The Mermaid and The Prince Story in English | Bedtime Stories | English Fairy Tales

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the mermaid and the prince once upon a time a royal ship was lost in the middle of a great storm King Renan and his crew tried their best to set themselves free but their ship got stuck on a giant rock in the middle of the scene soon the winds got stronger and the waters began to rise the crew were in panic and started to say their last prayers please help us in these times of distress free us from this mighty storm when upon the mighty waves a mermaid appeared o Great King I feel terribly sorry to see you in this situation I can set you and your ship free King renan's eyes shone bright with hope but in return you must promise to give me your first born child King ran on had long to hold his son and now the thought of giving up his air brought tears to his eyes seeing the panic-stricken face of his crew the King accepted the mermaids bargain alright I agree no sooner had he accepted that a great way carried the ship off the rock and into the open sea months later the Queen gave birth to a baby boy King ran on has long forgotten about his promise to the mermaid such a handsome child he is I shall name him Prince Aaron Prince Aaron grew up to be a strong and handsome prince and soon the memory of the promise returned to King ran on our son is trained well enough we must send him off into the wide world it is foolish of us to keep him here in the palace because this is the first place the mermaid will come looking for him I agree with you Prince Aaron was summoned and they told him everything he was overjoyed at the thought of traveling the world father I accept your wisdom and at once will prepare for my journey bless me he bade his parents farewell and left to start his journey all day he walked through winding roads and little green forests enjoying the company of squirrels and birds but soon he was tired I feel so exhausted it must find a place to rest and eat my supper as soon as he found a spot to lay his head a thunderous roar was heard the prince was terrified before him stood a beast with the head of a lion Joubert and the wings of a hummingbird what are you doing here boy hi hi I'm fleeing from the mermaid and I'm looking for something to eat I I have food I can give you food then give it to me it's past my suppertime and I am very hungry Prince Aaron immediately drew from his bag some bread and fruits and gave it to the Beast the Beast devoured the food in a single bite that was really tasty I'm glad it wasn't me you are funny I shall reward you here take a feather from my wings with this in your pocket whenever you desire you can take the form of a mighty lion a great bear or a swift bird in an instant Prince Aaron thanks the beast for its gift and bid him farewell as he was walking he thought I wonder what it was feel like to be a lion in an instant he transformed into a mighty lion seeing his great claws and his royal mane he switched his tail in happiness nice I like being a lion the king of the jungle Prince Aaron walked on for a while and then thought to himself I wonder what it must feel like to be a bear as soon as he said it he transformed into a great big bear big hide and firm so we'd be where bees I am coming to take all your honey then after a while prince aaron thought to himself being a bird must be so different from being a bear or a lion I must try it out once flying high up free as a bird the princes joy knew no bounds soon he came upon a vast Kingdom and decided to go there he flew right to the palace and saw a bunch of people in the hall having food there he changed back into his original form and walked over to hear the conversations taking place that King is tired looking for a groom for the princess he lines up portraits of the most handsome Prince's in the world but she doesn't like any of them how is she going to give him an heir if I was her I would have married the first prince that would ask my hand for marriage da you wished their maids gossiped some more but Prince Aaron had already stopped hearing them he transformed into a bird to look for the princess he flew up to the castle and looked for the princess's rooms through the windows when he finally found it he flew right in and as he flew in he transformed back into a men who are you do not be afraid princess I will not harm you and the princess was not afraid anymore Prince Aaron told her everything about himself Wow I know right the princess smiled like you tell you what my father is going to war and shall leave his sword behind in my room any man who retrieves his sword for him shall have my hand in marriage I want you to be the one and I will be the one I will ride with the king to war I will wait for you Prince Aaron left and joined the ranks of the king's army and just as the princess had foretold three days later they marched for war they had left the city far behind when the King exclaimed that he had forgotten his sword many brought forth their own sword for the king but he wouldn't take them I cannot be in battle with any other sword but my own the first man to bring it to me from my daughter's room will not only have her as his wife but will also rule My Kingdom after me at this