THE MENU (2022) Explained

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foreign what's up everybody and welcome to found flicks on this city explained we're looking at the delicious satire of the menu where a young couple travels to a remote island to eat at an exclusive restaurant where the chef has prepared a lavish menu including some shocking and deadly surprises I'll tell you what I absolutely love this movie and it was one of my favorites from last year there's a lot that it does extremely well and it manages to balance a lot of different concepts and tones as well one of those firing on all cylinders kind of experiences it's actually quite witty and clever at points even laugh out loud hilarious but it's also a surprisingly tense Thriller with some real horror at play as well and of course the cast led by the incomparable refine is perfection it's just a blast seeing him in a more comedic yet still Sinister role like this and he absolutely dominates the screen as to be expected it also does have a grander and interesting statement to make with this story now I'm keeping this intro short on this one because there is a lot to look at from the characters the plot itself and so much more so let's check out the menu breaking down the story the important character Dynamics at play the grander statement of the movie and explaining the ending let's begin the core dynamics of our groups of diners is quickly established always uptight Tyler chides Margot for lighting a cigarette as it will kill her palette she retorts well in that case then her palette will die happy he maintains they're going to be having some real delicate fancy flavors here smoking will ruin her ability to appreciate them you can't believe he's taking this so seriously and he is quite serious as far as how much this Elite dining experience will run you there's only 12 guests for seating at 1250 bucks ahead every night man that's a lot of cash Margot is astonished to hear this and Tyler encourages her to just go with the flow she smiles telling I'm sure it's your dime they're joined by a trio of Finance Bros Tyler groaning that they'll be hammered by the amuse Bush then another older couple steps off emmargo appears to recognize the man muttering [ __ ] when seeing him Tyler doesn't notice as he's more preoccupied with the appearance of predominant food critic Lillian Bloom being here declaring it official tonight is gonna be Madness that's an understatement but the movie star his only name ever given is there with his assistant Felicity he greets the others with some boat jokes to minimal reaction the guys point out someone famous is on board another jeering yeah maybe 30 years ago Margot also recognizes him she watched all of his movies when she was a kid Tyler on the other hand is is less than impressed it's writing him for being a foodie or really just thinking that he is you're not a real foodie like me bro they're sort of the first taste of the trip a raw oyster with minionette Emulsion lemon caviar and oyster Leaf what's an oyster Leaf Margot starts to dive in and Tyler slaps her hand away so that he can take a picture first rude he excitedly points out that the pearls are made from alginate which she pieces together is from algae delicious she replies sarcastically she go UPS it down and Tyler almost tears up before laughing calling it actually laughably good she agrees that it was good but she would have preferred just the oyster none of the other accoutrement he disagrees it needs all those elements to create layers of flavor it affects the mouth feel she jokes don't say mouth feel to me ever again him chuckling that's too late they depart the boat and Margot is feeling out of place mumbling that this feels like being at prom Tyler reveals that he didn't go to prom no cool girls like her said yes poor baby she offers screw those [ __ ] they meet chef second in command Elsa and there's a surprising mix up Elsa says the wrong name for Tyler's date and fumbles that there's been a change of plans Margot is here to take her place but he doesn't know her last name implying that these two don't know each other as well as we might have initially thought regardless Elsa welcomes her and vows to make her evening as pleasant as possible he apologizes for that being a bit awkward and Margo stares back watching the boat drift away from the duck well they are officially stuck here now they're taking on a tour of the island showing off how they use the Bounty of the nature all around them in various ways for their recipes even right now there's a guy out there fishing for scallops that will be used in this evening's meal the star calls out for him to harvest harder we're starving over here Lillian is impressed with the whole setup dubbing it like a culinary biome Elsa it takes him to a Smokehouse done in the traditional Nordic fashion meats are aged for 152 days to relax to protein strands to Perfection they ask well what happens if it serves one day later would all hell break loose she very flatly explains that bacteria from the meat would enter your bloodstream causing you to become incapacitated and expire so indeed all hell would break loose her smirking good thing that they're professionals then it's on to the sterile Barracks where the entire staff minus Chef all sleep also referring to them as a family they spend the entire day working starting with six hours of prep and the days don't end until after 2 A.M and already you're alive that's a little extreme they wonder if they ever get burnt out and Elsa says no the chef holds the highest standards and so do we they don't burn anything unless by Design to make it delicious the tour continues and Margot is hopeful to actually get some food soon Tyler isn't listening and runs up to Elsa asking about another building it's Chef Sal's he wants to see inside but is let down that no one is allowed in there ever they're brought to a fancy modern restaurant but troublingly after they enter a huge door is closed tight the crew is busy with the delicate and ornate food prep and everyone takes their seats when spotting Margo Richard asks his wife to change theirs hoping that she won't notice her Elsa encourages them to watch the chefs but do not take photos of the dishes Jeff feels that their beauty lies in their