The Meaning of the Ten Sefirot - Rabbi Yom Tov Glaser

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[Music] there are 10 spheros okay those 10 seiros I'm going to try the word seiros if you're please say okay if you're ashkanazi sayos okay just the way it goes by the way neither of us are right neither of us are right it's actually believe it or not it's yeah but goes say walk around saying that you know so it's it's because the yemenites know how to actually say a t without a DOT so it's not shabas like ashim and it's not shabas like farting it's shabath go around saying that you'll get real popular now there's 10 spheros and they're broken down these 10 spheros are broken down into three and seven okay so we a 37 breakdown the 37 breakdown works like this you have three that are going to be hidden and there're going to be seven that are revealed okay three hidden seven revealed how many spheros 10 how do they break down three and seven what are the three hidden what are the seven revealed very good now the hidden are hidden because they're intellectual these are intellectual things that are hidden just like if uh uh Ariel right if Ariel was walking down the street and you're wondering like where he's going is there any way to figure out where he's going I mean you could follow him but does Ariel knows where he's going let's hope okay but let's say Ariel knows usually when someone's walking down the street and let's say he's walking down in a determined way so he obviously knows where he's going but it's hidden to us why it's locked in his brain you could interview him you could ask him you know uh where you going and he could tell us but it's hidden because it's still in the intellect okay anyway the um the intellect is hidden you like even right now I'm revealing right now what's going on in my mind but while it's still in my mind you have no idea what I'm about to say in fact I have no idea what I'm about to say most of the time and the so it's hidden clear the seven revealed ones are now you know I don't know let's say in his mind was to buy ice cream so the seven revealed are well he's walking towards an ice cream store okay he's not cutting into a hardware store because that any man could get lost in for hours he's staying focused on where he's going and he goes into the ice cream store and he stretches out his hand with the money and he takes the ice cream and now he's enjoying all of that that stuff of of Ariel walking to the ice cream store paying for the ice cream licking the ice cream those are going to be the seven is that clear because that stuff you can video can I video what his mind's doing while he's walking no but all the other stuff I can video now the thing we need to know about the three hidden spheros is that they are simply the right brain the left brain and the and the decisive brain so the right brain is called the associative that's the associative mind so when you brainstorm and you like think about how this relates to that and that relates to this and this relates to that and like you know what I'm talking about where you're just everything you like you're having a conversation with someone and you realize you're on like such a different subject and like how did we ever get to that and but if you actually Trace back the conversation you because this related to that and that related to this it's called associative thinking and that's where your Genius is by the way it's in the associative mind okay and the term for this in Hebrew of the associative thinking is called okay so I'll put the Hebrew here I'm going to do it in English letters everyone say the word HMA which is the associative mind okay now you have a totally different left side of your mind of the intellect which is the the uh anal analytical mind okay it's your analytical mind that's like figuring things out so Ariel's mind says says well I I just feel like Dairy just want some Dairy yeah that's the associate of mine that's HMA but then he starts thinking h i could have milk I could have pizza I could have yogurt I could have ice cream oh ice cream I want some ice cream okay now this is going to happen all over again cuz when he gets inside he's going to go back to the second one which is the analytical mind okay the analytical mind is the left brain by no coincidence okay is called beina everyone try the word beina beina beina is the left M left brain and that's the analytical mind and what's happening is he gets in there and he's looking at all these flavors and he's like what do I choose what do I choose I could have the banana I could have the strawberry I can have banana with strawberry I could have the vanilla I can have the chocolate I maybe I should wake up with an ice coffee you know they're all Dairy but then he says I'll have the strawberry ice cream and uh that is the third type of the Hidden attributes and that is the word uh the decisive mind okay the decisive mind clear and that in Hebrew is called Das or if you're party D everyone try the word dos and this third one is called Dot and that is the decisive mind so it's like hey I want to build a house that's what I want to build a house everyone tell me what attribute loud try that again everyone no you got to write but say it loud I want to build a house say it loud yeah oh what