The Messed Up Relationship Between Scar, Mufasa & Their Father...

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it's common in Disney and Pixar movies for a character to have a strain relationship with one of their parents in Aladdin Jasmine and her father were constantly arguing and Luca didn't see eye to eye with his parents view on humans in the movie Luca but no relationship has been as strained or as toxic as the one between Scar and his father King aaditi be warned though this is not a happy Story I mean let's be real here scar was never destined for Success at least not if his father had anything to say about it you've probably wondered by now and well scar most likely wasn't the Lion's original name and if you considered the novel A Tale of Two Brothers to be Canon then his father chose to name him something truly awful at Birth according to the story King aaditi had two sons the Elder son was Mufasa who as you know went on to become a great king who was well respected in the pride lands well interestingly enough in Swahili Mufasa actually means king but scar wasn't as lucky as it turns out his father decided to name him taka which in Swahili translates to waste or trash now I don't know about you but if I wanted to set my kid up for success I wouldn't name him after literal garbage especially not when his older brother is named king that's just wrong on so many levels but I guess you could justify the name if aati was at least fair with both of his children and treated them equally right well I hate to break it to you but in almost every Source from The Lion King that mentions aaditi and his relationship with his sons it's implied that aidi did not have a good relationship with Scar and in turn he might have taught Mufasa to act the same way you see Disney fans first introduction to ATI was through the 1994 novel A Tale of Two Brothers written by Alex Simmons in the novel aaditi is revealed to be the king of Pride Rock and the father of both Mufasa and Scar who at the time was named taka even though the book never outright said that aaditi favored Mufasa it wrongly implied by how it described the king's actions toward his sons now I already mentioned how the king chose to name his two sons but as bad as it was it was a clear representation of how he treated them according to the book aaditi raised muasi in a way that he was simultaneously diminishing his other son taka on multiple occasions for instance there's a point in the book where aaditi was supposed to take Scar and mu on a hunt but was forced to handle matters concerning the kingdom instead this obviously upset scar who was still named taka at this point and he voiced his opinion to his father however instead of responding by reassuring scar that they would go on a hunt as soon as they could he decided to scold scar while praising Mufasa after expressing his frustration over his father's kingly duties aaditi tells scar that ruling a kingdom takes a massive amount of responsibility now if he had stopped there that would simply seem like good parenting advice however he continued by saying that Mufasa understood the the idea of kingly Duties implying that's why mufasu was better suited for the throne scar was upset by this and actually accused aati of showing his brother favoritism but before aaditi could even try to lie or deny it the pride Landers interjected and stopped the family squabble now I'm not saying that aati didn't have more important things to deal with he was a king after all but he could have handled the way he treated his children a little better and by that all I mean is that aaditi should have been more supportive of scar like he was of Mufasa but surely choosing the kingdom over his son doesn't necessarily mean that he was a bad father right well that's not the only example of a hottie not being as supportive as he should have been there's even a version of The Lion King that uses the signature scar to show how awful Scar's relationship with his father was since the creation of The Lion King there have been multiple versions of how the villainous lion received the scar he was eventually nicknamed after even though none of them directly involved a hottie that doesn't mean they weren't a result of his poor parenting regarding his younger son the first time Disney fans ever learned about how the lion formerly known as taka got his Infamous scar was in The Tale of Two Brothers scar was Furious that his father was giving Mufasa so much attention that he set up his brother for embarrassment in the book taka used an easy to enrage Kate Buffalo named Bulma to cause trouble in an attempt to see Mufasa injured and Dishonored however Mufasa managed to come out of the situation unscathed while taka wasn't his lucky he was attacked by the rest of the Cape buffalo and brutally injured which included a gash over his left eye the worst part about it was that after Rafiki managed a heal scar all aaditi seemed concerned about was reprimanding his son for causing such a Ruckus he even told his second board Bor son that the newly formed scar in his face should remind him of his past mistakes no matter how you look at it that's messed up the king's own son was injured and all he could say was basically you did this to yourself you should have at least shown scar some sympathy that wasn't the only version of Scar's origin story though in fact in some version of Scar's story like in the lion guard for instance Scar's original name was oscari after one of his