ephemeral nature as in lasting for a short time time you eat it and appreciate it more in that moment instead of making it about social media Tyler just has to get a closer look and talk shop with one of the chefs is that a paco jet you're using oh yeah the guy even knows his name impressing Tyler and when asked if Chef is around he's told to return to his seat Margo notices that he didn't ask the chef's name and he's still not really paying her any mind especially as Chef slowik has finally made an appearance he has words with Elsa and then stares daggers right in Tyler's Direction he's worried that it's about him but it looks more like Margot has got him ruffled the time has come for the amuse boost with compressed cucumber melon milk and charred lace Lillian immediately groans about Chef's ongoing obsession with snow Ted agrees calling it a visual plague a little dramatic they break down the ingredients catching some goat flavor he notes that Chef did say there was milk in it but not what kind very clever sir Tyler thoughtlessly snaps a photo despite just being told explicitly not to we overhear the others conversations and start picking up that they're all kind of a-holes it sounds like Felicity and the star are having an affair and she's planning on leaving him the tech Bros talk relationships and sword admits his girlfriend left due to his own fault I'm the [ __ ] they brush it off because at least they have work toasting to work and money though they know how pathetic that really sounds laughing for someone to just shoot us please Tyler is over the moon Jesus I want to live inside this thing he beams she gets real with him is it okay if she's not as into this as him he tells her it's all good he's still sitting with the coolest girl here she's curious what is it with the food thing anyway well you know how people idolize other artists ball players or actors well they're all idiots chefs play with the raw materials of life and death it's art on the edge of the Abyss the same area where God himself Works wow it's pretty over the top she seems to genuinely find his statement beautiful maybe she's starting to get it or just saying what he wants to hear now the first chorus is a symbol Jeff checks the sauce and closes his eyes in consideration he croaks a small okay of approval and they continue assembling another impressive and over-the-top display of food chef claps and the staff all snap to attention he welcomes him and tells him that it's his is pleasure to feed them over the next few hours they will ingest fat salt sugar protein bacteria fungi and various plants and animals he begs only one thing of them don't simply eat taste Savor relish consider every morsel in your mouth and Tyler nods along like a total doofus don't eat this menu is too precious for that he Chuckles on that note food he shouts the gang all come out in tight formation to deliver the plates the island as it's dubbed features plants from around the island placed on rocks from the shore covered in Frozen sea water that flavors the dish as it melts the star starts Whispering about the guy fishing this morning and Chef overhears it's a bit awkward but Jeff says it's fine and he is indeed correct these are the very same scallops Jeff continues we the people aren't important the island provides them everything what happens in this room is meaningless compared to Nature soil water and air we are a bit of frightened nanosecond while nature is timeless he gives a strained smile and Tyler has to literally wipe tears away finding it all very moving he even hesitates to eat eat the food as it's just too beautiful he breaks the rules again and snaps more photos Margot starts bringing up a restaurant from her hometown and he interrupts worried that Chef is mad at him she tells him he doesn't have to call him chef and he probably doesn't even know that he exists Tyler just wants him to like him which Margot also doesn't understand you're the customer you pay him to serve you remember the critics pour over the dish calling it tweeze to [ __ ] but still impressive as it's as though they are eating the ocean itself Felicity ask for the star's opinion and he can only muster a simple good she's disappointed as they are pitching him for a food travel show gonna need to be a little more detail than that pitch the show she suggests the star gives some basic ass answers about riding a Vespa around and eating cheese in Italy or then going off to Africa to talk about how racism is bad after she calls it a disaster and while he can't travel much anyway thanks to a DUI the finance Bros discuss the food and all agree that it's solid but Soren boasts that his personal chef has made food just as good well whatever at least they can say they've been here the older couple seem about as disinterested in each other as humanly possible and brings up running into an old friend of hers recently oh how was that he asked with zero energy oh you know Perry she replies and that's pretty much it yep love dried up here many moons ago Tyler takes some of Margo's food off her plate and the chef watches on intently he then gets back to work barking that it's time to play it in five yes chef they all shout in return Jeff does another loud clap this Turtles Margot leaving her asking if he's going to do that every time Chef goes on about the long history of bread it's existed for 12 000 years and has been especially popular amongst the poor even today grain is still 65 percent of all agriculture it is food for the common man but his guests are not the common man thusly they get no bread we see the breadless bread plate noting no bread but Savory accompaniments the guests are all confused and laughs seeing just a note on the plate detailing the extra special bread that they will not be having the star actually loves the [ __ ] around the lack of bread while the critics call it outlandish and even fiendish although she spots that the Emulsion does look slightly split complaining that shouldn't happen at a restaurant of this caliber Tyler gush is about how Chef weaves in historical allegory into his meals the fun thing is to try and figure out the theme of the meal by the end she's still in disbelief that he likes all this stuff and he responds by talking down to her it's a concept and she doesn't get