kind of house do I want to build do I want a tutor house do I want a french house do I want a do I want a Spanish style house how many stories do I want that house maybe I want a basement in the foundations or maybe I just not interested in a basement how much money do I have to spend how quickly I want this house built what can I afford maybe I could get it built with extra workers and get it done in two get it done in two months what attribute is all that beina say it loud beina say it proud say it strong okay Vina so the uh so then what happens is you say I want this kind of house and I want that kind of living room and this kind of bedroom and and that's called what do you call that when it comes out on a big white piece of paper excellent kind of it's called a blueprint it's called a blueprint when you get all that on paper and decisions have finally been made it's on the blueprint that's a decisive mind a very unique thing and that is why people go through hell trying to build houses because most people lack the third attribute most people in in fact probably a lot of you even in this room suffer from indecisiveness but if you look at people and especially the main guy who works for me he's total Bean a guy you understand so I totally rely on him to be handling all the analytical issues that we have to deal with all the time whereas I'm always coming up with like new brainstorming ideas and like now we're going to go do this now we're going to do that and sometimes he says to me like you're crazy you know like how am I going to implement this H but if I can somehow convince him I'm not crazy check head I think so then he'll go to work okay dos is the blueprint it's the decision we're clear now you got the three hidden ones is there any mystery at this point to the first three yes because get them done get your answers questions now so that you finally get the 10 sphere is clear in caline you're going to see some of the words have different definitions Bea is used for intuition when it comes to women but actually women yeah women are not great at uh at analytical type things as well as much as they are um you know usually mixtured balance between associative and analytical but like for example the most analytical part of all of Judaism is what what book The talmud and women do not like learning talmud they just don't like it yeah what's that well wom may like it but women generally don't I definitely have met women who enjoy it yeah and they're very intimidating people a part of Torah called sh and women are women are very into into that like they like to know what what do I do what do I do in human beings this would be like the cabalist this would be the tmist and this is a very special guy it's one in hundreds who can do it and they're called the POS po means you can hear it just in the s in the sound POS it means to cut in fact a sentence in the Torah that breaks up the Torah between you know every sentence broken up is called PUK and there are these rare individuals one in thousands who's called a POS now there are a lot of other people that have do and I call them halti like a ician they're hak ticians okay they know a lot of Hal but you do not go ask them your questions at least if they have any serious ramifications don't go to hotian or you're GNA be sorry okay you go to a posac a posek is this rare individual who hears your question and thinks through all of tah to find out a way to answer that question for you in a way that you feel can connected to God through the you know through the answer of what to go do now which may be something very different than the strict says may be very different and in fact there are for those who raised more observant um there is such a thing as going to a poach and saying this is what my family's been doing forever but no one does this I just realized because I was at a shabas table and saw them doing something else and I was like what do I do it's like our tradition so you go to the Rabbi you say what do you do and he says now if you went to a Hal tician so he'd be opening up a halic digest probably written in the last 100 years and he'd say listen it says not like that you can't do that but if you go to poeg he would say let me check it out before you I'll be back later and he goes into the books and he checks it out and he says you know what there was a Reon who did exactly like that a Reon lived a thousand years ago they're called there sections of Jewish history he finds a Reon that that's exactly what they did and so you call him back two hours later and he says you guys are You're Gold just do it you got to Reon just stick with that Reon and you're all set yeah that's a posic posic gets you and he gets your family and he understands what's the ramifications you know you can imagine can you imagine essential students getting all strict about something because they talk to a halan and now they're like freaking out their families when they get back to wherever they're from with all kinds of stringent that were totally unnecessary but they went to atici and now they've got their whole family like angry about their latest like Jewish revival going on so that's where poim come in and they're like H yeah that's I'll give you an example of a a PO uh you know we have to eat kosher food and when it