The McLaren Sabre Is Another Ultra-Rare, Crazy, Special McLaren

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this is the new mclaren sabre and it's yet another special mclaren more special than the senna but less special than the speedtail i think mclaren has a lot of special cars but frankly i think it's worth reviewing them all so today i'm going to review this one [Music] before i get started be sure to check out cars and bids which is my enthusiast car auction website for cool cars from the modern era we've had some great sales recently on cars and bids including with ferraris we recently sold a 575m for just under 131 000. a good sale for a great car with the hgtc package we also recently sold this 456 for 83 000. a gated six-speed manual v12 ferrari and this 612 sold for 90 000. which is good money for a special car if you're looking to sell your ferrari or any other cool car from the modern era cars and bids is the place to do it you'll get the most views and the most money and if you're looking to buy a special enthusiast car we have daily auctions and great selection at i've borrowed this mclaren saber from the triple f collection which is an amazing collection of cars here in ohio that has some truly unbelievable vehicles koenigsegg pagani ferrari f40 new ford gt everything and they use them all they drive these cars they enjoy them it's incredible you can follow the triple f collection on instagram and you should if you actually want to see these incredible modern day super cars and hyper cars getting used check out the triple f collection by clicking the link in the description below so let's talk about the saber this is based on the mclaren senna which i reviewed a couple of years ago but this has more power and it's rarer more power is a jump from 795 horsepower in the sena about 825 horsepower in the sabre the rarity is even more impressive though mclaren is only building 15 units of the saber for the entire world except they're not really being made for the whole world the saber is only going to be offered to mclaren customers in the united states it's sort of a consolation prize for the fact that mclaren wasn't able to sell the speed tail officially in the united states even though about a third of all new speed tails will actually be sold to u.s customers but never mind that the saber is another ultra limited production special mclaren and today i'm going to review it first i'll take you on a tour of the saber and show you a few of its interesting quirks and features then i'll get it out on the road and drive it and then i'll give it a doug score alright time for the quirks and features of this saber now i'm not going to go through all of the quirks and features of this car because i reviewed the mclaren senna very thoroughly a couple years ago and this is just sort of an evolution of that so if you want a more thorough tour the sena video is linked in the description below in this video i'm just going to cover some of the highlights and more interesting quirks of this vehicle starting with the styling which is pretty good i say that is kind of surprised because the senna is well it's ugly let's just be honest the senna i love i think it's an amazing car that drives tremendously but it is weird-looking period this kind of smooths out the sena it actually turns the sena into a good-looking car which frankly i didn't really think was possible but clearly it is because frankly this is the sena just with a fairly nice looking exterior it clearly is sort of a more better looking sena that's pretty much the way i describe the saber from the outside with that said there are some rather interesting exterior quirks and features of the saber worth mentioning and you're looking at one of them this giant panel in the center of the car sort of going from the roof all the way back to the rear of the car i guess this is for aerodynamics it's just down the very center and not very thick the bugatti devo also had this that was sort of the track version of the shiron but there you go there's a weird center panel in this car maybe the only thing i don't really like about the exterior styling frankly now also in the back here near this aerodynamic panel in the center you can see it's surrounded by a bunch of holes almost sort of diamond shaped holes i guess this is for cooling for the engine but you can also use these holes to look in and see the engine which is pretty cool and this is your rear window this is your entire rear window in the saber just these occasional little holes in the back and you can see how that works out inside the car you look back there is not much to see because you're looking through a few holes in the engine cover it looks really cool on the outside from like a cool car standpoint but it's not really all that practical and by the way speaking of holes in this rear area there are some more of them sort of closer to the back of the car down here again i suspect this is for heat to escape the engine compartment but very strange some large some small not really arranged in any discernible pattern just some extra holes back there certainly makes the outside a little more interesting and next up another interesting quirk on the outside of the saber is lighting the headlight's not particularly unusual but up front the strange light is the turn signal which is mounted vertically on this panel this like fender panel that comes across and down into the front splitter you have this vertically mounted turn signal very odd very distinctive certainly an unusual look and actually when it comes to vertical lighting it's the same story in back the rear lights are also mounted vertically on the sides of this massive wing and you can see where they're on they have this very strange shape to them different from just about every other car but it is a neat way to kind of integrate the lights onto existing surfaces rather than create large and potentially ugly lights so you have these vertical lights both front and back definitely kind of unusual and by the way since i'm out here one other important item worth mentioning the rear compartment it doesn't open you can't get back there you can't see the engine unless you have specialized tools and you lift this whole thing off which they tell you to not do unless you're a mclaren dealership technician so you can't actually get into the rear compartment and like work on the engine or even see it interestingly in this car the same is true with the front compartment it doesn't open so many mid engine exotic supercars have a front trunk not the saber it doesn't open it's fixed in place so there's really no exterior storage in this car now interestingly even though the rear panel and the front panel don't open you do have an interesting panel that does open in this car and that would be this one behind the window on the side you have what looks like another window actually that's where your fuel door is the button to pop it open is right here in the door jam you press that and then this panel opens up and then you can put fuel in your mclaren saber that's how you do it it's hidden in this like window looking panel same deal over on the other side you have another window looking panel over there and another button you can press in the door jamb to pop it open you do that you can see this is where you can add fluids to the car like engine oil through that little window in the side very unusual very quirky little window panels for fluids and next up time to climb into the saber but first i want to talk about the door first up at the front part of the door you can see it says saber and then it has the number seven that's because this is saber number seven like i said they only built 15 of these this is the seventh one and i guess each saber has its individual number printed