it Margot is well aware of what a concept is Tyler asks her to just trust him he's not just a chef but a Storyteller that does not care about the rules she argues that perhaps some rules are good like giving food to the people who wanted it Lillian reveals that she makes her own bread in a very rustic peasant style she describes he's curious what kind of yeast she uses and of course she makes her own yeast from apples Ted saying of course you do you Wicked thing also shows up with a massive bowl of broken Emulsion courtesy of the chef well now we really get just how much Chef is paying attention to all of his diners the finance Bros try to appeal to Elsa to get them some bread she certainly shuts them down and they try to play the do you know who I am card they all work for Doug Varick as they say they're all on the same team she still refuses and annoyed they shoe her away she gets in close to Soaring fixing his napkin and Whispers in his ear you will eat less than you desire and more than you deserve for demeanor switches right back to Pleasant telling them cheerily how happy she is to serve them getting a little Sinister there Tyler is incense that Margo won't even try it and decides to help himself when reaching over he breaks her wine glass drawing Chef's attention he confronts her about the food and she retorts there is no food no this is food he insists well then more food to come right don't want to fill up he states that it's not possible to fill up he's designed the portion specifically to avoid that plus the menu only makes sense if you eat she's confused I thought you told us not to eat and Chef gets annoyed you know what I mean Margo thanks him for the concern but she's perfectly capable of deciding when to eat all by herself the chef leaves and Tyler is humiliated by her behavior and she rightly calls him a prick the Brigade finish assembling the third course and they're poured more wine utilizing a hyper decanter to wake it from his Slumber he tells him to keep an eye out for notes of cherry and tobacco as well as some longing and regret very strange Somalia there we find out that Felicity has lined up a new corporate gig feeling there is a a real kind of future there unlike with this guy they're interrupted by another booming collab and Chef introduces the next dish called memory which it is meant to evoke he gets personal about his childhood and one particularly fateful Taco Tuesday he introduces another random lady in the room as his mother as you can see she is quite drunk which is quite normal for her one Tuesday back when he was seven years old his drunken father came home and got into an argument with his mom resulting in him wrapping a telephone cord around her neck to make him stop little Julian stabbed him in the thigh with kitchen scissors he laments in retrospect he should have gone for the throat and concludes as you can imagine that was a very memorable Taco Tuesday in tribute they're serving house smoked chicken thigh al pastor including kitchen scissors stabbed right in there along with House made Tortillas it's one of the restaurant's signature dishes which they changed constantly but this one has been a staple since day one as he remembers from Lillian's article this is what put him on the map whatever map that is Jeff mentioned the use of laser engraving and the gas discovers some alarmingly personal secrets on the tortillas Lillian notices there are several restaurants printed which she recognizes as place that she's reviewed and then closed the older couple looked through theirs happy anniversary on top and then finding a picture of what he had melanoma removed very personal then for Tyler each tortilla features pictures of him taking photos of the food leaving Margo wondering what is wrong with this guy tons as it turns out for the star he's given a poster from one of his movies calling Dr Sunshine which he recalls was a dumb script but a fun shoot Felicity thinks this all must be a joke after all he said they're friends right frenzy stammers do I have friends for the finance Pros is perhaps the most troubling from a legal perspective Cayman Island transfer fun forms they Beck and Elsa over asking what the hell are these tortillas tortillas deliciosas she tells them but then clarifies that they are tax records showing their company created invoices with fake charges they want to know how the chef got them but he never Reveals His recipes Soren warns her that they are completely screwed they'll have this place closed by tomorrow she cryptically replies that won't be necessary and takes her leave though they aren't too worried as their boss is the real owner of the restaurant there's no way that Jeff would turn him in right the older couple will continue through the stack and another photo sure looks like her husband having a romantic moment with Margot Tyler feels guilty and wants to make things right while she argues he should send this back she calls for the waiter and he snaps at her to stop she can't believe you snapped at her and he sees that you don't send things back here you child he's really starting to see what a douche this guy is she demands an apology from him refusing to allow him to talk to her like that if he doubles down on his douchery sure I can ding ding ding I'm paying so just shut up and eat he takes a massive bite of the taco and is in culinary Heaven Again grunting oh my God Vargo has had enough of him telling him don't let me interrupt and walks off he also finds her wandering around saying that she was looking for the restroom there's another strange silver door that she asked about and all else who reveals is there is something very special on the other side hmm what's that means she holds up in the bathroom to have a smoke noticing someone carrying large angel wings outside Chef comes in and it's clearly upset wanting to know specifically what she didn't enjoy about the last course she's barely eaten it all she doesn't get why he cares and he divulges that it's very important to him and this in fact wins him to his core she struck she's just not very hungry and Chef tries to peel back more about her personally who are you he wants to know Margo Mills from Nebraska and she gets annoyed you want to know my mom's trailer park address too yeah [ __ ] he specifies