comes to meat the meat has to be uh the especially frozen meat has to be dealt with meaning raw meat has to be dealt with by by a Jew who keeps Shabbat because any person who keeps Shabbat which is mostly by yourself like you're at your house no lights no you know you're not messing with stuff it means that you have a certain reverence of God that even when you're alone and no one's looking you know God's looking that's someone who keeps Shabbat you get that someone who keeps Shabbat has a different level of reverence than someone who just maybe keeps kosher and so to trust someone with the meat you're going to eat who could have easily swapped it for cheaper meat they have to be someone who keeps kosher or there has to be a supervisor type of uh you know setup in that restaurant or whatever it is so can an a student go back to his mother's Kitchen and eat the meat that she's preparing and she does she doesn't know nothing about Shabbat and they went to the kosher butcher together it's Kosher meat now he's going out to surf for a few hours she's going to prepare lunch can he eat the meat according to the principle of Hala what's the answer can't eat the meat why we just said why someone who's not CH but if you went to a posc the posc says a Jewish mother doesn't want to trip her son up unless she's crazy there are crazy moms believe me over 20 years here I've heard a lot of stories but the majority of the stories and moms don't want to screw up their son they don't want to mess up their child who's like so interested in this they may not even be into it meaning the parents may not be excited or even happy about it at all but the mom's not going to mess up her son and so a poeg says you can eat it you hear the difference between a fullon family fire to you know peace in the home that's the difference between a POS and a which isn't really our subject so I'm kind of feel feel bad I digress so much but I hope that was informative to some people here basically the idea is stay away from experts in Hal the seven reveals starting with the attribute of flow okay and flow is in Hebrew called everyone say the word nice and strong does not mean kindness okay it does mean kindness not in cabal okay just like beina is not necessarily A Woman's greatest attribute okay but h means flow and it is the most destructive thing that could ever be imagine if the sun had unbridled flow no more oone no more ozone no more atmosphere Just Pure Flow how would we do yeah we'd be cooked okay uh let's just say the sea shore stopped doing its job it happened in Southeast Asia a few years ago what if the sea sure stop doing its job and just let the water do its job what's water's job float it wouldn't look good okay wouldn't look good Tel would be underwater okay now the um you get what this attribute is this attribute is called HD and it is dangerous okay the bar scene in downtown Jerusalem okay most people in normal life govern their intimacy okay just like the seashore and the ozone okay in town what's the main attribute going on downtown at night okay next time you go downtown you just I'm on a mission but flow in and of itself is dangerous in fact Ura calls by the way this isn't just the calist making it up the actual Torah says that incest is it actually puts the words it puts the wordid there uh brother and sister cohabitating it says he it's a why is it a because you're supposed to have borders supposed to have boundaries and if that boundary is broken it's get that now the next attribute is called limit or limitation which which is the attribute of in Hebrew gura everyone say the word gura g okay gura means limitation of flow Seashore ozone you know everything that guard at the do is total gavura you know he's just like that guy is gavura the seashore is gavura someone having proper borders of intimacy between him and someone else has the attribute of gavura you understand that's limitation this light bulb is just shining man it would burn the wood but it's been contained by what attributes say it louder gavora this bottle has water in it and it's being contained by gavora notice how that water just goes in whatever shape the gavor is in everything in this world Isen gavor your table was a round tree once and it got pled it was like H and it got gored into this table your the frame of table was molten metal which is what or G isid right molten metal it went into a mold which was what attribute gor this stuff's everywhere everywhere when I play my guitar I zipped it but when I play my guitar just open strings just let all the strings oscillate fully clang clang clang clang clang it sounds terrible what attribute then I limit Li the oscillations on the fretboard with my fingers with very specific spots that sound beautiful and that's called what what's my left hand that's gavura I'm limiting the oscillation of those strings and that's limit guys I don't know if you're realizing what's going on here we're doing the 10 spheres our cabalist said that the whole world's made of the T spheros we've only gotten here to uh num five and this is everywhere you've ever looked all five of them always constantly going on at all times and we're going to keep going but I want you to start realizing that the face of God is everywhere around you it's everywhere around you it's what's