could not have the capacity to conform to the requirements of law until in god's providence tracy edwards escaped from his grasp and the police came back and it all unfolded ladies and gentlemen the jury this is also the opening statement time for the state of wisconsin as a district attorney i have the option of either waiting until the first part proceeds or proceeding now and i wish to tell you what the state will be showing in this case and what the basic theme of this case is we all have sexual desires that comes with humanity everyone in this room has sexual desire some of them vary some of them vary in strength some of them may be for a man may desire a woman a woman may desire a man a man may desire another man or a woman may desire another woman we understand that we all have those experiences most of us know what we're talking about some people have different desires desires that vary from that for some it may be a desire to have sex with a child referred to as a pedophile for another person they're taken up with a fetish maybe they get particular excitement out of seeing a woman's stockings or a woman under under woman's undergarments and we understand that and that involves consensual not for the child but for adults it's consensual people understand that and people can either reject it or accept what another one's sexual desires are as an adult but the key issue is you don't impose that on somebody else and that's what this case is about this is about a man that had sexual desires for men not a crime certainly in most states it isn't certainly it isn't in wisconsin sexual desire for men but it was a man that didn't want it after having relations with such men he didn't want to stop there he didn't want it to end he wanted to continue under his terms and that's what this is about the decision of the defendant to go ahead to take men unwillingly in bath houses and i'll talk about that even other adults that wouldn't do as he wished he began to drug them and that's really what this is about about an appetite a sexual appetite of this defendant that simply would not be stopped you're aware of that in other types of cases whether it's child molesting cases or rape cases we're aware of that this is another type of case this man's first preference was not dead bodies he repeats that throughout his statements he repeats that to the psychiatrist his first preference is not dead bodies that's a later preference that's subsequent when when he can't get people to do exactly as he wishes then then he considers use of a dead body you may be thinking let's talk about his youth you may be thinking a person that killed 17 people must come from a violent household i think we tend to think there must be battery here child abuse must be that they may be sexual abuse was there incest in the home something wrong between some something sexually wrong between the mother and the son or between the the father and the boy something like that going on no evidence of it in this family [Music] was there some violence going on was he beaten and kicked and knocked around by an abusive parent the record is devoid of that and i don't think you'll see anything of that in this trial you will see one of the tests we'll talk about is whether he knew it was right or wrong mr boyle did not address that issue because i don't think there's really much dispute about that issue at all i think you will find from the evidence that mr dahmer knew at all times what he was doing was wrong this is not the case of a psychotic man that didn't know the difference between right and wrong this is a man that had just graduated from high school in a family where there were many opportunities and i'm going to quote from some of the things that he is quoting of mr dahmer this is a quote from mr dahmer when asked he said dahmer said i had been doing so many terrible things that i became desensitized i was completely desensitized it didn't bother me it had to be done to dispose of the remains the ambassador hotel incident was a mistake i had to rush around to make sure that it wasn't discovered the only way i knew how to dispose of it i couldn't leave a whole body in the trunk it got progressively easier to do to the bodies it was it just it was just a part of the procedure in other words it agreed that a human being can adapt to anything like shooting people in combat went on further said that killing quote got so routine close quote the dahmer was able to concentrate on his work said that quote on purpose close quote he did not ask them who they were so that he would not get to know them quote so they were objects close quote the focus of my life was to find fulfillment and satisfaction with good looking guys the cannibalism as he termed it in the saving of body parts were just offshoots just having them for a few nights was not enough then i got into the offshoots and they but they couldn't be kept indefinitely and finally said he said in talking about killing said killing was not the satisfying part killing was just a means to an end i told you that he had preferred he preferred live people even preferred the zombie the experiment there said quote no i didn't get a kick out of all that at all the killing that's why i tried to make it as painless as possible while they were asleep i wasn't into torture end of quote quote or again he further stated that killing the individuals and dismembering them was not part of his sexual act this is not a man that enjoys the killing that says i enjoy the killing he had to drink to overcome the inhibitions found it distasteful psychiatrists call it a versiv was it but it was a means as he put it a means to an end he wanted to continue the pleasure after he had them while they were conscious had him drugged they're coming out of the drugging the ether wouldn't do it okay you kill them you have a couple more days at least with their body you can do what you wish with their body now ladies and gentlemen the jury i've talked for a long time you've been very patient we will put on not just the psychiatrists we will put on numerous people that spent thousands of hours with mr dahmer and i will ask you to listen carefully to what they have to say to listen to our psychiatrists evaluate their competence evaluate their thoroughness in this matter i