The Maze Runner explained by an idiot

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I mean it IS a summary of the movies so it’s accurate to them, not really the books.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/-bubble_bonbon- 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2022 🗫︎ replies

Ya it’s correct

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Efficient_Address360 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2022 🗫︎ replies

HAHAHAH i love this. yes, it’s pretty accurate

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/AlternativeEarth04 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2022 🗫︎ replies

Yoo , this is one of my favorite YouTube. I was excited when he made a video about one of my favorite books. However, the movie seems to place the events of the book out of order and then the other movies seems to trail off the book events. But I will forgive them because Newt is cute. That last part was a joke.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SnooDoggos900 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2022 🗫︎ replies

Extremely accurate. Most accurate thing i have ever seen.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/lava-flames-671076 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2022 🗫︎ replies

This is so accurate, and so funny 🤣🤣🤣

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Visible-Bowl7784 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2022 🗫︎ replies

this was the video that got me hyper-fixated on the maze runner- its more of a jokey kind of summary than an accurate review, to the movies that is.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/KiwisaurusRex8 📅︎︎ Aug 16 2022 🗫︎ replies
welcome to the miz runer and we start off with an elevator with a [ __ ] and a pig in it then go up open up dudes gather round and eyebrows jumps down to greet the [ __ ] pulls him out and he immediately starts running away because he's afraid and then eats [ __ ] because he has a mad case of the panic legs then he gets up and notices he's in a box fascinating stuff after that you get someone a tiny jail cell which doesn't really look that secure to me i mean what is that some makeshift for open sticks i reckon you can break out of that with just a little bit of boot force anyway this guy abby comes over and he's like relaxed [ __ ] i come in peace and he gets in the tour tells him that it's okay he doesn't remember [ __ ] that's how they all were once upon a time in a couple days he'll remember his name because that's the only thing they let him remember something like that and he shows them the box he came up with which comes up with a bunch of [ __ ] and a new greenie every month then he takes him up to this [ __ ] tower and shows him the bigger box that they live in and the [ __ ] is like what's out there listen this is kind of uh everything the light touches is our kingdom type situation okay just don't go beyond the walls dog then chubby cheek chuck comes along helps [ __ ] boy to his hammock when he gets curious and goes over to the doors and sees a couple of runners coming back then [ __ ] chuck blurts out that they're actually in a maze and the runners go out to map the maze every day and study and [ __ ] and this just makes him more curious then eyebrows comes out of nowhere and pushes him to the ground how [ __ ] boy didn't hear him coming i don't know also why the [ __ ] is eyebrow so [ __ ] violent [ __ ] what's his problem anyway eyebrows is mean everyone gathers around [ __ ] boy has a freakout session then big roar and wind come from maze which makes [ __ ] boy soil his undies and then the maze closes for the day cut to fire the glade having some kind of celebration with bonfire and [ __ ] and [ __ ] is hanging out with his new best bud newton and newton gives him a drink and the [ __ ] goes oh my god what is that it's urine the new tells them that they've been in here for three years and the runners still haven't found the solution for the maze because it changes every night also at night these big [ __ ] off minus uh minosaurs what these pick up not even dinosaurs these big fuck-off monsters called weavers come out at night to like dwell around and do [ __ ] i don't know they come out and do [ __ ] and no one has ever seen one and lived to tell the tale which is a [ __ ] lie because as we will come to see in this movie there's a shitty ass zombie virus and they have this whole banishment procedure to throw out the infected into the maze to keep the rest of the glade safe and as far as i can tell the only way to get infected is if you get stung by a weaver which means there has to have been at least one dude who got stung survive the night because gears only come out at night and come back for them to know that grievers can sting you and they infect you and stuff and develop this whole banishment [ __ ] so that is a lie newt you are a [ __ ] lying [ __ ] my anyway they get up a neutrals them around and eyebrows and invites him to little man on man action you feel me a little fist play if you will my eyebrows gives him a good doink on the head which helps remember his name which is thomas and they are like woo [ __ ] yeah thomas ray's roof [ __ ] then they all hit the hay and thomas has a flashback streak and next day alby wakes him up bright and early to go look at a bunch of names on the wall and then while tom helps out with some [ __ ] keeps suggesting ways to escape and apparently climbing to the top of the walls doesn't work because the ivy doesn't go all the way to the top what in the pixie fart [ __ ] does that even mean is he talking about the wall grass or vines or whatever if so he's lying cause check this out right here freeze frame enlarge enhance boom that's ivy right there top to bottom he's a [ __ ] liar again and if that doesn't work then just build something geez you build all this [ __ ] seriously three years and no one has suggested building like a really long ladder or something [ __ ] what dream tricks fart [ __ ] are you whatever apparently they tried everything so tom goes to the woods to get some poop and sees a gravestone thing uh grave wood then our runner shows up like hiya georgie and attacks tom and runs after him they run back to the glade and newt bonks the guy on the head and turns out he got stung by a griever which explains why he's acting all mad cows he's like and now he explains to tom that there's this