it's all that's going on here meaning God gave these 10 ways God created the world in these 10 ways but it's not just that he says I'm giving you a way to know me like we know you because of omir and we know you because of the way you'll dress and stuff you're showing us ways to know you so God said it could be in some other planet I've known other ways I there's a lot of galaxies God could be doing totally different things in different places but for our planet God said I'm giving you 10 ways to know me and these are those 10 and only AR cavist know them and also shamans and stuff like that know it and the uh and it's so cool because once you get it you see it everywhere I'm speaking to my child who just tried to make cheese sandwich in a HS machine okay should I be doing or gavor right now and the question is meaning what's gavor limiting my showing of love to your kid you're always showing love but should you limit it a little just so the kid feels what it's like when he's done something wrong feel that kind of loss of sunlight on upon him from his parents pretty scary feeling you got to be careful how much everywhere in every relationship in everything the windows around us these door frames were were flow put into you understand this room itself is a container of Gora that in compared to the building which is you know got its flow but we are a contained classroom which is gavora okay this is this stuff's everywhere and the more you get to know it the more you start to freak out on Hashem tiis which is called Beauty which is called tiis okay um the Third attribute is tiis if you're spartic tet let's hear a tiis together tiis tiis is beauty let me explain what tierz does you're already going to get the tenth now the 10th attribute is called the recipient which was again this was Ariel eating the ice cream okay the recipient which is called in Hebrew is malus Andi Mal everyone together malus malus is the 10th attribute okay because it's the recipient and look at this tiis looks I'm explaining now Beauty listen carefully it's not complicated you're going to get this clear and I'm going to give plenty of examples tiis looks at the recipient and tells gura how much to use in order that theid hits instead that you're effective that it something happens from the original you know seminal flash you know mean I want to do this what you know how am I going to get this done this is how I'm getting this done seminal flash you know now I'm doing it yeah gavora I gotta limit it you know I don't want to head in the hardware store you know want to limit it the uh T feris is beautiful why because it looks that the recipient tells gavora how much to use in order that the right amount of flow comes down the system so let let me give you examples remember the sun is which attribute the ozone layer is gura but the EXA the ratio of sun to Ozone with our distance from the Sun is which attribute to feris it creates the possibility of life on Earth so the guitar I'm just strumming the guitar no fret no fret that's what attribute put my fingers on the fretboard which means now I'm limiting the oscillations that's G but I look at the recipients and I say what song would they want to hear right now and how big's the room how hard do I want to strum this thing you understand by all the adjustments that we've been speaking about t feris is looking at the recipient and telling me how much Hess should be flowing via gor so a new guy walks in the room and I give him a bear hug and a kiss is that t Ferris who's the recipient the guy walks in the room and he's gonna walk right out and run away from this strange experience with rabbit Glazer yeah whereas I could do another thing he walks in the room you know let's just say it's I'm in the room I'm standing near the door he walks in the room and I I go up to him like this I go up to him like this I'm put my hands behind my back just go what's up what's your name what attribute is that is that beautiful is he feeling warm not at all but what is the normal thing to do in our society stretch out your hand there's some touch right little touch Safe Touch because I'm recognizing the recipient doesn't know me yet and he doesn't trust me yet because he doesn't know if I'm Friend or Foe he doesn't know if I'm going to honor him or dis him and so the recipient's there and I need to limit my flow accordingly we become close we get to know each other he's feeling safe now the recipient can handle a hug you get what it is and so you're always in Beauty with people you're always living beautifully with others when you use this you stay ineris with people and in life and so the tueras is everywhere around us because the job of the people who designed this room for example we looking for tueras and they had to make decisions it was probably on computer but they had to make decisions how big these panels would be and what kind of a feeling if we made them like these or should we make bigger ones where you really see the pattern play out that's all G just dis what's going to be the most beautiful it's everywhere when they pour the concrete for this wall here so they had to figure out it doesn't need to be as thick as the ones downstairs because it's only holding up one more floor so why waste conrete and why give more weight to the ones