many of the knights turned and rode back to the city amongst them was the wicked red knight who was known to have treacherous means as they were riding a better plan struck Prince Aaron he let the others pass him and then transformed into a lion and roared lonely hearing his mighty roars the horses of the other knights went out of control while Prince Aaron bounded on towards the castle when he reached the castle he transformed into a bird and flew straight into the princess's window I'm here for the sword your grace you did it here is my father's sword now go win the war and come back to me as your highness demands but remember if I do not come back for any reason know that I am trapped go to the seashore and sing your song so that your voice can guide me to you the princess nodded and gave him one half of her royal ring he kissed her hand and flew back out the window after flying for quite some time Prince Aaron was thirsty and decided to stop by a stream nearby but unknown to him the mermaid was floating nearby as he knelt to sip the mermaid caused the waves to snatch him up and they both disappeared under the surface after some time the red knight who was passing by a stream decided to stop to drink water he was delighted to see the sword on the bank Oh looks like it's my lucky day he quickly gathered it up and rode back to the king and presented it to him after the war the King returned to his people he welcomed him with joy and celebration but when the princess saw that Prince Aaron was not among the ranks riding behind her father her heart sank the red Knight showed great bravery in battle and even retrieved my sword before it began and as promised he shall went my daughter tomorrow the whole courtroom erupted in celebration [Music] everyone was happy except for the bride-to-be later that day she went to the seashore and sang her heart out to the scene where are you Oh Prince where are you come back to me Oh Prince I miss you my heart longs for you O Prince my heart longs for you deep under the waters the mermaid had Prince Aaron on a bed of seaweeds as she heard the princess's song she exclaimed listen how your lover is singing songs for you I can hear nothing ah but I can we mermaids know of everything that goes on beyond the surface it's not possible I don't believe you you don't believe that we mermaids can hear everything beyond the surface nope and I do not believe anyone is singing up there you are only trying to strike a conversation with me I will prove it to you you silly human so the mermaid took him a little closer to the surface can you hear it now no I hear nothing but the rushing of the water the mermaid took him higher still nope I hear nothing but the crashing of waves so the mermaid took him to the very surface I am sure you can hear her now you know what it doesn't matter at once he wished himself to be a bird and escaped from the clutches of the mermaid Prince Aaron flew with all his strength and towards his beloved seeing him the princess stood up enjoy your love has brought me back I am so glad to have you back my love but we do not have much time let's hurry up to the palace when they reach the palace the princess announced father this man here claims to be greater than the red Knight I think he has lost his mind hey that's a little harsh don't you think Shh saya I know you have gathered much magical knowledge this man claims he can change into a lion why not show him how it's done now the red Knight had never read a single book of magic but believed he was better than anybody he tried and tried and made faces and cried my that was painful to watch maybe a line is too difficult why not try a bear and again the red Knight tried and again he failed hmm maybe we are trying things too big why not we begin small and try to become a bird instead actually can you really turn into a lion as soon as she said it Prince Aaron changed himself into a lion and roared with all his might all the people in the horsemen were shaken but the King did not flinch how about a bear and voila a bear stood in place of the lion a bird and in a flash the giant bear turned into a tiny hummingbird the king watched all this with great delight or he realized what his daughter was up to is this the man who fetched the sword yes he is the man who came to my chambers and only him will I marry the princess told the king everything on finding out that the red knight had lied to him he had sent him to the dungeons the very next moment he announced the wedding of the two lovebirds and everyone rejoiced once more a new feast was held and this time the princess enjoyed it too [Music]
Channel: English Fairy Tales
Views: 290,103
Rating: 4.4547563 out of 5
Keywords: English Fairy Tales, story, english story, fairy tales in english, bedtime stories, fairy tales, english stories, stories in english, english fairy tale, story in english, fairy tales english, bedtime story, story english, stories, english, english fairy tales stories, kids story in english, fairy tales stories in english, fairy tail, stories for kids in english, bedtime stories for kids, english tales, The Mermaid and The Prince Story in English
Id: ginNcepG4PM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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