not who you think you are but who you really are I am Margot she replies resolutely he tries that she shouldn't be here and she bristles for him to get out of her way for the fourth course things are a little different already as the crew roll had a big white tarp on the ground surrounded by flowers Jeff returns looking a bit out of sorts and claps regaining his composure he starts the intro but a worried Soren interrupts wanting to know what is going on here Chef flightly asked him to just let him finish and brings up sous chef Jeremy who created their next dish called the mess he informs us of Jeremy's culinary Journey his main goal in life was to work here Jeff describes him as talented he's very good but alas he is not great and he will never be great he desperately wants Chef's Prestige his job his talent he aspires to a greatness that he will never achieve correct yes chef Jeremy Crooks with tears in his eyes they both share the immense pressure of longing to put out the best food in the world even when everything goes right and the food is perfect the critics and customers are happy you still can't avoid the mess of one's life body and Sandy by giving everything to pleasing people that you will never know he places a hand on his shoulder asking does he like this life is it the one that he dreamed about with that he gives him pecks on the cheeks declaring ladies and gentlemen the mess Jeremy sticks a revolver in his mouth and pulls the trigger to everyone's chalk well everyone except Tyler who isn't even phased smirking I didn't see that coming the others debate if that was real or just stagecraft and Chef assures him that it's all part of the menu well that doesn't really answer the question they serve the next course pressure cooked vegetables roasted filet potato cone fee beef chew and bone marrow everyone is still on edge and Chef barks for them to eat and they frantically get to cutting Marco is really freaked asking what is going on and Tyler doesn't answer while the Somalia fills him up with more fancy Vino then the danger gets cranked up further when Richard decides that they are leaving that won't be so easy as there is no boat and no way to call a helicopter without cell service she asked which hand will you handle it with he doesn't understand the question and she chooses for him a few Burly guys all grab him and put his hand on the table another with a Cleaver shows up and severs his finger right off to everyone's horror his wedding and appropriately clanking to the floor Tyler somehow doesn't even notice this happening he's still too preoccupied with the food the star shows that he's getting quite uncomfortable and Felicity suggests talking to him he is your friend right he drops the ACT admitting that he made it up he's just a name dropper Lillian thinks this whole thing is a show for her benefit specifically that's why Chef texted her personally but her companion has no idea what she's on about Elsa comes to Margo and Tyler the chef wants to see her but Tyler is not allowed to his disappointment he again asks who she really is Margo she insists he served many people and you are not a Margot she doesn't understand why it matters again and he reveals just why it does the menu guest list and indeed the entire evening was painstakingly planned and she was not a part of that plan as a result she's ruining everything in order to properly proceed he needs to know where to place her are you with us or with them she hopes this means he'll let her live and he lets her down of course not that would ruin the menu everyone is going to die tonight isn't that right he has the crew and they all chant back yes chef well if she's going to die either way why does she need to choose he still insists that she does giving her a limited amount of time to make her decision it's our side or theirs in order to return to receipt informing her the next dish is exquisite he tells the crew they're playing in five yes chef I love you he says we love you too Chef they shout back Marco returns to the table and smacks Tyler upside the face and not even that rattles him he only complains about her getting to see the kitchen especially after smoking she can't even taste the food she's now starting to understand how messed up this dude really is now word from this week's sponsor hello fresh with hello Fresh's meal kids you get farm fresh pre-portioned ingredients and seasonal recipes delivered right to your doorstep it's not just convenient but makes home cooking fast easy fun and affordable that's why they're America's number one meal kit there's a ton of reasons to love hellofresh I actually love to cook and nothing beats the satisfaction of making yourself a tasty home-cooked meal specially compared to delivery which is expensive with the extra fees and everything plus I don't have a lot of time to pick out recipes and go to the store which is why it's awesome that you get everything you need in one box it's even cheaper than grocery free shopping too this time I made the crispy parmesan chicken with garlic scallion couscous and Lemony roasted carrots it was delicious thanks to their easy to follow recipe cards and pre-portioned ingredients it was easy to have a fresh home-cooked meal in no time they also have a ton of variety with 40 weekly recipes to choose from so you never get bored and you get to try out all kinds of new and different flavors if you want to try hellofresh for yourself and get a great deal go to ending65 and use code ending 65 for 65 off plus free shipping go to ending65 and use code ending65 for 65 off plus free shipping they're served a palette cleanser of wild bergamon and red clover tea the room is growing more tense some discussing what they could do to potentially fight back the star agrees they need to do something and he has an idea from one of his movies they rush and grab the chef's knives and use them to fight back they don't think that will work and Soren decides to try and break a window he takes a chair to it and it does absolutely nothing and the chefs don't even stop service I also casually takes them back to the table yep no escaping here buddy Jeff collapse you know the old saying sometimes all you need is a good cup of tea it not only cleanses the palate but also acts as a soothing balm when facing