downstairs it's not a smart thing to do in engineering it's only needs to hold one floor and so they poured the concrete H it into a mold G what kind of mold will they say it's the recipients the walls of the fifth floor sorry the fourth floor which only needs to hold up the fifth floor the last three attributes are um back on the right side now and we didn't do much discussion but you'll notice that these are all flow you know associative thinkings like brainstorming you get that whereas limit is totally analytical thinking you get that it's a left side type of thing so I hire left side people to work with me I'm always looking to higher left side and to marry someone left side because I'm right so if someone's left side they marry right okay get that you always go AC cross for this there's other things you got to deal with when you're getting married but the but you definitely want to cross the sides in who you marry okay now the next thing is um the attribute of what we're going to call perseverance perance okay it's called perseverance or victory and I don't know why it went up like that but it's called in Hebrew n everyone try the word net n is very easy to understand all it is is theid keeps going it's got to keep going because you can have a like that but it doesn't keep going a consistency it's like a liquefier you know what a liquefier is like there's certain products you buy where they'll put in some kind of chemical that keeps it liquid so it doesn't get hard on the shelves and Cal and like be lame yeah so so when so the this is perseverence it causes the flow to keep going if you spray a fire hose yeah so theid is how it shoots out of the nozzle but the fact that it keeps going is net that's net netak is that it keeps moving okay you can run a Sprint race what attributes that mostly sprinting 100 yard dash that's a oriented thing but what's say what who's going to win a marathon someone who has a strong attribute of n Strong net is they know to Pace themselves keep themselves going the recipient is I want to I want to win this race I'm going to have to limit myself but okay great I can't Sprint out or I'm gonna wipe out I'll I'll I'll fall apart after two miles so I've got to know that I've got to limit my speed so that I can win this race let's say three and a half hours of running so at what point depending who you are do does your attribute of n have to kick in and we've all been there we've all been there if you ever been hiking and had to make it out if you ever been in a family situation where something went wrong and you had to like persevere through it and be strong through it that's all the attribute of netak so netak is not really much of an attribute it's just the liquefier of flow it helps the flow stay flowing okay but it's necessary why because hess's really a a shoot out you know whereas neto's a continuation it just keeps going like electricity is got you know a nice attribute of Nets it makes it all the way from a power plant to this room okay that's a good attribute of NSA and now we're going to the second to last the penultimate attribute and that is the attribute of focus okay which is the attribute called hod everyone try the word hod hod and this actually is in food ingredients as well it's called an emulsifier it keeps things solid so they don't actually get liquefied you know you don't want you don't want to open up a jar of peanut butter and just find you know liquid in there peanut butter is supposed to be a little thicker Now peanut butter doesn't need an emulsifier but there's many things that do okay it keeps things focused when you shoot that hose yeah you know it shoots out the uh net keeps it going but have you noticed that the it stays in a circle you know if if it's a round nozzle what's the what's the stream going to look like it's focused yeah stays focused the Ultimate N in flashlights is a laser see normally a flashlights got it's got me AET you can't create or destroy matter so those photons are going out there but they're scattering hod is like a laser beam it keeps it FOC Focus so like hod for example for a married person is to stay focused on their spouse and not to rubber neck someone walking by like the waitress okay ho okay staying focused on that thing it's what it's from the word toada to give thanks hod is from the word toada giving thanks because you're focusing yourself on your on your benefactor right if I give you a pen yeah and you think I'm there there's something wrong here I'm the one who gave it to you it's a focus okay it's a focus staying Focus staying focused on what you're up to a man in a hardware store has lost the attribute of ho what happens if a man walks in a hardw yeah I just need one Philip screwdriver you know he comes out with a shopping cart like two hours later you know just with like power tools and all kinds of things and the tent was on sale you know like how can I not buy the tent for $82 you know and they so they totally lack hod you get that so but staying focused and saying I don't want Hardware I want ice cream so I don't care how much they're selling the power tool for I want ice cream the G is limiting the that would be the nozzle and but that actual shooting out net and the staying round so to speak of the water as it shoots is the attribute of Hod it's