ancestors who was once a proud member of the guard on top of that the series even claims that he got the scar trying to save the kingdom rather than undermining his own brother however in that version of the story wasn't aaditi who cast his son aside afterward scar was approached by another Young Lion who wanted to use him to take over the pride lands in the process scar was attacked by a venomous snake who gave him the marking that everyone knew him by Scar didn't waver though and because he still wanted to support the Kingdom at that point in the lion guard he used the Roar of the elders to kill the enemy lion and snake when he told his brother about it though instead of being praised Mufasa basically passed over Scar's remarks and simply joked about his brother's wounds even though that doesn't have much to do with aaditi Mufasa certainly wouldn't be treating Scaro poorly if aaditi had raised him a little better as you know if you've seen the lion guard scar inevitably lost his powers and was deemed unfit to lead the guard after he attempted to use the Roar of the elders against his own Pride sadly if haati was still alive at this point in the story he would have likely seen this as a disappointment and possibly yet another failure of his younger son which would have created even more distance between the lion and his father that said none of Scar's origin stories cast their father in as battle light as the one from the live-action reimagining of The Lion King in the 2019 remake Scar and Mufasa have an interesting conversation where Mufasa pretty much warn scar to remember his place in the hierarchy by telling him to remember what happened the last time they were at odds this implies that Not only was it Mufasa who gave his younger brother the scar but that scar had tried to challenge Mufasa's right to Rule now if this all happened while aaditi was alive it would really change how some people think about it you would think that if he was a good father to scar he would have stopped his two sons from fighting in the first place or at the very least he would have been upset with Mufasa for potentially Ming his younger brother think about where Scar's wound was it's over the Lion's left eye which means if this theory is true then Mufasa took a swipe at Scar's face if his claw had dug in just a little bit deeper scar would have lost all use of his left eye and could have died but as far as anyone knows Mufasa wasn't reprimanded by aati like taka was in A Tale of Two Brothers this makes me think about whether aaditi was a good king or not aaditi was not a good father and his relationship with scar was terrible because of how the king acted in other words scar might have had a totally different story if aati had just treated him with respect but what would you say if I told you that maybe the reason why the pride lons were in such bad shape when a hottie was around was because of how the king treated his younger son you see in A Tale of Two Brothers The Pride lions are suffering from a drought and if you consider the idea that everything in the world of The Lion King is a sign then the drought may be an indication of poor leadership or in this case bad parenting now remember that it's clear in The Lion King that Mufasa's Pride eventually Simba's Pride viewed things in nature as signs or messages from the other side for instance in the first movie Simba saw Mufasa in the breeze and even the cloud meaning that to him the cloud formation acted as a message or a sign that he needed to do something to improve Pride Rock well in A Tale of Two Brothers The Pride Lan were suffering from a drought that made many of the pride Landers very irritable in fact it was that very drought and the irritability that caused a hottie to have to cancel his hunting plans with Scar and Mufasa which as you know eventually led to scar lashing out toward his family in other words if this theory is correct the drought was a sign for a hottie to change how he treated scar but as you know the Elder lion didn't listen instead he continued to treat scar like he was less important than Mufasa even though they both were his children Scar and ati's relationship was one that would be interesting to see Disney explore because in some sense it really seems like the only reason that scar became so jaded and such a villain was because of the way he was treated by his father but because this is all just speculation there's no actual way of knowing if that's true unless Disney decides to address it I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens in the upcoming live action muasa film that's currently in production what do you think though was scar destined to be a villain even if ATI would have treated him the same way he treated Mufasa be sure to let me know in the comments below
Channel: Deluxe
Views: 410,067
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Keywords: movie, disney universe, disney universe review, top grossing pixar movies, highest grossing pixar films, movies, prince charming, Disney, Deluxe Disney, Deluxe Disney theories, Scar, Mufasa, Ahadi, Scar's Backstory, Taka, The Lion King II, The Lion King, Kovu, How Scar got his Scar?, How did Scar get his name, lion king, the lion king, lion king trailer, scar, simba, nala, timon, pumbaa, the lion king trailer, the lion king 2019, film theorists, how scar got his scar, scar and mufasa
Id: X4PR9chfMyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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