Top 10 Crazy People Who Claimed to Be God

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you'll think twice when saying someone has a Messiah Complex after seeing this list I am a golden God welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 crazy people who claimed to be God before we begin we publish new videos every day so be sure to subscribe for more great content for this list we're looking at instances where real life figures declared themselves to be of divine origin either the almighty himself or his direct offspring no I will never die as God gave me as a command number 10 - Muhammad also known as I append to his followers - Muhammad claimed to be the king of the sky as well as the reincarnation of Buddha Muhammad Jesus and Shiva pin learned of this from an angel which first came to him when he was between 10 and 12 years old and then again in his early 30s to inform him he was God given his godhood pin has a skill set that included invisibility and the capacity for telepathic killing [Music] mostly however pin oversaw unusual building projects including a giant teapot around the compound of a sect known as the sky Kingdom in Malaysia by the time of his 2005 exile to Thailand pin claimed to have 10,000 followers worldwide I'm sorry to bother you but are you telling people you're God number 9 Wayne bent known to some as Michael Travis er bent a convicted sex offender is the leader of the Lord our righteousness Co a former seventh-day Adventist pastor bent claimed to have been informed directly from God that he in fact was the Messiah they had to lie about Jesus to get rid of him and they would have to do the same to me his special mission was to sleep with seven virgins some of whom he allegedly found among the daughters of his strong city followers statutory rape and Messiah complexes aside fence other claim to fame was his prediction of the world's end which he deduced wrongly we now know was to occur on October 31st 2007 number 8 sad gay tore up known as Vasari on and leading the Vasari a Knights shared gay taught up is the founder of the Church of the last Testament a red army vet turnip was a traffic cop until he was fired in 1989 soon after tora began having revelations and realized that he was not God but rather a reincarnated Jesus Christ making him the Word of God the sect leader considers the Virgin Mary to be his biological mother and has even modeled his look after his mother's better known son Vasari on claims to have a following of around 4,000 Russians with a global reach of around 10,000 and uses a modified calendar set by his arrival on earth number 7 David Shayler that doesn't bother me because I was chosen by God a former mi5 operative David Shayler broke ties with the agency and in 1997 leaked claims to the press that it was committing unwarranted investigations against socialist politicians tried under the Official Secrets Act of 1989 he eventually became a vocal part of group like the 9/11 truth movement a fan of David Icke and took up a hard-line anti Zionist stance in the late 2000s Schaller began claiming to be the Messiah Jesus Christ and holder of the secret of eternal life so ten years ago when God came to me I realized that I was Jesus Christ obviously people think you're insane when you say that but I would say people exactly opposite of the baby however unlike the traditional Jesus Schaller also lives part of his life as a woman named Dolores Cain who squats in a seventeenth century farmhouse number six INRI Cristo born alvaro theis INRI Cristo claims that quote a powerful voice speaks to him it compelled him to leave his parents when he was 13 and it was what brought him back from atheism and informed him that he was the second coming taking a new name mostly an acronym for king of the Jews Henry said about wandering the earth and visited 27 countries to spread his word he was also kicked out of at least three those being Venezuela the UK and the United States but was harbored if not welcomed by the French number five jose luis de hay-zu's Miranda according to jose luis de hey-zeus miranda his actual name sin is a thing of the past our sin free world began when he discovered that he wasn't just cleverly named 666 Antichrist means do not put your eyes on Jesus Christ of Nazareth put it in Jesus after the cross and that's you that's me in his twenties Miranda said that he was visited by angels who informed him of his true calling he then said about founding the crescendo and gracia church and began to claim to be Paul the Apostle in 2005 he traded Paul for Jesus claiming to be Jesus Christ man and this was followed soon after by claims to be the Antichrist Jesus Christ men the second coming of Christ I am Miranda died in 2013 of cirrhosis of the liver a condition very much at odds with his so-called immortality number four Marshall Applewhite claiming not only to be God but also a quote level above human Marshall Applewhite differed from his contemporaries by not only touting eternal life with God but also a chance to get out of earth before it was quote recycled well title this tape planet earth about to be recycled your only chance to evacuate is to leave with us the best way to do that was to join the Heaven's Gate cult a religious sect with a sci-fi twist the cult planned to escape by catching a spacecraft that was trailing the hale-bopp comet unfortunately suicide was not only a requirement for boarding the ship but it was also the method and in 1997 Applewhite and his 38 followers were found dead in a rented California mansion number three David Koresh born Vernon Howell David Koresh first encountered the Branch Davidians when he moved to Waco Texas in the early 1980s it was in Waco that Koresh changed his name and found a place where he became a leader it wasn't long before he claimed to be the Son of God with a gift of prophecy however allegations of child abuse and illegal weapons got the federal government involved and set the stage for an infamous 51-day standoff for ATF agents and six Branch Davidians were shot and killed before a fire killed 76 Branch Davidians including Koresh number two Charles Manson for many the name Charles Manson is synonymous with pure evil Manson spent his youth committing crimes and bouncing from boys homes to prison until he emerged in the late 1960s during the hippie movement during this time he pieced together what became known as the Manson family living in a commune Manson claimed to be God or at least God's son and prophesied an oncoming race war in 1969 he instructed his followers to carry out the murders of actress Sharon Tate and five others from this Manson gained global infamy as well as a life sentence owing to seven counts of first degree murder and one count of conspiracy before we unveil our number one pick here are some honorable mentions [Music] it's not God's will for me to have these things I have yeah you can pick it away number one Jim Jones the architect of the largest mass suicide in American history Jim Jones was the founder of the People's Temple originally founded in Indianapolis then based in California but Lia relocated to Jonestown Guyana claiming to be Jesus among others Jones spread messages of racial equality socialist and communist ideals but human rights abuse claims led to an investigation by u.s. congressman Leo Ryan in 1978 when Jones allowed Ryan to free people who claimed to be held in Jonestown against their will Jones launched an attack killing Ryan and some of his party in the wake of this Jones then initiated the mass suicide of him and his followers via cyanide poisoning do you agree with our picks check out these other great clips from WatchMojo and subscribe for new videos every day
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Keywords: cult leaders, infamous cult leaders, messiah, claimed to be god, insane leaders, deadly cults, rapture, WatchMojo, top 10, top 5, list, best, worst
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 02 2018
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