profoundly and deeply appreciate your attention again 30 years ago today jeffrey dahmer was arrested this hour we're taking a look back at some of the most dramatic moments from his trial when we return one of his surviving victims takes the stand so how exactly was jeffrey dahmer caught how was he arrested apprehended what happened well what happened was one of his victims survived and escaped he took the stand during the trial his name is tracy edwards let's take a listen swear i'll testimony you're about to give this matter a little food and nothing but the truth spencer would you tell us your name and spell your last name for us tracy edwards e-d-w-a-r-d-s and you were in milwaukee wisconsin on july the 22nd 1991 yes and at her about that time on that late afternoon did you have occasion to see a person that you knew at that time or subsequently learned was a fellow by the name of jeffrey dahmer yes and you came up here to testify to the events as you recall them that occurred on the late afternoon early evening early morning hours of july the 22nd in the morning of july the 23rd 1991. that's correct where was it that you saw him in the late afternoon early morning hours of july the 22nd grand avenue mall and that was in milwaukee correct downtown on wisconsin wisconsin correct were you with somebody or were you alone a couple other friends yeah when he came up and started talking to you what is it that mr dahmer said to you uh he said he was just in the city from chicago he was taking care of her sick grandmother i believe in west allis yeah and did he have any further conversation with you and your friends yeah he was just talking he said he was professional photographer he usually pays peoples for pictures and stuff like that if anybody was interested in making money at that time to have to pose for pictures yeah did he describe the kind of pictures that you were going to be posing for if you chose to take him up on the offer oh he said nude knew right tell us what happened then okay he was talking to them then we're gonna go up the street i was gonna go home and change and everything at this time so we proceeded we caught a cab at the bus station you know yeah now what was your plan as you were in front of that liquor store after mr dahmer came out with the liquor and you had been talking to your brother what was your plan to what were you going to do you said you were going to go home and change clothes yeah and eventually to go not when you get up to the available tell us what you observed what your census told you okay first of all it seemed like a normal apartment when we got inside he turned off burger alarms i asked him why first it was a foul odor okay tell us about that what kind of it was just like an odor i didn't quite know what it was you know he told me a sewer pipe had broke and management would take care of it yeah and did you accept that yes because i worked around that construction companies before and when pipes about sewer pipes bust they smell yeah so you're sitting on the couch he brings your beer and rum and coke what happens okay then we just study talking and everything you know general talk general talk what happens yeah then i was just i don't know getting a little agitated maybe you know because of the smell and things and then we he threw my conversation off talking about the fish in the fish tank you know okay when you start talking about the fish in the fish tank do you bring that up or does he oh he does and what do you do when he does that i turn my turn to the right like the fish tank is here i'm turning all the way over here turn to your right to look at it to look at the fist tank right and when that happens what happens to you all of a sudden a handcuff and a knife is pulled on me handcuff is placed on your body where uh on my left wrist and you see a knife yeah the knife yeah what'd you do what'd you say to him i asked him what the problem was you know that it's not necessary to do this you know what'd he say uh he taught me at that point if i wouldn't do what he said he would kill me yeah what did you do when you got in the bedroom is he's holding on to the cuff and the knife what did you do i'm studying just talking trying to be friends with him yeah did you remain standing did you sit down well he made me sit down at that point we both sit on the bed was it at the foot of the bed the side of the bed the head of the bed maybe halfway between did that room have a tv set in it yes was there anything going on on the tv yeah the exorcist movies was playing at that time did you observe him watching the movie and how he would react to the movie right he would like just start rocking back and forth when he you know certain parts of the movie or whatever you have to say what did he say man he was like chanting at certain times and rocking back and forth right tell us about his chanting what was that all about i'm not even sure sir but it was just like i can't tell you the words i couldn't understand what he was saying at that time can you mimic him how it sounded it was like a slow slur like some of that nature some clothes like that i'm not sure okay did you and he move off of the bed at any time yes he wanted me to lay flat down stomach down on the floor at that time okay now but tell us tell us uh did he still have the knife out yes he still had the knife and what did you do okay i kind of like laid on my sides for some reason i guess god told me not to lay flat down or let this person handcuff me so i didn't so you were trying to stop that from happening but you got down on the floor right what did he do he kind of laid across me put his head across my chest at that point what was he doing with his head pardon me what did it appear to you he was doing with his head what was he trying to do like he was listening to my heart because at a point he told me he was going to eat my heart at that point he said he was going to eat your heart yes that's correct did he still have the knife where was the knife pointed when i was on the floor he had appointed at my groin area at that time so he still had a knife you're on the floor how long does he lay on top of you trying to hear your heart as you've described it maybe a minute minute and a half then what hate what did you do then i knew something was