Supreme Court to hear major cases on homelessness, abortion, presidential immunity

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going to head at an important week for the Supreme Court where the justices are going to hear arguments on several key and contentious issues including abortion limits and a claimed by former president Trump that presidents have complete and total legal immunity for their actions when in office but first they're going to hear a case focusing on homelessness and what can and cannot be done to fight it Jan Crawford is at the Supreme Court for us covering all this Jan big week good morning a big week Tony and first this morning a case from Grants Pass Oregon now that's a town of about 40,000 people and it was seeing more and more homeless people who were sleeping outside uh in their T their cars or in tents and businesses and residents started complaining so the city started enforcing laws that were punishable with fines or even a month in jail for repeat offenders that outlawed sleeping or camping in public spaces now a group of people who are homeless sued saying that that amounted to unconstitutional cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the eth amendment lower courts agreed and they blocked Grants Pass uh from enforcing the law now this case could have wide ranging implications a liberal Governor Cal at California Gavin Newsome Republican officials in 23 states have weighed in saying that if the court strikes down this law it could make it almost impossible to dismantle encampments Tony that would cause problems of its own uh Jan what about the other cases on the Court's schedule this week well on Wednesday we're going to have a case about emergency medical care for women who may need abortions now in that case the Biden Administration sued Idaho saying that it's abortion ban which only allows exceptions to save the life of a mother or in cases of rape and incest violates a federal law regarding emergency medical treatment then on Thursday the most contentious of them all involving uh president Trump and former president Trump and whether he can be criminally prosecuted for actions while he was in office this case could determine whether special counsel Jack Smith can go forward with that trial uh to prosecute former president Trump for his alleged efforts to interfere and overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election now Trump of course claims that he is absolutely immune for prosecution Tony Jen thank you very much
Channel: CBS Mornings
Views: 33,828
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Keywords: video, cbs, news, supreme court, abortion, presidential immunity, justice, president trump, homelessness
Id: 9bDqjBzmJGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 15sec (135 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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