hard truth he asked if anyone has any questions and Tyler has one is that Bergamot that he's getting yes the chef confirms with a heavy eye roll the star asks point blank what the [ __ ] is happening and we come to understand that Chef has a particular Vendetta with everyone in the room each group also represents an aspect of his industry that has been perverted in a sense he has to think of themselves as ingredients in a tasting concept and them being here shouldn't be a surprise for most Lillian was an early advocate of his career but he also knows the damage that she's done to countless livelihoods she starts to defend herself and he shuts her up this is no time for talking it was an interview that she did with him many years ago that launched his career and essentially led to the creation of Hawthorne he posts that she loved getting his attention as it was him yearning for her attendance her ego was fed which is to be expected and it fed his as well then there's his loyal customer is Richard and Anne asking how many times they've been here they think about it I don't know maybe six or seven times and he corrects 11 times man just the amount of money they spend at this place most would be blessed to eat here even once and he's curious can they recall a single dish from their last visit or even one from any other visits Richard draws a blank and Anne Whispers Cod to him wrong again it was halibut you donkey rare spotted halibut she doesn't understand why that matters but it matters to the halibuts and the artist whose work turns to [ __ ] in her gut he laments that he's wallowed his whole life in work to reach a price point only others like them can access he feels actually that he's been fooled into trying to satisfy people that never can be it's actually sentenced back to his mother he points out who's looking extra drunk this has led him to a revelation of sorts his restaurant has become part of the problem Bryce points out that it's technically not his restaurant their boss Doug Barrick owns the island and the restaurant Chef concurs Hawthorne is his entire life and dustly Doug owns him as well but things are about to get a bit more complicated as he owns him he draws her attention outside seeing Doug hanging over the water wearing those angel wings we saw earlier angel investor right the boys try to cut a deal with him just tell them a number any number Chef shuns them he doesn't need the money Dave makes a break for it and gets quickly floored by security Bryce moans we kept you open through coven you prick Jeff also acknowledges this but Doug asked him to change things in his menu even requesting substitutions despite there being no substitutions at hawthorny shrieks Fallen Angels please He commands and Doug is lowered slowly into the dark Waters hearing his distant screams he closes his eyes and asks if they can hear that Doug goes under the water and his screams cease you hear the silence that silence means I'm free the timer goes off and now Margo has to make her faithful decision she fumbles with any kind of real answer and he's disappointed he's gonna have to make the choice for her she belongs here with her own breed the [ __ ] shovelers telling her that he can spot a fellow industry worker he asks about the old man she's been eyeing all evening knowing that he paid her for an experience after all he's in the same business in his own way it's true that she is an escort and had a disturbing experience with Richard involving pretending to be his daughter yeah gross he is curious if she enjoys providing her Services yes or she used to at least she asks him the same and he used to as well but hasn't desired to cook for someone for ages and he truly does miss that feeling he returns to the diners and invites them outside for the next course they line up on the steps flanked by more chefs all around them another sous chef Catherine had an unpleasant experience with Julian which is the inspiration for this dish he tried to make a capacitor and she refused yet he didn't fired her he kept her in the kitchen but refused to talk or even look at her for eight months he can do that because he's the star he's the man appropriately the next chorus is called man's Folly she pulls out a pair of scissors and stabs him right in the leg followed by a gentle hug she takes some blood and smears it on a chef coat and Chef apologizes for his actions he offers the male diners a chance to escape with a 45 second Head Start then the staff will try to catch you he begins but before he can continue Soren makes a run for it the guys all follow after except for Tyler if Jeff points him out you do you [ __ ] and he scurries off the ladies are brought back in and given an actual course of man's Folly dungeon is crab fermented yogurt dry sea lettuce and Boshi and kelp Catherine joins them and since she designed it they feudally attempt to compliment her Lillian even suggesting that she could help her get her own place cat sniffles that there was a time that would have meant a lot to her and then completely breaks down in tears and sees it the opportunity to ask Margot does she know her husband yep she simply replies sending her back for more wine Lillian then asks Catherine directly are they going to die yes I'm afraid the menu won't work if they leave it needs the ending to tie everything together conceptually otherwise it's just a bunch of people eating good food and in that case who cares the everything dying thing was actually her idea looking quite proud they know now and fully accept there is no out of here offering everyone more to drink might as well be drunk if you're gonna die none of the guys make it too far and are all quickly rounded up by the goons Ted is the last one to get caught and is rewarded for his efforts a chef opens a window and presents a pissard egg with egg creme fraiche and maple all nestled in a little bird's nest adorable when they are brought back to the others Tyler is Disturbed that they got another plate and even tries to grab the leftovers before their bust Richard comes in and when Margot and his wife together knows his goose is cooked Felicity asks the star how he did and he lies then he killed it but he finally drops his facade calling himself a failure the hits keep coming her revealing that she's been