about to happen so i suggested that i go to the bathroom i had to use the bathroom what did he do he kind of guided me to the bathroom okay so now you leave the bathroom and what happens okay then we go back into the bedroom you know it was like different times man as we were talking about him leaving and losing his job then he would come to the person that i was first with you know and then at certain points he would change you know at first he was talking telling me about how people didn't care for him and things of this nature and i was trying to comfort him letting him know that i was a friend you know that i wasn't going to try to run away from him or nothing like that he had the knife the whole time right he's watching the movie and he becomes very interested in the movie right you don't do anything just sit there sit there and be quiet and then he would start conversation with you again yeah he was like like you're going to have to do this and that you know then he told me at a point i was going to have to kill him or he either he was going to have to kill me at one point at times and what happened then and then i tell him well i was contemplating i was asking god shall i make my move now and i was going to just jump out the window but when i got out for some reason i asked could i have another beer yeah and what did he do and he reaches over he guides me over and reaches in and get a beer he's still got you on the cuff yeah and then he tells me i'll tell him i want to sit in the front because it's an air conditioner i was just going to try to jump out the window or go for the door whatever and because the back bedroom didn't have air conditioner only in the front so i suggested we sit on the couch i had to unbutton my shirt to try to make him feel more at ease and then and then i just sat on the couch like and he just start going out of himself again going out of himself yeah he was like paying me no attention at that time like he wasn't there yeah he started to chanting again and it's like just sitting there you know and then i just for some reason i said well i need to go to the bathroom again and he didn't follow me at that point so i reached up i got up and then i got hit him and i ran out and what happened then i made it outside so he wasn't able to bring you back get me back in there now he tried that's right and as you left that apartment as you got away from them i'm going to ask you again what impressions were made on your mind by the conduct of jeffrey dahmer by the actions of jeffrey dahmer by the manner expressions and conversations of jeffrey dahmer that you observed can you give us some words it's like i told the policeman that this freak this crazy guy was trying to hurt me yeah did you run out of the building yes i did did you summon help yes milwaukee police department that's correct did they come back there with you to the apartment right did you eventually go back into the apartment with the milwaukee police officers yes and then he was arrested right you gave a statement to the milwaukee police a few hours later yeah that's a few hours yeah thank you unbelievable story unbelievable testimony when we come back we're going to hear more from inside that courtroom victim impact statements in the jeffrey dahmer trial 30 years today he was arrested once i got out of the apartment i started i knew right away i was dizzy and what happened you start were you starting to walk home yes i did and did you feel dizzier as you walked further towards your house yes what happened when you got home i slammed the door i couldn't even walk straight and just headed to bed you headed to bed yes did you get into the bed yes i did when is the next time you became conscious of where you were where were you at the hospital there were two of you there at the time yes there was did you start drinking the drink yes i did what happened next uh i i don't remember i estimate that i probably had a few sips out of the drink i know that i didn't finish it and um that was it i i blacked out that was one of the victims who escaped from jeffrey dahmer 30 years ago today he was arrested you can watch his entire trial it's available trials on demand 100 free just go online you can watch the whole trial after this show ends of course um right now we're showing you some of the most compelling parts and i think for a lot of people when they think back uh to some of the most um gripping moments and emotional moments and moments that really um got to to the the heart of what these victims went through and their families went through were the the impact statements let's take a look i'm a j.w smith brother of edward warren smith our parents walter and josephine smith were two hard-working americans who raised 13 children of the survivors i've been selected to express a statement of each one's personal pain joseph patrick edward is gone and i find comfort in these words whosoever believeth in me shall never die michael fitzgerald i'm sure everett was a friend to jeffrey dahmer as he was to us who knew him well i have these pictures in my mind that are running continuously how can anyone comprehend or come to accept that never again in this life will edward be eddie's gone now the victim of your senseless killing where do we go from here we ask ourselves why did this happen to a person like eddie he gave so much and has so little all he wanted was a chance to be himself thank you good morning my name is stanley miller i'm the author of ernest miller and i've been given this opportunity to come before you on behalf of the miller family we want to say that there is no place in a civilized society for anyone who shows no regards for life especially in the form and manner that jeffrey dahmer has shown jeffrey dahmer just a couple of things about ernest that you didn't take the time out to find out first ernest was a dancer this came naturally and this was his dream although his short all through his short lived life second he had a family that loved him he has a niece now that's four months old that he'll never get to hold or play or just watch grow up he'll have to look from heaven now i hope that you live a long life so that one day you can appreciate life on that day you would you would know my family's suffering furthermore fortunate for you wisconsin