this Focus now think about it guys you're in a room that's totally being hooded all the time God's creating wood but this wood could liquefy in two seconds if you know anything about quantum physics this whole room could turn liquid and just become something else altogether it could morph except for the attribute of Hod is holding it in place attribute of Hod is what's keeping like the floor the floor the ceiling the ceiling you you and the person next to you someone else okay without hod we'd all be you know a little too comfortable with each other okay hod is just St it's keeping everything focused on itself okay is that clear okay that you're really focusing on what you're up to and this is such an important attribute for those of you who lose focus in life you know you got to have a strong attribute of Hod by the way I lose TR I my attribute is hod you'll notice all of these how was I up here in Bina weak spot right gavora crazy weak spot okay hod oh my gosh like who knows what even time it is right now the last attribute is the attribute is down the center again which is always the special Center and that last attribute is the attribute of the attribute of yod which means connection connection okay this is called yod everyone try the word yod very good connection and then I just got to put down here recipient was malus okay it's connection okay so when they poured that concrete there was a tube that came down and connected it to the mold so it didn't spill out all over the room okay there's got to be a final connection hashem's always having in mind our planet when he's doing this ozone layer with the sun and he's staying connected to that and so in order that the recipient that it works you got to have that Touchstone you got to have that I have ideas I want to share with my kids at night right it's my chance bedtime I got ideas I want to impart the problem is the ideas are a little sophisticated for a bunch of little kids except when I clothe those ideas in a story about an elephant a little boy and a couple people coming to steal it and the and what happens is I dress these concepts by staying connected to the recipient who little kids but using the attribute of yod it connects it it funnels it right down it takes all of my ideas up in the three hidden takes all of the story and everything that meaning the ideas I want to impart and totally like locks them into my kids because of a story they heard that left them once they undressed the analogy of the story they got the concept you so is by no coincidence it is the part of the body that procreates both on man and woman and it's the connection it's the ultimate you know expression of intimacy by people who love one another okay that's the attribute of isod because this is all a human body God said he created us in In His Image and look at this this is exactly this is your right brain left brain the uh decisive brain this is your right arm left arm this is the chest area the heart okay this is the genital H sorry this is the right leg left leg genital region and this is your feet because it's m it's on the earth yeah it's touching the Earth this is the the the feet are like you know fruition getting to the the end okay everyone uh pretty clear on that so connection is the is you and that is the um that's really oh here here you go remember I asked you guys to raise your hand who had heard about the 10 spheros growing up and like about eight people raised their hand and I asked how many people understood it and almost the same exact people rais their hand because no one ever taught it to them with the attribute of yod did you guys notice the analogies I was giving the entire time you notice that they were always right in the pocket of stuff you would get and think about we started with reel so I was being like really personal by using a student in the room and talking about his favorite ice cream all of that was just might connecting to you and for you to feel special yeah which is you SED but for you guys it was given analogy that all of us could get our heads around so we could talk about various teric stuff do you guys think after all the years I've been studying this stuff that I could have given a class that went way over your heads totally could have it might have gone into your head but it would have gone way over everyone else's head for sure it would have gone in over everyone's head maybe you would get it too but the the um okay but what did I do I taught the T spheros where anyone could walk in this room and get it what attribute is that you sed s is that Touchstone it's the connection where you take the entire picture and you hand it to the rece recipient lovingly so that they can receive it in the best of ways some people just lack this stuff I know a great calist who teaches classes no one gets what he's saying the entire time what attribute's missing you so we don't understand what he's talking about [Music] okay
Channel: Hidabroot - Torah & Judaism
Views: 67,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hidabroot, hidabrut, judaism, jewish, question, answer, rabbi, q&a, halacha
Id: Y1AH84vCoSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 49sec (2269 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2016
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