stealing from him he already knew that and that's why he wrote her a bad recommendation for her new job meaning he torpedoed her new career she actually knew that as well as he was dumb enough to CC her on it wow Pretty Petty these two the chef addresses them and it feels the menu cannot continue until an unresolved matter is dealt with you he addresses to Tyler busy stuffing his face he wants to know why he's here well to experience all of she has food but just how much did he know ahead of time well it was going to be the greatest man you ever created and he leads and that everyone would die as for his original date they broke up a while back and so yes that means he hired Margot knowing it would be leading to her death proving that he's even bigger a-hole than we could have possibly imagined Marco unleashes her Fury upon him threatening to kill him before getting dragged away Julian understands her reaction as he and Tyler were given access to their world for eight months and was sworn to secrecy after all he's different right he knows about the food he can ID a paco jet he tasted the Bergamot no identified it Jeff is impressed I mean clearly he's a cook and belongs in the kitchen right here's my favorite scene the chef agrees and he beckons for him too come with me Tyler is looking a little bit nervous and his bestowed an official chef jacket they all agree that it looks great on him and even his mama calls him a handsome boy Julian personalizes the jacket beaming that he's proud of him thank you Chef Tyler squeaks now cook he demands you're a cook so cook he encourages everyone to come over for the demonstration Tyler is about to amaze us with his culinary expertise Chef asked what does he need leeks what else [ __ ] Chef asked shallots he spits out shallots for the great booty Chef ribs he tells the other staff to stop working and watch too it's time to learn Tyler haphazardly chops the produce and Chef makes fun of him for his revolutionary new dicing technique of which they have been oh woefully unaware how about a protein lamb he mumbles he takes his mishmash of [ __ ] and really shows off his complete lack of understanding any actual cooking even burning his hand on the hot pan yeah you don't touch metal on the stove dummy he dumps everything into the pan everyone else watching on Deadeye Tyler cannot handle the tension anymore and decides that it's done Jeff wants to make sure maybe you want to grab into the Paco jet first Jeff takes a bite and lets out him wow for a fleeting moment you're like maybe Tyler is actually good but there's no way Jeff continuing it's actually quite bad and my favorite joke of the movie we're given another food porn shot for Tyler's [ __ ] undercooked lamb inedible shallot leek butter sauce and utter lack of cohesion Jeff goes on to pretty much the story Tyler's entire being you are why the mystery has been drained from our art you see that don't you sorry sorry Chef he cries and Julian Whispers something into his ear that we don't hear the intention was quite clear however addressing what a fraud and piece of [ __ ] he really is and there is no coming back from that kind of damning he scuttles off to end it all and the shafts get right back to work you're free he tells Margo and apologizes to the others as this moment was not part of the original menu we strive for Perfection here what doesn't exist something that he finds quite difficult to wrestle with you again Ask Margot to come along and has a task for her they require a large barrel that was supposed to be here and blames Elsa for not assigning someone to bring it Elsa wants to do it but Chef tells her Margo is one of us now yes she agrees yes what yes chef she responds dutifully Elsa begrudgingly bestows her the key and she sets off into the fog beam written Knight the guests are growing hopeless and when Chef is about to clap the star steps up he just wants to know why he's being punished Chef is happy to oblige and his particular crimes are quite laughable one day off years ago Chef saw his film calling Dr sunshine and did not enjoy it the star is baffled and he continues that it was his first day off in months which is in incredibly precious for chefs one day to really live the starter fans he just acted in it and she has particular problem is his memory of the film is his face in it seeing him again now haunts him and drives him what happens when an actor loses purpose and the star has no choice but to agree he also was intending to do his [ __ ] food show when obviously he knows absolutely nothing about it further damaging and deluding Chef's art well what about Felicia Chef asked what school did you go to Brown well did you have any student loans nope well in that case sorry you're dying Marco makes it to the SmokeHouse but decides to first check out Chef's forbidden cabin it provides a real insight into the chef's broken state of mind it was a large fully furnished industrial kitchen along with several dining tables on display as for actual living quarters there's only a simple small bed this is a great visual metaphor to the chef and just how much he values his work over his personal life like you said the mess and all that stuff all you get is this the personal life has shriveled to just this measly Arrangement she's drawn to a silver door and also steps out from the Shadows no one is allowed in here do you think you're special she spits you disobeyed the rule and she grabs a knife she grumbles that Margo has been a nuisance this whole time and refuses to be replaced Margo insists that she has no interest in that but the seeds of jealousy have already been planted and Elsa attacks they flail around the room making a huge mess and the Paco jet does come in handy after all Fargo smashing your opponent in the face with it Virgo gets on top of Elsa both struggling for dominance over the knife telling Lee also shares this Chef did not tell her about the barrel she's overpowered and the knife plunges deep into her chest causing her to quickly bleed out her comment is interesting because it does sound like Chef is kind of recruiting Margo in a way and specifically made up this scenario just to make Elsa jealous and see how Margo would react and well there you go with no one else to distract her she unlocks a silver door it leads