doesn't ask you for what you have taken but then you can only give once i'm not for the death penalty but you are a perfect candidate to miss mccann thank you for fighting the battle that ernest couldn't fight for himself as we said back and fought the battle of faith you taught us all a lesson on responsibility that we'll never forget you and your staff has my family deepest respect to the dahmer family i know that there are some dark days for your family but the morning will come so look to the and and you will make it through my name is dorothy strauder i'm curtis daughter's mother um i don't have nothing prepared to say it's just a few things that i would like to say you took my 17 year old son away from me i'll never get a chance to tell him that i loved him i'd have a chance to tell him that i love him the last time i saw him which will be a year tomorrow you took my daughter's only brother away from her she'll never have a chance to sing and dance with him again you took my mother's oldest grandchild from her and for that i can never forgive you i hope you i hope you can deal with what you've done i'm trying hard to you almost destroyed me but i refuse to let you destroy me i will carry on thank you man good morning your honor i'm janie hagan the sister of richard guerrero i am here as a spokesperson for my family the first thing i would like to do is thank mr mccann and his staff for doing a fantastic job on march 24 1988 richard disappeared at the age 21 and i also want to state that my family did everything in our power in finding our beloved richard guerrero he was a young man full of life and energy with the ambition to make others happy as a loving person he would always take the needs of others before his own so jeffrey when you killed my brother richard guerrero you also killed my father and my mother's youngest future and my three brothers lives including my life my husband and my three children will never forget this tragedy that you inflicted upon us so your honor please i beg you don't let this man ever walk our streets or see daylight again thank you thank you man good morning honor my name is donald radoff i'm the for the bright house family as much as love in our family closed [Music] my mother gave five beautiful kids we lost he destroyed the baby of the family and i hope you go to hell good morning your honor my name is thomas and i'm the mother of david thomas first i want to let you know jeffrey dahmer about the pain that you caused my family that was my baby boy that you took away from me his sisters and brothers and they can't hardly deal with this you have a little child cortea they'll never see her father again she was only two and now she sits in the wind and she say she asked her mother mommy where is day day she called him day day where is day day when is day day coming and i think that's a sad thing for a child to see to go through all her life not know her father another thing i want to talk about is the feelings you know i don't understand how a person could really harm a person and to say that well i did this because he wasn't my type well if everybody go around doing something to somebody because they're tight this would be a sad world today and i just feel that this man should never be able to walk the face of earth or to be able to harm anyone else again hello my name is marilyn sears i'm the mother of anthony lee sears and i just wanted to know you know just why you know why would it be my son you know um i just want to thank you michael mccann for the good job he did well you did a good job too but i'm glad mccann won it and i want to thank the jury and i want to thank you judge and just keep this man off the street please i don't even need a microphone my name is rita no ma'am you'll address the support my name is rita isabel and i'm the oldest sister of errol lindsay j whatever your name is hayden i'm mad this is how you act when you are out of control i don't want to ever see my mother have to go through this again never jeffrey jeffrey [Music] that's the pain that's the that's the heartbreak that is the um what's caused by jeffrey dahmer um when we come back we'll hear from the convicted murderer himself tonight we're taking a look back at the trial of jeffrey dahmer and jeffrey dahmer himself spoke let's take a listen your honor it is over now this has never been a case of trying to get free i didn't ever want freedom frankly i wanted death for myself this was a case to tell the world that i did what i did not for reasons of hate i hated no one i knew i was sick or evil or both now i believe i was sick the doctors have told me about my sickness and now i have some peace i know how much harm i have caused i tried to do the best i could after the arrest to make amends but no matter what i did i could not undo the terrible harm i have caused my attempt to help identify the remains was the best that i could do and that was hardly anything i feel so bad for what i did to those poor families and i understand their rightful hate i know i will be in prison for the rest of my life i know that i will have to turn to god to help me get through each day i should have stayed with god i tried and failed and created a holocaust thank god there will be no more harm that i can do i believe that only the lord jesus christ can save me for my sins i have instructed mr boyle to end this matter i do not want to contest the civil case i have told mr boyle to try and finalize them if he can if there is ever any money i want it to go to the victims families i've talked to mr boyle about other things that might help ease my conscience in some way of coming up with ideas on how to make some amends to these families and i will work with him on that i want to return to ohio and quickly end that matter so that i can put all of this behind me and then come right back here to do my sentence i decided to go through this trial for a number of reasons one of the reasons was to let the world know that these were not hate crimes i wanted the world in milwaukee which i deeply hurt to know the truth of what i did i didn't want unanswered questions all the questions have now been answered i wanted to find out just what it was that caused me to be so bad and evil but most of all mr boyle and i decided that maybe there was a