infection thing and ben got stung and he's infected and he kept saying [ __ ] like uh it's thomas's fault and he was there and [ __ ] like that and after that they get bent out at may's closing time and pokemon sticks till he either gets squished by the doors or goes into the maze at his own will well not his own well you know they force him and they feel very bad about then bedtime comes and thomas has more flashback memory dreams about this [ __ ] and that whole wakes up to see albi mino minho miro milo mojito whatever alby and north korea going on to the maze to retrace ben's footsteps because he got stung during the day and that's odd because creepers only come out at night venue tells tom that albie was the first person to come here ever and they wait and wait and wait for them to come back until the gates start to close but then korea shows up with alby on his back however they won't make it on time so thomas decides to squeeze through and traps himself outside and thomas finds out that alby got stung amino knocked his crazy ass out and dragged him over here so let me get this straight he got stung by a griever and mino somehow was able to knock him out and carry him all the way over here without being stung himself that sounds like horseshit to me must have been a booby trap or something like that by the way mino never mentions how alby got stung he just got stung because [ __ ] us am i right it's not like this is important information or anything whatever creepers be lurking now so they take albie carrying them around a bit and then decide to hang him up from some vines to hide him but while doing that mino chickens out because he's a queefer coming from the distance but thomas stays and hides from the griefer underneath the vines and stuff lets it pass and then gets up and ties the rope to keep alby suspended up there and why didn't they just hide him down there seriously what the f why'd you hide my god whatever after thomas ties his [ __ ] he steps in some pre-cum and the weaver nuts on him and we finally get to see the [ __ ] cyborg fleshlight spider-looking ass up close and tommy boy runs away does some minecraft parkour beaver gets tangled up in some vines and tom sees mino who intends to lose the thing down this changing part of the maze where two persons are closing up together but where one man sees an escape route another sees an opportunity for murder so he waits and baits in the [ __ ] griefer it comes after him down the squishy wishy hallway and they kill it survive the night and bring back alby to the glade then eyebrows calls a meeting because tom broke rules or something and he's just a bitter [ __ ] like that but then sirens come on because the box is coming back up they rush too and nuke goes in and they're all like what is it boys we got [ __ ] there's a female in there with a note in her hand that says she's the last one then she wakes up and says psalms his name and passes out and everybody looks at him like what the [ __ ] man so they bring her to their medical shack and tom goes back into the maze with non-runners because the old ones posted out and quit they go back in there and inspect the dead griever and none of them not even the fat black comedic relief is out of breath at all but whatever it's not like they've been running or anything they find inside the weaver an electric gizmo thingamajig then they decide to go back because [ __ ] how is it late all you did was have a three-minute meeting and inspect some fresh [ __ ] anyway they go back and eyebrows is still mad at tom cause he broke the rules and he tells nude who's second in the command after alby to punish tom and he's like all right then i'll [ __ ] punish him one night in the [ __ ] in jail without any food that's it this is [ __ ] dad no don't touch me venmino shows thomas their very own pentagon top secret [ __ ] okay with a map of the maze you see they figured out that there are like eight sections on the outskirts of the maze and each night one of them opens up and the maze changes in a specific way and these sections open up in the same specific pattern every single time but crucially there is no way out of this maze but now they think not or mino thinks not cause the thing that they killed might have come from section seven because the thing with bob says seven on it which is a very aha moment from uh north korea good job then they get word that the female has awoken she freaked out and climbed their shitty little watch tower which is fair enough because if this were realistic let's be honest here you got a bunch of teenagers probably horny as [ __ ] she'd be dead via [ __ ] within the week anyway she up there scared as [ __ ] show us your tips sell me your bath water so thomas goes up there and turns out they be having the same dreams of this [ __ ] saying wicked is good but they still remember nothing oh by the way her name's theresa but who cares because she came up with two syringes of blue goop and after much debate they stick alby with it cause why not then eyebrows comes in to take thomas to the pit and he asks him why he's mad at him and he'd be like well ever since you came up here she's been hitting the fan mad like clockwork bro so yeah that's why hey you [ __ ] you suck a dick eat die penis now okay [ __ ] you eyebrows you've been a dick ever since you laid eyes on this [ __ ] ever since you came out the cage this is no excuse okay you couldn't have known at the time you saw him that she will be hitting the fan you're just a dick or maybe actually he remembers him from a past life i don't know maybe the book can shed some light on that i didn't read it because i'm not a [ __ ] nerd if you're a nerd yourself when you did read the book and you will have some information about this feel free to install me in the comments i know you will anyway in the pit he goes door's tied down with some rope right within thomas's reach for ultra security no way can escape now chuck comes along and sneaks tom some fermented yeast they talk about some [ __ ] blah blah blah bonding blah blah blah shut [ __ ] up who cares next day comes and minou takes him out to run the maze all the way through sections five six and seven pass by some rusty old metal and the thing about bob starts beeping and showing him the weight and leads them to this corridor at the end of the corridor the thingy goes nuts and turns green and the wall opens up and then a glory hole opens up and then they look