on the door there so you can identify them all but anyway how about opening the door which is kind of interesting and quick glance you don't really see a door handle in here instead they got a little creative you have to stick your hand into this little pocket this little air intake and then you can feel a little cubby with a rubber button on it you press that and the door pops up and then of course from there you can just lift it open take another look at that you reach in here press and that's where it pops open and then the door opens up but anyway next up we're inside the saber and there are a few interesting things in here for instance the gauge cluster swivels if you press this little button to the left of the steering wheel the gauge cluster will go from like a full screen display to swivel down and only show you like a partial screen display with a few very important items press the button again and it will swivel back into place and show you the full screen so you can choose whether you want the screen or the smaller screen depending on your mood it's also worth noting if you put the car in race mode it's like most track focused mode it will automatically swivel the gauge cluster down to only show you that little strip of important information since it doesn't want to distract you with more items on the racetrack that is pretty cool swiveling gauge cluster now next up's worth noting to access race mode you press this little race button on the ceiling here and that is how you get the car into race mode and speaking of ceiling controls there are a surprising amount of them and they control some really important stuff for instance the door opener is trying to get out of this car and pull the door opener it's not on the door panel instead it's this little latch on the ceiling you pull that and that is how the door pops open and then you push it open the rest of the way same deal with the power window switches they are also mounted here you push them and then the windows go up or down depending on what you're pressing mounted in the ceiling the engine start stop button is also mounted in the ceiling area you get in the car you don't press start stop next to the steering wheel like basically every other car it's up here you push it and that turns the car on probably the strangest control on the ceiling though is the fan speed control you can see it here you push that you can adjust the fan speed i say that strange because every other climate control is integrated into the center screen you adjust the temperature here you turn on circulating air here you turn on the windshield defogger here only the fan speed control is mounted confusingly on the ceiling where it's a bit difficult to find kind of a strange decision but mclaren makes some strange decisions and finally our last interesting quirks in this car two of them sort of between the seats for one there is a camera up here you can see this camera mounted on the ceiling between the seats that is for racetrack driving if you want to get on the racetrack and like watch your laps afterwards to see how well you are doing it you can use that camera to record your laps and then see how you were driving which is a neat touch and a track focused car like this also between the seats you have yet another plaque sort of in carbon fiber that says saber and again tells you which saber number you have in this case number seven that little plaque there makes you feel just a little bit more special than in a senna and so those are the quirks and features of the mclaren sabre now it's time to get it out on the road and see how it drives all right driving the saber and i have to say the senna was one of the most amazing drives that i've had that car was so precise so fast so quick to change directions an unbelievably immediate car and just so insanely capable it was amazing so this car has more power than the senna and it looks better so is it a better setup [Music] it is so incredibly quick when you accelerate the speeds go up so fast obviously all these cars do but the gear changes are so fast it is such an instant car listen crazy man this car is just so so so fast i will say it still pushes hard into corners the steering is very good but i have to say i feel like there's not quite as much of a precision as the crazy senna um the senna was insane almost to a detriment i mean it was just difficult but in a cool way if you want to take it on the track if you want to have the ultimate performance mclaren that was it this it's like it's just like on the outside frankly it's like the sena has been smoothed out like the senate has been refined dare i say improve you know i love the center i love how quickly it did everything but if i had 10 cars in my exotic car garage that wouldn't be the first choice because you know you're going to go out and get beat up this car definitely beats you up less in fact i have to say surprising to me this car is reasonably tame when you're just kind of cruising around um and it also sounds like there's a little bit less insanity in the sound versus the senate as well have they improved the senate that that's a question of whether what your definition of improve really means do you believe that you know you'd rather have the hard edge crazy insane car well then no i bet this thing is a little quicker you know the corner and i wouldn't be surprised if despite the this car's little extra power i wouldn't be surprised if the scent is actually a little quicker on a racetrack especially with a lot of curves but you know the center really is a car that will pinch up every day this is sort of a more refined version of that but it still has all the insanity it has the insane power it has the insane appearance uh and a lot of the craziness of the senate translates to this car it's kind of an unusual mix and frankly it's one that i actually like it's almost weird it's almost like this was the base version of the sena that never existed it almost feels like the senate is the performance version of a car that was never made until the saber and it's definitely more tame but still pretty incredible now the question is if you're getting an ultimate series mclaren and spending a million dollars do you want pain that's a good question but i think mclaren is just dare i say desperately trying to fill out every single possible niche but it's a good one fun to drive incredible actually it's an amazing car um just maybe slightly lost in the model range frankly and so that's the mclaren sabre it is amazingly cool although i do kind of question whether we really needed yet another special highly expensive ultra limited production cool unique mclaren model but i'm not complaining it is always interesting to spend time with these cars and check out their interesting quirks and features and experience their amazing driving capabilities anyway now it is time to give the saber a doug score and the doug score is here the saber does very very well which is no surprise this car has center performance better styling and a more comfortable driving experience the sabre gets a higher styling score than the senna though the sabre loses a point and cool factor as the sena is better known and frankly i think all the mclaren models are getting a bit more confusing than they are cool but the saber ties some serious heavy hitters like the ferrari sf90 and beats out the new ford gt this is a very special car even if you do have a little mclaren fatigue [Music] you
Channel: Doug DeMuro
Views: 949,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mclaren sabre, sabre, mclaren sabre review, mclaren review, senna, mclaren senna, new mclaren, mclaren, doug demuro, demuro, doug de muro
Id: csLj4JSegy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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