The Mile Long Fence Line Clearing

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excavator has arrived time to get it unloaded go to work i got to get that on youtube if you had one piece of advice for my followers what would it be if you had one piece of advice to give my followers today what would it be to cut that damn thing off and get inside well i got the machine warming up just uh greased the bucket and everything ready to go to work so i'm gonna take the machine take it over here to where i gotta start on the fence line and i'll show you what i got to do so i'm going to get started on it's about a 30 acre farm i've got to clear all these little trees out this was an old tobacco field and the farmer let it overgrow before the new owner here bought it and the trees grew up higher than uh a little bit bigger than he could push hog so as you can tell the cows have been eating it out i'm gonna clear all that out so they got a nice little pasture here but what i'm gonna do is start right here and go completely all the way around the farm so that they can put in a property line fence we're staying off the blind a little bit and kind of pack picking the path of least resistance through all the big trees but still trying to keep the fence as straight as possible so what i'm going to do is start in right here and start going through the woods and clearing a path wide enough for the machine 20 feet wide or so and then every so often just make piles throughout the woods on the inside of the line uh just for all the brush because it's literally almost a mile all the way around and trying to drag brush out and burn it in the woods is just not going to be very practical and it's too big to mold so that's the plan for today so i made my way down into the woods clearing this and i think the first part was going to be the most aggravating part because the field's right there and it's real tight there's a lot of trees to start with there's a lot in a back corner back here but once again i've got room to work and pile stuff right here i'm trying to upon a lot of stuff in the field i'm gonna have to bring down and tuck into the woods but what i'm trying to do is clear the path and then every you know 100 feet or 75 feet whatever it works out just make a pile of brush over here once i get down in here farther i can kind of tuck it back in the woods a little better as you can tell there's not a lot of room to work and the trees don't want to break up very good so it's becoming a little bit of a pain plus i'm trying to leave it looking somewhat civilized so so that one got wedged between that next tree and that big one i'm trying to save so i'm gonna go knock that little one down i can drag it out without knocking all the bark off the tree there beside it i'm trying to say well that's too late i already have well that one's got its first boo-boo i really try not to knock the mark off all the trees i'm trying to say because it does kind of wound them but you can only do so much in the little area like this to work in it'll be okay so [Music] that's probably enough right there i'll shove the rest of it down here and make another file we walked this yesterday it was like a heat index of like 106 and flagged it it took two rolls of ribbon it's a long ways around the place and through the briars my god the briar's here [Music] ground as hard [Music] [Music] i almost need my stumper attachment but it ain't worth the turn for trying to pick up stuff and rent stuff so you spend more time taking the bucket on and off than it accomplishes [Music] there we go just had to get the angle right [Music] [Music] so [Music] show you what i've done so far so just trying to get a nice little path down through here nothing fancy just i'll come back through here break all day clean it up better just trying to get the bulk of the trees out see how far i can get well that's the reason i use pink ribbon is because you can clearly see it through the woods and it makes finding the trail you flagged a whole lot easier so there's a few big trees i'm going to try to hook to the left of them right here aim back through that way but it's going pretty good trying to forge a path i'll probably end up going down there and taking that tree down on the left you know he's fine if it's not perfectly straight but for fencing you kind of want it as straight as possible so not too bad of progress and like i said i'm just taking the stuff here and piling up in the woods every 7 500 feet uh there's a lot down there because there's a lot of trees but down here it's not going to be too bad a few years that'll be rotted down and i mean everything's grown up anyways you really won't notice it a lot better trying to i mean there's really no place to take it it would cost a fortune to drag it out take it to a pile all right here we go keep going so i've tried to avoid taking down as many big trees as possible this is not really a big tree but one of the bigger ones if you got to dig around it and uh break it up pretty good to be able to move it out of the way i consider it a big tree but it's like dead center to paths though take it down as you can tell it is very dry around here we've had some rain but not like we should have which i don't want to jinx myself because this right here is kind of a low-lying area so it would be pretty dang wet if it didn't rain [Music] that one kind of looked like it was going off course that's why i went ahead and shoved it down so quick it's a dry sandy material which is good because it'll be nice i can break through it and kind of clean up everything i'm probably just going to break the skid steer over here and just run up and down it level it up for him if the dozer wasn't on the big clearing job i'm helping a friend with i probably would have brought it over here but i'll probably get done with this job before i get done there i think he's got a couple acres left clear lay that down so it's not a total hole there we go so i thought about trying to salvage some of this wood but just not going to be enough to be worth my time by the time i'd sit here and cut it up and then tote two logs out at the time with the skid steer it's just easier to do that right there and just pile it back up and let it return back to nature so figure out which tree you want to take down next that one's height on that either the ones in my right or to my left the nice thing about this pile of stuff up not worried about burning it is you can just kind of rub over it if i get dirt in with it does that really matter [Music] i think i'm gonna get the tree right here on my right [Music] so the property line should be over there um we just tried to stay off the line a little bit if it stays overgrown like that it'll kind of deter people from venturing through the woods plus it leaves a little bit of a bumper buffers are good not that he can see those trailers anyways because there's so many woods on this side but [Music] this tree is going to be a little bit of a challenge to break up i think i need to get over a little bit i need to fall that way more than that way i didn't realize it was quite this dry out here though kind of surprising to go down [Music] there we go right there right where i wanted uh maybe i didn't go over the line we're gonna start hugging back this way i think we just got turned around in the woods a little bit everything got done pretty straightforward [Music] you almost need the chainsaw on this one [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right well let me get this cleaned up and uh we'll keep clearing some more so i just happened to look down think that's an old crosscut saw i think i don't know nah it's not big enough no i was wrong what is that something for cutting interesting so that was the property line over there so i had to go around the other side of that tree i double ribboned it just so i could find it but going through the woods it looked like a uh clearing ribbon so i kind of aimed towards it and got off a little bit but not the end of the world just trying to make my way through here now well i made it to the first property corner down the far side i've been working on and it's getting slow going now the trees are getting big starting to break all these trees up because frankly i don't want a chainsaw so i'm sitting here trying to break up 16 to 18 inch diameter pine trees yeah that's probably only about 12 14 there trying to figure out if i can change my path a little bit not to take so many down all right so i need to my path is going through here good i can avoid that big one right there i need to just go ahead and turn and come right straight through here all righty then i run into the same problem down here with more big trees once i get off this ridge right here it's not bad but for the next little ways it's a lot of freaking trees [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well i've made it to a good stopping point i might have made it halfway around this farm i don't know probably not just yet oh these pine trees that what my butt they were big trees and tall a lot of stuff to get rid of but never cease to be amazed on the stuff you find out in the woods this stuff has been here a while makes you wonder just how it got back here we got a boat and the tag on that said 92 just been back here i guess this was a field back then oh just got a little bit of everything back here looks like the kids have taken advantage of knocking all the windows out looks like a good place for a rat nest all right i'm gonna take the uh excavator back up there to the front fill it up with fuel call it a day
Channel: letsdig18
Views: 249,167
Rating: 4.9304748 out of 5
Keywords: excavator, trackhoe, track, hoe, digger, bagger, volvo, lowboy, hauling, new, fence, life, junk, cars, clearing, farm, farmer, farming, heavy, construction, equipment
Id: iH3V1aYJNgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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