The Meaning Behind 14 Strangest Cat Behaviors | Jaw-Dropping Facts about Cats

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cats are unpredictable animals with complex body language if you live with a cat you probably know that they exhibit some strange behaviors which peek out curiosity in this video we will talk about 14 strange things cats do and explain the meaning behind them number 14 begging for food but not eating it your cat may beg for food give it some sniffs and walk away this can indicate your cat's desire for attention and love recent studies from the university of vienna have shown that cats associate food with affection to cats feeding them means loving them so if your cat needs some attention or love they just ask for some snacks however if your cat has suddenly stopped showing interest in their favorite treat contact your vet a sudden loss of appetite could be a sign of a health issue number 13 why cats suddenly take off at 100 miles an hour does your cat suddenly run around the house and then suddenly stop in their tracks this behavior is often due to pent-up energy that suddenly overflows cats are natural predators and domestic cats retain this instinct to a certain extent at times they will feel the desire to hunt and practice their natural instincts if a cat isn't getting enough exercise during the day the racing around could be a way of burning off that pent up energy another animal scent or a sound could also be the reason why your cat starts running around like crazy cat's hearing ability is much better than humans your cat may just be responding to a bird they see outside the window number 11 why cats bury their poop you may associate a cat's burying feces behavior to cleanliness but the reasons are more complex than that cat's poof may all smell the same to us but cats can tell their waste apart from another's thanks to a unique chemical scent marker called pheromones which are present in their urine and feces in the wild cats cover their feces to eliminate odors and prevent attracting the attention of predators it is also a cat's way not to alert potential praise that a feline hunter is around although domesticated cats don't often hunt and are not at risk of wild predators they still retain the same survival instincts and continue to protect their territory just as covering their poop cats may bury any uneaten food to hide their trail and prevent attracting the attention of predators or potential preys cats aren't scavengers so they don't bury food to consume later number 10 why cats roll over when they see you have you ever wondered why your cat shows you her belly when she sees you you may think they want belly rubs but most cats don't even like their bellies touched if your cat lays on their back and exposes their belly it's their way of saying hello to you they are happy to see you and hope to get some attention treats or pets while your feline wants to share a good time with you a belly up position shouldn't be interpreted as an invitation to pet their belly area a cat's stomach is a very sensitive part of their body as this region protects the most vital organs so if your cat is laying on their back next to you with their belly exposed it is a sign that your cat trusts you and feel safe around you number nine why cat scratch cats scratch for a lot of reasons they may want to remove the dead outer layer of their claws and they may even want to burn off some energy or stretch their bodies but more often than not cats scratch to mark their territory by leaving both a visual mark and a scent mark cats have scent glands on their paws by depositing the scent off on an area they are marking it as theirs scratching is a normal instinctive behavior for cats to stay both physically and mentally healthy number eight why cats vomit cats vomit for lots of reasons the main causes range from incorrect diet or eating something inedible like string through to allergies infections urinary tract disease diabetes or even a sudden change in a diet another reason for a cat's vomit is hairball when cats groom themselves tiny hook-like structures on their tongue catch loose and dead hair which is then swallowed the majority of this hair passes through their digestive tract with no problems but some hair stays in the stomach and forms a hair ball oftentimes your cat will vomit the hair ball to get rid of it to avoid the formation of the hair balls you can brush your cat once a day and add more fiber to their diet some people think it's okay for a cat to vomit once a week but it's not while vomiting a few times a year or an occasional hair ball is normal vomiting once a week means there is a problem your pet could be suffering from some kind of sickness number eight why cats ignore you one of the biggest differences between human behavior and cat behavior is the way we approach social interaction cats are very independent creatures they don't like to be smothered with affection and they need some personal space or quiet time every now and then if your cat isn't answering when you call them it could simply be because they are comfortable where they are and see no compelling reason to come if your cat ignores you just let them be your cat will appreciate and love you more number seven arched back while some people think an arched back indicates aggression it doesn't a cat who displays this posture is usually frightened or threatened by arching their back and puffing up your cat is trying to appear bigger and more threatening to their opponents number six why cats bite you cats bite for several different reasons cats may bite to stop unwanted action or behaviors by humans or other animals like when you trim their nails or pet their belly cats also bite to show affection but only with gentle and more controlled nibbles if your cat nibbles or nips a little too hard while playing with you it's probably just an accident as an act of playing alone is a sign of love of course a cat's bite can also indicate aggression but rest assured that you'll know when your cat bites you out of aggression versus when it gives you a love nibble as aggressive biting is often accompanied by hissing or a rigid bristled body language cat's biting is also a form of communication to ask for something if a cat nips you and then tries to lead you to an activity such as playing with a toy this could be the reason instead of meowing they bite number five why cats lick you cats may lick you for lots of reasons they may want to show you affection and love they may even want to groom you to show that they care about your well-being cat's licking behavior often gets reinforced by a person's reactions like laughing smiling or petting your cat will feel rewarded and encouraged by any kind of attention but when a cat licks you or themselves excessively it is often a sign of stress or anxiety licking helps cats and other animals to calm and comfort themselves in cats licking is also a way of marking territory your cat wants the other cats or animals to know that this is her area by licking you they are simply telling other animals this owner is mine number five why your cat sleeps on top of you cats may sleep on you for several different reasons cats like temperatures of 20 degrees higher than humans ideal temperature so when the ambient temperature is colder than this your cat is going to look for a nice warm area to maintain their temperature and your body is a good source of heat another reason that your cat sleeps on you is because she wants to feel safe in the wild laying down or sleeping makes animals more vulnerable to predators sleeping on top of a trusted human gives a cat a sense of security as well as comfort and warmth to sleep peacefully cats also sleep on you to show you affection and love while cats can be very independent they do miss you when you are gone from the home for a long period of time and will want to cuddle with you when you get back number four why cats pupils dilate in the wild cats take advantage of night's darkness to hunt and protect themselves by dilating their pupils cats allow even tiny amounts of light into their eyes so they can see better in the dark during the day cats contract their pupils depending on how bright it is interestingly enough cats also use their eyes as part of a complex body language to communicate their mood and health in general a cat's people shouldn't be round in shape if the ambient light is normal but your cat's pupils are dilated it can imply that your cat is not relaxed or is stimulated your cat could be stressed anxious excited or inferior cats also often have dilated pupils during their heat cycle in situations which produce enjoyment like when they've just eaten their favorite food a cat's pupils may dilate as a reflex it's important to remember that some health conditions have dilated pupils as a symptom if there is enough ambient light and no stimuli or stressors it's time to contact your vet number three why cats stare at us cats stare at us for lots of reasons more often than not they are trying to communicate with us if your cat meows while looking at you in the eye they may just be letting you know they're hungry especially if they are sitting next to their food bowl cats also stare to show affection when a cat looks at you with half closed eyelids and slowly blinking they are head over heels in love with you your cat knows that their well-being depends on you if they feel scared stressed out anxious cold depressed or in pain they may stare at you to seek your support a cat's stare accompanied with rigid body posture or warning sounds like hissing indicates a cat feels threatened number one why some cats hate belly rubs some cats don't like belly rubs because their stomach area is the most sensitive part of their body their soft underbelly protects the most vital organs likewise studies have shown that the hair follicles on a cat's stomach is hypersensitive to touch so petting a cat's belly can be very over stimulating
Channel: Jaw-Dropping Facts
Views: 5,277,068
Rating: 4.8971119 out of 5
Id: 35lcsFGu_I0
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Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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