to a simple room with out of place concrete walls there's a few specific photos featuring Chef in his younger days an important one being the aforementioned interview with Lillian that sent his career to new heights it was another of Julian along with what must have been his wife and a baby but that's all gone in the next photo when he's seen with Doug at the opening of Hawthorne this implies that he literally threw his entire personal life in the red to get to this point that he believes is how dedicated one must be to their craft there's a final even older piece on display it's chef from way back in the day where he was named employee of the month at hamburger Howies it's worth pointing out the beaming genuine smile on his face a far cry from his pretentious icy current demeanor even though back then he was simply flipping burgers no alginate or umboshi at Howies I can promise you that the point is we're seeing Winnie was happy when things were simple without all the strings attached of being a high-profile Chef Margo stumbles across the radio and luckily it still works in the dining hall they bring out a cake for Bryce the whole staff singing him happy birthday while he looks absolutely miserable you told him it was my birthday scales yeah well we thought it was funny three hours ago America returns to the barrel and goes back to receipt nobody even commenting on her bloodstained apparel Jeff digs deeper into those ideas the rooms touched on acknowledging that he's been a monster and a [ __ ] while tonight everything I'm doing is pure egoless and at last the pain is almost gone he shows off what he calls Chef's asbestos hand after so many years on the line he can carry a cast iron from a hot oven to a table with no protection whatsoever definitely he's causing Burns he then goes on to quote Martin Luther King Jr and everyone is like are you kidding me dude the guests are given fresh hope when hearing a boat horn and a fog light cresting the windows Jeff growls I see you found our radio and the others think that they're safe the staff quickly tries to hide anything the ferry is going on and Chef threatens him to not tell them anything they cannot help you do you really want to be responsible for an innocent person's death he also wonders why they haven't tried fighting back harder over the evening they didn't really try at all he believes they could have done it just something to think about now they're all doomed to die whoops the officer enters and surveys the scene where Chef tries to play off innocently as just them being in the middle of service Vinnie vaguely recognizes the star saying that he's a big fan Chef offers his autograph and the star is happy to oblige the guy remembers that they loved him in that movie where he played the surgeon yeah calling Dr sunshine and he exchanges a tense glance with Chef he goes to leave but is stopped in his tracks seeing that he wrote help me on the paper he grabs his gun and orders everyone to put their hands on their heads the others yell over each other that the chef is behind everything he wants to kill us all the officer appears to believe them telling Chef to get on the ground and they are hopeful that things are finally going their way no such luck as he points his gun around the room and use it to light a candle meaning it's obviously fake Jeff calls him by name and sends him back to his chefley duties this whole thing was yet another test designed for Margot and now that she's let him down he concludes that she is one of them an eater a taker in spite of everything they continue with the meal and the final course is up next everyone intensely Waits seeing the chef working on whisking up several large bowls of chocolate Margot looks deep in thought and has a sudden Dawning realization of how to get out of this thing she turns the table on Chef standing up and loudly clapping I don't like your food and want to send it back she proclaims in spite of what Tyler said earlier everyone stares on in anticipation of Chef's reaction he's sorry to hear that what's not tear liking she knows enough about him now to really get him into the core for starters you've taken the joy out of eating every dish has been some kind of intellectual exercise instead of something to sit and enjoy when she was tasting his food it was like it was made with no love Chef scoffs that's ridiculous we always cook with love right and the chefs agree everyone knows love is the most important ingredient well then you're kidding yourself and it's time for some of those hard truths you mentioned you cook with Obsession not love even the hot dishes are cold is one single purpose as a chef is to serve people food they actually like and he's failed not only that but she's bored as well but you know the worst part of all she's still [ __ ] hungry Jeffers flabbergasted you're still hungry starved she replies well what are you hungry for what do you have everything the chef tells her she thinks you know it would be really nice a cheeseburger chef contemplates and a small smirk crosses his face we can do a cheeseburger she clarifies she doesn't want some abstract interpretation of a cheeseburger a real cheeseburger Chef is confident that they can give her a good traditional Burger one that feels like eating the very first cheeseburger you ever ate when your parents could only afford cheap ones she asked for it medium with American cheese and Chef acknowledges this is in fact these Superior cheese for hamburgers because it melts without splitting it'll only run her 9.95 and she wonders if that comes with fries after learning the fryer is still on Chef asked crinkle cut or julienne Jeff repairs it entirely by himself slapping down two Patties on the flat top he Seasons with some salt and pepper followed by some onions and then flips the Patty this is actually a great trick that goes all the way back to Depression era America moon is the Oklahoma Burger adding the onions makes the beef more flavorful but the beef fat also Cooks the onions total boss move but also something very standard and traditional the biggest surprise of all is that Chef actually does look happy as though he is connecting back to his youth in these simpler days of his relationship with food but it's also worth pointing out that Margot is actually