way for us to tell the world that if there are people out there with these disorders maybe they can get some help before they end up being hurt or hurting someone i think the trial did that i take all the blame for what i did i hurt many people the judge in my earlier case tried to help me and i refused his help and he got hurt by what i did i hurt those policemen in the counteract matter and i shall ever regret causing them to lose their jobs and i hope and pray that they can get their jobs back because i know they did their best and i just plain fooled them for that i am so sorry i know i hurt my probation officer who was really trying to help me i am so sorry for that and sorry for everyone else that i have hurt i have hurt my mother and father and stepmother i love them all so very much i hope that they will find the same peace i am looking for mr boyle's associates wendy and ellen have been wonderful to me helping me through this worst of all times i want to publicly thank mr boyle he didn't need to take this case but when i asked him to help me find the answers and to help others if i could he said stayed with me and went way overboard and trying to help me mr boyle and i agreed that it was never a matter of trying to get off it was only a matter of which place i would be housed the rest of my life not for my comfort but for trying to study me in the hopes of helping me and learning to help others who might have problems i know i will be in prison i pledge to talk to doctors who might be able to find some answers in closing i just want to say that i hope god has forgiven me i know society will never be able to forgive me i know the families of the victims will never be able to forgive me for what i have done i promise i will pray each day to ask for their forgiveness when the hurt goes away if ever i have seen their tears and if i could give my life right now to bring their loved ones back i would do it i am so very sorry your honor i know that you are about to sentence me i ask for no consideration i want you to know that i have been treated perfectly by the deputies who have been in your court and the deputies who work the jail the deputies have treated me very professionally and i want everyone to know that they they have not given me special treatment here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance christ jesus came into the world to save sinners of who i am the worst but for that very reason i was shown mercy so that in me the worst of sinners christ jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive an eternal life now to the king eternal immortal invisible the only god be honor and glory forever and ever i know my time in prison will be terrible but i deserve whatever i get because of what i have done thank you for your honor and i am prepared for your sentence which i know will be the maximum i ask for no consideration there is nothing else uh from the defense relationships matter your honor thank you it now becomes the duty of the court to impose sentence in this case and one of my obligations to set forth on the record the basis for the sentence imposed in doing that i'm required to consider the seriousness of the offenses the needs of the community for protection from the defendant as well as the needs of the defendant heard a great deal of talk in this case about mental disease the jury found that a mental disease did not exist i think correctly so people are looking to me to provide a measure of protection to the community and i don't think there's only one way that that protection can be [Music] provided and that is to see that this defendant never again has the opportunity to walk the streets of our community as a free man you know that really that's part of judicial discretion i guess but it really in this case doesn't require a whole lot of discretion i can't imagine anybody else coming up with any other conclusion and i think that's been acknowledged by both the defense attorney and the defendant himself as to count one the court will impose the mandatory life sentence plus an additional 10 years on the habitual criminality count two life imprisonment plus 10 years consecutive to count one count three life imprisonment with the date of parole eligibility 70 years from the inception of that particular sentence i don't have all the numbers that i can't work it out but it'll be 70 years from the beginning of that sentence which will be consecutive to count two count 15 life imprisonment with parole eligibility to be 70 years after the inception of that sentence to be consecutive to count 14. i believe i have and i intended to follow the recommendation of the state i i could have said something different which would have had the same impact i really [Music] see nobody gains anything by just to say more and more years the important point is that the sentence is structured in such a way that this defendant will never again see freedom that is owed to this community in order to protect the community as well as acknowledgement of the seriousness of the offenses those are the reasons the sentence of course is to the state prison system one thing i didn't provide all of these sentences are consecutive to the time he's presently serving jeffrey dahmer and the entire trial as i've told you available on court trials on demand it's free that trial is there there are plenty of others as well so you can go binge whenever you want but taking a look back on that one today i think really important 30 years ago is when he was arrested it's a trial that we'll never forget here at court tv
Channel: COURT TV
Views: 137,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Milwaukee Cannibal, Milwaukee Monster, Real Crime, court tv, court tv live, court tv live trial 2021, court tv live trials, vinnie politan court tv, Courtroom, Jeffrey Dahmer, Jeffrey Dahmer Full Trial Serial Killer, Jeffrey Dahmer serial killer, Opening Statments, WI v Jeffrey Dahmer, court tv full trial, court tv live trial, defense for Jeffrey Dahmer, how did jeffrey dahmer die, jeffrey dahmer court fight, jeffrey dahmer trial, crime documentary, serial killer
Id: anQUU0YakMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 1sec (2641 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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