inside and the laser comes in like sounds happen that trigger a very distinct oh [ __ ] in both of them and they start to run back through section seven because it's closing down the rusty bits [ __ ] fall down and then they squeeze through this thing and almost die claustrophobia oh my god [ __ ] me they make it out of that with a skin on their tits and they get back to the glade and tell them about their findings eyebrows get super madden again and then terabuccia interrupts the squabble with news that alby is up and my boy stunned as [ __ ] he shook us my guy and he'd be like there's no way on thomas be like what you mean and he'd be like i remember and he'd be like what you remember and he'd be like you and we'd be supposed to be like i don't care continuing onwards there is commotion happening because the gates aren't closing for the night time time in this movie moves way too fast i swear just a second ago was like midday or some [ __ ] anyway door isn't closing big o [ __ ] but not only that their falco meter triples because three other doors open around the [ __ ] square they're living in and the weavers have been released and they start flooding in the doors and attacking them so get this they hide with torches very smart genius they're not going to find you now then teresa throws a molotov at them and that's literally the only time they try to use fire against the grievous [ __ ] morons and eventually they seek shelter in their stick hut and the grievers don't give a damn they just huff and puff and take the central supporting structure out then alby goes ballistic on their ass and breaks off one of them stinger thingies and gets caught himself and after that grievers all leave for some reason having killed half of their glade or some [ __ ] then eyebrow stomps over and gives thomas a mean right hook angry as [ __ ] like it's his fault alby said it he remembered and thomas goes like i have to remember too and sticks himself with the broken stinger and passes out obviously to give him the blue goop antidote [ __ ] and he wakes up having remembered a bunch of [ __ ] and eyebrows now being in control of the glade and what he remembers is that this maze is a test and him and teresa were at the other end observing the subjects or whatever and now for some reason which he does not mention for movie suspense they are test subjects themselves then after some words of motivation from fake newton they decide to stay jakku against eyebrows i never used that word before cool pretty cool pretty cool i'm hoping it wasn't right though all right cool time is upon us eyebrows is trying to tie them up as an offering to the griefers which is real damn [ __ ] but hobbit is on standby and they do the coup and they're like we think we have a way out and you can join us if you want but eyebrows being stubborn [ __ ] is like no this is our home 98 you [ __ ] stupid ass burnt eyebrows [ __ ] god damn then half of eyebrows men switch teams to go with thomas then they run through the maze 2 section seven and there's no way that chuckydub's 12 year old is keeping up with these guys just check out this clip right here he's falling back hard jeez slow down you're gonna give him a heart attack anyway plan is open door with jim a thing and hopefully there's a way out on the other side so they give the thingy the thing to chuck and to get the quarter but there's a creeper there so thompson is like we either get out of here we die trying then they charge the thing and chuck does not go to the door immediately like he should have because he has horsepower in his brain instead he almost loses the thing and they see some more creepers coming up a few of them die but no one important though so who cares they get to the door it opens up and they go inside the glory hole and they find a circular thing with a bunch of like eight numbers on it so they figure out that it's the pattern of the maze so while fighting off this ugly piece of [ __ ] nino gives them the pattern of the eight sections of the maze and they enter the code and turns green the glory hall closes and a door opens and they go through into this corridor that lights up and then into a lab that had a master happen in it and mino pushes away this gun how about picking it up you [ __ ] [ __ ] seems like a valuable tool in this type situation anyway thomas sees a shiny red button presses it and this hoe comes up on screen saying she's part of the world catastrophe kill zone department to the [ __ ] does that even mean you have a world catastrophe and you have a killzone department for it that only makes sense if you have like a zombie outbreak other than that it's [ __ ] useless it's one of the cool acronym for the big bad company in this movie anyway [ __ ] like the sun scorched the earth lots of people burned and died look at this roasted ass then we got a zombie virus that's incurable but then the new generation came up that was kind of immune-ish so we thought we'd test you and study you like literal lab rats to find a cure and now people want to kill us cause we're such [ __ ] but trust me wicked is good then a door opens up and somehow through the power of [ __ ] eyebrows shows up with a gun in his own thingamabob and being stung points the gun at thomas being like we belong to the maze i bet a gun would have come in real handy right now wouldn't it ass face all you gotta do is use the stick [ __ ] good throw away take it back no wait chuck chuck's dead ha you see you wouldn't have that problem if you had a gun you could have shot first so chuck dies ripping cholesterol sad thomas noises people come in with guns take him to a helicopter and fly by the maze and then we get a clip of what's wicked [ __ ] it wasn't that she was just faking it for the views you know it's just a prank bro and she says some [ __ ] like they took the bait they're promising it's time to begin phase two then we get a helicopter shot fade to black eat my ass this movie gets one pencil sharpener out of one dick sharpener when i say that bad visual bad visual [Music] you
Channel: High Boi
Views: 3,518,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the maze runner, the maze runner movie recap, everything wrong with the maze runner, the maze runner explained, the maze runner review, movie recap, movie, recap, spoilers, funny, haha, lol
Id: -upmLQznN0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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