manipulating him in a sense she saw something that she could latch onto after the displays in his quarters she takes a big bite and Chef watches on anticipating a response she Chuckles softly now that is a cheeseburger yes that is a cheeseburger he agrees unfortunately she says her eyes were a little bigger than her stomach which she also understands she requests to take it to go and Chef holds back his emotions then politely asks for one one second supplemental course a cheeseburger just a well-made cheeseburger hey don't forget the crinkle cut fries too Jeff returns with a little to-go box along with a gift bag thanks to her for dining at the Hawthorne and she thanks him for um Everything She lays down at dinner and Chef motions for them to open the door Marco pauses on the way out looking over to the other Doom patrons but Anne even encourages for her to go she quickens her pace and manages to leave with her life thanks to her quick thinking Chef takes a moment and there's one more matter to settle the build don't forget they don't have a tip system here gratuity is included more gift bags are handed out including trinkets like House made granola a copy of tonight's menu and one of Doug's fingers oh cool thanks he stands before them thanking them for dining with us tonight you represent the ruin of his art and my life but now they get to be part of what he hopes is his Masterpiece the staff dump out graham cracker dust on the ground along with several different sauce swirls each is given a vest made of marshmallows and the sommelier dumps out wine all over the ground and of course the Finishing Touch little chocolate hats other chefs lay out huge marshmallows on sticks in the middle of the room Jeff explains the final plate the s'more which he calls the most offensive assault on the human palette ever due to its cheap ingredients yet we associate it with nostalgia in our childhood what transforms it into something more is fire purifying it with flame it warms us forges us and destroys us it's time for us to embrace the flame meanwhile Margo makes it to another boat and manages to get it going pulling the hell out of there Jeff shows off his asbestos hand grabbing an ember straight out of the oven they must be cleansed like Martyrs or perhaps Heretics we can be subsumed and begin Anew he rants at this point and even agrees the only way is to start over nodding along and even thanks him for real it's like she too has come to understand how horrible of a person she is and accepts this as her only warranted fate Julian tells his Brigade a final I love you I love you Chef they chant back he drops the ember in a set on fire it quickly spills to the room and the crew starts another fire in the kitchen it weighs out the engine sputters to a stop but she is at least a safe distance from the island she sits down to catch her breath hearing a distant massive explosion the build is consumed in flames and they have become the s'more marshmallow chocolate graham cracker customers staff restaurant Margot bust out the burger and washes it burns she grabs a copy of the menu and after looking it over derisively uses it as a napkin to wipe her mouth which isn't quite wiping her butt with it but I feel the intent is the same all that pump and work and death tomorrow is meaningless enough to use as a napkin pretty fitting visual to leave us on it's all about how easy it is to lose touch with these simple and become more enveloped in a bunch of crap that's more or less what led Two Chefs breakdown the burger also represents those happy times he had as a lad with no Grand pressures or high-end food to be putting out then there's the aspect of his mother and the concept of trying to please someone that never will be it was this that drove him for the entirety of his life somehow hoping to achieve a kind of perfection in his culinary arts which initially was spurned by his mother along with his troubled childhood this is only made worse by the outside factors represented by each of the groups of diners the disconnected couple that don't appreciate his work the critics that he has to constantly please their egos or conversely they give him a bad review they could end his career then there's the actors turned booties that are more desperate for a last Taste of Fame than any real meaning the fakers that do have the book knowledge but not the actual ability to cook themselves but perhaps worst of all is the finance Bros working for David it was David that helped him launch this whole Hawthorne Endeavor and assumingly he found out about his cooked books sometimes later even that alone would be crushing for Chef the achievement of his dreams only through ill-gotten gains on top of that he appears to have sacrificed his wife and child for his career those specific things alone would be enough to make anyone go a little bit cuckoo bananas but then stack up everything else going on and it's just a powder keg waiting to go off it was obviously Chef's intentions to make some Grand statement about everything that is corrupted and perverted his art but he even as acknowledged was part of the problem himself by always striving for the impossible instead of just giving people good food they want to eat as Margo so bluntly put it that brings us to the conclusion of this inning is playing for the venue but don't forget before we go you can send me requests for any movies or TV shows you'd like to see me explain by sending them my way on any of my social media Accounts at foundflix what did you think of the menu and it's ending what is urine interpretation of everything that goes down let me know your thoughts down in the comments below make sure to like subscribe and follow thanks for watching conflicts see you next time
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 1,373,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the menu, the menu ending explained, ending, explained, menu meaning, meaning, trailer, clip, final scene, end scene, cheeseburger, food, anya taylor joy, nicholas hoult, ralph fiennes, twist, smores, review, spoiler, foundflix ending explained, foundflix
Id: cOPnHemJYco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 14sec (2414 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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